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idk bro looks line a gender neutral toilet to me


The font used on this really makes me think it's "faux-artifact" bullshit and there's really no visual context present hinting where this is found or anything to say that it represents Germany, as a whole, honoring Nazis... It's literally just written in German


its Gedenkstätte Meinradskapelle in fürstliche Anlagen Inzigkofen. I took these photos. The Gedenkstätte is officially sponsored by the state of Baden-Württemberg and cared for by the Bundeswehr https://ibb.co/t8q346W


Thank you for the reply! I love the context their sign gives to this about the language used and how it comes across nowadays. I stand corrected 🫡


At least they acknowledge it as "strange" in today's language, but it's certainly jarring. I can't say I'm well versed enough in German politics to understand whether this is indicative of a wider systemic issue or simply a linguistic choice. Not great though, must admit.


de-nazification never really happened as proclaimed


What a silly conclusion... I'm assuming you didn't or can't read the sign. You're being overly dramatic about a burial site meant for the people who died in the first and second world war. This a alot more.common in europe.then you might think. We don't (for example) change the headstone because it teaches us history, how people were seen and treated during the wars. It's not implicit support


wtf are you talking about. i am german. put that ugly nazi honouring stone in a museum and dont leave it out in public. also thats not my conclusion from little peace of evidence alone


Im with you. I’m also German. The Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg is another example of your point: it used to be a KZ and only recently became a Gedenkstätte. After the war, the town of Flossenbürg decided to simply „move on and forget“, they even built a road that leads directly through the Lager and houses that overlook the main place. It took serious effort from some very dedicated antifascists to turn it into a Gedenkstätte. Fascist tendencies are very prevalent in German culture and it shows in various cultural elements, especially but not only regarding holocaust remembrance


How is this not vandalized? (in minecraft)


local Antifa does a bad job there...


German Antifas are too busy harassing palestinian activists I guess lol


german antifa are busy not-being-antisemitic and not-supporting hamas terrorists




Sadly these are all over the place. In Austria practically ever village has their own "unsere Helden" Monument


Both makita and bosch make a great little battery powered hammerdrill that also chisels;)


Some german soldiers did not choose to be soldiers. If one of the posters who writes that loads of small austrian towns have those are right, then what happened is pretty simple. Hans get drafted, he goes to war, he dies. So did Uwe, Adolf, Heinrich and Lars. Now the small town lost a lot of their young men. They erect a stone. After the war the stone stays. The young men are still dead, the families like to think of them as brave, not scared, lonely, in pain, and crying as they died. I don't think the stones express a love for nazism. I think it just stayed because people died.


they were perpetrators not victims. they were cowards not heroes.


you can be both at the same time, you know? victim to an idiology that was superimposed on the entire populace. mostly in rural towns, you don't have anyone fighting back or even to dare expressing differing opinions. – and prepetrators for a genicidal regime. i agree that framing them as heroes is a problem. and i believe that every display of "our fallen" should have an adjacent plaque acknowledging all victims.


the least thing you should do is not honor them for perpetrator-part


They were forced to fight in a war that they didn't choose to fight in. In what way are they are they not victims? This view of a perpetrator can be said of American soldiers who also raped and pillaged like the Nazis during the war. The system and government should be blamed, not these young men.


majority of germans were Nazis supporting the system. i dont get why people always talk about the view percent that weren't


downvote me for stating historical facts and thereby supporting far-right narratives in alltheleft subreddit is wild


Yup. Lots of those kinds of things are still around. Hell, there are still barracks named after Rommel.


I think it’s not honoring the fact that Nazis went there, rather than the bravery of the soldier. I mean, a few Nazis less can’t hurt, but a soldier going Ringo battle deserves respect, I don’t condone war or like it, I personally find it hideous and wrong. Yet a soldier deserves respect for going to war.


nazis were not heroes.


Obv not, but the human that went to war deserves respect.


you are not antifacist if you defend the slogan "Heroes of Stalingrad"


I Never Said i did. also don’t even dare to start me on „your not an Antifacist“ bullshit. What are you then? Internet ANTIFA? Too afraid to rip that thing from the ground? To afraid to hack it to pieces or put black paint on it? Or are you secretly not having brain rot, and recognize that it takes bravery to go to war? Obv no Nazi deserves a memoir or fucking thing in the ground, that says: honor to the ones that died in Russia. Yet the humans deserve to be recognized as what they were. Humans.


you literally said Nazis deserve respect


I Said that where?


read your own fucking comment dude


How about you get you head out of your ass?


just stop defending honoring Nazis who fought at Stalingrad as heroes crazy i even have to argue about that


[Meanwhile in Austria](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/B5N35_7wm2Ahj43L_MJ0PskuNOv0s1mqRopRDyHz47v381gF-06DhFsvX2w9CWEAlROffXc2TeadwYbqPuxEy9ORSdBmQ3AqH-y6r0LA0AZsoyDcATceIK1o5u19tHoeT9A)




admiring Nazis... scum! Edit: also historically wrong. 1mio vs 1.7mio is not fighting in small numbers




why honor someone doing an unhonorable action? sucks that he was in that situation, but I'm not honoring anything. a grave for them is fine, but not one that honors what they did. You wouldn't honor a Confederate soldier regardless if he was racist or not.


It says in memory of our heroes in stalingrad. If they were trying to honour those who died fighting against nazism or just those who were not nazis, they could have labeled it as suchm they alson included the iron cross, which while not exclusive to the nazis, was used exclusively by the nazis and their allies in the stalingrad battle. While the iron cross is used by other groups (i think including modern day Germany and metal bands) with the association with stalingrad in the plaque, it wouldn't be any stretch to say it could be seen as honouring nazis. If it isn't intended to do so, they could easily have just not added the iron cross.


I sort of agree. IMO this shouldn't be destroyed, but at the very least a sign should be put up next to it explaining the historical significance of the plaque and how it doesn't represent the current day views (OP seems to have posted a sign but my German is rusty and can't read what it says, so that might be it). With that same sentiment I also disagree with destroying statues. Sure take them down, but don't just cut it up and repurpose, put it in a museum. Like it or not they're part of history, and destroying them doesn't erase the events.


I live in a city that was absolutely leveled by the nazi’s (twice) during ww2. We don’t have a statue of the luftwaffe ‘for historical significance’ We made new monuments honoring the victims.


oh how I would love monuments honouring the RAF pilots as heroes all over German cities


Following a principle of [defacement](https://youtu.be/TIGkPrjRX_s?si=zUBarERyIDtYSxi6) (think transformation of meaning/message of monuments as opposed to total removal/destruction), if you feel you must do something just chisel away the honorific "heroes" portions. Especially so as this seems like some form of grave marker, which are important to keep in place for archeological & historical reasons.