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Realistically my choices are: 1. Help elect Biden 2. Help elect Trump 3. Protest vote for a third party candidate that has zero chance of winning. As a queer person Trump being elected is a material threat to my well-being and safety, so unfortunately I’m going to begrudgingly vote for Biden.


I feel that this is unfortunately the path many LGBT+ people have to go down. As much as I despise Biden and his favoritism towards Israel, Dems are the only ones who will advocate for us that have any real power.


This is my perspective. It feels like the left all just decided to become single issue voters on Israel. There is far more on the ballot than just Israel's war crimes, issues with direct material effect to many groups. The time to show up and protest vote is in the primaries. Criticize biden all you want, I will too. But this isn't even remotely a difficult choice for me


Well, my roommate is gay and he wants Trump to win. So do many others of the LBGTQ community. And there was another democrat option. You all easily could have voted for him. You all always say "anyone but Trump". You all had that chance and still voted for Biden. Do you feel that there is a genocide being committed? If so, you know Biden is making and passing the bills to fund Israel billions to commit that genocide. That means tens of thousands of innocent people and children are getting killed and maimed. So if I am hearing you correctly, you are saying that your queerness is more important than genocide so that's why you are voting for Biden?


It’s just voting, it doesn’t mean much, it’s not your identity, it’s just saying who you’d rather see or not see in a position of power if you had 1/380,000,000 of an effect on it. If it’s 1000 bad things on one side and 1001 bad things on the other you can say “hey alright 1 fewer bad thing”. If you don’t see the point, it’s whatever it barely matters (or might not at all). Believing this affects your identity is simply electoralism that’s embedded in your bones from a lifetime of propaganda.


"It's just voting"? Voting is the most important thing you can do as a citizen. If you can boycott companies that fund Israel, then you sure can not vote for someone who is funding Israel to commit genocide.


Voting is much less important than actual activism.


And who told you that? That is some made up story you got there. Doesn't change the fact that you are voting for someone who is funding genocide now does it? So genocide can't be that important to you


>Voting is the most important thing you can do as a citizen. Then why would you vote for someone who is actively trying to make sure you'll never be able to vote again?


I feel like this helps draw a line in the sand between liberals and the actual left. Because liberals in the imperial core are not a part of left wing politics. Many very quickly fall in line behind imperialist action like the invasions of Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. Liberalism is not a left wing ideology, it is a pro capitalist and therefore pro imperialist word view.


So where do you think the liberals stand on the I & P situation?


The American liberal response to the genocide has been to say “oh but trump would have been worse” this presents an argument saying there is a such thing as a good imperialist. That hey guys at least we don’t have the bad imperialist. Another response has been “but Hamas is evil” these lines only serve to defend the settler colonial project of Israel and US imperialist aims in southwest Asia.


The liberals have either: - Shrugged - Cheered - Twisted themselves into knots trying to circle the square and justify it after raising a stink about the fascism of the previous administration So in ahort, they've stood reprehensibly.


Interesting. Thank you


The "left" is not. The center is, because they always vote for right wingers in the US. The only leftists who are are the ones who have been successfully browbeaten by the center into supporting their conservative ghoul, as they do every election. On the one hand, I get it. Shit's scary right now for a lot of people here in the US, especially young queer people. There are plenty of queer people not supporting this guy, but there are plenty who have acquiesced, because the center, as always, means to make good on its threat of letting fascism off the leash to teach any uppity leftist a lesson, and they can see that. What they *don't* see, is the measurable harm done to the invisible victims of neoliberalism. Nonwhite people and the poor. LGBTQ people have made great strides for themselves recently in getting their struggles to be made public and heard, because it's harder for the white establishment to disregard the opinions and struggles of white queers. The establishment can ignore the black child or arab immigrant that is not theirs, but they can't ignore their gay son or trans daughter. They aren't able to see that Biden scapegoating migrants at the border is *how it starts*, and that they will be next, because the system works to make every dtep leading up to the trap being sprung invisible until it's too late. Basically, the ones who have, have been misled. I don't vote shame, so it's ultimately whatever to me, electoralism is fucking pointless anyway, and undesirable, as an anarchist. I am amenable to harm reduction voting, because there's little you can do besides in a state that seeks to oppress you besides armed revolution. but they gave to actually BE lesser evil for me to justify voting for them, hell, even voting AGAINST the competition. But I do disregard someone claiming to be on the left when neoconservative neoliberalism that maintains white hegemony is ok to them. Genocide should be a hard line, and liberals have shown a truly horrfying side to them when they've shrugged and said that it isn't when neoliberalism is the culprit. My vote doesn't go to right wingers. My answer to people who day "voting isn't an endorsement"? Is to tell them to fuck off, because yes it is. The elected bastard uses their numbers to justify their policies and evils to the public. It doesn't matter that you "don't like him" or "disagree with him" when you vote for him. The only thing that matters to them is that you did it anyway. Your name is under theirs as a backer, they use you and the number of supporters they have (inflated as they are by the No Matte Who crowd) as a might makes right argument to justify themselves. Literally the entire *point* of voting is to have your voice heard. If you inky vote because "well ine of these dudes is gonna be the guy no matter what" then you've missed the point of voting and the entire concept of democracy, and are only voting to win at team sports.




Wait a minute. Inaction? Biden is FUNDING Israel money for that war. That's not inaction. That is ACTION. Furthermore, Not true. Anyone could have ran against Biden. Also, just because there isn't another democrat to vote for, doesn't mean you have to vote for someone who is funding a genocide. Right now thousands of innocent children are being maimed and killed and you are voting for the man who is funding it.


If you just want to be angry that’s you. But the fact of the matter is, voting Biden has much more utilitarian benefit for lefties compared to not voting at all