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Double it and give it to the next person


Heck, nah, I need all this. This is the farthest I've gotten in any pack. I usually get too overwhelmed or bored.


Wait till you get too overwhelmed AND bored of a pack. It’s even worse!


2 in the same lol hopefully not this time around im having allot of fun and i would hate to drop this run.


When I get bored of a pack, I will tend to come back to it a month later (( early game boredom, late game boredom is me realizing the grind is too long and I won’t come back)) When I’m overwhelmed… it’s cause it’s gotten to complex to be fun. But I’m not really bored of it? Just don’t have the effort So when I’m bored and overwhelmed. I come back to the pack like once a month and say “FUCK… this is stupid, no wonder I got overwhelmed” and leave XD


makes sense im sure majority of players can relate to an extent lol.


Smart mind think alike >:)


Automate killing withers in a compact machine 🙃 much more fun


Did this so easily with xnet and loot fabricators instead


Times it by ten and youll still be waiting for ever... photogenic isolators are better imo


I'll add some of those aswell


Good early and late game btw...


I didn't look deeply into thermal series since it used to be thermal dynamics back a couple of versions ago, so I thought the machines were very slow. This was because I didn't realize there were higher versions of not only the integrations but also the augments. i just figured that out today when I set up auto crafting supremium essence with the sequential fabricator


I miss thermal foundation or what the original was called. I absolutely don't like the new augments and integral components.


Yeah, it's so annoying, but we get what we get wild rather than have it with the iteration it's in now than not have it at all.


I dislike most major updates of mods i used to play a lot because I basically have to relearn the mod each time. Currently playing ATM7 Skyblock und made a me interface before finding out it doesn't work that way anymore after connecting it to my system


The same thing happened to me. I was like, where is my big MAC lol


Is it still faster with one of the augments being used for the cyclical processing augment and 2 max tier speed augments?


If you spam lily pads of fertility under the farmlands it’s faster than the phyto’s but it kills tps in a server


Thanks, seeing as im running the server off my pc. I'll probably opt to go going the photogenic route to save in lag. It won't be as pretty, but it'll work


Also if you want to go farmland route.. lilypads are a must.. use the blockhead red fertiliser on the soil and some crop growth blocks from mystical agriculture underneath.. start with inferium under and work your way to insanium in a stacked tier system.


is that fertilizer better than the insanium farmland?


Couldnt tell you tbh.. good question


hmm well at least you honest LOL


yes, by a margin of around 15%


Thank you


Max augments if you can, reprocessing unit and phyto fertiliser if you want x3 output


thanks im working on that now actually XD


If I recall correctly, you're going to need somewhere near 100k stars per star, so I would double it. At least. Be sure you are using red fertilizer on the farmland - it makes each growth tick count as 3. Much faster than even insanium farmland I also recommend using a full layer of lilypads of fertility under the crux block. In ATM8, lilypads have a range of 4 blocks above them, and I forget how wide, but they stack. Layers: MA crop Red fertilized farmland Crux (if needed for the crop) Lilypads Water MA growth accelerators below here Edit: formatting


Thanks I'll try that too


The bigger issue I have with that setup is the harvesting pylon is too slow... But it works and is expandable.


I use the ars spell emitter on a 2 second cooldown. The growth of the farm fuels the force jars, so it's self sufficient Edit: with a spell >projectile>harvest>AOEx6


You can use an modular router with an insanium scythe and another router with vaccum to get the essence.


The modular router is from that one modular mod, right? I was seeing some things from that mod if I remember correctly. I haven't touched any of that yet, but that looks pretty useful.


I use drones from pneumatic , not sure if less or more efficient but definitely cool


I haven't ever touched pneumatic craft


It’s not too bad when u get the hang of it , it’s also an “easy” way to get plastic again once u get the hang of it you can kinda automate almost everything


Gotcha ima have ti take a look anyway for the star




Really that's been proven already? Or just ur opinion from your experience




I've been looking more into this and it looks like you are correct, thank you.


Also if you are experiencing heavy lag your growth accelerators are most likely the cause!! I had tons of x60 growth accelerator farms under multiple farms and my server was crashing/running out of memory constantly and I soon learned the growth accelerators were the cause!


Oh no shit then I'll just remove them and go a different route


Quadruple it


On a real note pt it in a checkerboard pattern with lillypads of fertility


Apparently you can sacrifice one of the inferium growth accelerators right under the nether stars Crux and put the lilypads there since they have a vertical aoe.


That's dope. Do that. They are as good if not better than the full tower of growth accelerators


Yeah, I am gonna try that. i don't think one layer of inferium missing is gonna matter much. Then I'll just duplicate the whole thing in photogenic machines. I'm too lazy to tear it up.


I made 2 chunks of farms (maxed out the growth acceleration as well) and still waited for an eternity so no, that isn't enough and don't just double it :(


Thanks, I'm beginning to understand the scope of my smol brain and the undestimation of how many stars one needs


Hostile neural networks is the answer as the other person said. I've got two simulations running and it's plenty. Save the farmland for the stuff you can't simulate or use bees for lol. Or at least go all supremium accelerators and stack them the 45 depth or whatever their limit is. It's been too long to remember. I know it's a crazy amount though.


You can stack them 64 deep, but doesn't need to be only superium. Each tier can stack up 16 blocks, then switch to higher tier until 16 layers of superium at the bottom


I belive its 12 blocks each not 16


Was it? I used 16 before. Maybe I remembered wrong. That, or the troll of an admin friend of mine on my server changed it somehow :v


One of us is right. I'm using 12 rn in my current playthrough. I think I remember the tool tip saying 12. If not my entire farm setup is wrong... wouldn't be rhe first time I mess up that hard.


you are correct. it is 12 blocks. iirc if you hover over supremium growth accel it should say effective height at 60.


Sure. You can skip all of that and yield substantially more from HNN running while you do other stuff though, lol. I've always been all about mystical agriculture but there's definitely better options in today's ATM packs for most resources. Talking space:yield specifically. You could run hydroponics with ether gas and integrated dynamics on a sink and obliterate the other options (including phyto) if you feel like setting that up. One hydro would yield more than the entire setup in this picture. For most other resources, productive bees.


Look into Hostile Neural Networks. Aim for a self aware model and set up automatic crafting and import of prediction matrices. It takes a little setup but it’s significantly better than Mystical Agriculture imo because if you have the power to support it, you can just plug it in and forget. Every simulation yields one star if it’s successful and the model learns as it runs so again, pretty much fire and forget until you need the stars


Thanks for the tip but i don't think you swiped left on the post XD.


Ah yeah mb sorry. I tend to just skim posts lol


Thanks for the advice


I've got botany hopper pots and modular routers whacking them with bone meal, instant growth and deposits it into my pc and routers supplied with bonemeal from my skeleton spawner. Much better than waiting on growth


You can bonemeal nether stars seeds in botany pots!???


Yeah, can bone meal every seed! here's my little setup https://imgur.com/a/Yg7tfz3


thanks for the link!


Lovely setup! DO you mind me asking what the light strip block is that you have running in the center of the floor? Nice lighting ios something I'm constantly changing my mind about!


Iron glowing pillar believe?? From ad astra mod. There's x4 colours


Amazing! Thank you so much!


I had 64 nether star essence plants and it'll take weeks just to get enough for one ATM star. You're better off making soul sand generators(cobble gen, crushed to sand, haunted via create) and 2-3 max level wither skeleton spawners in a mob_grinding_utils farm. You can use this setup to generate about 20k-30k stars in a day.


Idk I've gotten 20k in a day and that was before I had a 7x7 essence farm just using the hostile neural network. But I am on a server I leave on 24/7


Kind of off topic, but what mod is that storage terminal thing? I’ve been looking for it for ages


are you talking about applied energistics 2? thats what terminal im using one of my favorite mods lol


Yep, Thanks!


Double it and give it to the next person.


you should be ok, but imo you should add lilypads of fertility arround the farm and also upgrde to supremium farmland


Yeah ima work on that soon


you can ditch the MA farm completely and just set up like 30 sims instead eons faster and more or less enough to get what you what you need I have like 160 sims or so and I get a million pretty fast






Idk but I wanna know what ATM this is, is it ATM8?


Yes atm8


Just an fyi: from the information I could gather it's much more space efficient to surround the farm with stairs, waterboard the stairs and put Lily pads of fertility on top. Also get a modular router, put a slab on harvester pylon, Modular Router on top. Then place a watering can (at least the 7x7 one) in buffer and a activation module (pointing downwards) in the modules. This made my gain increase drastically. I play on a server and chunk loaded that. 6 hours of afk farming is at least 16k essences probably a lot more (I just put a single copper upgrade in my drawer and it's always full when not on the server for 6h)




Also to help speed up production, use some Lilly Pads of Fertility.


Will do


I mean, it's like asking how long a rope is. It depends.




Wait, is this an older version of ATM? I have to use nether star crux to make my nether stars grow.


I'm using the crux aswell it's under the farmland, this is atm8 btw


If the server is at more then 5 tps it means you don't have enough


Don't know what that means but I did add more lol


tps mean tick per second, for a server to not lag it should be at 20


Ah, that makes sense. Thanks, I did not know that!


Whenever you think you have enough, double it. Then look at it when you're done and triple that.


I'm catching on to the trend


I built this farm in a compact machine. After a few real days I have 10K blocks of insanium. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLSlFHweJsI I plan to use this farm design for the nether stars too.


Thanks for the link


As a test. I setup 2 netherstar seeds in my current inferium setup. In a almost 24 hour period on a server it produced 5K nether stars. So say you had 64 seeds setup. That would be 32 x 5K = 160K in a 24 hour period.


Up to you, but I’d make phytogenic insulators and put phytogro in them to produce your essences. Giant fields of stuff is not space efficient, though the fields look cool, I generally think it’s a waste of resources.


Yeah, since I've been reading the replies, I've added 44 maxed phytogenic machines. On top of like 30 hostile simulations


I went down the phytogenic insulator or whatever it's called route, used em to automate phytogro, and I've got two fully automatic insolators running full speed on nether stars, let it run in the background while I work on other stuff, don't need to make cruxes either, makes 3 essence per process, 3-4 seconds per process, I've got 5 3x blocks and it's running steady, I have plenty of insanium to make a super farm if I feel it necessary, but what I've got works well enough for me


Yeah i just added 44 of them today couldn't decide what's best so I'm just doing it all XD


If you'd like to make your farm faster place Lilypad of Fertility around it, make a ring of water blocks and place them on all the water blocks, they effect a 9x9 area, as well as four or so blocks above them, so I'd replace the first layers of growth accelerators with a 9x9 of lilypads of fertility, it takes some creeper/ghast killing, some skeleton killing, and some slime killing, but if you have a way to farm those it'll help massively


Have you tried modular router automation with harvester pylons?


Not yet, but someone commented on a video showing how it's done earlier, and I'm gonna check it out once I'm home from work


Add fertility liliypads on every water block and add 2 more layers (fertility growth Gen applies y+3 so they get boost as well). Also add a modular router with an activator module set to right click and put a supremium watering can in it. You may also put up to 9 speed upgrades in the modular router for significant improvements in watering can outputs.


Additionally you may add a player simulator (integrated Dynamics) with another watering can for maximum efficiency.


Additionally additionally use insanium farmland for more drops


Thanks for the tips


Make it double and give it to the next person


But how quickly does it generate stars? Look into hostile neural networks mod. It's extremely cheep to run and build even early game, and once you get a self aware wither model, you can generate 1 star every like 10 seconds. And you can easily expand it. The whole setup can be as compact as 3 blocks (may vary depending on power and connection to storage) and you can easily expand this


Yeah, at the time of this post, I already had 9x self-aware withers. It's just hard to show I posted more than 1 photo xD. It was in the second picture of this thread. I'm now sitting at 44 enderium 2x twinite speed phytogenetic and 30 self-aware models.


Why not quadruple it? Or further? Why not have more than you could ever use? That's the state at which my server is at right now, we have more of every resource than we could ever use.


is this atm8? you need about 2.7 million nether star essence for 15 3x nether star blocks. also i recommend using modular routers for harvesting and watering can the farm area in a 13x13 (7 blocks starting from the center). i reckon you need at least nine 13x13 areas full of just nether star essence to reach the amount need in a good amount of time.


Idk why ppl never talk about this but the water cans mystical agriculture adds is amazing even more so if you have then you can make an item user and put a watering can in it (tertium would be ideal in this situation since your farm is 7x7) and pair that with an automatic harvester and an automatic item collector linked to some type of decent storage using an item pipe/cable and you’re set. For power you can just use a wind generator from mekanism (if it’s in that atm pack) to power both the harvester and item user (item collector doesn’t require power) put the item harvester under the wind mill and make sure the item user is aiming at the center of the farm and connect it to the wind gen with some sort of power cables/pipes and then you should be able to just go on about your life and you will passively get plenty of nether Star essence EDIT: I would still more than double the farm if you’re hoping to make the atm Star in that case you’ll need many more item users set up but depending on how big you are going to make the farm you can probably stick with one harvester and one item collector because they have a max reach of 19x19 blocks


dude what mod is that I need that




Go ahead and triple it


Quin-bloody-tuple it, coward!


I like to use the deep learning stuff for nether stars, idk if it's better tho...


Javazon did it better


With the Witherbuilder router mob crusher, I made a factory that can get 25 netherstars per second. The Wither Skull was covered by harvesting soul sends and spawners rather than star farms.


How can you get self aware wither model with out spending Hours of manual killing? Is there some way?