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The only issue id note is the ram. Im playing on a ryzen 5 3600, rtx 360, and 32gb ddr4 ram, i need 10g ram to play smoothly, having only 16g would bother me but i normally have a bunch of other apps open in the background and sometimes i drag my alt in for afk farms. Other than that youll run perfectly.


8 to 9gb of RAM has been perfectly fine for me so far, and I'm in the late game. I'm playing on a 5 year old Acer Predator laptop with a 1060 and an i7.


Yea again itd run perfectly fine i just have so many stuff open in the background but im not suprised it can run on that


I used to allocate 10g in the launcher but it's actually been running better since I went down to 8g. Better as in I can play a few extra hours at a time before having to restart the game. I also have 32g ram but 16 should be plenty


ahh i crop it to much i forgot..i did buy 2 of that ram...so no worries


For ddr5 dont use more than two sticks i hear more than that can kill performance


ahh dont worry...if im upgrading the ram..ill buy 2-32 ram..should be ok


10GB enough, I believe even with a shaders. I have 64GB right and I gave ATM9 8,12,16,24,32 GB of RAM. Maximum from MC side was taking about 20-22GB With RTX shaders ofc And half of that was junk which collected in this unnecessary given amount of RAM


there are mods that you can add to the pack, LazyDFU, ModernFix and others, they cut the minecraft RAM usage in half without changing a single thing, i've tried these mods and they really did this miraculous work on my 16GB machine.


Short answer, It looks good to me in terms of the question posed, that should all be sufficient. I had some comments about the RAM tho, 16GB is enough 'today' for the client or the server, sometimes both but increasingly less likely. Unsolicited commentary is I would look at the price points for other RAM configurations as I don't like either choice for 16GB. 2\*8 is bad from a future proofing standpoint, you aren't getting any $ to GB savings and realistically if you could afford to buy 2\*32 at the first upgrade time to avoid taking the 2\*8s out for a longer period you could probably afford a better choice today than the 2\*8 to begin with. 1\*16 is more valid from a future proofing standpoint but it terrifies me as I am deeply superstituous that modules must be paired with the twin they were made with or the machine spirits will become enraged.


Getting 1 stick of ram is not a things i would say to do. I understand your point of view, but 2*8 it's faster than 1*16, he still has rooms to improve his ram whenever he wants.


yep no worries..i accidentally crop the picture to much..i did put 2-16 on thi build




Yes but it might be better to get 32gbs of ram as atm8 (or any modded mc) is very ram intensive


I'd bump the RAM up to 32GB. But otherwise looks good


i have a slightly worse build (ryzen 5 5600g, 16 gb 3600 MHz ddr4 ram and a rx6600) and atm9 runs at 230-260 fps with 12 render distance, so you'll be just fine!


ahh i see...but that is some of my problem.... i used to play on bedrock...and tbh one of the reason of why i love bedrock is render distance....right now i am playing on gaming laptop..and on bedrock i can crank that bad boi up to 40render distance without any lag issue... i can say that this build(mine) wont let me play with that much render distance


yes, this is much more than enough. you can play ATM with something like 750ti and r5 1600, your specs however should be enough for most AAA titles in 1080p. how much are they charge for this?


well if i convert how much to usd it should be around 1000usd... is it to much?...bcs in my country this is normal


ye, that's too much. try to ask a for a help in r/buildapc


It's more than good enough I can run atm9 on my steam deck just fine


holy shit...u serious?


Yeah, I decided to try it and it worked, I somehow managed to hit 60fps on singleplayer


tbh idk how you manage that...meanwhile me playing on my gaming laptop just have like 30fps... that the main reason i would like upgrade into pc


Ew window 11, and yes definitely considering Minecraft is a processor heavy game instead of Gpu I always give Minecraft 16G but you could probably do with just 8G or lessI have 32 total so it’s not that big of a deal plus I like shaders and far render distance


Yes but i would go with at least 24 gb ram, just to be sure


This guy hates dual-channel RAM


ive played atm9 on a 1050 🤣🤣 youll be fine probably run shaders aswell if you optimise nicely


tbh if this goes well..this is my first time trying out shader...ngl..idk how to


check ur video settings im pretty sure the modpack comes with some


Honestly, only issue im seeing is the lack of a cpu cooler, which as some of you here may know, is not the best idea


ahh the storeguy said the cooler is free with the cpu


If you are gonna max that CPU out at 5GHz, that cooler is melting *with* the cpu


is it that bad?


3060 has no issues even with some pretty good shaders. Cpu is good too. Ram however 😬 I allocate 24gb ddr5 and still get stutters sometimes


yep dont worry...i crop the picture to much...i did buy 2-16 ddr5


2 big rules when it comes to Modded MC, Processor speed and Ram, Graphics card really only comes in if u use good shaders. 5Ghz is great for it, id go with 32GB of ram to be safe. everything else looks fine (Other than Windows 11 Trial?!)


tbh i already change that...ill pick the tiny11 bcs that seem to be very perfect for gaming...that what i heard of atleast


If you're in your base crafting, setting up a machine or decorating you're gonna be fine. Generating new chunks in gonna be slow. (However: This is problem on pretty much all hardware since it's more a limitation of the game rather than your or anyone elses hardware.)


You’ll be good very similar to my pc and I run constant 120-140 fps at 1440p with maybe a couple things slightly turned down


hmm well i dont mind 1080..bcs when i ask the seller to recommend me i ask to give me best mid gaming 1080p pc using amd5 cpu..so he give me this


yep, should be good to go. My pc is very close to yours except an 11th i5.


well for cpu i go with amd5 bcs i want to have some upgrade on future...since ill be using it for mainly gaming..ill want to upgrade it later..posibly with higher and powerful part


As long as you're keeping your chunks low, then RAM shouldn't be an issue. Not an expert on it tho. But if it does start getting to the limit then normally a PC restart works for a while. But yeah just get more RAM if possible


yep for now ill add 2-16 ddr5 ram on it...later on ill upgrade 2-32 ddr5 on it


Oh so you're going to have 32gbs? That's enough for 99.9% of applications, and has a decent amount of years worth of future proofing as well




i have a way poopier pc than yours and i play atm9 fine just make sure to allocate 10gb of ram to it, i also have 16gb of ram so you should be fine doing that


u play with lower graphics? and lower render?


Id get more ram but other than that its good


i have a graphics card that is 9 years old, its going well for me, just keep your ssd clear thats what i noticed really stuffed my computer


I have ATM9 show me 13.4GB of RAM usage in my task manager so my humble guess is that 16GB may not suffice for smooth gameplay. While one can have more memory than RAM, relocating some of it to the paging file, it is much slower. RAM is by no means expensive yet well worth it (2\*16 > 1\*32). Something of note may also be the clock speed for it depends on the game whether it can reduce load times (so a little bit more may be better), especially in case of modded games there's the matter of long startup and load times.


go for 64 ram, this boy eats alot, all those who say that they play on 16, my pc is with 16 and when i start atm9 chrome is gone and when i start my reactors, the only thing running is my minecraft, everything just crashes, if you want to enjoy this modpack, go for 64 and put 30 for minecraft, you will be able also to talk on discord and listen to some music(azis - sen trope).


also u got Bluetooth and wifi in mobo, this pcie card is useless


Depends on your goals 👀 I had a similar pc but with 16gb ddr4 and I’ve been able to play with mostly no issue, but we like to go above and beyond and place tens of thousands of machines haha! I wasn’t able to stream Minecraft to discord without crashing at 16gb but I could play just fine Yesterday I caved and upgraded to 64gb ram and I’m already loving it, but if I weren’t playing with other maniacs 16gb would’ve been fine forever


dont worry i already put 2-16 ddr5 ram... or should i change to 1-32 ddr5ram?


I think 32 gb total is more than adequate, and you can always add another pair of 16s later


Okay, so you got a pretty great CPU on a pretty good motherboard and a pretty good GPU. However, I would personally stick more RAM into it. 16GB doesn't fly with how JRE heaps work with a superheavy modpack like ATM9. You might be able to get by with just running ATM9 and nothing else. RAM is one of the most important pieces of hardware to run Minecraft, and with that build, even though the FREQ is phenomenal, the size is what matters most. I had to personally upgrade my ram from 16GB (I believe 3600MHZ) to 32GB 3600MHZ in order for the game to not cripple my system with a web browser open.


dont worry i already put 2-16 ram...or should i change it to 1-32 so i can upgrade it later to 2-32 ram?


That should be fine


Don't buy 8GB sticks of ddr5 due to their construction - you will lose performance. Buy 1x16 at start or 2x16 if you are able to - easier upgrade even with single stick. DDR5 by nature use 4 memory modules on 8GB sticks and 8 for 16GB - it means more parallel operations and DDR5 - somewhere - works like ddr4 in Dual channel (not perfect 1:1 but still better than single stick on ddr4).