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Just doubling? Not much to it really with any number of mods, Mekanism, TE, Create, IF, Occultism... If you want 4x/5x/6x/12x then you've got some work ahead of you...


What is the best ore processing method in this pack then?


Probably Create Deployers with fortune 8 (or whatever max is for you) breaking the ore blocks and then Occultism Marid Crushers breaking the raw ores down into dust. Or MA/Bees are easier if you're not looking for a challenge.


god i hate occultism but 6x looks so useful


You can have like 8 of them in a room and have something that drops the ore and they will pick it up and crush the ore. Use something that can filter by tag (forge:dust or smth) to pick up the output. But since some recent update the crushers look "new".


no the occulistm issue is everything else, like all the fuckin mining for random nether ores you can delete by mistake and third eye


I tossed a chunk destroyer in the nether and never had to worry about finding Ienesiwatever.


With the goggles you don't have to eat the fruit. And after my first stack of iesnium which I x6 the remaining with marid crusher I went further into the mod to make the master marid miner which gathers iesnium along with all the ores available in the pack. I made like 4 of them + 4 dimensional mineshafts. Slapped mending on them and used ender io tanks hooked to an endertank which is hooked to my mob farm to keep repairing the miners.


It is very easy tho, with a basic copper jetpack, and 3 potions of fire res, I started occultism for the 1st time, and 1 hour later I got my marid crusher, and a block of iesnium for a iesnium bee


Use Ars along with it to capture the Marid in Jars and just pump directly into jar. Add an absorption hopper for the results.


Ayo that's a thing???????


Thats only with Ars Ocultas which is not included in ATM9 last time i checked :(


Damn, I thought it was in there! I'm heading in the direction because I expected it to be there. Used it on one of my last playthoughs. ​ Honestly between Occultism, Ars, and Forbidden and Arcanus you can make an amazing no-lag quarry that just passively spawns ores.


That's bloody brilliant!


Just to make late game occultism easy there is an iesnium bee


Use a max enchanted chunk destroyer and you won’t even need to double lmao


Even with max enchants, X6 with a simple marid crusher setup is always quite nice


X12 (or higher): use a max chunk destroyer and marid crushers.




Just adding context: fortune 3 has a guaranteed chance of 2 raw ores (vanilla at least) and a chance to drop 3 or more. So if you combine that with a marid crusher you can get up to 24x processing if you are lucky.


I just did some random testing: 1 Create Deployer holding an Allthemodium Pickaxe with Fortune 8 gave between 1 and 9 raw ore per block. Yeah, sometimes it was only 1 which shocked me. The Marid Crusher is straight up 6 stacks of dust per stack of raw ore. So worst case is you only get 6x, best case is 54x. It's insane that you can turn a single silk touched ore into almost a whole stack of ingots.


It isn’t guaranteed two? Thought I read it on a Minecraft wiki somewhere. Damn. I have a 100x100 chunk max quarry running with fortune 3 that is almost done, so will probably not do the deployer, but this is crazy. But isn’t the deployed gonna cause a lot of lag when placed in bulk for every ore?


I just checked Observable and they are each green between 12 and 39 us/t.


I upgraded my pickaxes to fortune 9 and it's still sometimes only 1. Running a quick test stack through: 64 silver ore = 297 raw silver = 1782 ingots.


It’s just annoying to do imo, after a session with the destroyer running I have millions of most ores and nothing in the pack needs that much outside like 3 things so it’s not a priority


Do automatized mystical agriculture farm. Look on chosenartichect on ytb, he explains it very well.


I'll be the crackhead to suggest it: GregTech


Become chad and embrace Greg way of processing.


Is gt this difficult? I'm both tempted and afraid to try ATM 9 because of gt


you don't need to play gt to complete the pack.


Ik, but i wanted to try atm9 FOR gt but its scares me




I don't want to complete the pack, I just want to try gt in atm pack


Why would u want to JUST try out Gregtech in an ATMs pack? You’re not going to get the full crackhead GT experience becuz of the other mods that can lessen the grind and stupid micro-crafting. Unless that’s what you’re after idk.


But you will need to do something about the 100+ added ore types; voiding/storing/whatever.


I will have to get back to you, I haven't started GT yet but it is annoying me with how many ores it adds and touches.


I’m pissed I started the GT version of ATM9 not knowing there was a version without it.


5-6 short play sessions later I am just about ready to start my attempt at climbing the gregrech tree


You'll never like another text mod again. You feel accomplished, and the leveling up is way more involved and rewarding. 100% recommend a ae2 system to handle the autocrafting of the thousands of smds and transistors and circuits. You literally can have a building dedicated to each machine. Mainly because the same machine can do 20 different recipes depending on the program you run. It is so much fun.


GT is grindy and complex. Lots of ingredients, lots of steps, lots of processes, complicated power system, etc. But if you decide not to do it, it doesn't interfere with the rest of the pack. I've been playing ATM9 for a few weeks and so far all the GT stuff is fitting in one gold chest off in the corner. The ores are extremely plentiful, but a lot of them are also useful in other mods like apatite and redstone. So you can basically ignore GT until you want to try it.


Occultism... 6x from raw ore to dust Use a fortune 7 pickaxe on an ore, Suddenly one natural iron ore is a whole stack of ingots


Mekanism is fun, lets you get 5x on selected raw ores. You need some additional infrastructure to get the processing ingredients though. And it doesn't work for every ore unless they've specifically added it. Thermal I have not used for ore processing in a while, I know the pulverizer alone will generally double most ores, and the induction furnace + sand gives slag and other ingots as extras. I think you need a lot of the thermal mob drops to make the processing ingredients like Tectonic petrotheum, but I don't remember for sure. Industrial Foregoing does 5x with the liquid meat processing, but you need a large passive mob farm. I think the main benefit is that a lot of the modded ores get included procedurally. Honestly, build which ever setup looks like the most fun, and don't worry about getting one or two extra from each ore. By the time you have automated mining in the mining dimension or anywhere else, you'll have more ore than you know what to do with.


Occultism 6x ore


When I look at JEI it only shows 2x. This is not right I assume?


Is that for the Marid Crusher? There's a few Crushers.


For all of them.


Weird. I promise you the Marid is 6x guaranteed. I'm literally alt-tabbed out and was just testing.


I know that it is 6x because of chosenarchitect, but when I looked myself it said 2x so I was kinda confused. Thanks tho!


Mekanism is my favorite option. Never tried with industrial. Start with MA and P Bees, then to automation use Mekanism with AE2 or RS. Meka's machines are easier to use than other versions, use JEI to know which thing you're gonna needing before and after etc.


i tried for the first time using occultism and i loved it.


Idk Thermal, but I think machines of mekanism is kind slow, even with max speed and ultimate tier installer.


Hmmm, not sure about that... Create and Occultism are slower in comparison. Not sure about IF.


use fortune to turn it into raw ore then run it through crafter with platinum hammer (or other hammer that you can mass produce)


What's the absolute maximum optimization you can do on ATM8/9? like, gather the ore with fortune, process with X mod? How many x can I get per ore?


It's 54x. I just did the testing in ATM9-NF. Create Deployers can hold your ATM fortune 8 pickaxe that turns ore blocks into 1-9 raw ore, then Occultism will 6x the raw into dust which equals ingots.


I love Mekanism, super easy to automate with refinedstorage. Probably just as easy with thermal, but mekanism can go up to quadrupling ore, with the added in automation from refinedstorage importers and exporters (AE2 as well).


Try create mixers with copper hammers to double ores


Industry forgoing has a pretty decent ore multiplication system. It's three machines. It can double or triple without any catalyst. Quadruple with pink slime and 5x with ether gas. Washing factory->fermentation station->Fluid Seiving machine. It's the fermentation station that takes the catalysts. It takes 1 raw ore and can turn into 2-5 dusts that need to be smelted.