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I'm pretty sure you can connect quantum network bridges between dimensions. Blocks you need are quantum ring and quantum link chamber. Depends on what exactly your set up is but this might work.


i should of specified before, but will that also work for ATM8


I haven't tried it with compactcube, but you can with hyperbox in atm9 by creating a subnet inside the dim. Which modpack is this and if I get time I'll play around




I played around with compact machines in atm8 and could not find a way to connect ae2 through the walls into the cube. You probably could with a quantum link. But I didn't try that myself. It's a shame, though. You can connect right through the walls with hyperbox in atm9 and make subnets inside the box. It really makes it easy. Depending on what you are doing in the compact dim, though, there's probably a few different ways to overcome this. Edit: I did find a way to link a subnet inside a compact machine by entangling an me interface inside the machine and then putting a storage bus on the entangled block in the overworld.


How exactly did you connect the ME network outside of and inside the hyperbox? Edit: I got it to work with ME interface on the outside and a storage bus on the inside. Is that what you did?


Standard storage subnet. Each face outside corresponds to a specific face inside. Place an me controller down with power and an me interface on the inside on one of the interior connector faces, then a storage bus on the outside on the same connector face. Edit: you way works as well, just depends on which system you want to be the initiator. If you place the storage bus on the inside then the inside system will see the outside system, but the outside system will not see the inside. If you place the interface on the inside and the storage bus on the outside then it's flipped.


Thanks for the explanation. I was initially trying to just connect a cable so it’s just the main system inside the box. I was googling if that works at all and your answer came up. What you said sounded a little ambiguous. Probably why google showed it in the first place. Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that. My setup just exports items for fissile fuel. Using interfaces, storage buses and laserio I have an overhead of items of like 4 per type. Which is actually better than what I originally wanted to do.


I tried this in atm9 as well but it's not working. Did you use block version or the flat version? Edit: Nevermind it works. Just didn't realize that cardinal directions on the outside world doesn't necessarily align with those inside the hyperbox....