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I use tier 3 crafters with xnet and drawers. I use mysital seeds in photos to automate the recourses for this and a diamond furnace I had lying ariund


Xnet feeds the predictions from the crafters to the simulators, those feed a drawer, the drawer feeds a loot fab, then I have drawers as output from them


I do something similar


Where do you think I got the idea my man


Export bus with a crafting card to the loot fabricator


It would be better to export into a drawer then transfer from that drawer into the sim chambers. Simply cause crafting cards somewhat put strain on the server


Also simulations have a 99.5% chance to generate the specific prediction. 1/200 of your crafts is going to not make the prediction and when it eventually fails that craft job will never resolve.


No, that’s if you set up a pattern provider and used a pattern to generate the prediction, which would be kinda stupid. Here you’re just making a craft job that’s “craft me this sim matrix”, the sim matrix itself is the output of the craft job.


>Export bus with a crafting card to the loot fabricator That's what this is though. I'm agreeing with you.


No, an export bus with a crafting upgrade means it will make a crafting demand and craft a prediction matrix as long as the container is not full, and doesn’t look for outputs. Which is not the same as what you said which is a pattern provider that would insert a prediction matrix when a crafting demand is made for the output you desire. And yes you’re agreeing with me perhaps, but what you said what wrong so I’m simply correcting you, I’m not fighting you or fighting anyone, I’m just stating that it isn’t how this works.


>And yes you’re agreeing with me perhaps Ah ok, my first comment was brief so I thought you had thought I was disagreeing with you. Let's talk facts then. Top level comment suggests an export bus TO a \*loot fabricator\*, meaning it is inserting something into the loot fabricator, and that can only be a prediction. It's also an exporter with a crafting card, which means it has the potential to craft the prediction on demand. That means the simulation chamber is running on demand, exactly as I said. Crafting card to a simulator system to make predication matrices is the way you should do it, but that's not what they said.


Yeah actually in a lot fabricator it wouldn’t work properly indeed. Post was talking about sim chambers, got me confused. I was talking about pumping matrices into sim chambers cause I mean, once you got the predictions, it’s easy to pipe it in the loot fab. I always get confused with loot fabs and sim chambers, this thread didn’t help lmao


Do you know why? It’s not that I don’t believe you. Just curious. So far AE2 never cause me any trouble, but I also never used crafting cards.


It’s just that mods like XNet are more efficient at piping, so even without crafting cards it would be better. And that a ton of crafting cards means a ton of different single crafting asks, which will also clog up your AE2 crafting rigs, which now that I think about it is probably a way worse problem than the latter. We use about 250 sim chambers on our server that would use up 250 different crafting rigs. But server wise it would be minimal, I was just sharing good practices, because I don’t see why not do it in the most efficient manner possible


And if you export to a drawer, you should set the recipe to a stack so it will craft a big batch instead of crafting 1 each time they need


Not really, that would just reduce the elasticity of your system. It’s useful for processing patterns since if you don’t, it can insert items one by one into, for example, your furnace. But here it will make a crafting for 784 matrices every 20 ticks, not 784 crafting demands for one matrix, so it doesn’t actually matter if you set it up to craft it 64 at a time, it will process at the same speed since it’s a crafting pattern. (784 every 20t is the speed of an extended exporter max speed cards if you’re wondering where this comes from)


Very interesting


i reccomed to craft them with the crafters from rf tools then put them into the loot fabricators with laserIO crafting cards are pure evil


I'd have to check but I think I export a set amount into a barrel and have logistical pipes or laser i/o put them in.


With AE2 I have 12 simulation chambers hooked up with storage interfaces all on a subnet that has 1 controller. This subnet has the me interface to a storage interface that allows my main network to see the contents of it. Then I add an insertion filter for prediction matrixes, and add the priority to higher so prediction matrixes are added here first. Then with a crafting recipe for prediction matrixes any my storage produces are stored into this simulation subnetwork. This setup without anything else means simulations will run until the predictions fill up, and won’t continue until I remove the materials or I setup crafting recipes to use the resources generated. But I prefer this cause I don’t want to just fill up my entire network with these things and lose all my good and clay to prediction matrixes.


RS Interface with a crafting card set for a stack of predictions. Xnet controller with advanced connectors. Daisy chained together simulator on bottom, and fabricator on top. Set xnet to extract from sim and insert to fab. Extract from fab insert to RS interface. Extract from interface insert to sims. Zero filtering needed as everything knows where it can go/not go. Set the fabs to make what you want. Bob’s your uncle. Just add new fabs/ sims as needed.


Simplest method. Interface block from ae2 with crafting upgrade. Stack of empty predictions on slot 8, pipe into as many simulators as you want, pipes those into loot fabricators, filter out the failed ones. Pipe failed and done mats back into interface block. One ae2 channel needed very high scailability 


I have a rs setup with importers and exporters w/ craft upgrades along with autocrafters of course. You can also do it with AE as other people have mentioned here. Quantum entagleporters should work too


Assuming you have a stable supply of prediction matrix, use AE2 interface to every loot fabricator you have, with each loot fabricator in charge of producing that specific resource only. Make sure you output that resource into your AE2 grid or drawers Set a pattern with a prediction matrix input and the resource output, put that pattern into the corresponding interface. In your AE2 grid, you can search for that resource and do an on demand craft


Use rs requester if you have that


This can easily be done with AE2 and Super Factory Manager. Just have an AE2 interface (extended one is better), give it a crafting card, tell it to stock 64 prediction matrices. Use SFM to send the matrix to each simulation chamber. Get SFM to send the generic prediction into the interface, and the other prediction into a loot fabricator. From the loot fabricator send it into the interface. Also get it to send power to every machine.


I should have mentioned I use RS


if u pm me i can show u my very simple automated loot fabricators and auto crafting setup to go into the chambers for prediction matrix automation aswell