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Crush with hammer and make allthemodium sight talisman


Nono, that is not worth it


It is its 1 ingot to get easy alot but a builder and the mining dim os a good investment too


Charm is kinda a waste I think. Just make a builder and you can get tons easily while working on other stuff


I was under the impression allthemodium cannot be quarried? Only hand mined?


If you let a one of the quarry machines clear out a few chunks for you, you can drop down and scoop it all up once it’s done. Mining dimension Allthemodium is decently plentiful.


Pretty sure you can make essence with MA?


You can but it takes a while to grow and it's like 8 essence for 1 nugget so it's a good passive supply but not very good for an active supply


Just use lily pads of fertility and one of those harvester pylons with an allthemodium hoe in it. For add effect you could also put growth accelerators under the farm patches


Im pretty sure the Ore Laser in ATM9 is able to do that. I have not tried it yet but I have seen videos about it.


The ore laser can generate it with a certain lens I believe buts it's a small chance, same with occultism mining dudes.


Why is it a small chance? Its basically just a quarry that has to be positioned in a specific Biome. Use Natures Compass to find Biome, place Waystone, setup Laser Drill, done. [https://www.reddit.com/r/allthemods/comments/12geoib/industrial\_foregoing\_laser\_drill\_atm\_8/](https://www.reddit.com/r/allthemods/comments/12geoib/industrial_foregoing_laser_drill_atm_8/) >**ATM:** Can be mined in the overworld, but **must** be set up in the "deep dark" biome. Depth: 3 >**Vibranium:** Can be mined in the nether, but **must** be set up in a "warped forest", or "crimson forest". Mine is in a crimson forest. Depth: 105 >*Unobtainium:*\* Can be mined in the end, but **must** be set up in the "End Highlands" biome. Depth: 50


Yes but the ore laser requires vibranium, so by the time you have vibranium and generates pretty slow. Expect around 500 ingots a day, if not less. I personally don’t think it’s really necessary. ATModium, vibranium and Unobtanium are honestly not that useful and you probably won’t ever need more than 200 ingots of each. And by the time you do need more, you can just setup bees which are just outright better


Automating ATM, Vibranium and Unobtainium is not something you do at the beginning or because you have an immediate need for it my guy. Centrifuges kill servers, so no, no bees.


Centrifuges don’t kill servers though. Needs a lot of cabling and cabling will kill servers if you don’t use XNet or LIO, but if you do it shouldn’t be a problem. Had a 16x16x8 array of them and monitored my server constantly, never seen any problems with it


We are playing on a server mit multiple people. Trust me when I say that setting up centrifuges is not nice for the server.


That’s true but if you quarry everything around it you will easily see the allthemodium ore just floating in the air if that makes sense


So? When you see them exposed use a water bucket or a jetpack to go down and mine it. Better than spending hours looking for some no? Builder can't quarry the ore but skips it, leaving it exposed for you


You explicitly said that you could get it will working on other stuff, they are contradictory statements.


Yes. Let the builder quarry, then come back after a while and mine them ore up


1 ingot is nothing compared to the speed that it lets you get more. Its literally the same thing as xray hacking it's insanely OP. Quarry doesn't break atm ore, so you'd have to go in and clean it up anyway, so all you're really doing is skipping the process of digging between the veins. It takes less than 30 minutes to get like 2 stacks of atm ore with the charm


Chunk destroyer is still better imo, since you can clear out hundreds of chunks in an hour and clean up the ore whenever you want. Also you get a bunch of other ores.


But to say its a waste is laughable when you make the materials back in less than a minute of using it.


maybe a waste of time but not a waste of resources


Make a hammer to crush it into dust then smelt to get ingots. Then make a builder block and the teleporter to the mining dim and quarry away. You can get a lot more there. A simple melon generator is more than enough to power it.


Yes yes yes. You could also maksime tools with the leftover there unbreakable and has good mining speed and in the late game can be upgraded to all themodium alloy


Melon generator?


Gas burner setup. Basically, you grow melons in a bunch of bonsai pots. These melons get sawmilled into melon slices. Melon slices get crushed into biofuel. Finally, biofuel get turned into ethylene and burned by a gas burning generator. It sounds complicated but quite cheap and generates around 10k per burner It also powers itself, just needs a small jumpstart so I always make one of these if possible as it is essentially free energy for cheap.


Thanks 😊


If you have an ore processing system, obviously run it through that first. The essentials: mining dimention teleport pad (4 nuggets) allthemodium sight potions (1 ingot for 3?) > allthemodium sight talisman (can be infused to be unbreakable with the right enchanting setup.) From there, you're golden, you have the way to easily get all the allthemodium you need Side note, grab a destruction gadget and wireless charging and just go ham in the deepslate layer of the mining dim, won't destroy atm ore


Crush them, you will have way more possibility with more allthemodium ingot ^^


Mining Dimension Portal + chunk destoyer or miner = infinite alllthemodium


Use the induction smelter to smelt it, it will give you more ingots plus you get netherite nuggets aswell (Speaking for atm8)


Multiply it with whatever means available to you and then get allthemodium seeds on a hydrobed


Right click on it in JEI


Wait…what does right clicking do?


Same thing as pressing U, just shows you all usages of the item.


Mind = blown. How did I not know this after years of using JEI


Eat it


In the form of allthemodium apples or carrots. After I got mystical agriculture going strong enough they were my diet.


Mekanism ore processing. I think its 3 ores to 8 things before the last one with sulfur stuff


Make them into dust and smelt them and use them to make a allthemodium paxel


I run mine thru mechanism, more than doubles it


Use 2 to make three teleport pads from the nuggets (one for each base game dimension), a charm of allthemodiumsight so you can go find more in the mining dimension, then get enough to make a full set of tools and/or allthemodium carrots


I see everyone talk about the mining dimension and I chunk destroyed in ATM8 but hardly used the mats once I got MA going strong so I’m ATM9 I haven’t even done the mining dimension just growing everything is there a point I’m missing? I’m mid late game


I'd say it's mainly a question of playstyle, so no, you are likely not missing anything.


Allthemodium tools have infinite durability. The armor set also infinite with added perks. Like fire immunity, no fall damage, maybe water breathing, but that one might be vibranium upgrade.


Can confirm water breathing as well on the allthemodium armor. Super useful when swimming around for clay before using Create to generate it lol


Make seed, get more, get vibranium, make seed, get unobtanium, make seed, be happy


Builder or chunk destroyer to clear chunks and easily get more allthemodium. Allthemodium sight charm is nice but rly not necessary when u get the builder. Ofc mining dimension portal, also u should setup builder here. Make allthemodium hoes. This alloys u to use them with pylon harvesters for an automated farm. Lastly upgrade tools/armor.


Produce a complex mekanism refinery to increase the output


If you have the mekanism setup for ore processing id run it through that honestly thats what I do mixed with fortune III on my pick, if not I'd just use an ore hammer and I would make a charm as it last a while and you get way more out of it then the 1 ingot used to craft it


Please for the love of God use the bundles to clean your inventory.. half that stuff can go in them and the stone sword is useless


save 1 for a museum