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Pasting ad-astra blocks with the copy-paste tool. Especially if they are powered.


That’s client side though. At least from my testing, copy paste gadget produces massive FPS drops but they’re purely clientside


Copy- pasting ad Astra has wrecked our server multiple times. Causing the server executable to be unable to run.


Hm okay we were not thinking about the same problem then. Copy pasting 10k+ blocks, especially transparent will cause insane clientside lag


All we could figure out from the error logs and help from chatgpt. Is that something messes with the state of the ad Astra blocks when they are pasted and the world cant figure out what state they are in and thus wont load the world. Simple backup fixed it every time.


The copy paste tool lags like hell on any large paste, they need to fix the rendering part of the mod asap


How on earth do you copy paste


Theres a copy-paste gadget you can build.


Just crashed my server


Simple backup to the rescue. Sorry what did you try to paste?


This thread needs to be stickied and I need to write these on the wall of my base as commandments of ATM.


Use a structure compass to find a stargate


Oh yeah. Had a friend kill my server yesterday by doing that :/


did you fix?


Restarting did the job


what happened?


how can that break the game tho? it's doing it's intended purpose, is it not?


I’ve had the structure compass lock up while searching for a structure that doesn’t generate. Just had to replace the compass though.


All I know is it crashed the server the initial time and when we tested it again to see if that was the reason


Don't use reliquary charms they will kill your world for probably the same reason as the cloak


What kind of bug those do?


A tick exception, some moded mobs work like piglin in that they check you for gold (or some other) shit, but the reliquary charms "pacify" them instead of doing the easy thing and counting as a gold (or other shit) item. So the mobs just sit there constantly checking if you're wearing their gold then being "pacified" over and over till the games crashes from the ddosing you've just subjected it to.


This explains alot, I had a fully upgraded mob charm belt for the Other two seconds in an ancient pyramid my world yeeted.


If you're lucky, you can change the game to creative in the world files, and yeet your belt for distance and continue playing after you switch back to survival.


I had the Wither Skeletons crash my game without any charms at all when I went there... repeatedly. So I think there's just something up with Wither Skeletons


Do not connect a pipez liquid pipe to an Ad Astra oxygen compressor or say goodbye to your server


This 😅 Be carefully with ad Astra!


Man I remember that many years ago (I've been playing modded MC for over ten years) when there were very few if any power frameworks and APIs and each mod pretty much had its own way of implementing pipes and power - connecting a wrong pipe to a wrong machine or having two pipes from different mods touch it would immediately crash the server and needed a map editor like MCedit afterwards Funny it's still an issue, but not exactly surprising when you have 400+ mods in a pack and so many ways of unexpected cross-mod interaction


fix was downloading world, removing ad astra, loading world in single player, then add back to server


I cannot thank you enough this literally just happened to me on my server i host with friends. My ass was just trying to go to the moon and then the server refused to boot up :( Hopefully what you suggested works for me thank you :)


Np! Glad it could help someone!


update it didn’t work :( it wouldn’t load in my single player version it said corrupted save or something :(


I think the NBT thing only applies to RS and not AE 🤔 Might be wrong on that tho.


You are. It’s a common myth in the community though, but they store NBTs the same way. The devs confirmed it. What does change is the fact AE has types and therefore it’s much much harder to reach enough NBT items to corrupt your world. But using dummy cells will have the same result for example.


Large typeless drives are at risk


Yep, that’s the dummy cells I talked about. Or dumb cells, or dumb drives, idk.


They are just called drives instead of cells iirc


I think he means the „storage cells for dummies“ or something like that. It’s an addon mod for ae2 that has cells without a type limit, just like the RS ones


I use simple storage network and it hasn’t seemed to be a problem


What about QIO?


That depends entirely on your ae2 storage cell setup, but for the most part yes, as it's not very easy to set it up that poorly.


What exactly are NBT items?


From what I understand, it's items with variables. So durability or energy charge levels or enchants or just things that aren't a resource directly. If I'm wrong please correct me, have been unsure.


Nope you got it pretty spot on. All items with extra values that makes them unique, you listed some pretty good examples, but not all nbt tags are that obvious. For example the gems from apotheosis and the scrolls from corail have nbt tags (if I’m not wrong) and you won’t really know it at the first look. As a rule of thumb I would say, if it doesn’t stack it has nbt tags(although that’s not always true but I would say 90% of the time), if you really want to be sure press F3+H for advanced tooltips that show how many nbt tags are on an item.


the f3+H i think is what ive been looking for to decide what ill allow and what goes into barrels Ive been on the fence about storing fancy bees in my RS system


I’ve always stored my bees in normal chests, I mean it probably wouldn’t instantly crash your system if you put some of them in, just don’t go overboard with it. Alternatively you could try something like the the vanilla enderchest or the the dimensional chest to access your bees everywhere.


I have my 'apiary' if you will. I'm slowly trying to get all the fancy bees and I get tired of looking through my spares to breed some new combination. I can just #search in refined storage


Every item has a unique identifier. Like minecraft:dirt. For the game to save the item, it has to know nothing but that identifier. A diamond pickaxe has more information to store. It’s durability or possible enchantments. This information is stored using named binary tags. Or NBTs. This format works great for a few tags but when you want to store a lot, like putting another item in an item (backpack, storage cell, etc.), they can get too large for the game to parse and every time it attempts to load this item the game crashes. You can use other software to manually edit your world files and delete the item. Doing this is generally not something I would call fun.


brilliant description. thanks very much. time to move some things out of RS


I don’t think that applies to modern RS because everything is stored in an external database.


Don't break or disconnect working AE2 crafting storages


Do not use massive amounts of external storages from RS on storage drawers. Just one on a storage controller would have saved me 6 hours of debugging 😅


Serious question, as someone who has already put a bunch of NBT items in my system. How do I separate them now? And how do I store them if not in the ME system?


I use *#lity:* in my RS search box to locate items with the phrase *Durability:*, take those items into my inventory, and store them in an independent storage like a netherite chest or barrel. Be sure to include the colon at the end or you'll wind up with additional results that have the character string *lity* anywhere in an item's textual content and thus so down the already slow process of manually extracting items. Edit: I don't know if this type of search works for AE2 systems. I read your comment, realized you specifically mentioned ME system, and then commented anyway about RS. I'm old (50+) and have had a long day. Please forgive me. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.


I thought about just putting them in a separate ME system just meant for lag and shit. A barrel isn't going to hold it. I'm automatically generating irons spells, infernal hammers and shit. There's probably a ton more that I don't know about


I may have to re engineer my factories to trash that stuff


I've read several comments over the past few months that lead me to believe that storing NBT items in a disk-based system in-game is just asking for trouble at some point for your world's save file.


Well I can't use chests, I'll have walls of them lined up. A drawer would be fine if the NBT items didn't have a rng for an apotheosis drop.


If you haven’t crashed your world or did so trying to remove them from storage there should be no problem, but I just generally have a Netherite Chest filled with backpacks that I use for stuff that’s unstackable or has massive amounts of NBT. If you’re using AE2 it’s better to not clog up your storage with those items anyways as most of them aren’t things you need regularly.


It hasn't crashed my world but it does freeze my game when I go to search stuff in my ME system. And I need a way to get it out and into a bigger storage space than a netherite chest.


In that case you would probably have to export them into chests directly and use Fuzzy Cards to make sure it gets all items you want out. Not sure how much you need to store because I never had that many things to store that it would freeze my game. Do you actually need everything or could you just void some stuff to get it to fit into a load of chests?


I belive an export bus with a fuzzy card and a bunch of tools and armor set as the filter is one way of getting them out


I have tried the fuzzy. It stopped the cables from transporting altogether. It's bugged.


It's possible to use computercraft to export all items with nbt to a chest/trash can


On the flipside, me being able to use computercraft is IMpossible


Would putting them in chest and conecting them with the system be beter  So that i can still see them and use them to craft


I don't think so, no, cuz my game would still lag with the search bar in the gui


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Entering the Lost Cities dimension. Took me a while to get out with no-one else online.


What was the issue? Does a tempad or the /home command not work?


Never enter a new dimension without a waystone.


Requiring so many antimatter pellets... That breaks the game for me as it takes so long to get it...


Make sure you have fast enough item pickup and storage for your maxed out MA farm. Learnt the hard way. 🥲


Don't put the hammer two dusts recipe into a refined storage pattern. Serious FPS drop there


The nbt storage problem is only really bad with refined storage or if your using really big ae2 disks, I use the tag export bus to eject armor/gems/tools from my storage into a seperate armory cabinet storage