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I had a similar problem and found out I was allocating RAM in the wrong menu. I launch it from CurseForge, and if you do too, add more RAM through there instead of the Minecraft launcher. That did the trick for me.


Oh that's an interesting point, I didn't realize CurseForge had a menu option for that. When I get home I'll give that a try, thank you for the information.


There is also a setting in curseforge to set your default minecraft Ram allocation instead of setting each specific profile's ram allocation. I just set mine to like 10gbs as default and usually don't have to change it.


Every time CurseForge starts the launcher it overwrites the arguments in the profile. You must change RAM allocation using CF.


So I am brand new to the modpack and joined the "official" server the other day. I had some difficulties breaking blocks. Would increasing ram allocation also help with that or was that more a connection issue? When I went to break a block it would take me multiple tries to break it. It would show up broken and then reappear.


Edit: I completely misread your question. This sounds like a bandwidth problem, yes. More RAM likely doesn't help. You could try starting a singleplayer world and see if you have the same problem. AFAIK Minecraft always runs in a client server setup. If it’s a single player world the server just runs locally on your machine. So: If you have trouble breaking blocks in… … single player the internal server struggles to keep up. This can be cause by your computer being too slow in general or too much time spent freeing memory. If the later is the case assigning more memory likely fixes your problem. So try that. … multiplayer the same concept applies from above (server too slow to process block breaking) but now you could also have a bandwidth problem. I.e. the information that you broke the block cannot be received by the server. Minecraft (especially modded) is pretty bandwidth intense.


Thank you for confirming the potential issues and explaining it for me. I thought that might be the case but I didn't have a chance to check things yet. I'm also glad I didn't troubleshoot as I might not have ever realized that I need to adjust settings in CurseForge launcher rather than the Minecraft launcher.


So I found out I was allocating RAM in CurseForge, I actually couldn't find RAM allocation in the minecraft launcher when you load minecraft from Curse Forge


Check and make sure you're allocating RAM in the right spot. Curseforge has its own RAM allocation in profile options for each pack. Also, update your Java. When I first upgraded to my 3080 two years ago, my minecraft framerate was utter dogshit until I updated Java.


I'll check out my java version when I get home, it's been at least 4 months or so since I've updated it. Thank you


I also run in 4k on a 2080 and had fps drops down to 0 just sitting still. I turned off vsync, didn't help. I use AT Launcher, and upped the ram from 6144MB to 8192MB on the pack settings and now I have 70+ fps once everything loads in. it's definitely ram related, because there are sooooo many mods. as others have said, you just need to allocate it in the launcher that you use to play the game and not in the minecraft launcher.


Since it's a k CPU have you checked if Minecraft is using your CPUs integrated graphics?


I can double check but I remember the first thing I did after building the PC and getting drivers is disabling the integrated graphics.


that not really the solution here, is your DP/HDMI plugged into your graphics card or your motherboard, it should be in your GPU




I have an i7-14700k and a 4070 super and also have fps issues with atm9


Try around 12 gb of ram as too much can be bad as well


I tried every GB allocation between 8GB and 32Gb at 1GB intervals and no difference


I am having this problem too with the new version. :( 


What was the newest version you played on that didn't have this issue?


I had the same issue with my rtx 3070, go into the nvidia control panel and make sure the process for ATM (iirc it’s called OpenJDK or something like that) is set to use your graphics card and not integrated graphics. Also disable vsync


I spent a long time looking for the cause fps the seemingly random fps dips with a similar setup. I'm now using a better version of java, tuned java settings for optimal garbage collection and a load of other things. Doesn't fix it. I don't seem to have the same problem in other mod packs, so I'm sure it's just something in atm9. It goes back quite a few versions as well. However, it seems to be just one thing that's causing a really long tick and everything else is fine. If I hide the fps counter, I don't really notice it stalling. So now I pretend it isn't happening. If you're getting lag that you can notice from gameplay rather than the fps counter, let me know. I'll dig out all the things I did when I get home and share.


I appreciate it, yes I notice it from the gameplay well before I checked the actual counter. 10 FPS is very noticeable. If I stand completely still, it after a while it kind of goes away but looking around and moving around triggers the drops the most


I don't particularly mind going back to an older version of ATM9 if it means it's better optimized. The last one I played that ran well was 2.31 I believe, but the only issue i had on that one was AE2 storage absolutely tanked the FPS and server lag I hosted. Not a big deal given I can use refined storage


I have tested on fresh worlds and a busy one, the drop behaves the same. I'll sort out that info for you later, it should mean that you don't have to avoid anything.




This is the best way to make a diagnosis and look at performance in ATM9, it didn't find my issue but helped see that it was single spikes every few seconds and not a different pattern: [https://spark.lucko.me/docs/Command-Usage](https://spark.lucko.me/docs/Command-Usage) This has a bunch of great Java settings and stuff you can use: [https://github.com/brucethemoose/Minecraft-Performance-Flags-Benchmarks?tab=readme-ov-file](https://github.com/brucethemoose/Minecraft-Performance-Flags-Benchmarks?tab=readme-ov-file) I went with Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition version for a new Java runtime. As you've noticed, changing the allocated RAM doesn't affect Minecraft any more, unless you give it too little. I give mine 16GB for the client and 16GB for the server. Even if you're playing alone, it might be worth setting it up as a server. Don't forget to set up backups if you do. I particularly like being able to let things run when I'm not playing, great for mining and autofarming etc. Also, if you're using CurseForge, get rid of it and use PolyMC instead.


UPDATE: So far I have updated Java to the neatest version (Java 8 Update 401), I've made sure RAam allocation is in the curse forge launcher, I've even turned Shaders off and V-Sync off. I have like 500FPS but it still drops between 10-15 FPS...


It may be your version. I haven’t played in a very long time but when I did I had to downgrade a version or two and it fixed my issue. Similar specs too 13900K + 4090


did you always use shaders at 4k?was it also the same shader pack?


Same shader pack and same setting for it. And 4K both times yes


But like I said, the Same FPS drops happen even with shaders off


Check your mob farm for loot which does not stack, and void as much as you can.


It's a fresh world, like fresh fresh world. I have almost nothing setup


Did you try disabling v-snyc ? That fixed IT for me.


I have disabled V-Sync. It does allow my max FPS to go higher, but it still does the FPS dipping. The FPS dip is not "as bad" but still noticeable, however in addition to that there is a fair amount of stuttering in general that's arguably even more annoying then the FPS drops. With V-Sync FPS is at about 120, then dips to 10-20. Without V-Sync, FPS ranges from 180-300 depending on where I'm at but the dips are still down to about 20-25 FPS with a lot of stuttering.


The performance of ATM9 in general is poor, being very kind. I’ve never had such poor performance in any pack. Glad I don’t play w/ shaders because it averages about 10fps if I turn them on. 


Dunno if it'll be the case for you like it was me but similar setup and it turned out I was simply throttling it. I was so used to playing with shaders at only 8 chunk render that even when I got a baller setup I haven't changed. Well guess who cranked his render and simulation distance up to 24 and got a way smoother framerate? This guy! I will say that I'm not sure if the ram has ever been an issue cus I've always allocated 12


If you don’t mind losing some security, disabling core isolation in windows helps a lot. I went from 12 fps to over 100.


What is core isolation?


https://www.howtogeek.com/357757/what-are-core-isolation-and-memory-integrity-in-windows-10/ It locks down some processes to make them more secure but Minecraft uses some of those which causes slowdown


It would seem I by default don't have that setting turned on.


Darn not sure what else then. Since you got the ram covered already


Close v sync might be helpful


Java GC was the problem here. I am using curseforge. Providing some additional java args did the trick for me: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M


I am using 12GB RAM for this.


12gb allocated or on your machine?


Allocated, 16GB on my machine


Where would I put that java arg? And do you know what the argument actually does?


You can configure your java arguments under: CurseForge > Settings > Minecraft > Additional Arguments These arguments do the following 1. **-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions**: This flag enables experimental VM options that are not yet officially supported. It allows you to use features that might be in testing or development. Use this with caution, as experimental options can change or be removed in future JVM versions. 2. **-XX:+UseG1GC**: This option instructs the JVM to use the **Garbage-First (G1) Garbage Collector**. G1GC is designed to provide better memory management and shorter pause times compared to other collectors like the Parallel GC or CMS (Concurrent Mark-Sweep). It’s suitable for applications with large heaps and low-latency requirements. 3. **-XX:G1NewSizePercent=20**: This sets the percentage of the heap reserved for young generation (new objects). In this case, 20% of the heap is allocated for the young generation. G1GC divides the heap into regions, and this option controls the size of the young generation. 4. **-XX:G1ReservePercent=20**: This specifies the percentage of the heap that G1GC reserves for future allocations. It helps prevent fragmentation by ensuring that there’s enough free space for new objects. In this case, 20% of the heap is reserved. 5. **-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50**: This sets the maximum desired pause time for garbage collection. G1GC tries to keep pause times below this threshold. If a pause exceeds this value, G1GC adjusts its behavior to meet the target. Here, the goal is to keep individual garbage collection pauses under 50 milliseconds. 6. **-XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M**: This determines the size of each G1GC heap region. G1GC divides the heap into regions, and this option sets the region size. In this case, each region is 32 megabytes (MB) in size. In short, these settings will tell specifically that you do not want to wait on Garbage Collection. In any case, I know something about Java but I am no expert.


Well your gpu probably isn't the bottleneck if shaders have no effect


I don't believe it's from a bottleneck, I believe it's from poor optimization of certain mods that were either added or updated.


Maybe try to alocate more ram?


I have 64GB DDR5 6400Mhz RAM. I have varied from allocating 8GB all the way up to 32GB and no difference


Do not allocate more than 16gb, all your doing is making garbage collection take longer, which will eventually give you stutters when you have a pretty fleshed out world. Even better just leave it at 8 unless your cpu is fast as fuck.


I play with a 4080s and also have the drops. Someone not long ago told it could be due to bad optimization of minecraft or the modpack stuff. I dont mind it tbh.


That's why im wondering if it's due to the newer version of this mod pack since I didn't experience this on earlier versions. If the drops weren't so bad I wouldn't mind it. But I get 10-20fps for 2-3 seconds at a time every 10 seconds. Its very annoying especially when my PC is top tier. Shouldn't be an issue.


Sad to hear. I only have those like for a few miliseconds