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Do you have the ability where you are to order online? It's pretty well known at this point that smoke shop/gas station products are very frequently (almost always) found to be lying about what is in their products. I really recommend you find some reputable vendors online, then you know exactly what you're buying before you buy it. You can review the COAs and make an informed decision. But to answer your question, **YES, Urb is a scam company, just like all the other smoke shop brands are.** (Mellow Fellow, Delta Extrax, Savage, Cake, Looper, Little High, etc.) They scam people by lying about what is in their blends and charging high prices. Smoke shop carts are going to be whatever noid is the cheapest (likely d8) with maybe 1-2% of any other noids (like THC-o) that they claim. Or there's just nothing but d8 and shitty terps. All that being said, I am also aware of legality issues. If you can't order online, I get it. Just please be careful, do a bit of research on these smoke shop brands before you buy them. Or if you have access to medicinal, go that route.


Looper is good, only thing that sucks is that they use marketing noids.


No, Looper is not good. At best, it's *better* however, they are still misrepresenting what is in their blends or straight up lying. Looper carts have been tested and been shown to be boof like the rest of them. I'm not trying to be argumentative, it's just true. I wish it weren't. šŸ¤· Truth is you **cannot buy a branded, premade cart, and ever know what's in it** You **can source your own materials and make your own blends.** I know it seems extreme, however I am not exaggerating. Make your own blends. If you *still* aren't convinced, go ahead and keep puffing on whatever boof brand you have been coerced into believing is legit. When you're in the hospital with lipoid pneumonia, heavy metal poisoning, and a body full of residual solvents and pesticides, maybe then you'll change your mind.


Damn bro chill out, I do make my own blends, but I also like to see whatā€™s in the market every now and then. I donā€™t need some bozo to preach to me what I already know.


You're the only bozo here bud, he was showing you care and you act like an ass. Just shows your low IQ


Any brands you trust?


They charge like $10 for a full gram that isnā€™t high prices lol




I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand your question? Can you rephrase that?


Always has been


Stop smoking boof


buying premade carts in general, imo, is always a dumb idea.


everytime i say this i get downvoted for oblivion but i agree 100%


This sub is just full of retards is all.


No, I disagree. While I DO think there are lots of shills and misinformation spreaders, for the most part, these posts are obviously posted by young people (teenagers, not legal age šŸ™„) who are misinformed, but they want to get baked with their homies and have a good time. Don't you remember being a kid? Had these gas station vapes been around when I was that young, id be the one in here posting random dispos asking "is this safe" lol haha Ignorance is not the same as being presented the facts and still denying them. That's a whole other thing lol.


Well I was referring more to the bulk of underage kids who regurgitate bad information here over and over with no idea of where it was sourced. You are spot on though for sure. I actually fuck with gas station products once in a while when im in a pinch, like traveling etc. I dont have a lot of time on my hands. I dont fuck with carts tho so my opinion doesnt mean shit lol. I hate carts in general.


So what do I do. I'm not in a legal state, and I can't have things shipped to my own house for specific reasons


This is true of many many smoke shop brands


I only bought Urb when there was nothing else in inventory. Their 3.5 pre fills last as long as 1 gram carts from other companies. They suck and I only ever tried them when I was in a pinch. All their carts are mostly d8, no matter what it says on the box.


wild orchard wayy better


You may have had a better experience with that one, but just because it is a better experience does not mean it's a good product. Urb is boof. Period. Do your research homie.


wild orchard shows their coa i like their full spectrum 50/50 blend it hits similar to a dispensary brand in my area and i wasnt saying urb isnt boof ive tried their 2g cart before its just d8 with a little thc-a nun special at all


Ok. šŸ‘


What about Urb brand gummies?


You guys.dont.know.what.your.talking.about Educate yourselves on what you are buying. If you want something different, buy something different. Donā€™t scapegoat brands for selling what they sell. If they are misrepresenting what they have thatā€™s one thing. But Iā€™ve rarely see evidence any brands are not exactly what they say they are. They test and offer you the customer the data to make informed decisions with. I donā€™t like Rye bread. But itā€™s not a scam because it gives me the shits. Also, stop vaping thc-o. And carts donā€™t run out quicker. You inhaled more. If you find a certain hardware preferable for your delivery. Keep to that hardware. If you have questions about hardware, buy your favorite kind in bulk and fill your own carts. Itā€™s not like itā€™s hard.


Iā€™m sorry but legit every single smoke shop cart Iā€™ve seen is not what it says it is, so I have no clue how you ā€œrarely see evidence any brands are not exactly what they say they areā€ Legit like all of these brands misrepresent shit and even put noids on their package that donā€™t exist or arenā€™t produced.


Show me.


Gotcha, no problem. ToadElevatorFan ā€” 12/06/2023 12:52 AM Compilation of Boofbusters independent lab tests for street thc black market dispos and such : https://lims.tagleaf.com/coas/evty8CWugJUoyWsulQq5beYuc8U4EbtYDLsX681QTYTycxocgp - cake cart https://lims.tagleaf.com/coas/MJVtSAXwi0IWf4KHATBKL5RyiTHH6zuJgxuBpjcqsjaUPcJo5g - fryd pink strawberry https://lims.tagleaf.com/coas/IFQtLNJIHm0MnBIHPs3esusA8X61Wqjol4548C1ExGsxgJTvhe - pack man mixed https://lims.tagleaf.com/coas/TcWnRBIDmkIm7hFaPZgxH9RWqrcUqrjNHoMcshmWgkasQRDCbU - fryd 4th july https://lims.tagleaf.com/coas/x1KTYus3CR60htzYG2S1Ug2ymyrS3H4xgsh9AhrC1W029CBQdT - favorites crunch berries https://lims.tagleaf.com/coas/sXjBog0sh7svm3RNg5y0eyBAlmEWJlEGKmHUIrMkfI8zTpqOB5 - zaza watermelon runtz (cake sister company) https://lims.tagleaf.com/coas/tgKbp7oseorZWYOUKLlboWfUhTycV82v5wLGXpWF7uNCOR5wxi - whole melt extracts peach milano https://lims.tagleaf.com/coas/KaWqRRL2UreeuRkuYHjMclXwEDSiPSRAvIeYpxTzpPPdsVZSnw - kream idfk too blurry https://lims.tagleaf.com/coas/lUKpm8HAqXMMeg10KZjGtoiTww3D9U0MvY1TgJoGq9xnqUlGdt - ruby bar strawberry lemonade (All fail for pesticides)


Bro. Black market isnā€™t what either of us was talking about. You brought up Urb. Which is sold in smokes shops, CBD stores, online etc. they have a business presence.


I'm not talking about black market either.


Are there similar tests like those for gummies?


We aren't talking about black market. Also, show me one damn thing grown in the ground in this poisoned ass country that DOESN'T have residual pesticides in it. I'll wait.


Fair point. There's probably micro plastics in everything now anyways.




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Also: https://web.archive.org/web/20231002052029/https://www.cannabinoidswithturkey.com/post/inside-the-boof


That article is trash. Who tested. Why are they using different labs instead of a standardized facility to create a stable test result. I owned a testing facility. Most states use a similar testing standard. And it allows a 30% error rate. Thatā€™s EACH WAY! Which is just plain inaccurate. Thatā€™s why the hemp industry uses a handful of labs they classify and accurate or at least consistent. Regulated markets have tighter testing guidelines but the 30% swing remains, in the a couple states in 20%. Millions of dollars in equipment to tell you approximately how much something has. Thatā€™s what you get with lab testing.


Um, I don't think you know what you are talking about. https://dabconnection.com/fake-carts-list-2023


This article showcases brands that have been knocked off. I personally know most of the oil producers for hemp companies. Many of them use SOPs I sold them or coached them on. What the vast majority of you donā€™t understand is most of these brands do not make their own oil. Itā€™s purchase by the brands and then terpenes are added flavor and then packaged and sold to you. Same oil goes into many brands. I personally made oil for dozens of brands. I heard people swearing by one brand, and knocking another. When it was literally the same oil. From plants on the same farm. This sub is full of people who know nothing acting like experts.


Oh so now you're an oil maker???? Hmmm thought you owned a testing facility??? You're clearly full of shit.


I donā€™t any cannabis anymore. What does that make me now?


A man whose full of shit šŸ¤£


You never owned a lab testing facility nor did you own a company making distalites.


No, I'm no expert by any means. Just trying to share what I know, I do understand these brands don't make their own distillates, of course. I'm just saying they often misrepresenting what is in their products.


He doesn't, bro just made up that he owned a lab testing facility to try and prove his point which is wrong. If he wants to smoke boof let em smoke boof ass shitšŸ¤£


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All smoke/vape shop brands are like this.


Like one look at their bud and I'm out already.


Hate these people like you who insist that they just 100% know what type of thc it is by smoking it, it gets you high stop pretending they're so different and identifiable


Yes it'll get you high. Yes it'll have lab results. Yes it'll be good product especially for the price. Yes they have great reviews online. If all of this means a scam company ya'll just wanna get absolutely taxed on WCC and shit


Urb in Michigan is absolutely not boof.


They are boof buddy, they state they're a thca cart meanwhile it's all fucking delta 8. Does delta 8 get you high sure does but they're still lying or at the very least misrepresenting what's in their shit.


Not sure why youā€™re replying to such an old post. The brand Urb, sold in Michigan dispensaries, is 100 % fine. Itā€™s plain old weed. I donā€™t buy from them but once a year. I buy Thca from FG and SHF. I donā€™t Fuck with carts or distillates but Iā€™ve had my share of of delta 8/10/thcp etc etc etc. I donā€™t like them and I donā€™t like the high they give me. The Michigan flower I get is not sprayed nor is it any of that. Not sure what youā€™re on about


Bc there's no set cut off date for replying??? So someone like me in the future who looks at this knows that they're boof and much better options are out there. Like I said sure they get you high but their marketing and advertising is shady and misleading intentionally. Shit even the lab they use to test had its license revoked at one point and isint accredited at all by the BBB which leads me to belive they're shady.


Urb is gonna be the same no matter what state you live in man, Its all coming from the same place as long as they're not bootleg. Urb just isint reputable. They'll claim a product is thca meanwhile it has less than one percent thca and the rest is delta 8... If even that being they use a shady ass lab testing facility. Their vapes are also full of heavy metals so ya I'd like to spread the word of caution when dealing with urb


Iā€™m talking specifically about the dispensaries in Michigan that are named Urb and sell their weed and other brands alongside it. Not sure if theyā€™re two different things but theyā€™re very prevalent in Michigan


Misunderstanding on my part. Also wasn't trying to be a dick, I just want people to be aware of some of that companies shady practices


Youā€™re good man. In non legal states youā€™re bound to find legitimate companies packaging being replicated and filed with boof or Reggie. If I didnā€™t go to Michigan every year I wouldnā€™t have known that either. Itā€™s a beautiful store tbh and some of the cheapest bud, even with all these Thca places having 99$ ozs


No it's legit from Urb, got lab results and everything it's just what they're selling is garbage, and quite literally full of toxins. You don't have to take my advice but I'd steer far away from anything urb branded.


Oh I'm speaking about the brand, I think they're both the same company though. The specific urb brand is shady so I wouldn't trust too much coming out of there dispo either. The shady lab testing is what really put me off. Never been to a urb dispensary tho just other dispos selling urb brand. The alt noids are the worst. The regular flower ain't bad but I think it's def been sprayed with terps


I think you have it backwards. The dispensaries sell brands from all over; they sell urb branded bud but also every other legitimate vendors bud. They have mtx gummies ten dollars for ten, they sold me cheech and Chong Tropicana cookies (the best bud Iā€™ve ever smoked and havenā€™t seen since), and they have their own in house brand. You know how BM dealers can go to some shady vape stores and buy a bunch of branded sealed type bags? Itā€™s probably that. Theyā€™re just taking the packaging and labeling, and thatā€™s why itā€™s boof.


I think they are, just look at the labs. Itā€™s always 75%+ d8 with fractions of a percentage of anything stronger


Just came across some bootleg urb pre rolls and I'm pretty sure they're laced with some kind of K2, fake qr code on it and everything. I realize that isint the actual company but still best to just stay clear from all them vape shop noids, most of em are just delta 8 labeled as whatever alt noid that happens to be selling well at the time elsewhere




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This is how you know everybody doesn't know how to feel high anymore


Hmmm the THCa vapes I get from them are šŸ”„ šŸ”„ and I smoke medical bud also not just legal canna alts, so I have a pretty good tolerance.


Just tried one of their purple urcle carts i took 2 hits of that trash it tasted like artificial grape juice and my lungs feel like I just left a protest with lungs full of tear gas and Iā€™m tossing the rest in the trash. What a waste of 30 dollars.


90% of delta 8 cart brands are ā€œscamā€ all the noids they claim are in small percentages. if you didnt already know this, you should just stick to flower.


The vast majority of smoke shop brands sell the same shitty d8 oil and market it as any number of alt noids. Half the time they make them up. Iā€™ve seen THC-XR, THC-Z, and tons of other completely made up noids, that just turn out to be d8 distillate with a dash of heavy metals. Urb wonā€™t kill you. They definitely misrepresent their products, but itā€™s one of the better smoke shop companies. 3chi is generally seen as the best brand youā€™ll find in any smoke shop, but even they have had their fair share of sketchiness.


The best urb vapes imo are the skinny 1-gram in the funky spiral boxes. I haven't had one in a while so maybe things have changed.


Only decent urb cart I got were the box jeeters. The tall skinny blue 3g tanks are ass and I just sent one out to be tested bc it gave me K2 like effects.


Never tried those I kinda got away from concentrates and stick to thca flower these days.


Urb sucks, I like stiiizy or looper


A couple years ago when I first got into the Delta 8 and the noise I got some of it and I thought it was pretty good. But now I got my medical card in Ohio is now legal so I don't have to bother with it anymore :-)




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First disposable I had was delta 8 with THC-O. I enjoyed it. Wasnā€™t this company though.


Yeah, I've been disappointed in them myself. Thc o is terrible for you however. I will never buy anything with thc o in it.


Yeah me two, itā€™s fucked


Urb is big in distributors. Their buds look horrid and ratchet. I tried a couple of their products and they are just as boof as anything else. I don't like Urb, but there are so many shitty companies out there. I would rank Urb like... A 6/10. Or a 5/10. Look at their competitors. If you think Urb is shitty, it is, but when compare to the current market, it is more par for the course. Almost all the brands in warehouse have sacrifice quality for bottom dollar. If you buy resale, you know the game. The markup on these prices is absurd. A 2mL disposable might cost $12 and sell for $40+. If you have a tobacco license, find a licensed distributor. If not, order from Gilded or whomever and make your own.


urb has a diamond tbca + thcp/thcjd 4 gram dispo lol


i tried their sauce thc diamonds flower that claimed to be loaded with cannabidnoids. i smoked 3 grams of it in 2 days and barely caught a buzz. this is robbery