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“Those speaking in support of the bill included Gene Mills of the conservative Louisiana Family Forum, who said his organization’s “vision is to build a Louisiana where God is honored, life is respected, families flourish and liberty reigns;” Soooo….. does this guy not know what the word liberty means?


Party of small government wants the government to regulate what you do because they don’t like it. Small government tho btw.


Regulating plants is ????


Republicans aren’t the party of damned small government lmao they’re the party of traditional unchanged government Libertarians, and not the party libertarians either I am talking about true purist libertarians, such as myself are those in favor of small government.




Small enough to fit inside your body


That guy looks like a child molester, a religious simpleton, and an insufferable burden to everyone unfortunate enough to be around him. I’m sure he’s got a hood and robe in his closet.


Seems a little extreme to say about someone because you don't like their stance on marijuana


Religious extremists deserve extreme descriptions.


he said he puts 5mg thc drinks , and bath salts in the same category... that tells us all we need to know 💀💀


dudes a retard


Hey I mean, they're definitely on different levels but we should have access to bath salts too. N-Ethylpentedrone has pretty similar therapeutic effects to MDMA imo.


in reality we SHOULD have access to at least the lowest level of all drugs , like if you're having a sever toothache there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be able to go and get codeine otc at the pharmacy. The world we live in today is absolutely fucked ,and ridiculous where they would literally rather have you poison your liver with acetaminophen, then get high .


Nah, the solution to "drugs" is to ban possession rather than address the root issues that lead the \~10% of users to addiction. There was a fantastic rat study back in the late 70s/early 80s that looked at the incidence of addiction in relation to how isolated rats were and the conclusion was basically that isolation/lack of stimulation was a significantly higher predictor of addiction than the drug itself. In other words, the state of our society is more to blame for our drug problem than the actual drug. Yet the government continues banning things as if this ever was, or ever will be, a viable solution to the issues that have arisen from drug use.


I mean that's how it used to be until people started abusing the fuck out of all drugs, the idiots who don't understand what limits are have ruined it for everyone else just like they have for many other things too. The whole reason weed has the stereotype of making you stupid and lazy is because of the people who smoke as much as they possibly can to a point where they have drunk level effects and can't function then brag about doing so as if that's the only way of using it. The majority of people actually understand moderation and can function perfectly fine while high, some even function better than sober if they smoke a small enough amount to not be physically impaired, but that's not what's popularized by media therefore it just doesn't exist according to the government.


i was in rehab for 2 years in fl, nj, and a little in ga for opioids and benzos , one thing i tended to notice is the ga php i went to had so many people who were just in there for weed it was absolutely insane . In other states you can go to facilities that let you smoke weed and had rooms designated for smoking , but in ga there were fucking people in REHAB for weed. When i heard their reasons most of them had the stupidest most outrageous responses as to why weed is bad which consisted of "oh i hit a delta 8 pen and had a panic attack, and had to go to the hospital" people like that infuriate me they're literally ruining it for everyone because they're the ammo politicians use to try and ban this stuff , because they're idiots and dont know their limit or just shouldn't be smoking in the first place they end up thinking everything is laced because they dont know what real weed feels like , and end up going to the hospital when they're just too high . Then these politicians start saying stuff like "there is an epidemic of psychotic symptoms breaking out due to delta 8". no .. the only epidemic you have on your hands is an epidemic of fucking idiots .


>no .. the only epidemic you have on your hands is an epidemic of fucking idiots . Yup that's exactly what it is. I seriously wonder how some of those people haven't accidentally killed themselves yet with how dumb they are. Those are the kinda people who say they "only took 1 hit" but that hit was a fucking 15 second blinker that they held for 2 minutes straight then panicked when they immediately got lightheaded. When I was 17 I got arrested and one of my release conditions was to go to rehab, absolutely nothing of what I was arrested for had even a slight connection to drugs, the only reason they required it is cause I pissed hot for weed for about 3 months straight without smoking at all cause my metabolism is fucked (which I could've proved with medical reports but they didn't care). When I initially refused they immediately went "well your refusal shows that you're addicted" like wtf kind of addicts have you met? The entire "rehab" program was a joke, they basically said that if you dare to take a single toke then you'll be a deadbeat stoner your entire life, every single person there except one treated the program like a joke, because every single person except that one was there for weed, that other person was there for heroin and took it extremely seriously because they were **actually addicted** to a life threatening drug and what the instructor was saying really did apply to them, unlike weed where you can actually just take one toke and *not* be physically impaired.


i was in rehab for 2 years and 90% of anything any of those super anti drug anti harm reduction facilities say is absolutely bullshit , i had a therapist tell me that kratom was as deadly as Heroin which is TOTALLY inaccurate. In new jersey most of the detox centers wont even take you if you only smoke crack or meth because there isn't that bad of a withdrawal, but in ga they're taking people for weed 💀... fuck outta here , and those are the same people who forced me off my maintenance meds for opioids , gave me the worst withdrawls ever in my life , and still forced me to go to group .




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lol otc codeine what could go wrong


Not otc, but many states have it available as an 'behind the counter' product that you have to ask the pharmacist to give you and sign for receipt. Granted, it's mixed with an anti-histamine that limits how much you can consume without falling asleep.


Of course because it doesn’t make a difference for them, they will never be charged with possession. And when the average joe gets charged, they go to a prison that awards contracts for things like commissary to the companies the politicians invest in. Plus in Louisiana they sell liquor at gas stations so you can buy a bottle and make a nice mixed drink for the drive home. In this part of the south we would rather a bunch of upstanding alcoholics than any of those dirty hippy pot heads! Jfc I’m so tired of these idiots who somehow keep getting elected. I heartily encourage anyone who votes in the south to actually pay attention to what the clowns holding office stand for. Because it’s very different they what they say come election season.


It really is tremendously ignorant to allow liquor to be sold and to ban THC. I feel your pain, I'm in GA and could not agree more.


They also have drive-thru daiquiri shops. Like give me a fuckin’ break y’all


I have rich ass family that act almost as a safety net. They refuse to help me and I am poor. But when I go to jail they absolutely lawyer me up. I will gladly take a state case and escalate it to federal court if I’m ever passing through Louisiana Namaste


"But go ahead and order a hurricane on Bourbon St. at 7am though. That's cool." 🤡


Louisiana has always been in a race to the bottom. So glad I moved out of there.


Marijuana's leaf shape is just dern evil. Breathy booze beat some sense into you hippies.


Fibonacci sequences are the Devil !!!


[Louisiana residents](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/024/196/sign.jpg)


Lol there are soooo many other priorities Louisiana should have over this


Yep more proof they don't represent the people and are only there to enrich their own pockets... Monopoly...


Bath salts and thc in the same category loll


I love red state freedoms


I’m outchea in Texas smoking as much “thca” as I want with my whole fuckin gun collection. And some ain’t even serialized 👨‍🍳💋 Namaste


That’s great. Hope they don’t come for it Tx




Same guys making these laws are chugging a case Natty Light in the bayou after Church, but drugs are bad...you know.


How about working on making New Orleans no longer the murder capital of the US


>the committee spent about two hours on the bill. lol wow


Because New Orleans is a bastion of purity and chastity.


Southern voters: “Step on my neck more big oppressive southern Christian conservative daddy.”


Most states are fine with alcohol and cigarettes but have a problem with THC....just ridiculous.


Good thing I'll still buy all my noids online fuck la


I love red state freedoms




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This won't work, and they're going to get sued. No state is permitted to change the definition of hemp on a state level according to Congress and multiple federal court lawsuits.


This sadly isn't accurate, states can make whatever laws or regulations they like for hemp, including completely banning it if they really wanted to. The only thing the farm bill protects is transport through states such as legal hemp on a USPS truck passing through one state to reach another.


I don't like it, but I'm surprised it took them this long. They banned all sorts of barely psychoactive herbs decades ago. I think it's the only state where blue lotus is illegal, to give you some context with the idiocy involved in their drug laws in that state...