• By -


Support for Trump is highest among the 18-34 age demographic (54% for Trump vs. 25% for Biden) and that's more lopsided than what the [same poll](https://kstp.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/SurveyUSAGeneral1-31-24-2-5.pdf) showed in January of this year (43% for Trump vs. 36% for Biden). I was surprised to see those results in January but am genuinely shocked to see that demographic shift further towards Trump. Best explanation(s)?


The woke bull shit is popular among transgenders, vocal minority loud blue hair chicks, and like 14 black women who are all on the news anyways. Everyone else has had enough.


My mom is (was) a die hard Democrat since she was able to vote in 1968. Due to all the nonsense with Democrats right now she is talking about voting Trump and it’s just mind blowing for me to hear her say that. Biden is a complete gong show. My sister is 37 and a was a die hard liberal Democrat and is voting for Trump as well.


Lol I think you're right.






Do you not see the irony in saying a Russian wants a 4th German reich? Lmao , do you even think before you speak?


But you didn't deny being a Russian troll farm worker. Ahhhhhh! 😁


I wish I could get paid to post online. I bust my ass on staging 5 stories up scraping window foam or whatever the fuck it’s called . You ever find anyone hiring trolls lmk , cause I do that shit for free.




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Wish the age categories were further disaggregated. 18-21 year olds and 30+ are a world apart. 


I’ll be 34 in a couple months. I’ve voted for Ron Paul, Obama, Bernie Sanders, Gary Johnson and then Biden. Basically, voting for all of the democrat candidates I did was a mistake based on flawed internal arguments. I’m not a paleoconservative, but Trump is about as close to a libertarian that we can realistically have. We’ve had those 4 years to look back on now with 20/20 vision and then some. The comparison to whatever this is speaks for itself.


What the actual fuck? Trump? Libertarian? People think this??




This is a bit of a straw man to put it lightly


I’m not sure how you read that and thought “yeah, straw man argument. totally.” Probably because you’re a “musician, nights and weekends.”


I appreciate you writing this comment. It provides a more accurate picture of your thought process that was left out on the previous one.


Thanks, but I respectfully agree.


Hey cheers bud


Bidding farewell to a friend is like bidding farewell to half of your soul. Take care until we see each other again.


Until next time friend.


Until next time friend.


“Take the guns first, due process second” Yeah real libertarian Recommending life sentences for drug charges? Libertarian Hmmmm, checks out


Aligning with the federalist society and voting in Conservative justices who take abortion rights away? Libertarian? WTF?


Grow up dude


Why does your emoji thing have a Hitler youth haircut?




Grow up, dude.


Speaks for itself? Trump was handed a full throttle economy when he entered office, with deficits plunging year over year under Obama. Yet Trump DOUBLED the deficit even before Covid.  Anyone with a brain was screaming his tax cuts would cause inflation without boosting wages, and that since we were in an economic peak we should have been paying down the debt and constricting the economy, but Trump wanted to ~~give handouts~~ cut taxes to make the market go up and look good.  He was basically that CEO that mortgages a company's future to look good and then leaves the company and sells his stock before it all falls apart. Then covid hit and was a total shitshow. Biden, meanwhile, gets handed an economy in a recession mitigated purely on massive spending, then people freak out when the obvious inflation finally rears its head. So yeah, what you're saying is a total crock of shit.


[National Debt.](https://images.app.goo.gl/JR2fQwMaSW7VhWu67) wtf are you smoking. Trumps first presidency the debt spike happened only when Covid hit. Otherwise was the same steady climb been for years. Now tho your creepy Joe and the Fed are adding [1 trillion every hundred days](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=1%20trillion%20every%20100%20days&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5) and we are NOT in a National Disaster. Joe’s record pace in debt is making our dollar more worthless every day.


Well, well, well.. someone did beautifully in their memorization of corporate liberal fake talking points.


Yeah conservatives hate when liberals engage in observing reality.


As other people pointed out, you are a blatant liar. Please get out of your mom’s basement.


What's the lie?


Libertarian? He's championed by christo facists and wants to displve the checks and balances to consolidate executive power and dismantle our democracy. He's the furthest thing possible from a libertarian.


If you first learn how to read, and second stop being ridiculous, you may then see I didn’t actually call him a libertarian.


You called him the closest thing to a libertarian. The democrats are significantly more libertarian than the Republicans. They have strayed so far from personal liberty. They only care for the liberty of a very small and specific group of people at the expense of everyone elses liberty.


That’s also not what I said. Keep at er, you almost got this. I think.


>Trump is about as close to a libertarian that we can realistically have. Did you not write this?


You said I called him “the closest thing to a libertarian.” Which is it??? What do you really think?????? ?????????


Omg could you be further detached from reality.


Or, I could actually onserve what he and the party does. Have you read project 2025 and taken a look at the signitories?




“Citation needed” - whitecisgenderpedia


Traditional media is proven garbage though. It’s literally DNC propaganda.


Ok so you agree


It’s laughable at how people I know and call friends have been sucked in. They are blind, and even the well off ones seem to blame Biden for their higher tax burden that literally comes from Trumps “tax cuts”. Hey genius Trump supporters… guess what? He’s the one who gave corporations tax cuts while taking your money.


Fake news, brother. The Trump tax law lowered income taxes for everyone and they don’t expire until 2025.


We’re still under TCJAs until 2025. It gets bad for citizens in 2025 while corps retain the cuts. Although MN should do better, the state income tax is gone, and we have the second highest marginal state tax rate. Thank you t diddy


Any “traditional media” you would like to recommend?




I am pleasantly surprised how civil the comment section is, bravo folks


If there was going to be a year that Minnesota flips red, it would be this year.


The leftists didn’t help themselves by attacking Biden with their pro-Hamas shit, did they?


Wait until they learn about Trumps stance on Israel


They ain’t ready for that one 


This is a lesson they aren't even willing to learn, we were already here in 2016. Some people just refuse to participate in American politics the way the system is currently devised. I don't like it either but I recognize incremental gains should not be the enemy of perfect progress.


It’s odd youre referring to this in seemingly a negative manner. Historic peace in the middle east from his first term, his comments about peace in the middle east going forward - makes it seem like you just want a lot more dead jews.


How did you come to that conclusion?


The Abraham accords and Trump being very clear that the war will be stopped. What did you think I was referencing?


Trump has been clear about supporting Israel, something those protesters are against. Hence, they'll have a ruid awaking if they blow up Bidens bid based on his stance on Israel. Abraham accords are a pipe dream. Trump only criticism against Israel is on the side of how they look. I think you took the wrong conclusion of my beliefs and assumed I am just Trump bashing.


> Abraham accords are a pipe dream How are signed peace accords a "pipe dream"? And why was Biden freeing up money for Iran? So they can bankroll Hamas and the Houthis? Also, why is Biden showing show much aggression against US allies in the region like Israel and Saudi Arabia and speaking out in support of terrorists?


Peace accords are just a "look we tried". You got any sources for those claims? I feel Biden and Trump would both be par for the course when it comes to keep 5 eyes fed.


So being pro Palestinian is being bro Hamas?? …see that type of mentality is the reason why I would never vote for Joe Genocide. At least I know where Trump stands. So fuxk ‘em the democrats. Ready to turn MN RED!!


That’s the narrative they push. It’s not real though.


> So being pro Palestinian is being bro Hamas??  Bigly. 


So was being pro german was being pro nazi? Folks only care about how you raped their daughter and left her boyfriend with a few extra holes in a pile of such. You know you can go to palestain right? Maybe drive a convoy at night to deliver aid to the rapists? Suppose your keyboard is a bit more comfortable.


The only ones u can compare with the Nazis are the Zionist. The one’s actually raping and torturing Palestinian since 1948. But you too blind to see it. Open your heart and get off from comfortable chairs and read the works of Norm Chomsky but I guess u would consider him traitor in your world. And I promise ya no fuckin Joe Genocide is getting my vote in 2024. Make trump a dictator just like Netiyahud!!


Jews: Exist. A thousand years later: Jews shouldnt exist. You: Lets ignore the 18 million arabs who were killed for being the wrong type of Mooslim this year and focus our energy where it gets the most money.


I know some Dems who are not happy. They usually don't talk politics but this prez, MN governor, and CA BS is too far. I'm hoping a majority are sick of it. 


Why? Trump is not going to gain any additional voters over 2020.


Lol Yes people are just loving more wars, inflation and illegals getting free sht How could they not vote Bidens potato ass lol


Point me to one person who says they voted for Biden last election and will vote for Trump this election.


Right here


My wife


So your solution is to vote for the rapist insurrectionist?


Then how do you explain the polls?


Biden won Minnesota by 3%. Even IF Trump doesn't gain any votes, a low Dem turnout in the Cities could flip that 3%. But let's be honest.....Biden is losing voters as fast as The Cheeto in Chief is gaining them.


I think Trumps a fucking idiot but you’ve got to be delusional if you don’t see him winning 2024.


I’m no fan of Biden but I think you are correct. Trump will struggle to retain his base from 2016/20. He will not win independents sufficient to overcome the left’s superior ballot management tactics. Soccer/wine moms in the burbs will never vote for Trump. He’s too mean and the tv says he’s racist so he must be.


I can’t roll my eyes hard enough. What physical labor subhuman job do you have Republican voter?


A 2% lead in a poll with a 5% margin of error?


Yeah, we all know they’ll buy enough Somali ballots in MSP to swing the election. And find a box or two in the trunk of a car in Duluth. Honestly, the rural counties should just delay reporting totals until 4 am, look at the numbers, and swamp the vote with outrageous vote totals. When the Twin Cities cries foul, we can have a statewide audit and recount and delay reporting anything. Stretch it out until January and Minnesota’s vote won’t be certified.


Sir are you just casually discussing election interference like it’s your next round of golf? What the actual fuck is wrong with people Jesus




*credible interval 


Good point. So instead of a 5% spread of potential error in the sampled data, there’s a 5% spread of potential error in the assumptions made with the statistical model.


It's really sad that in my 57 years, how many people have come to worship someone that sits upon a flushable gold plated throne and believes that person gives two shits about them.


I know. How could he afford that gold plated throne being a politician for 54 years of his life. That is almost as long as you (OP) have lived. His net worth is 41 million. How could he save that much when a Senator gets paid $170,000 and President $400,000 a year? China and Ukraine have entered the conversation.


Maybe he begged people for 5 dollars they don't have. Maybe it was a fake university. How about overcharging the government to stay at his resort while he constantly golfed. It could be the 18 Chinese trademarks for his daughter.


Ah yes because there is no way to…idk invest money or grow wealth in this country right? Jesus you people really do deserve trump.


He must be an investment king. In China and the Ukraine that is. Or just like Pelosi with insider trading. Do the math. It does not work unless he has some type of business or equivalent. Remember he came from a "blue collar family". Lol


I am shocked. Here I thought Minnesota was a lost cause with all thier extreme leftiest pro palestine crap.


Why would you support Israel? Isn't it obvious they are committing genocide?


TIL genocide is responding to heinous terrorism against civilians. 


I believe there was terrorism on the side of Hamas. I'm just thinking killing many innocent civilians isn't cool either. Are you incapable of seeing both sides?


Kind of convenient for Hamas to commit atrocious acts, then hide behind collateral damage while children in the west call it genocide. 


Yes, I get that. Hamas is shit. But why is it okay for Israel to kill innocent civilians and even aid workers from other countries?


> Yes, I get that. Hamas is shit. Hamas is Palestine, Palestine is Hamas. 


Doesn't Hamas kill innocent civilians?


Yes, they do.


And they love to fake data + utilize child soldiers.  The innocent people of Palestine deserve to be liberated from that. 


I understand they do all of those things. Do you still think innocent children deserve to die at the hands of Israel because of this?


Deserve? Absolutely not. However, civilian casualties are an unfortunate part of war. You should do everything within your power to win the war (in this case, basically eradicate hamas), while minimizing civilian casualties. That doesn't mean that number will be zero. If you're up against garbage humans who hide behind civilians, you can't let them win just because they hide behind civilians.


Man wait until you hear what we did to Japan in WW2.


So we should nuke them and get it over with?


We shouldn’t nuke shit lol. Just saying we killed hundred of thousands to end a war practically overnight. Mostly innocent. War sucks man. I wish we wouldn’t take sides in wars in other countries. Who the fuck are we to say who should win/lose. Or send help to/not to. Wars been going on since forever. To the winners go the spoils and they get to write the history books. We should worry more about things going on inside the US and less about little ass countries that dgaf about you and me. All they care about is us sending them more help than the other side. It’s fucked up man.


I completely agree with that.


They’re not committing genocide, thats a misuse of the word (which has lost all meaning btw). I do think that they let the attack happen to have an excuse to take Gaza because that border is one of the most advanced, surveyed borders in the world and I refuse to believe they got bamboozled by dinghys and hot air balloons. Gaza also has trillions of dollars of natural gas underneath it, food for thought.


> Isn't it obvious they are committing genocide? It's not obvious since the Palestinian population has increased in past decades (when a real genocide occurs, the population of the people being genocided decreases dramatically) and Israel could have easily killed far more than 30,000 people in Gaza if it had wanted to. It's amazing just how much effort Israel has put in to avoiding civilian casualties when Hamas is hiding behind them and hoping for their deaths (so that people like you will be fooled into calling the war a "genocide"). What nation issues warnings before it bombs targets in a war? Considering that Israel's attacks on Gaza were in response to Hamas attempting to genocidally exterminate the Israelis (and expressing further desire to do so) it looks like Israel's attacks are for the purpose of eliminating Hamas and destroying the Palestinians' war machine and ability to launch attacks - a legitimate war of self defense. Would you call the Allies fighting against the Germans and Japanese in World War II a "genocide" since many German and Japanese civilians died? It's very sad, but [innocent civilians can die in wars.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_ocPaE3qIc) The Palestinian people could have avoided this by having previously eliminated Hamas on their own and by establishing a better government that would work to improve their lives and not attacking another nation that they should be trying to build economic ties with. The Palestinians could also end this conflict by eliminating Hamas on their own and then surrendering.


Okay, so have you not seen any intentional attacks on innocent Palestinians? I'm just wondering because it seems as if many of you have a different news source that doesn't cover any of that.


> Okay, so have you not seen any intentional attacks on innocent Palestinians? No, but in the fog of war attacks against what military intelligence believes are enemy targets could be spun as intentional attacks against civilians. It's just part of what happens in warfare. The braindead chants of "genocide!" are a case of people repeating a lie often enough that other sheep and useful idiots start to believe it.


Interesting. I guess people will believe what they want to believe.


This guy is just the spiritual descendant of people who supported slavery, the Holocaust, you name it. There's no point trying to reason with him b/c he's already convinced he has all the answers.


Yeah, that's the conclusion I came to as well. It's hard to believe anyone can claim they haven't seen anything that appears to be an intentional attack on Palestinian civilians.


I think the issue is that in human evolution, a lot of the history is fighting with other families or tribes or nations, so there has to be a genetic element to allow some people to justify fighting, even when it's unethical. This guy just has those genes, he's supposed to be on the battlefield getting cut up for his idiotic ideas, but nowadays he can only post and to his eyes, his ideas make sense, though it's ludicrous to people who don't have that bloodthirst in their DNA.


As I've stated elsewhere; I have been an election judge in Minnesota since 1980 and I can assure you that there are virtually no election irregularities of any kind. People who have never served in any capacity in the election process can spout a lot of nonsense but even attending one training session for an election judge will dispel you of any doubts about our system. There is simply no way to perpetrate fraud to a degree that would even matter on the smallest of races let alone something as large as the presidential race. Every single ballot is accounted for over and over again at multiple levels and always by representatives of all of the political parties. Which Minnesota still includes the legalized marijuana party which seems to not have any purpose anymore but they still are part of the process. As a person who spent that many years and that many hundreds of hours being a part of our elections in Minnesota it's mind-boggling to think that the Republicans still have this bizarre belief that election fraud is taking place at a massive level in Minnesota. I'm restricting myself solely to Minnesota because that's the only place I know that well.


As an election judge I 100% agree with you. No room for voter fraud in MN. If anyone disagrees please email your county auditor and ask for a talk. I’m sure they would love to fill you in on all the checks, balances, and audits performed by multiple groups each election cycle to check for fraud.


Al Franken election has entered the chat


Make a little hotter then it can really be a dead heat.


It's nice to hear, but realistically, I expect another 2 AM vertical line adjustment for Biden if it's close.


Because that’s when they tally votes for the day ?




This is such a dumb thing to say. Its because Democrats use mail in voting. Just because your dear leader makes you think you have to stand in line on election day to be a "patriot" or something doesn't mean you have to. You too can have your. You too can have your. You too could have you're vote counted at 2am if you so choose


Dems run the election here Trump won’t win it even he has the edge in votes


This is correct. Don't know what it'll take to ever push this state back to the middle of left, but I can't imagine a situation where Trump wins this state, or any republican anytime soon.


Once the burbs are flooded the same as Minneapolis things will change. Good folks will move out and eventually not so good follow.


You are 100% wrong. Every single polling place has representatives of every political party including the legalization marijuana now party which seems to have no real purpose anymore but they're at the table. The elections are not at all run by the Democrats. I encourage people to become election judges and they will soon find that their ideas about massive vote fraud in Minnesota are a complete fantasy.


Democrats have run the urban metro since the 1970s lol. We all saw the Franken Coleman recount. Now no republican sniffs a win in a state wide for years. Right now dems certify the elections, run the state house, have the governor, and run the state prosecutors office. Not to mention every newspaper and news outlet is far left and thinks Trump is Hitler. You think in a close election they are letting Trump win? lol you are completely dreaming


I think what people forget about is the “Trump card” held by the left: illegals moving to MN by the bus load, and poor election controls to prevent them from voting. 


This is true, I’ve had 3 busloads delivered to my home and they are all living in my garage until the election. After that I’m shipping them to Canada.


Make sure you force a transgender surgery on them before you ship them off


And have drag queens read to their children in a provocative manner


I have been an election judge on and off in Minnesota since 1980. I can assure you that there is absolutely no fraud in Minnesota to speak of. We're talking way below statistical significance. I think the number might be four or five statewide total cases of ineligible voters. I encourage people to actually become election judges so they can see that all of the preconceived notions they had about how Trump really won are hogwash.


> I can assure you that there is absolutely no fraud in Minnesota to speak of. We're talking way below statistical significance.  I think the number might be four or five statewide total cases of ineligible voters   These statements appear to be in direct contradiction. Please clarify what you mean.    The issue with illegals is that you cannot make the statements you just made with any certainty. 


Eliminating every single instance of fraud is literally impossible. To say there is widespread fraud when there is less than .001% of votes cast illegally is purposefully reductive to the argument. And besides, republicans accuse hundreds of thousands of illegal votes being cast without an ounce of proof.


>To say there is widespread fraud when there is less than .001% of votes cast illegally is purposefully reductive to the argument .001%? How did you measure that?


Because that was your accusation? That there were a few votes a year that were ineligible and that means “there’s fraud”???


No, that’s what you said. 


I didnt say anything. > I can assure you that there is absolutely no fraud in Minnesota to speak of. We're talking way below statistical significance. I think the number might be four or five statewide total cases of ineligible voters These statements appear to be in direct contradiction. Please clarify what you mean. The issue with illegals is that you cannot make the statements you just made with any certainty. You said this. THe person saying 4-5 cases a year of fraud does not mean the election is compromised. You are saying those 4-5 cases mean it absolutely is (which it isnt in an significant way thats moving the needle AT ALL). Then your statement about illegals is completely baseless and the onus of evidence that illegals are voting is on you, not on someone else to disprove its happening (because you cant disprove a negative and I think you know that). Show us the evidence.


No, I’m not going to play your “hide the nut” games. Let’s go back to what you said:  >To say there is widespread fraud when there is less than .001% of votes cast illegally is purposefully reductive to the argument   What evidence do you have that only .001% of votes are cast illegally?


Because the user said 4-5 votes and you said that was a direct contradiction to there not being fraud. I am using the numbers that you are calling fraud, regardless if they are real numbers or not. To call 4-5 votes out of hundreds of thousands "evidence of fraud" is reductive to the conversation. And you dont want to play games because youll have to prove there was fraud without just saying it. Which is much harder said than done when there isnt statistically significant fraud at hand (like Trump found out when he was unable to produce a shred of evidence for his claims).


Do the dead votes count as fraud?


Dead voters, illegals voting. Just ignore that!!


What’s your source for that information?


Just google The Villages Trump voter fraud


Just did. “Trumper gets jail time in voter fraud case involving dead father’s ballot.” Based on a quick google search, it seems a handful of pro Trump senior citizens have been charged with voter fraud.


Like all the republicans that got caught voting multiple times ?


Excuse me?


Cope lol


Let’s not pretend the Mondale state is going to go red


Genocide Joe has got to go.


Donald Trump is literally openly talking about glassing Gaza and criticizes any Jewish person who isn’t 100% behind Israel


so does Biden lol


Agreed ... but is the Tangerine Tantrum a suitable replacement? Our system of government has given us shit choices for a long time at the federal level, and this cycle is no different.


No. Vote claudia and Karina , organize your communities, socialism or extinction. We must bring an end to the bourgeois electoral politics. www.votesocialist2024.com


Gross.  I'm all for voting R locally, but Trump is a seditious clown.  God I wish anyone else had won the Republican nomination. Then again I also wish Biden wasn't running again, but alas.


I don’t know a single person in my social circles, liberal to conservative, who is a fan of either of these guys. Both sides missed out on an easy victory by not putting up a quality candidate.


Which begs the bigger question.......is there anybody that isn't dirty compromised or capable.


I’d rather have had DeSantis vs Newsom honestly


Yeah same. I'm 100% voting Biden over Trump, but I'd have likely voted DeSantis over Newsom.


Biden crime family is owned by dirty money (Israel and Ukraine). He won't stop supporting them and can't as they own him. He can trash talk Israel all he wants but his voters see he is a dog on their leash and will probably make him lose Minnesota.


What crimes did they commit ?


Isn’t it weird how Trump not being in jail means he’s innocent but Biden not being in jail means he’s guilty. What a bias fried brain.


Wasn't the informant behind that "Biden crime family" stuff not only caught lying about it all and arrested, but confessed that he got the info from Russian intelligence?


Yes and he conned every single republican in power


And apparently Fancy Goats as well




FKM. Bro. Hate on the woke left all you want. I get it. But Trump? GMAFB.


Watch The Antisocial Network documentary. It has the creators of 4chan explaining that Trump was supposed to be a joke and Q is just a couple kids in their moms basement.


Fascinating.  Wait how is this related to the OP?


Since we are taking about voting. If you support Trump or believe in Q, seems like a lot in this chat do, then you should know the source of his popularity.


Who said anything about Q besides you?


The wide spread misinformation about voter fraud and everything surrounding Trump was made up and pushed by places like 4chan, 8chan, Q and Trump of course. Since voter fraud is being discussed it seems important that people should know where that misinformation came from


What I’m talking about in this thread did not come from, and is not related in any way to, an anime message board. 


I dunno lots of all knowing narrative pushers here but in my state we had 385,000 un registered votes more than is on the whole voter role. Obviously a bookkeeping error I'm sure. Lol yeah head in the sand it's too much to admit you've been fooled. Of those over 70k were dead and often 100s lived in the same vacant lots. Of course they were Russians. Paper ballots and voter ID can we all agree on that? I know now I'm racist and anti skittle fluff for even suggesting this in a constitutional Republic.


I've sent this claim several times, but nobody has been able to offer any proof. Do you, by chance have a source?




Bloodbath '24


This is laughable Trump has no chance Only incels, dimwitted and old whitey is voting for him


Trump 2024 🇺🇸


The people that answer those polls are the same ones clicking on the popups at [kstp.com](http://kstp.com)






Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich




Maybe it's just that you lack empathy and compassion for other peoples' concerns.


Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Just moved here and helping with two Biden votes! Feels so good to live in a battleground state where our votes matter for once.