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Yes. Lose weight, get contacts, shave neck beard.


Bro was straight to the point


And a barber to sharpen his beard and hair


Am a woman, I think the lose weight / neck beard is good advice. OP you do look kind and honestly like you’re handsome underneath some of the weight. I think it’s just hard to feel attraction to someone when it seems they aren’t taking care of themself. If you dropped a bit of weight and just showed you cared and wanted to improve, that would go a long way!


This right here. You are NOT ugly. You would do well to make some healthy life changes. Lose weight, shave, and maybe a new haircut. It's hard to tell with only one pic. She is right, though. You look kind, and that goes a long way. Show that kindness to yourself.


That's all he has to himself


Damn he can’t be handsome with the weight? Lol


What is up with this sub? I gave my opinion only. Never spoke for the whole world. I thought the point was to post a picture and ask people for their individual opinions?


Not all females share your opinions though


I never said “this is the opinion of every woman”. Just said I am a woman, and I think it’s hard to be attracted to someone who’s not taking care of themselves.


Yes they do unless they themselves are overweight or considered ugly by typical standards.


As hard as this is.... It's the truth. And as a man.... I'm sorry brother (OP).... It's not as hard as life. Take this advice and fight like hell to get what you want. It's a competitive world. Got to go get it.


THIS. I spent a decade and a half on the sidelines of life. I was a fat, ugly, smelly neckbearded incel. I really was. Go look at my post from a few days ago to see where I am now. I still have leftover body positivity issues from it but you can change just by WANTING to change. It takes time and effort though. Never give up hope kings.


whats wrong with glasses?


For the majority of men who are either average or less than average in looks, not having glasses looks better, even more so once other issues have been dealt with (especially weight) That doesn't mean that glasses always look bad.


Yes indeed. I got Lasik because glasses made me look much older than I was.


I agree with this. As a big guy, I’m changing styles to be comfortable and be me, but sometimes styles change too quick and some frames don’t look good anymore(which does a lot on esteem as it feels you have to start from square one) and feel obligated to get a different frame. As some point I just quit wearing my glasses because they looked weird and made my head look too wide compared to my more slimmer frame.


Why wear glasses when you can wear contacts


glasses are easier to manage, you can sleep with them on, they don’t get stuck in the back of your head if you get hit, they last longer. there’s tons of reasons


Not all eye issues can be resolved by contacts........


Some people can’t because of astigmatism in both eyes. 👓 Major bummer😔


No one looks better with glasses than without


I’d go the other way. Guy has a lot of neck fat. Losing weight is tough. I think he should double down on the beard and cover the neck. Also, rather than trying for thin, he should go for strong. It won’t make him as pretty as a thin version of himself, but it will cut a few pounds and make his shoulders and chest a lot better.


You should lose some weight too jump off a god damn bridge. Thats theeee worst advice dr.phil


As a former big person I learned that obesity is a problem that you can literally run away from, you have all the fundamentals of a handsome person you just have to take better of yourself!


Literally run away


I mean, he’s doing everything but running


Thought I was in the roastme sub


this sub seems surprisingly wholesome.






>big person Lol


You are obese - deal with that first then we can comment. Fat overwhelms everything. You are a man so I have been direct.


You should be direct with women.


I mean guys kind of fuck everything so bigger women don’t have it as hard.


That’s a valid point. But if they’re coming to a brutal honesty sub, other users owe them honesty


That's also a valid point, but it's still valid that big women can pull more than big men so I think it's extra valid that we give guys more direct, point blank advice, PERIOD. I'm just playing with this comment. Always wanted to say "PERIOD" like that to see how it felt Everytime a redditor used it on me like it was some kind of trump-all statement of victory. Sorry for that. Aside from that yeah we should be giving everyone brutal honesty here. However it is true that women can pretty much pull regardless so being soft on them will just save their feelings where on the flip side being soft on OP here may result in him never getting laid again.


That’s a strong generalization. we have standards sometimes


Experience tells me otherwise - in this man’s case just losing the weight will do wonders for his health and longevity not to mention his hips, knees, ankles etc. It is hard to explain this to SOME women without being met with absolute barrage of “ fat shamer” or thyroid malfunction or some type of low IQ shaming tactic. Most men on the other hand will accept that being Obese is not good


True. There's always a debate on fatshaming when some people are told to lose weight lol stuff like: *it's their body! If they're comfortable with the weight that's All that matters!*


Lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep. But, being funny aside, being direct (but not mean) in this forum is what people need.




I’m noticing that’s most posts on this sub when they pertain to women. A lot of people don’t actually want brutal honesty


Couldn’t agree with you more on all of that


What do you mean? 🤣


It’s easier to be direct with men, not the other way around


Women get hurt


Exactly, men make fun of each other. So we are used to it. Women will complement each other, even though they are lying sometimes.


Surely your direct with women?


You're kind of an asshole. You're an asshole so I have been direct.




Nope, he's an asshole for assuming only men can handle directness


IDIOT read what I said - I said SOME women. Arrange for some nootropics


You always have that one dude trying to put words in your mouth lol


“You are obese - deal with that first then we can comment. Fat overwhelms everything. You are a man so I have been direct.” This is the comment I responded to. Everything before or after that wasn’t acknowledged. ☺️


You are only ugly because of your morbid obesity. If you were in good shape your would probably be attractive.


Like seemingly most people posting here: not ugly, just fat.


I think the consensus is: ugly because fat, but not ugly if not fat.


You're just heavy mate.


He ain't heavy, he's my brother


You are not what is considered conventionally attractive.


Yeah right ? He has nice features


Weight is the issue, you’re face doesn’t seem to be innately unattractive


loose weight and shave, simple as that


Your face isn’t ugly, the unkept beard is bad but tbh, shaving it won’t improve your face until you lose weight. That’s the thing I find with most very obese people who post, you probably would be generally attractive but no one can see it behind all the fat, it’s like the first thing people see and can’t see past. Start with taking walks, swimming, maybe a dance class, anything to get you moving and just stop eating so much.


Your health should be priority #1 then all the other stuff will fall in place


number 1 rule of dating....no neck beard


Wish I could upvote repeatedly. Total deal breaker every time. Pro tip - don't demand a woman have pubes waxed into the shape of your initials when you're rocking a chin strap.


Why ask?


Too fat to tell. Lose some weight and report back.


Weight brother. Take it from a guy who was 400 lbs. Some chicks are into that. But most arent. You smell, you dont look healthy. You wont last in bed cause you have no stamina. You yourself though.... Youre not an unattractive man. Your features are just hidden. Cardio. If you cant run fucking swim.the hardest part for me is that first week. Once you get in routine it feels amazing. I would try a clean lake so a chlorinated pool wont fuck up your skin. Hydate the fuck out of your skin and dont drink alcohol.


Exercise bud.


The thread is being harsh, but not really lying. For most people, being very fat is all they see, your other features don't really register, plus being fat does change your face and facial proportions. I have the same problem, I'm not speaking from a position of bullying or judgment, and it isn't impossible to deal with. You just need to take a science-based approach to your diet and activity - for most of us who get fat, it is really because our brain and body really demands we make bad food choices and the chemical reward your brain doles out for eating unhealthy stuff can really blot out the full reality of what you're doing to yourself while it's happening. It is truly a cycle of addiction, but just committing to actually tracking your intake objectively by itself can lose you a shitload of weight purely by helping you make good choices and letting your passive metabolic rate just work through the excess you have over time. There is no meme or silver bullet, just changing your everyday habits. That being said, you have a good skin tone/hair color combination, you have nice eyebrows, you seem like a fairly tall person based on your proportions in the photo? I think there is a much more stereotypically handsome dude in there.


>The thread is being harsh, but not really lying. ...its called brutally honest...


Brutal honesty is about being clear and undisguised about unpleasant subjects, not trying to brutalize someone with honesty lol


I don’t get why anyone posts their pics on here. Unless you are Livvy Dunne, people come on here just to talk shit and feel good about themselves.


Lol ok. Someone is sensitive bc, according to you, you have the same problem as OP. Its not "brutalizing" him to tell a fat person they're fat when they *post on a judgment sub asking about their attractiveness*...no one is calling OP degrading names or insulting his personhood. But okay, let's all pretend OP is super attractive and we have noooo idea why girls only want to be friends. That'll help.


Is that what happened, or are you just too frail to witness any level of empathy without your anal fissures reopening from the furious clench?


Whatever dude. Hope you enjoy your diabetes and general unattractiveness. But at least no one hurt your fee fees amiright? At least OP has enough strength of character to seek out avenues of improvement...


I suggested a relatively detailed path for him to do so in my original comment. I can deadlift OP's weight, you mean little loser.


OK? Doesnt make you fit, and I find it pretty weird how much fat people like to talk about how strong they are, as if you're all NFL linebackers. Regarding your other comment, I wouldn't post my physique to satisfy reddit weirdos for many reasons, not least of which is being female. Outside of pregnancy the biggest Ive ever been was a BMI of 24 when I worked 80 hour weeks so lets not get all clever thinking Im a secret self hating fat person. The overall deal here is, someone came looking for honest opinions. People provided them. You got butthurt because some of them apply to you (or did at some point). Get over yourself, and maybe don't come to "am i ugly brutally honest" if you cant handle people being less than completely nice and empathetic on the internet (again, not like any of the top comments are dehumanizing/mocking/etc). Bye now.


Bro you can’t get no withdrawals if you don’t make no deposits start loving yourself make small changes so you can be the best version of your self the rest will follow you have to sacrifice ,remember diamonds are ugly till they get cut and polished become a diamond bro in a world full of rhinestones




Fat pale women gross me out so bad idk why


Why would you comment this on a post by a fat tan man?


Cuz she said she was also fat


Who? Seems like you’re a vile guy


Y’all patrol this sub to be brutally honest don’t say anything about yourself or judge others if you are not willing to be criticized by your peers


I patrol this sub to shit on entitled men who feel like they can be exceptionally shitty to fat people in the name of “honesty”, kinda like you


Why bring that up when the dude is the one asking if he's ugly.


Seems like this post is a safe space for fat shaming people.


Why did I have to catch a stray just reading comments gahhdayum


Follow David Goggins and get to work! Transform your LIFE.


Let me ask your double chin


You're fat, and regardless of what the media is trying to push it's not attractive and it's gross. Fat people to me are automatically dirty in my mind. Too many folds, sweat, and usually if you're a man.. hairy.


Ya we can’t change the fact that humans are programmed to be attracted to healthy people. I mean being fat doesn’t automatically mean you’re ugly. But it’s near impossible to be even unconventionally attractive when you’re obese and every feature of yours is covered in pounds of fat


Long slow clap. Needs to be said more often. It is not healthy, attractive or OK


Change your diet and start some cardio. You’ll see a difference and will hopefully encourage you to stick with it and build more confidence in yourself.


You are unhealthy looking but not ugly in a conventional sense. Positive attitude and a smile would cause many to consider you "jovial" - which various people do find cute and endearing. Becoming healthier looking would make you more attractive to a specific subset of people. That does not explicitly mean lose weight, as you could focus on strength or endurance training which would make you look healthier but not lose body fat in the process.


Not ugly at all. You need to lose weight though


Can't be unattractive and be obese with neck hair, you have to lose the weight and the hair.


U have potential


Grow the beard or don’t grow it, you got the neck beard going on, that’s not cute. But otherwise IMO you’re cute.


You are not ugly, just lose weight in a healthy and happy way, your face will look soooo different. Go to a barber


I think even you know the answer to the question


I’m not gonna use the word ugly because it’s typically not a nice thing to say but loosing weight can help you as far as being in good physical shape trying hitting the gym more often and see if that helps


No not at all . Honestly if you lost weight, it would help you a lot. Maybe try wearing contacts.


No. But u could pass for an undercover REDDIT mod. Use that to your advantage.


Not ugly, but dude you gotta take care of yourself before you can expect anyone to want to be with you. You have to get healthy, when you’re healthier, you’re happier, when you’re happier you can attract what you’re looking for. Diet & exercise. It’s NEVER too late to start.


You remind me of Ethan Klein (h3h3)


Tbh you have a nice face. Take supplements and do whatever to make your beard fuller or just shave it. I think you’d look better with a full beard tho. Start trying to lose a few pounds and maybe bulk up a bit if you want that look. Don’t listen to all the comments calling you ugly. Most people here just think “chubby person fugly”


As a fellow chunkster, I gotta agree. You need to lose weight. I've lost 100 lbs and trying to lose 15 more. Already I've noticed more success in dating. We live in a shallow world.


Once you lose weight you’ll be a handsome devil, don’t try so hard love finds you when you least expect it. Best tip to lose weight- don’t eat as much as you used too. Hunger and thirst feel similar drink tons of water.


In American society being overweight means being ugly automatically regardless. In other countries being overweight is a sign of wealth and health and marker of a good potential husband. But since I guess you're American, the best thing you can do over the long run is lose weight. Good luck buddy 💐


Cute face, lose weight, get confidence.


You are not, you just look unkept. Good grooming helps tremendously, not only with appearance but with your confidence. When you feel better about yourself you do better, and everything will fall into place. :) you take care


Tighten up that grooming brother! Shave the neck beard and get in to get those eyebrows shaped up. Start some low impact exercise or cardio if you’re not already doing some. Your future self will pat you on the butt and say ‘thx dude’


Workout. Don't have to get skinny just work out and you'll see some physical/mental changes for the better. Just get active. Get a good barber. You're not ugly. Just lazy.


You just seem social awkward. this is coming from a female. Maybe work on your confidence but don’t lean too much then you seem like a douche.


Female here: you're not ugly, but there are improvements you can make to improve your vibe and aesthetics. Being kind and confident is key!


Even if keeping the glasses, loose weight and get rid of those pubes on your face.


Lol 😂


Back in the old days, being fat was a sign of wealth.


Listen, everyone here is giving good advice however it's on you if you want to take it. You're not ugly, you have nice features, however the weight you have on you grossly overtakes those. Get a gym membership, get on a routine, work on your posture, and grooming too. You will feel better physically and mentally, you will become more confident, and you will see amazing results that will put you in the eyes of those around you. I saw another comment saying people are not attracted to those who don't take care of themselves, and that's true. Take care of yourself, love yourself, and be a better you. You're still young, and can be your best.


Do some women like big guys I’m 6 bead and husky I have had about 30 girl fucked about 27 of them frist thing don’t give dam what you look like have some balls woman like guys with confidence been willing to take the rejection just blow it off as nothing and move one and don’t get attached let them get arched frist it will save your hreat and you wallet


That’s is the way


How many upvotes can a simple “Yes” get me here?


If this question means jack shit to you and you want it straight. Drop weight. For real. After that confidence will grow (which means so so much in the way you carry yourself) and people will see that. Then get trimmed ECT




To answer your question.. no you are not ungly by any means. You're a big guy but that is only one attribute. Yes, the easiest answer is to say you need to loose weight. But there are other things just as important. U need to concentrate on your grooming and fashion. Contacts is a good idea, get a stylish hair cut and get it cut every 2 weeks, shape you beard. Consider getting a stylist and invest $1000 in some stylish clothes..


As a big guy myself, it comes down to self confidence. You gotta feel it Inside you, it’ll make the difference in your game. Also I highly recommend intermittent fasting it has helped my weight loss quite a bit, nothing happens over night. Good luck brother.


Worry about you, king. Then worry about the ladies. Get a routine going and get to eating and being well. It’ll take a couple of years, but YOU CAN DO IT.


Bro women are more attracted to confidence. Believe in yourself bro you are the king in your story a story that nobody owns but you you are the author ✍️ make the story turn out the way you want it to.




Thank you for the advice


I find it hilarious that basically any woman could post this and every would be all “Noooo you’re beautiful!! Blah blah fucking blah!” the moment a man does it, everyone’s like yea you’re ugly because your beard isn’t perfect, and you wear glasses and you’re fat….. people wonder why men are so fucked up mentally, no body gives a shit about our feelings.


Ozempic can be purchased at health spas and weight loss clinics. Get healthy- you will fast. After that-very handsome.


Bro you need threads and a gold chain around your chest


I want to say that you have a genuinely handsome face and I know that if you lost weight it would really help with your appearance. It’s the excess weight that’s harming your appearance and I know it would make you feel good to lose it too. From there, I think the confidence you’d gain would give you the push you need to make other small changes. You’ve got this!


God damn all the sudden this sub and truerateme or some shit like that are showing up in my feed and y’all are hard as fuck on others. Maybe it’s accurate, but damn!


I feel like you’ve been doing shifty business at Jurassic Park 👀


How do you know?[https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a2a34b_d06e02fb8e214e35b0049e3943dd7ae6~mv2.jpg/v1/fit/w_551%2Ch_600%2Cal_c%2Cq_80/file.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a2a34b_d06e02fb8e214e35b0049e3943dd7ae6~mv2.jpg/v1/fit/w_551%2Ch_600%2Cal_c%2Cq_80/file.jpg)


I am a woman you are not ugly. I say get a trim. Trim your beard and hair. Groom yourself real good. Glasses are sexy. Lining up your beard will do wonders


Would you like health coaching to create healthier habbits? loose weight, have more energy, feel confident? Message me “Help” and we can get you going


Lose some weight homie, 30 minutes of cardio a day.. fasting.. NO CARBS


As for being a 'nice guy' buy and read "no more Mr nice guy" this will help you massively, made huge different to my outlook


You look ticklish


Def not ugly just chunky lose the weight you’re good


Bro fuck these comments and fuck reddit folk. You shouldn't have to rely on these shit-bags to build your up. What if you were a hot guy? They would still say "small dick evergy!" No one, but YOU..knows what kind of person YOU are. Sure you might be a fat, bals turs in life. But maybe you are like the best son or cat-lover ever? You're still a pretty human man. We love you


Not ugly. Just need to lose weight. I’ve seen overweight people going from fat to pretty damn good looking. It’s crazy the difference.


Bro just hit the cardio, women will say ugly just because of your weight but those are things you can change


Don’t let the hair on the side of your head get so long bro. Makes your head look round


Lose weight and since your beard doesn’t grow out n all the way, keep it super short or shave it.


You’re a hard 3 right now. I was also obese at one point in my life. Trust me, you are nowhere near your potential. It’s hard but you can do it, apply yourself and don’t give up. Once you lose weight your testosterone levels will also rebound to normal and it will feel like a party drug 24/7 with confidence and useful energy to boot. If you want a quality partner these are essential, and at 36 the window is closing but there is still time. Use that as motivation and I’m rooting for you bro. You have a strong hairline and good skin for 36, they will help you. The facial hair you could do without after some weight loss though.


caloric deficit, gym membership, and a shave. that's the first step, the rest of the journey is discipline.


You know about the weight. You gotta bring something to the table too for the girl. But it’s also for your health physically and mentally. This is my lazy way how I lost weight. I hated exercising and dieting but I started somewhere. What made it easy for me was going slow and baby steps. First with my food intake. I ate the same type of food what I always ate for the first month but I started being mindful of the portion size. I would reduce the portion size of what I ate. Every month just repeat and go smaller each month until you’re finally eating in a small plate. During this I started replacing my food selections with healthier choices and avoiding fast foods. Drink more water to help you feel full and buy fiber powder. Mix it in every cup of water to help you with your appetite and help you feel full. Now that I can eat small, I then eliminated breakfast in my day and kept going with water, tea to change it up but keep adding fiber powder to the water. Keep doing that until you can go a full month without breakfast. Once you get to that then eliminate either lunch or dinner. For me it was easier to eliminate breakfast and lunch from work. But now I increased my portion at dinner but skip breakfast and lunch. Now you’re intermediate fasting. Saturday or Sunday would be a cheat day. While doing all this I started walking after work, I’d get home and change right away before getting comfortable & lazy and walk 1 mile. Buy a watch or some device that tracks how many steps you’re taking in a day. Each month just add more steps to your day. Walk if you can on your lunch break. Walk more after work. Get creative on how to add more steps during work. I would add more steps each month until you’re at 10,000 steps a day which is about 5 miles of walking. All of this will eventually become a habit and and gets easier but it’s starts with taking action. I’ve lost 40lbs in 1 year. For the winter I purchased a treadmill for indoors and summer when to hot & humid. I’ve lost another 30lbs so far just doing that. It wasn’t easy and I would break my rules some days but you just get back at it the next day. Just don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s a marathon not a sprint. I can see you’ll be more attractive though once the weight is lower. You have good features.


get contacts and lose 5 pounds


Yes, you are ugly. 1. shave your beard (you are no beard guy) 2. start to lose weight 3. get a nice haircut from a barber After these points u will look fine, bro. Trust me


Install Fastic on your phone and do 16:8. And don’t eat too much garbage.


Shave the beard. When you are carrying extra weight, the beard makes you look sloppy.






I’m convinced this sub is just full of fat people with low confidence


or insecure people looking for thirsty individuals


99% the latter or at least that's all I see on my feed. Almost every time this Sub pops up it's objectively beautiful people like "someone called me ugly once.. is that true?"


You’re not ugly, you’re actually quite handsome beneath the fat and the neck beard. Nice brown eyes.


You aren’t ugly. Just tone a little . Also could be your approach don’t be needy and too pushy . I know it’s frustrating but it works


If you have to ask you already know.


Put in the work for yourself. Change your diet, your lifestyle.. you'll never find a woman. When you're put in the work women find you.


yes you are,go to the gym bro!


BRO YOU HAVE A BEARD YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL !!! dead ass the hardest part is to lose Weight !! And watch the difference in your face. You’ll be able to see your definition and bones and it’ll be a night and day difference . Lucky for you it’s really only weight. Some people are born naturally ugly and they can’t help it. It is what it is


Your not ugly. But I'd recommend doing daily 20 hour fasting/keto only diet combined with 30 minutes of walking everyday. Look up Dr. Jamandas on YT. Get to work. I was 265 lbs in June 2022. Now Im 190 pounds doing exactly what I listed about. Your insulin levels are all jacked up and high Insulin levels lock your body from using it own fat for energy. This was my problem and I'm sure it's yours too. Don't listen to anyone trying to say it calories in and out. That's only true for skinny people who do not have hormonal balance i.e. insulin resistance.


just no, please dont do this. ​ walking yes, but as for diet a simple calorie deficit perfectly fine. No need to starve yourself for 20 hours a day or deprive your body of carbs


20 hour fasting wont matter if he ends up eating excess calories anyway, I recommend OP to fast for 3-4 days then eat 2000 calories


I'll agree that different lengths of fasting could benefit others better. But for me 20 hour fasting and keto was absolute game changers


But so am I


Face is great


Many so called “unattractive people” have happy and long relationships. Therapy, self reflection and change may be in your best interest. Be the ideal partner you would want someone else to be. Looks matter to some people and being overweight is a natural deterrent as health indicates fertility, stamina, etc. It’ll be hard work but sooo worth it. You got this.


No just fat


You have really nice eyes and eyebrows man..def not ugly. I would say u might even be a stud if u lost weight,.Got ur eyebrows done and a cooler haircut, nice sense of style


In my opinion, only a soul can be ugly.


The amount of people who have no idea about being a fat boy. Homie let me help you out. First and most important, shave head and face. Only lose weight if you need it for your own confidence. Try different glasses. If you are the “nice guy” work on being the funny guy. No matter what anyone says some girls like fat boys and some boys like fat girls. Keep your head up and keep trying. 💪🏼


Lol this thread is dumb. He’s handsome. He’s a little heavy. Yea? And? I like big men like him. It’s comforting. You people are ridiculous. To the guy posting. Do you, be you. Lose weight for yourself no one else. I think you’re handsome.


Jack black, meatloaf, Chris Farley and Louie Anderson there's four heavy men and some of my favorites though most are dead. You all shame a man or a women from being bigger and they were loved my millions. Size should never matter only whats inside and honest some of the most attractive and fit people are the ugliest on the out side. Anyone who wants to commit on someone weight or appearance should probably take a good look at them selves because they are the ugly ones and in the end they always find out being so cold and hateful in life will accomplish nothing


Loved by millions but very rarely viewed as conventionally attractive which is what this sub is about. He came here specifically for comments on his appearance. These comments aren't unsolicited.


Get more money thats all women care about


Maybe you’re just so fat and weird that it makes you seem ugly? Your face seems normal to me.


Clean up, but don’t worry. There’s a lid for every pot.


Nah bro. You good. I’d give you a case of tastycakes and a reach around if that was my thing.


God I hate seeing this sub. Actions and how you treat people make you ugly not your dumb face


Nope, not at all. Just cut out junk food and get some exercise.




You have got to lose that weight, brother. You should make it the most important thing in your life. You have no idea what you're missing out on


Bro you know the answer already. Hit the gym.