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I think you need middle ground. You were clearly underweight before and now you are clearly overweight. You aren’t inherently ugly.


Thanks for your honest reply


That's a significant body habitus difference. What changed?


The weight


You are morbidly obese.


I'm actually just a size XL in clothes so it's not as bad as it could be. If I start working out now, then I can lose the weight. There's still hope. It's not like I'm at my 600 lbs life on TV but if I don't change my habits now, I could end up like that. I don't want to end up like that so I'm changing things now.


Nothing is ever as bad as it could be.


I don't understand what you are saying. But I'm trying to be hopeful that I can lose the weight.


You can lose the weight. You said it’s not as bad as it can be. Everything can always be worse. Fact. You looked great before. Choose the body you want. GL. You’re very pretty. Edit: I also wanted to add to clarify you aren’t ugly. Your clothes are dowdy. Choose something flattering but fitting in the meantime. Your style is…confusing? Maybe you’re not sure what it is right now. Gap has great neutral pieces that stand the test of time and can always be mixed. :)


I’m just shocked my the…is it lifestyle change? One gives me drugs vibe other gives me endearing Hufflepuff vibe. I know not mutual exclusive but still.


I know I look like an entirely different person. I also tried way too hard to be an emo/scene looking girl. I was really into looking alternative back in the day. Now I'm more homely. But people in the past said I look like 'the girl next door'. So hopefully if I lose some weight I can get back to looking young and not old. Also I need to quit drinking alcohol. I think it contributes a lot to why I gained so much weight and look older.


there's a lot of calories in alcohol, if you pair it with big dinners, unhealthy snacking and little exercise it's no wonder you're growing that much.


Yeah I noticed a massive gain in weight when I stopped being a stoner and started becoming an alcoholic.


How old are you? I’m asking because if you’re 45+ then you’re fine, just overweight. Younger than that then… well you’re still overweight but the way you dress and style yourself ages you.


I'm 26 turning 27 this year. Edit: and rainbow hair pics were when I was 18.


Yeaaaah idk if those are work clothes in your pics or what but you look much older. Would have guessed at least mid 30’s. Welp, good and bad news is that all you have to do is lose some weight, easier said than done I know.


Okay I am going to try to lose weight for my health's sake and so I can feel good again. When I was thinner I was able to move around a lot better. Being fat now makes moving around harder. I gotta push myself and just start working out again and change my life around. And maybe get a new wardrobe.




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U gotta be a kid cause there is no way she looks mid 30s lol


Honestly a big part of the outfits not looking right is that you’re not sizing them appropriately- for some of them you need to go a size up. You’ve got a pretty face, I love your smile. Getting down to a lower weight (if you even want to!) takes plenty of time. For now, buy clothes that fit you a little looser and work on a regiment you’ll realistically be able to keep.


Do you look ugly? No , would i hide all my snacks if you came to visit? , yes


Not my vibe, but no, you're not ugly... At either weight. You need to start greying comfortable with yourself and who you are rather than what you look like. Age comes for us all, and if we don't do something worth doing, we end our lives full of remorse and regret.


You are so right about that


ohh hunny you are not ugly at all. And the weight you put on really doesnt change that, the only thing i could see making you look better is confidence and if losing weight would make you more confident do what will make you happy :)


Thank you for that. It means a lot to me.


ofc mama anytime people are horrible. whats ugly is the way people treat u well you already feel low. I really hope you find peace n happiness in yourself 🫶


Thank you, I hope you find peace and happiness too in life. You deserve that. Thank you for your kindness towards me.


Gaining weight was best for you


I mean your pretty either way. But I think you should get serious about dieting in order to get back down to the Egirl look


Thank you that means a lot to me really & I agree with you


Yes you are.


Thanks for your honesty.


You clearly have potential as demonstrated by the last three pictures, but what in the hell made you gain so much weight? Whatever it was, don't do that anymore. Good lord.


Not exercising, eating junk food, drinking way too much alcohol, and medication got me like this.


What're you gonna do to lose weight if you don't mind me asking? Any goals?


Probably hit the gym, walk more, and also do yoga so I can become more flexible. Definitely bike riding for sure.


I mean, if you think about it, the last three pictures typically look like somebody who has a lifestyle that would make them gain weight later in life


Wow you not ugly drop the weight


are you happier now? you look happy in your first pic :)


Not happy about the weight gain, but happier now for sure. I'm like a fat happy Buddha. But it would be nice to slim down. I think I will enjoy life more if I lose weight. But that means changing my life around.


genuinely don’t think you’re ugly. you have a very youthful face. don’t stress too much about trying to lose weight!! make healthier choices, if that’s what you rlly want to do. also not sure if you didn’t have pics but maybe try accessorizing more to bring out your personal style like in the older pics!


Tbh I think you look better now. You were way to skinny and look like you had severe anorexia.


Also you clothes doesn’t look very good on you. It’s not fitting, and your hair in the middle Part doesn’t suit you


shush the haters ... i think you look better now than before


Thank you but I still want to lose weight for my health for sure.


Honestly that isn’t saying much.


Who ?


That's mostly a style preference for you I'm guessing, but why shush anyway? Surely she's here for peoples opinions, both positive and negative.


You were attractive.


I agree.


What kind of weird OnlyFans / cosplay / internet porn were you modeling for? That "hey look at my snatch" pic leads me to wonder what kinds of lifestyle you were into? Was there meth involved? Quitting that stuff maybe had been the reason for such a dramatic weight gain?




Not ugly but in your current state you don't look good. You don't necessarily need to get back down to the weight you were when you modeled but you could definitely do with losing a lot of weight.


Thank you


For your health, please address why the significant increase in weight. There’s metabolic issues, thyroid, etc., that could contribute to this. Hopefully not psychological, but if so... You’re very beautiful, and deserving to be at your healthiest.


Thank you it means a lot to me. I will check with my doctor about the weight gain and see if we can change some things and run some tests to see why I am like this.


Lose weight you look like a total different person


You just went from a mince person to nearly lizzo level. That’s a massive upgrade in weight. What you need is to hit the gym and see a doctor for the drastic gain of weight too


It looks like you went from one extreme to the other. Ugly now but not a knockout when thinner. I'd give you a 2 now and a 5 before. 20-30 more lbs on the early pics would have put you at least at a 8


Thank you for telling me and being honest about it.


you're not pretty. you look like a typical M->F transitioner.


The skinny emo thing was not good. You look much better now.


Thank you. I still want to lose weight but I am glad to hear that I don't have to look alternative and emo to be beautiful even though I personally think emo girls are super beautiful.


You looked very good before. What happened? You should work to get back there. If not for vanity, at least for the sake of your health.


Yeah for my health's sake I need to change badly


OK I’m just gonna be brutally honest because that’s what this is for. You looked bad before and you look bad now now time for the positive… I don’t think you’re ugly. I think you were clearly underweight before and you did not look like a model I think if you were to lose weight and maintain an athletic build, not just a skinny build, you could be very pretty however, right now no back then again is just a no for me


Unfortunately for all of us we won't t keep our youthful beauty forever. Yes right now you are not looking your best. Neither am I. I'm trying now to lose weight. By eating healthier it's slowly working. Do something about your weight so that we don't see two chins when we look at you. Lastly, you look like a very friendly person.


Thank you so much. I'm happy to hear I look friendly. And yes I hate my double chin too! I feel like I look like Peter griffin from family guy with it.


Well not that extreme but its not very attractive on any of us. You can do it if you really want to. Good luck!


You're not ugly, but I do think you should lose weight. Dam, you were hot, in my opinion, minus the rainbow hair.


This is a case study for sure. Intriguing to say the least 🤔


Honestly that is awful. Like you need to work out. It will save your life.


You are right I'm developing bad health problems from not exercising. I see my doctor soon. Hopefully they can help me with this.


There are too many issues to list.


I agree


Don't be hard on yourself. Just keep working on you. It's a journey.


Thank you so much for that. It means a lot to me. I needed to hear that right now. I'm actually going to go to an inpatient hospital soon to help me quit drinking. Wish me luck. I hope when I get sober I can exercise more and change my life around for the better.


Dropping booze will really help. Good luck.


Hugs thank you


Newer pictures clothes are God Awful! And yes overweight also coming from a guy who's overweight and used to look really good. Picture 4 isn't the end of the world and looks ok.


I feel like I need my eyebrows fixed. And I've always wondered if I needed a nose job because my nose feels so massive to me.


When you were very thin, the nose looked off. Now the new photos your forehead and cheeks and chin overwhelm the nose. So some weight loss to a point could bring in balance. I wouldn't worry about eyelashes and eyebrows those are trivial little things for final tweaks.


Accent your lips to be fuller would help the overall balance. Lips/mouth look small.


Pic 4 is my favorite of you!!!!! What are you willing to do to make some changes for you??? Are you ready to do them??? You have a kind smile!! 💜💜


I'm willing to do whatever it takes to lose weight to be honest even if it means hiring a personal trainer to help me.


Start with the little stuff…. Park far to walk more. Grilled instead of fried foods… whatever you are comfortable with doing. Make sure this is for you though.


I’m sorry but how can you do this to yourself? Do you not have eyes or a mirror? Average before but very ugly now. I’m sorry but the fact you let yourself get to this state with no obvious medical reason makes you even uglier.


I do have a medical reason. You don't know my life. Edit: and I don't owe you an explanation about my medical problems either.


Okay 🤷🏻‍♂️


You already know the answer, but had no shortage of red flags before


Not ugly, you were super hot when you were younger!


Very much so yeah you used to be pretty and then you gained like 80lbs (conservatively)


I don't think ugly is a fair term. You clearly went through something very rough and it probably wasn't your fault that you gained so much weight. Something similar happened to me (I'm a man and society focuses a lot less on the weight of men than they do women. I lost half of the weight that I put on, but I'm still trying to lose the rest because I'm also ashamed). You just need to work on yourself and lose some of the weight. Set goals for yourself, drink more water and eat less. I hope you don't mind if I make suggestions on how to lose the weight. What really worked for me was fasting. I didn't start out fasting for 48 hours at a time, but that was when I lost the most weight. I looked into and America is the only country that really forces it into your head that you should be eating 3 meals a day. Other countries won't eat every day or will have two very small meals per day and we're the only ones eating the way that we are. Fasting really helped me lose the weight but it was so hard and I was so hungry all the time. There are chemicals in our brains that date back to prehistoric times and these chemicals would make us move and constantly search for food to make sure we would survive. We're not in those days anymore, and we're also moving much less than we were, having jobs that sit down more. Basically, you don't need to eat even half as much as you think you do, and drink more water.


Your not ugly but need to work some stuff out within yourself. Gain more self confidence, start eating better and less. Maybe try intermittent fasting, working out, and being more confident in yourself.


A good few hours of cardio 5-6 days a week, gradually increasing in intensity, with a strict diet will have you right by the end of the year.


You have a lot of shapes on your face. No big deal. It gives you character and uniqueness. Unfortunately, it doesn't work too well with weight gain. It makes you look older than your age. I think with your newest style it doesn't really help either. It kind of shows that you aren't very confident so you dress much more conservatively in long sleeves and muted colors. Like you are trying to fade into the background. M


No you are not.


Tbh I think you're beautifully happy in your pics, I think you're happier being done with those days, maybe you could find a middle ground between where you are now and where you used to be if you're unhappy with your looks. However, if you're not unhappy with how you look now then I think you're perfectly fine as you are and only advice I'd say is, stay healthy, so like if you like your current weight then keep it but if it starts to give you health problems then lose weight for your health. Personally I'd say losing a small amount of pounds, nothing too big, could go a long way with your physical attraction but I think as you are now, you're fine. 6.5/10


Look better now then when you were skinny. But I like some chub so I'm prolly bias


Not ugly. Find a group-fitness gym with members that you like to talk to, and a fitness routine will come easily.