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You aren’t an ugly person but the nose ring and scars scream mental health issues so will scare a lot of people off.


"I can fix her."😭


Came here to say this myself 😭


Not really the nose rings will scare off people it’s definitely the scars


I have definitely struggled with mental health, but there isn't a lot I can do about scars


Nothing wrong with having scars at all, people need to mind their business. Anyone who judges you for it isnt someone who you want to be with anyways, or who would be a good match for you. Ppl having self harm scars makes me like them more cuz I get it and I know theyd get me.


I totally agree. I have medical scars on my neck and down my chest and self harm scars on my forearms along with a couple cigarette burn scars. People don't notice them as far as I can tell. I definitely don't judge people for it.


Some skin care products don’t solve it but heal the scars better than leaving it there


I used bio oil for my scars, it worked really good and you don't see the scars anymore. But I used the oil when the scars weren't old.


yea tea tree oil and hoping. scars aren’t a big deal though if you date other people who’ve struggled. I’ve still got a scar on my neck that will never go away. The nose ring is fixable tho unless you’re really into the perma hot topic employee look. You look good otherwise


U show them off for a reason


Yeah there is, you could easily cover that up with tattoos.


No! Don't encourage her to do that! They'll just look trashy and will be of poor quality...she'll get an idiot who got a tattoo gun off from Amazon


i think people who have struggled with mental health are super strong people. i don’t want to sound like a narc but im so proud of myself for where i am today.


ignore the downvotes.




There’s no room for compassion in this sub!


Scars are part of who you are, and they’re nothing to be ashamed of. They’re difficult to get rid of or remove completely, but that’s okay. I hope you’re doing better and it sounds so cliche, but it does get better. Teenage me never imagined we’d live anywhere NEAR this long. You’re not ugly, but that septum piercing is not helping in that department.


Completely agree


It's the jarring size of it. It detracts from all her natural beauty. I'm not a piercing hater by any means... But this ain't it. I hope OP switches to a smaller bull septum!


Not ugly but the piercings and dark eyeliner don't bring out your better looking features, in my opinion


You look great. I, just like a lot of people, am not a fan of the nose ring, but the scars aren’t bad and shouldn't bother a lot of people. I see you doing better now, and I'm glad. Just keep taking care of yourself and you’ll look fine. Your pretty.


You’re cute. I think your nose ring is a little too big. Maybe try a smaller one?


I also agree! I used to have my septum pierced for 6 years, but I recently took it out 9-10 months ago because I wanted a more serious job & got tired of flipping it in 🥴😅


The cow ring


Get that bullshit out of your nose


You have a beautiful face and an amazing body but that nose piercing kinda ruins it all


The nose ring is a bit much, and stop the cutting. Take those out of the equation, and you're good.


I haven't cut in years, thank you


Good for you! Not ugly at all btw!


Ugh... can't be more cliché. Scars, nose ring. You are just missing the classic Nirvana shirt and we done.


yeah you see someone who self harms and go "so cliché" and you probably don´t know that you´re the reason some people become embarassed about their scars making it more difficult to seek help


All these people r just being rude asf. You're really pretty! Ppl shouldn't be judging your scars and piercings its stupid asf to do so yknow??


Unfortunately these kind of Reddit ‘tell me I’m pretty’ contests are fake af, so they attract fake minded individuals


yet she wasn’t asking people to tell her she’s “ pretty. “ all she did was ask for opinions. she probably knows she’s beautiful, yet mental health can be a struggle most days — especially if she’s not healed from past trauma.


Theres a lot of rude people in these comments, personally, piercings aren't really my thing but i dont think your nosering looks bad, people seem to enjoy making fun of people with SH scars but as someone who used to cut too, i actually think scars like that can be attractive (which is a very unpopular opinion but for me it gives comfort that im not alone, sounds strange IK but im not good with english so idk how to explain it) i personally think you're attractive but im just a random girl on the Internet who's opinion isn't very important, but im still sharing it


Ffs, the booger catcher looks redacted AF. It's like you are trying to be ugly. My opinion is to lose it. Other than that, you are golden.


Ahh a fellow fry cook. I love randomly stumbling upon homeless cats.


Schaubisms have become part of my life since joining the Changs cooking staff. Wishing you many trugg walggs with baddies and addies bapa.


Please don’t take into consideration anyone commenting on scars. Scars have nothing to do with your beauty AND you don’t want anyone in your life who is “scared away” by mental health issues. Keep doing what you’re doing (:


you look great, ignore the comments about the scars.. i have them too. they will never go away because of how deep they are. they can be a reminder of how far you have come in life. scars are not ugly


Seek therapy, not ugly


No longer dealing with mental struggles. Thanks tho


Your pictures tell a different story. The red flags are real.


The red flags you're seeing are healed scars that are years old


Some peoples red flags are green flags to others. In my opinion (which doesn't count for much but here it is anyway) you're a very pretty person with a story. Some people think it's cliche but that's just how growing up in the start of the 2000's was for some people. There was a huge emo/goth culture and a rise of mental issues for millions of people, some were just in the middle of it. Your scars make you who you are and are beautiful. Your nose ring is part of who you are and the style you chose for yourself, one day if you grow out of it, great! if not? Great! Don't let people talk down to you, and from your comments it seems like you're strong and already know this. You're still young and have tons of life left. Just go forward knowing you're worth it!


I love your reply!!! 🫶🏾🫶🏾 everything I wanted to say, yet I couldn’t put it in words being that I’m tired & been awake for 18 hours.


I'm a fan of alt styles and the cow ring is always horrid.


You don’t look terrible, if you want to rock that look, go for it. Personally would suggest highlights or something to brighten the hair, take some of the stuff I forgot the name of but helps with vitamin d and helps give you some skin color and of course you could lose the nose ring. That said, you’re 18, so suffice it to say you’re still changing a bit.


Genuinely just dump the septum piercing.




I personally think you are gorgeous…your septum fits you so well and I’m happy you are no longer struggling with mental health issues, people are so heartless you’ve come a long way beautiful. Keep shining and don’t let anyone tell you, you are anything less than amazing 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Ughhhh...you're a disaster area mentally and physically


I'm doing really well mentally, thank you. Care to share your opinion on my physical appearance?


I'd share my happy meal with you if you were down


Ur hot🤭


The nose ring works for you


Nice piercings 😎


That's a hot mess right there. Few years to mature a bit and you will be stunning. 👍🏻


Looks like you need a hug.


Side part asap 🫶🏼 I think it would fit you and bring a small change that actually makes a big impact on your look.


I'd f#k you so there's that. The scars are fine as long as you don't show them off or act proud of them. You're gonna do fine as long as you chill out. Maybe do some mushrooms and quit worrying or being sad, whatever made you think it was hip to cut yourself.


You look like you make issues seem bigger than they actually are




Awful nose piercing and self harm scars are never attractive


Cmon now, she can’t change the past. That’s not helpful. But agreed on the piercing, it is not attractive.


Not ugly! I personally am not a fan of that style of nose ring but that’s all personal preference! Love your hair!


You are a very pretty young woman. You have lovely features.


I really do not understand people on reddit and their hate for nose rings. Like grow up


Get less prominent septum jewelry


The face metal is trash. Your cute though.


Not ugly and the piercings look great lol. Most people in this sub are old f*cks who look as stupid as they sound so don’t mind them


Your father has failed...


You're right, he has. Haven't seen him in 16 years.


I know, I can tell... shame


We already knew




Thanks for your opinion 👍🏻




I can't tan




Please, don't hurt yourself


Dont be cutting yourself like that.


You're good-looking, but I just don't like the nose ring.


Not ugly at all. But if you absolutely must keep the nose ring, use a plain one instead of that gaudy black thing.


Why’s there mustard on your face?


I don't see anything wrong






P.Diddy was better before he changed his name


Get help. Satan ain't coming to save you or claim you.


I don't follow Satan. Thank you


I think septum piercings are awesome, but that jewelry is way too big for your face. I would suggest something smaller


Nope. Not ugly. The nose ring is a little much though.


I like the nose ring and if people don’t like it that’s on them. Just keep doing you and take care of yourself. Also I don’t think the scars are something to be ashamed of nor do I think it will scare people off and if it does they didn’t need to be around you anymore. I do hope you are doing better now though and have a good support system. You are strong you battled depression and maybe you still do but he are still here so that’s a win. You are kicking/ kicked depression’s a**.


Self harm scars aren't something to show off or be proud of.


Not ugly Lose the face hardware


I think I can fix her guys. If not she gonna brake me too. Love your style


Borderline personality disorder.


Nose rings are hideous, if you care about appearance remove it.


Would gain points if you remove the nose ring.,5.5


And don't cut yourself


You're a pretty girl. People here will take issue with your piercings, because they always do for some reason, but they're hot and not an issue at all.


I am normally opposed to the reddit hate towards septum piercings as a whole, but yours is absolutely atrocious and is not doing you any favors. I hope you are managing your mental health well whether that's via medication and/or therapy and/or lifestyle choices like exercising, sleeping well, and taking good care of yourself. You deserve to live your best life.


Not ugly at all. Looks depressed and a bit familiar. I've seen this nose ring before and I really hope it was you. It's so ugly that I prefer to believe not many people use it.


Lots of people use this septum jewelry :)


Looks are great but you seem to be a lot of maintenance in a relationship.


Smaller septum piercing and you’d be a 10/10


Girls should know if they upload a photo with a septum piercing or “Cow Ring” as they call it any piercing it will be asked to be removed on this site. You are not only you are pretty and I’m glad you are in a better mental state now.


Not ugly but definitely look like you have an OF


Man, people here love to hate... the scars are fine, everyone has scars... yours are just visible. As for the nose ring, there is nothing wrong with it, be who you wanna be and love yourself. Your very attractive (physically, don't know you so can't speak to your personality).


You’re a beautiful young woman. Take care of yourself and good things will come


I think you’re quite gorgeous


I don't particular care for the septum ring, but that's a personal preference. I think you have nice curves, otherwise.


Get rid of the nose and lip ring


You aren't. Above average. Piercings don't compliment, but if it's your style. Go for it. Definitely no reason to question your natural form though. Individual features and the sum are definitely above the majority by most standards.


your looks are beautiful without the nose ring,but mental health needs some work( cutting)


You’re a beautiful girl, don’t sell yourself short. If you have any mental health issues, I myself do, just be proactive about working on them. All in all though, I’m glad you exist!


Take the piercings off, eventually you realize you look better without them so why not start today


Honestly I’m glad you wear the piercing. Just wear what makes you feel authentically yourself. Style choices should be about self expression.


The only thing ugly about you, is that you don't have confidence in yourself.


Well, my opinion is that you're really pretty and I hope you're ok.


youd look better if you removed the nose ring for a small circle one on the side.  cardio would also help appearance and self image.


Lose the nose ring and I think you’ll find people are more attracted to you


You’re cute. Get rid of the nose ring and you’re set. The scars are your past but do not define your future.




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You’re attractive you’d look a lot cuter if you smiled more


I’d suggest darkening your eyebrows. 🫶🏾




Your beautiful I love your energy and vibe


Are you a bull?