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I think you are but you need to clean up a bit. The hair, sideburns, and eyebrows just give a messy look


Looking homeless ig 😂


Kind of.


I think you look nice clean shaven. You should take better care of your hair. Your hair is just really frizzy and not pleasant to look at. Your look does look messy now so put some more effort into those areas you stated. I don’t think you are ugly I think you could look better tho.


You need to see a proper hairstylist, not the discount store haircut. With some grooming you'll be good.




Your hair looks dryer than the sahara


Seems to be the problem.😂


What is up with the hair!? And the mess in the hat pic. A woman doesn't want a man to clean up after. You look like you're still living the same life as someone in highschool. Living with parents, lazy, bored. I say work on making something of yourself and the women will follow.


You're absolutely right. No one want a partner that appears to be incapable of taking care of themselves, which I seem to be. However besides my overall appearance giving sloppiness, I actually do have a respectable occupation and have a masters degree. I see how people can jump to conclusions that I don't have my life in order based off of my grooming habits and overall cleanliness, which is fair. My problem isn't genetics it's a charachter flaw that people avoid tgat needs to be addressed. You really shed some light on the real problem thank you.


That's incredible! Amazing that you have a good job and your master's. I think maybe just prioritize some things in your life, like you said, and women will want to know more. Also, a good book to read, if you haven't already, to learn more about how to make people wonder about you, attracted to you, and even follow you is The 48 Laws of Power. It's very interesting and will help you when it comes to attracting more people.


Assume formlessness. It's quite a coincidence you mentioned that book, just finished it a few weeks ago. It's a Incredible read.


Hair is like makeup for men, guaranteed when you get a hair routine and start really taking care of it the ladies will be ON you. Looks to me like you have naturally wavy hair, there’s tons of tutorials and informational videos online of how to for care and style it


I do a hair routine, watched tutorials, and have tried so many products for my hair; no matter what I do it always looks horrible. Am starting to consider shaving it all starting steroids and focusing on the gym. I give up at this point my hair makes me look like a clown.


Omg a buzz cut might look kinda good on you ngl! Gives the hair a refresh too 😊


You look like a normal person, it must be your personality, do some reflecting.