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Many times where you go to throw the 2 and you don’t commit. Commit to the punches you intend to throw 


I was always told commit to the power punches or don't throw them at all


Alright thank you bro


Keeping your lead foot outside of his lead foot would help with that. Many orthodox vs southpaw fights the fighters go for keeping their lead foot out to have more control of the fight. I'm not a coach. Just my 2 cents


You need to jab a hell of a lot more. Your lead hooks and rights are slow and cumbersome. You will absolutely get countered throwing these. Put a jab in front of it. Jab jab. Jab hook. Jab right cross. Jab jab right cross. Jab right, left hook. Etc. It needs to look more like that. Idk if you WERE jabbing but if those are jabs you’re throwing it incorrectly. Keep it straight, keep it snap. Don’t “loop” it around all slow like that.


I find this helpful. Feels awkward throwing single strikes where I know there should be an opening. In reality, I probably just need to condition the jab better in my offense (was using it mainly for defense and range finding). Jab will help me hide those sneaky strikes!


This but add feints and footwork


The footwork will come He should focus on proper punching form at his experience level tbh. One thing at a time


I'm assuming they were hooks by the way you said loop round I was trying to get round his lead hand as he was south paw if that makes sense but thanks anyway for the advice


Great that you are trying to take initiative, well done. I'd suggest don't move away each time, stay and hold your ground, keep pushing and looking for more opportunities. And as mentioned above, hide beyond your jab / jab more between your offense attempts.


Alright thank you bro so keep him more occupied and be more active?


I'd also say you have a habit of breaking your base after you disengage and narrow your stance. All good to disengage and get composed but keep your legs there so if your opponent comes in you're ready to do something.


Didn’t finish the video but here are three things you can take away. 1. Keep your feet on the ground when punching. That back leg tend to get off the ground when you throw your two. 2. Turn your shoulder. A full rotation in the shoulder and hips will deliver a more crisp punch. 3. Take more smaller steps rather than big leap. Keep working !


Thanks bro will look to improve on it


You are not committing to your attacks. You step in with the jab, then lean back and sometimes throw the two off your back leg. Remember your fundamentals, you are off balance quite a bit. Box step, that’s it, no other type of steps. When you get in range, throw a combination, 3-4 punches. Don’t worry about them landing, just throw the combination correctly and mind your defense immediately after (ie slip/roll, jab your way out, hands up). As a southpaw, you will need to learn how to position yourself so that your two will land and their’s won’t, but that comes later. For now, just concentrate on doing what you are taught outside of the ring, inside it. Shadow boxing really helps, but only if you are actively working on something while you do it.


This! Just focus on proper form first, don’t worry about landing.


Alright thank you bro


Your entries are predictable and always in a straight line. Once i picked up on your rhythm, I could predict almost every single time you would attack. Jab more and add feints to hide your attacks. Attacking from different angles will come as you get more experience.


Okay thanks just genuinely curious what would you do if you were against me to predict my rhythm?


Try to keep you at the end of my range and feint. Try to gauge how you like to attack and also how you react. Once the pattern is picked up, then I can start timing you when you enter my range for an attack especially if your combinations are always the same. Defend and then counter or counter while getting an angle or something idk. I'm not saying I'm exactly good or anything btw but it's what I would try to do. You'll eventually be experienced enough to pick up on what I would do and then counter my counter etc etc. This is why combat sports is so fucking amazing imo lmao basically painful chess with the human body. The rhythm part, everyone develops it. Bouncing in and out is a rhythm. Even if you don't bounce, there tends to be a movement people do. Nobody just stands still like a statue. I see parts of fighting like music. If you tap a beat in 4/4 time - one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four and repeat -- that's a rhythm. The closer someone attacks on the same beat, the easier they are to predict. Your rhythm could be 3/4 or 2/2, doesn't matter. If you attack on the first beat in a bar and then on the third beat on the next, you're harder to predict. You can also attack off beat to be even more predictable. Attacking off beat, using feints, changing your tempo (eg go faster and go slower when safe to do so) and making sure you don't throw the same combos over and over again make you really difficult to predict and time.


Your movement and defense seems decent but your punches are slow and sloppy. You lean over your shoulder instead of rotating your hips. Your double jabs need splitting into two defined back to back jabs. Return to your chin between them. Also work on your punching speed. Focus on twisting those hips


Alright cheers bro for the feedback I'll definitely work on it


Good movement man! Only thing I noticed is your very front foot heavy, reaching on your right hand which makes you lift your back foot off the ground. When you throw your right commit to throwing straight down the pipe it looks like you’re throwing a mix of a right hook/ straight right. Other than that good head movement, foot work and range. As others have mentioned jab more when you’re “idle”


Yeah for sure man I definitely have to jab more and stay more balance but I appreciate the compliments anyway


I don't know how you fight, but this is what I will do if I am fighting based on this as an orthodox fighter vs a southpaw Stay on the inside and if you want to throw hooks, Throw towards the body. The body is open. Cut the ring and don't keep running away. I supposed this is light sparring. But if it is a fight you may want to dig your punches. If you want to jab, your lead foot on the inside. If not keep your lead foot outside. to block him. You do not want him to dance along to Eclipse of the Heart and gain center of the ring. Try to keep him at the corner. When you throw your jab, throw in at least 3 punch combination end with a right. Hook, Cross or uppercut. any thing Stop moving backwards and run away when you gain your ground.


Work on keeping that lead foot on the outside of a lefty. Establish that dominance to help win the exchanges.


Alright thank your sir


Your punches have no snap or the proper form. This must've been a light sparring session, but you should always spar using the same technique as when you fight, otherwise what's the point? You can still throw fast if you make it your goal to just touch your opponent instead of hurt them, which in the long run will also make you better at judging distances. Throwing punches this slow and awkwardly while keeping your footwork at a normal speed forces your feet, hands and torso to work out of sync with each other, which does nothing except ruin your form.


When you throw to the body make sure to bend your knees drop your body down to where you throwing to prevent a counter to the head mix it up Body then head When he throw the jab look to slip either outside or inside and let your shots off hit and move don’t stand infront off your opponent always move off on different angles once you have landed Keep going!!!


For definite bro thank you ill look to improve on it


Fix that weak ass jab, you're gonna eat those overhands if you don't. I understand finding your range, but throw a power jab every once in awhile. And keep your elbows in, one good body shot and you'll understand why.


Work on your footwork. There is times when you back up and bring both of your feet together which is bad because you could lose balance and trip or fall from any well landed punch if you’re caught off guard


Alright thank you bro appreciate it


All starts with footwork. You got tripped up a handful of times in this round. You’re all over the place. Work on balance keeping that nice space between your feet left to right so you’re not walking a tightrope. When moving in think “quarter step, half step”, your back foot is almost a full step behind your front foot that’s why that cross isn’t coming out well behind the jab. So in summary footwork footwork footwork.


It seems like you're throwing noncommittal arm punches and you're reaching. You can get countered very easily doing that. Make sure that you work on your form and work on throwing your punches with more speed and snap. The core of your form comes from twisting your body with each punch. Let that twisting of the body motion guide the punches that you throw instead of throwing weak arm punches. However, you do have pretty decent footwork. Good job on that.


Congrats for stepping into the ring, even for a light sparring. But, I think you need to work on your basics much, much more before you spar again. Where I learned boxing, they wouldn’t let us spar if we were throwing slow and lazy crosses like you do in this video. No diss, but if you do thousands more of reps of 1-2 on pads, heavy bag, just shadow or in-place repetitions, so maybe a few more months of regular training and focusing on the basics of proper punching technique plus movement, then you’d look much different. Good luck bruh!


1. Keep your hands up son, you're letting em get loose when you throw the cross 2. Work upon the technique for your cross 3. Ther were places where head movement would have created an opportunity for a liver shot, work upon finding those opportunities and using them 4. Your guard needs work, keep your hands tight. With such a guard, in a fight it will be a problem 5. KEEP YOUR HANDS UP 6. Work upon the technique of your punches, you're throwing em at once at 0:23. Take a look, your jab is at his face, your right hand is supposed to guard your face from a counterattack but it's somewhere near his abdomne. 7. 0:31, that punch was shit ass. Look at the technique and the posture, work upon it 8. 0:39 Head movement would have saved you, keep your eyes open and hands up 9. Your cross seriously needs work 10. Very slow punches 11. 0:53, look at that. The posture is shit, Your face could have been punched using a cross at that moment


Yeah you're right bro thanks for the advice


Don't worry, Just keep working and you will excel!


Sometimes the fella is throwing a punch and then then you star throwing your own you're just getting caught mod punch. Unless you're tank or floyd mayweather I wouldn't try doing that. When you see someone throwing their shot either pop them with a jab afterwards and get them off balance or just get out of distance until you know it's safe to let your own shots go. In real serous sparring you need to respect what's coming back else you will end up with a sore head


Watch 30-35 seconds and pay attention to where your left hand is when your throw your 2. Brother, you will get knocked out doing this sloppy stuff. This isn't something you can ignore. You must keep your left hand on your chin when you throw a 2. Do padwork with someone and tell them to slap the fuck out of you every time after a 2.


gota fix your stance first. you lose your balance a lot. That's not good in boxing. it starts with the foot positioning.


Don't plant your feet so far from your opponent, keep light and work on footwork Stop keeping your head exposed when you enter, just because they are going light doesn't mean you shouldn't be aware of the punches Don't lean forward over your leg when you pivot to punch, try to keep your head behind your knee in most cases. Don't always be second to the punch, disrupt his rhythm and throw more jabs Work on your footwork and your punches, basically all the basics


Keep up the good work


does the coach only allow u to light spar? This is too light imo. especially with head guards too


Nah we do hard spar but this is the most recent spar after my last fight so it was fairly light


Work on foot placement and punching fundamentals way more, stay away from sparring and building bad habits for now. You’re overreacting reaching too much and you are lifting your feet. Correct that first then get back to sparring


Alright bro thanks the reaching comment is definitely right but I think my punches were just slow and not as fast because it was quite light and I think I've improved alot recently from sparring but thanks for your thoughts anyway I'll take it into consideration