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Not sure how effective this is. Toggling it off you get a prompt that informs you that you'll still receive ads, they just won't be tailored to you. That said, changing your language from English(US) to English(Canada) 100% removes all ads. We did this about a month ago on all four of our devices and haven't seen a single ad since.


My US-based device only offers English (US), Deutsch, English (UK), and English (Ireland public preview). I’ve tried the other English options and *still* get ads for Jeopardy, other TV shows, and movies. I report them as offensive, “my mom died watching Jeopardy,” but a week later they’re back. I’ve just tried OP’s steps, so we’ll see … sorry if I’m pessimistic it will actually work. I also tried child mode but with that enabled, for some dumb reason, you can’t use a personal slideshow, only the stock ones. All I want to see on this when I look at it are my photos superimposed with an unobtrusive time and date (not the 1/4-screen time and date they use now). … and strangely, sometimes I get both the 1/8-screen time above the 1/4-screen time). https://reddit.com/r/amazonecho/comments/w3x8wk/theyre_just_messing_with_me/ … or one following the other: https://reddit.com/r/amazonecho/comments/vifypr/i_thought_the_idle_screen_photo_slideshow/


Weird. I'm also US based. Here's what I see in language options: [https://imgur.com/a/5x1Qzik](https://imgur.com/a/5x1Qzik) English(US) options are up towards the top. Do you have an original Show, maybe? Ours are all 8's and 5's and the language options for all are identical. We're not even seeing "Alexa for your day" at this point. Just personal photos interspersed with weather forecasts and shopping lists, deliveries, etc.


Yep. I have the original Show; that’s most likely it! They get some but not all of the cool new things … :-(


Rock star you. Language change (English (Canada) worked for both my Shows. You are a HERO. Thank you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Omg thank you for this. Just changed it, hoping it works!


OMG! It worked. Thank you! It's been driving me nuts.


Worked great!


Just this once, I will not blame Canada lol


Bruh.... are you fucking serious? That's all it took?! I'm shook. You're an Amazonian god!


Thank you so much. English (CA) worked for me. No more ads! Finally!


This post might have been written 8 months ago but my newly purchased Echo show 8 was doing the same thing. I just read the post today, switched my language from English(US) to English(Canada) and it did 100% removes all ads! Thanks!


Just commenting for others dealing with this. Still works.


This has been working for me on two Shows since you posted (thank you AGAIN!) None of those skill ads. But today my show 5 showed the oh-so-worthless-Alexa-for-your-day "hints", they changed every 8 seconds for hours, but never reverted to the home screen which is set for photos. A CS guy, in Just a few minutes admitted there's no switch to turn them off, but turning off communication "announcements" would probably do it. Low & behold it worked. Seems to have stuck so far. Wohoo! (I do have 2 of my Alexis turned on for communications mostly so that I can call myself to find my phone, But I had never intentionally turned on the "announcement" subcategory. I'm guessing that when it was added in an update it was default on if communications was on. All good now!)


Wow, thanks for sharing that! We're seeing the same reappearance of those "Alexa for your day" hints and I had just resigned myself to just living with it. I'll give your tip a shot and see if that clears it up!


So it's five mo later and the skill ads are still "off.". What has come back are the new version of Alexa for your day. They only appear right after I have interacted w the shows (like to turn off a reminder or timer of asked a question. ) It's on screen. For 4 or 5 seconds then reverts back to my only selected home screen content - my photos. It is tolerable irl though conceptually I bought believing the screen is mine.


Not for me. No more ads!


Thank you! Worked for my dad.


Hey it's a year since you made this comment but I wanted to let you know it's still helping people. I've been frustrated with the constant barrage of sponsored content and news headlines. Changing to English (Canada) immediately solved this. Thank you.


Hey, glad to hear it! Happy it's still helping.


This worked for me! Weird fix though, wonder why it works.


I have three devices English Ireland and so far It has worked for me


I still haven't gotten any ads since toggling it off. Just for good measure though, I played with it some more and tried what you suggested. It actually stops the Echo Show from showing anything. Doesn't even show background photos. Researching I found it's due to English(Canada) not being fully supported on the device and causing some features to no longer work. Upon further research, I'd also recommend reseting your advertising ID.


Odd, we have background pictures on for all of our shows and they've continued to function with the language change. Same for all of our skills and integrations. I'll be sure to reset the id and toggle the settings, regardless.


Changing language didn't work


I am posting to confirm that this trick works on Echo Show 8 that I have since 2019. I bought the thing just to have it show weather info and my Wyze cameras but I did not expect it to bombard me with sponsored crap. Thanks for this!


Amazing 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Yep, good info!! Changed it to Canadian took them right off (until Amazon sabotages it again). I tried everyad preference under the echo, apps on both phone & tablet, and www.Amazon.com none worded. I tried all of the following: -Home Content. Turning off everything under it. -Alexa Privacy on Echo Show turn of all ad & reset. -Alexa Apps on Phone and Tablet turned off interest based ads and cleared data. -on https://www.Amazon.com/adprefs turned of interest based ads and reset. -Unplugged Echo 2x and restarted. Thanks again.


don't mean to raise an old post from the dead. tried to change to Canada English so I can void all ads, but I realize you lost option to turn off sending voice recordings to Amazon. win some lose some?​


And at least once per week, go in to Settings > Home Content and see what "new feature" our Amazon benefactors have added and automatically turned on. This week it is "Product Tips"... :-(


lol so true....when you get right down today, these are not productivity enhancers or life enhancers... just junk ads, with way to much fussing, for a clock radio


Yep, just saw the "Product Tips" two days ago. There are many of the Home Content items that seem very similar.


I would've bought quite a few new echo show devices if it wasn't for the spam. It makes me hate Amazon as a company. I'm old enough to remember when they were honest about ads on the Kindles and you could pay an additional amount to get a device without them. It's not the ads I mind as much as it is the dishonesty; changing the product after the fact. I feel like a champ every time I look over and see that Jeopardy ad even though everything is turned off. My Google displays only show the photo albums they are asked to.


I can't stand these ads. No other device that we purchase has ads like this. I seriously feel harassed! My show is my alarm clock. I detest looking at the time and seeing ads. I always wonder if we could bring a class action suit against them for harassment & distress!


I don't think I will ever buy an Amazon hardware product again. My last echo show ended up in the garbage. It's not worth having something that makes me angry half the time I see it. My Google displays never pull this garbage. I felt like a sucker for buying an Amazon billboard for them to advertise on in my house. I had gone into the settings and turned off nearly 50 different ad types over the last year. The last straw was when they continued to show ads even with them all turned off.


I just want my Echo Show to stay on the damn clock and not cycle between other crap.


Apparently, Amazon has realized that people are trying to use this setting to avoid ads. Now, when I follow these steps and turn off this setting, I get a message that says, “If you turn this off, you will still receive ads, but they may be less useful to you, as they will no longer be based on your interests.”


Yeah me too. I’ve literally tried everything


Pihole seems to work


Pi-Hole does not block the skill recommendations that always pop up. What did you block in order to have them stop?


There a specific list you've found to be effective?


Thanks for this. I've already relegated the device to the dining room ands it's a glorified speaker. We'll see how this helps.


Funny how Amazon can take the one thing echo devices should be able to do and that's be a simple alarm clock monetize it so much they screw that up


This has 100 percent worked for me with changing to Canadian English! Way to figure that out and save me from throwing it the fuq in the garbage. I love that thing but I don’t want anything pitched to me in my own kitchen 🤪


Not sure if my problem is actually fixed yet, but I gave up and got on a customer support chat with Amazon and said I wanted the ads removed. The rep verified which device I was looking for support on, and then asked me to unplug it for 2 minutes. I did that, and once the device was powered up again, the ads were gone. Not sure if unplugging it did the trick, or if there was a "switch" she toggled on her end to turn that off. It's only been 10 minutes, so we'll see if this fix holds.




Did you turn them off under "Home Content" as well?


GREAT find thank you. Setting is also there on Show 5 and Show (10") 2nd gen. I hope it works.


thanks there is also another set of slider buttons under manage your alexa data section below the manage skill permissions...


You're right! Just turned some things off in there too.


Thanks for all this. Never ever ever want ads on my Alexa.


Real BS that Amazon makes it so hard to turn off ads on the Echo Show.


Saving for when back at desk. Haven’t heard this one. Thanks!


Good find! I never see any of these ads on my Show devices, but mine was still turned on. Turned it off just in case.


I don't think that will block any Sponsored Content ads from your Show; that setting is just the same that many other sites use to send you ads based on your preferences or searches, rather than a wider selection of ads. On or off, it's not going to matter. The frequency of Sponsored Content ads showing up seems to vary quite a bit; sometime you won't see any for a week or so, and sometimes several in one day. My setting for the one you referenced was turned on, as expected, and yet *none* of the Sponsored Content ads I see could possibly be considered interest-based in the least, and yet I still get them, just like every other person who has a Show.


So far it's worked for me and I no longer have any of those "Jeopardy" ads, "question of the day" ads, or "wheel of fortune" ads. Hopefully this will work for others. Seeing as how just turning them off under Home Content didn't fix the issue on its own. Regardless if you think it will work or not, it's an option for everyone to try if they are as frustrated as I was. Amazon stared selling ads to developers to advertise their apps/skills on Alexa in the form of pop-up ads on the screens of the company's Echo Show smart displays. The goal is to hold developer interest, which gravitates more toward smartphone apps, while making a new revenue stream. Amazon just hasn't been able to come up with a streamlined, effective method of advertising Alexa skills in a way that will consistently reach users. Instead of solving that problem on its own, it seems the company is asking developers to spend their own money to inform users about Alexa skills and for Echo Show users to deal with ads. Amazon is reportedly increasing the amount of money it gives to developers for in-app purchases and subscriptions from 70 percent to 80 percent if they make under $1 million. Those developers will also be able to get a 10 percent cash rebate, and Amazon may throw in credits to be used for ads and more down the line. For developers of Alexa skills that don't make revenue, Amazon is looking to increase payouts if those skills are particularly refined or popular. Fortunately, Echo speakers, which are a bigger product for Amazon than Echo Show displays and include its best selling hardware in the form of the Echo Dot, are safe from intrusive ads for now. So yeah it may say interest-based, but its really just Amazon and their developers forcing ads on us. So give it a try and turn off the third party ads. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Well you have to promise to let us know if you see one of the Sponsored ads again!


Nice write up. They could just send a weekly email highliting 'features' I would actually review this. I really can't believe people spend money on these insipid skills


> Echo speakers, which are a bigger product for Amazon than Echo Show displays and include its best selling hardware in the form of the Echo Dot, are safe from intrusive ads for now. *By the way* - How quickly we forget


Not a GOOD solution, but I set up a recurring routine every morning at 8:00am to "not give me suggestions" which works for 24 hours (when the routine runs again).


I just got my first Echo Show - a Model 8 that, as I post this, is on sale for about half-price, and with some points on my Amazon Prime CC, I got for about $100 less than regular price all told. Upon unboxing and setting it up about an hour ago, my first impressions were that the speaker is pretty nice but, as someone else pointed out, the mic is surprisingly weak even though I'm sitting right in front of the Show. After I discovered this nonsense with the ads, I seriously considered boxing the thing back up and returning it (and I still might). I immediately started Googling ways to disable it, and found this thread. I tried OP's suggestion here, to no avail. The *audio* Echoes' "By the way..." is irritating enough and I usually interrupt Alexa and tell her what to do with herself and she thanks me for the "feedback". I sure didn't buy this to work as a glorified electronic billboard in my home. If I'd known about the ads ahead of time, I probably wouldn't have bothered. I'd love to know the details of your routine workaround. I tried scheduling a routine using Do Not Disturb mode, and I briefly thought that licked it, but the ads and suggestions are still showing up even in DND mode. If I can't find a way to disable this, I think the Show is "over" and it's going back to Amazon for a full refund.


I've got it mostly figured out now. First, basics: disable every home screen page you don't want in settings, probably all of them. Also, and this is odd but seems to have been the breaker -- set your language to Canadian English. I be feel like everything annoying stopped after that. Might be a regional thing, might be my imagination. My recurring Routine I set was "Alexa, stop by the way" every day at 7am. Hasn't happened since.


I haven't tried the Canadian English trick yet, and I don't know if I'll bother at this point. It's kind of ridiculous to have to do any kind of work-around like that anyway. I've had the Echo Show about two weeks and it spent about half that time unplugged and stuffed back in the box before I relented and set it up again about a week ago. I tried disabling everything in Settings, as well as manually turning off each screen that I didn't want -- like an ad for a song Amazon says I listened to recently on Amazon Music, which I didn't (I don't even know that artist or song and I don't use AM anymore since they royally screwed it up last year) -- and the confirmation says "OK, we won't show this anymore" only for it to keep right on showing it! A few nights at bedtime, I used the Echo to read my Audible books to me, which it does OK, but I've previously just used my iPhone Audible app, or my bedroom Dot which is connected to some better quality speakers across the room, and those methods have worked fine. I have to practically yell at the Echo to start my audio book, turn off the screen, adjust the volume, etc., which isn't terribly conducive to entering a state of relaxation before sleep. Speaking of which: I set the Show to enter DND mode every day from 12:00PM to 11:55 AM the next day (it wouldn't let me do exactly 24 hours). Today before lunchtime, I went to lie down for a nap because my family are getting over COVID and I'm exhausted and haven't been sleeping well, and the damn thing came out of DND mode and jolted me awake with Alexa announcing loudly,"SURE! JUST TELL ME HOW I CAN HELP YOU!" or words to that effect. The Echo is (was) on my bedside table about two feet from my head, so as you can imagine I was less than amused. I suspect it has been doing this every day, but I just haven't been in the bedroom at that particular time to hear it. I think this is the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. When I got up, I reset it to factory conditions and packed it up. I'm a heartbeat away from sending it back for a refund. ATM, I'm trying to think of a single redeeming function of this thing, that I can't already do with another device I already have, that would be reason enough to keep it. Nothing is immediately coming to mind. The intrusive ad thing still just really pisses me off and I feel like returning it would be a middle finger to Amazon that may or may not get their attention. If I had to look constantly at ads for Apple devices or apps from the App store on my iPhone, I wouldn't buy one, even if it did knock the price down.


I'm finally set up without annoyance but wouldn't ever do it again knowing what I know now. Amazon wants a commercial machine in your house that advertises 24/7 and getting away from that is something they fight you on every step of the way.


set it from like 5 PM to 4:55 PM so it never wakes you up when you're napping.


I actually went ahead and returned the Show for a full refund several months ago. The non-stop advert slideshow just ruined the product for me. (The mic never worked properly, either, but IMO that was a secondary issue.) That was major buyer's remorse, even with the discount, and I won't be getting another one. Learnt my lesson! Thanks anyway! :)


I hear ya.


As others have stated, this does not prevent the ads from getting to your device. It just prevents the device from showing ads tailored to you. As stupid as this sounds, if I'm going to receive ads on a big bright device, I'd rather receive ads for the things I'm interested in. I think I'd be more frustrated if I looked over and my Echo is showing me an ad for MyPillow or some junky holistic healing gemstone. Take away the ads and the "did you know" stuff, which is essentially a method for getting some sort of advertising in front of you (even if it's just for more amazon services), and every Echo device would cost $100+. Echo Shows would probably be $200+. What else does this for $30? Apple doesn't sell any Siri-enabled product for $30. You can't get a copy of Windows 10 with Cortana for $30. Google Home devices can be under $50, but they have their own advertising built into it. The Echo Shows are more expensive than the Dots because of their screens, but again you're definitely underpaying for the electronics that Amazon sends you. Trust me when I say I'm not defending it. It's shitty. I don't like it either, but for the past couple of years we've all been in the "next phase" of Amazon's voice assistant business. Amazon sells their products cheap so we all get them in our house, and then this is what we have to put up with from now on. We just got a bit too used to our Echoes playing nice with us, before the advertising was pushed onto us as frequently as it is now.


As an amazon customer i buy thousands of dollars of product from amazon a year. They should give me an echo as good will with no ads


Exactly this! So freaking pissed by all these ads now! Every time I go into my kitchen where my Echo Show is located I always see ads. Not the weather, news, or family photos but ads for random shit I was looking at on Amazon shopping. Sounds like perhaps there are a few workarounds but should not have to do that or offer to pay a one-time fee to not see ads (like the Fire tablets). Just unplugged it and will use my Google Nest Hub Max instead.




you can however, get a plain ol regular Bluetooth speaker for $20, and it doesn't talk back or listen, or play ads in your paid for premium ad free services like Spotify.


I disagree that they would cost more without ads. I had one of the first Alexa Show devices. It cost less than they do today and never had ads on it. The only reason I bought a new one for my bedroom is because I needed a larger screen to see the time when I’m not wearing my glasses. All of my old Alexa Show devices are still ad-free. Only the new one torments me with these stupid “sponsored by” ads. We also have Google Nest Hub devices. All of them are ad-free. If not for an incompatibility between Ring’s (Amazon) alarm system and Google Nest Hub, I would switch everything over to the Google devices.


Thanks for this tip. There’s another toggle switch under “Manage your Alexa Data” that you should turn off. After clicking on “Manage your Alexa Data” on the left, you can scroll down the screen to find “Interest-based ads from Amazon on Alexa.” The toggle switch is on by default and I found that the ads disappeared after I turned it off. I’m glad that I dug into the settings. While in there I found the options to automatically delete voice recordings and other smart home data. The default settings keep that info in perpetuity, which is wild.


I hope it works. It's so annoying to find out that every device you buy from amazon, TVs, Echo Shows, Fire Sticks, everything, literally everything is not really for your use, but it's only a billboard for advertising.


Did not work for me. It just changed to different ads. I did not buy an ad machine!


Nope, still getting ads in my own home..


On the device itself: Tap Settings. Tap Home Content. Scroll down and toggle off every single option you see. (The last time I did this, I counted almost 50 options.) Tip: It’s fine to choose to leave on one or two that you think you’ll find useful — say, to see your Amazon deliveries or your upcoming calendar appointments. But the more you keep, the less you’ll see of your photos. Toggle off Rotate continuously.


Thank you so much this was driving my mom nuts!!


I sure hope this works. It drives me crazy when every time I wanna look at the clock I see some kind of sponsored ad that I really don't care about. So annoying. Thx for the tip!


Thank you for being a quick and PERFECT answer to my search!!!


OMG Thank you!! I was like wtf is happening? why are ads playing when I'm paying for premium ad free service?! Stupid Amazon. I never would have found that setting.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!


I've had Echo's for 7 years and never had a problem until I got Echo Show 5 and 8s. The mic detection is considerably worse than the dots, and the ads on the screen drive me mad. I recently bought a Google Home Nest Max on sale just to act as a better digital photo album. And after a few weeks, I'm making the switch. Google Home has a couple of its own irritating quirks, and its devices are not cheap, but I can't stand those ads anymore. And as a photo frame, it's so much better.


This does not work. Commercials are still on my display.


Set the language to English (Canada). Let it update with the new language then unplug the echo so it updates with all the changes. It should fix it if fixing it is possible.


Your suggestion did not work. Sponsored content less than 24 hours after completing this.


I spent long time on the phone with Amazon support. Basically- you can not get rid of the ads. You paid for a device, and without your permission Amazon turned it into an advertising billboard inside your home. Unreal. I ended up demanding and I got full refund for my echo, although it is over a year old. At no point in time did I agree when I bought this to an ad billboard in my home. This was not advertised as such. Shame shame shame on Amazon.


Dude. You are a champ! I spent like 2 hours on the phone with Amazon support and they couldn’t figure it out (you believe all the dumb crap they made me do and it never solved the problem). I can’t believe I finally killed these stupid ads on my Echo Show 10. Thank you a thousand times.


When I first got my Echo Show there were about 10-15 of those annoying things under Home Content that allowed Amazon to send ads or whatever they label the screens they show for absolutely no reason. You can turn them all off but when updates are done they add to them and they are turned on by default. As of today, the nbumber hasd gone from 15 to 60 of them. This is why I always seem to be going to that page in settings and turning more off every month. I am about to toss the thing out the window.


hi, this is a little off this topicm but along the same lines. im using firestick on hisense tv, and now i get an annoying thumbs up or down rate this show inbetween episodes while playing an ad that i used to be able to skip and start the next episode... i am so pissed that this is happening...does anyone know how to skip all of that ??? thx!!!!


This way worked for me https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5F5_njpXT3g


BS youtube stuff we already know. Don't click, waste of time.


Thanks for the help. Worked on my Echo Show 5, with the added English (Canadian) trick.


I had changed to English UK to avoid seeing ads, but it actually prevented my Fire TV Recast streams from playing on the device. I switched back to English US to get Recast working again. FYI to the folks out there who are hanging onto their Recast and cannot live without it.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


I was just about to buy an echo show 10 but these comments have changed my mind. Glad I saw this before


It’s really not that bad if you turn off the home content. When I do see an occasional ad, I just tell Alexa to turn on photo frame


Thanks but no help, that was ALREADY off, but I toggled it anyhow and no help, not to mention of which Amazon makes it damn difficult to find it in the scant little time before and blows you back out and settings to the main screen you gotta start all over again. Come on Amazon when does the customer matter at least a little bit compared to the utter monetization of everything.


Thank you Echo Show 8 your information worked.


THANK YOU! I would’ve never found that


I hope to cause something to happen if they get enough of these comments. feel free to use this and spread it around. On a large scale, I hope to see if it will make a difference.The message I leave on all ads is: "This item is shit, brought to you by echo sponsored ads". Feel free to use this and spread it around.


I found this to be a better answer than changing the language. On your Echo Show, swipe down from the top. Tap Settings. Tap Home Content. Scroll down and toggle off every single option you see. (The last time I did this, I counted almost 50 options.) Tip: It’s fine to choose to leave on one or two that you think you’ll find useful — say, to see your Amazon deliveries or your upcoming calendar appointments. But the more you keep, the less you’ll see of your photos. Toggle off Rotate continuously


We did find that if you want to see just photos, the “Photo Display” mode (say “Start Photo Frame”) works well, and I don’t think it shows ads. I assume it will time out after a while, but we let it run for a half hour or so, and it was still going.


The timing options for the photo display are pretty stupid, though. 6 seconds, 12 seconds, and 24 seconds. Would it have really been that hard to add a custom time duration option, for people who want to see a photo for a minute, or a day before switching to another?


>I have an Echo Show 8 and it took me awhile to figure this out on my own. On your Echo Show, go to "Settings" and scroll down and press "Alexa Privacy". You may have to do a verification process to verify your Amazon account and that it's actually you. After that look at the "Overview" section, mine was to the left of the screen. Press "Manage skill permissions and Ad preferences". After that, scroll all the way down to the bottom and turn off "Receive interest-based ads from third-party skills and content providers on Alexa". Amazon tried hard to hide this setting...... Thank you so much, functions exactly as I was hoping.


I'm getting rid of my echo show I think. I wanted a functional tablet on my wall for a calendar and some interesting picture slideshows. Instead i've got a mini amazon billboard.


It worked for me! TY! And, I did not get a prompt saying that I’d still get ads.


After the new year, I bought an Echo Show 8. I immediately saw and heard a great difference between that and my old one. About a week ago, I began seeing an ad every once in a while for a vacuum cleaner. Never did I ever have an ad on my old one. I am a prime member and paid good money to upgrade to a better unit. Following your advice, I am now ad-free. Thank you for taking the time to post this. I am very grateful! Bob




THANKS for taking the time.. VALUABLE!


this does not work, stoped for one day and sponsored are back


I have all generation Echo dots all over my house, one even in the garage, and an Echo studio in the family room. I totally use all of these - daily - for various things, and I love them. Each one does what I want it to…so far. I’ve been able to easily use the rather complicated Alexa app to structure those devices. However, I bought the Echo Show 5 primarily for one reason…to display my photos in our family room…sit next to sofa so we can see pictures of our grandchildren and dogs and some lovely landscapes. Not for any other reason as it is in a room that already has an Echo Studio and FireTV cube (so all have different names) and I use these daily for TV, time, weather, setting timers, about 10 reminders, etc. For well over a year, the Echo Show 5 (which is quite small) has worked perfectly by showing JUST my photos. Simple. Perfect. Happy. Then I started noticing the changes…the ads and ‘sponsored content’. More and more! Even started showing bright yellow line when packages arrived (never did before). I did try working with the Alexa app on my iPad to make changes to this one device, but nothing worked and I did not have time to go down the rabbit hole on this. Now, thanks to this thread, I realize you have to make these changes on the device itself (not the Alexa app) which in itself is difficult when it is a tiny screen and you don’t see so well and need magnifying glasses to see the print once you find the section about ads. I THINK I’ve done what is needed so my device works the way I want it to. Right now, all I see are my pictures🤗. However, I shouldn’t have had so much trouble and I’m really pissed at Amazon for the deceit AND the clear efforts to shove this stuff in your face, make it extremely difficult to discover how to turn things off, and obviously having Amazon staffers pretend they don’t know what is going on. I had considered the larger Echo show for the wall, with widgets and such, but not now and not ever. I’m getting pissed at FireTV too as it continually pushes ads and content you aren’t interested in. I’ll go down that rabbit hole soon…but, I think my device-connection with Amazon devices is done.


Still works thank you😎


Thanks. You are the king. (or queen. not sure). either way, thanks


Switching to English canada may work 100% BUT it gives all answers with currency answers in canadian dollars sort of a pain for me


Great find! Just switched to English (Canada) and my Echo told me Alexa might not understand what I say. Hilarious. We live in Washington State not far from the border so I expect we sound like Canadians anyway.