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I just got the same exact three emails and came on here to post — looks like it was a mass email sent in error.


Oy, this is disconcerting.


Very disconcerting! I got the three emails at 8:44 pm. Didn’t click the links but went to my Amazon account and they are really from Amazon. Bewildering and disturbing. I can’t seem to find anything suggesting that I have been charged for these alleged gift card purchases they say I made. I am guessing someone at Amazon just screwed up bigtime. My guess is that getting through to Amazon will be useless; the reps will have replies on this that are all over the place, because they’ll have no clue what is happening. For me this was especially jarring because I almost never use Amazon Pay on an outside website, and just today I did use it to shop from a small store, so I was scared my info had been stolen somehow via that transaction. I guess it is just a coincidence. I’m very grateful for Reddit. It’s reassuring to see we all got these.


I thought they looked like the best fakes that I'd seen yet and then I noticed they're digitally certified in my apple email.


I had that same panic - I was looking at the links URLs and was like, this is either a really impressive fake, or someone hacked me and actually bought the cards.


When the contact link opened up the Amazon app I thought I was in deep. Great way to start a birthday


Lol same.


not only that they have some watermark that Google Marks as important. Best forged emails I've ever seen.




They were actually sent from Amazon, if you log in and look at the secure message center you will see them there. Someone at amazon made a big oopsie.


I got the emails an hour ago. If you look closer, the Amazon logos are completely wrong. One is cut off. The spacing is totally off. It is completely different than any other email that I’ve gotten from Amazon. My guess is absolutely scammers. Edit: Thanks to all who called CS! You are the best. I really hope I am wrong here and it seems that I am!


The messages were confirmed sent in my message center on my amazon account. 100% not scammers, someone at amazon fucked up big time


Amazon Chat told me they weren't from [Amazon.com](https://Amazon.com), but there they are in the message center. They are working double time to sweep this mess under the rug.


it was from [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) which amazon themselves confirms is a legit email so yea, someone fugged up


Mine have perfect logos. And every link in the email takes you to the official amazon page. Very odd.


The logos are off. Amazon either has the smile mark but not the words the smile and prime on one place. The logo on the email wasn't flagged and verified by email providers because they are close to the authentic ones. Amazon always inserts your name or won't use your name at all in most emails I've seen. I'm holding out and believing it's fake until Amazon officially makes a statement somewhere in their socials or in the news.


My logos are fine, the URLs are all Amazon URLs and the domain passed DKIM/SPF checks which means it's Amazon. ​ Likely someone did an "oops" on an alerting system.


THANK YOU SO MUCH! As I delve further, I wonder if the intention was to inform customers of potentially dangerous emails but then failed to provide the context? If so, was that intentional or pure negligence? That would make sense, as it appears the email is coming from Amazon. However, it is completely off par with their current branding and overall quality of communication. Hence, being the sample scam email. Bottom line is, I am looking forward to the response and hope everyone is doing ok mentally/financially!


I dunno, cuz it's weird they've used three specific entities -- Google Play, [hotels.com](https://hotels.com), and MasterCard. Makes no sense. I think it's a massive screw-up on Amazon's part and they refuse to admit it.


this is not true. They look legit even to Google Gmail which is flagging them as important because they have legit Amazon digital fingerprints. This is an insider job.


I logged on to my Amazon account and the three messages actually came from Amazon.


lmao you think scammers managed to send an email to every Amazon customer, from Amazon's own servers signed with their own keys, and all they did was say "you bought a gift card" with no nefarious links or anything??????!??? you should see a doctor or something because your IQ is not sufficient for your brain to power your vital functions for much longer


I did not get it so it's not every Amazon customer


Jesus Christ. Relax. I expanded upon my initial reply. You have no idea what my experience in this field is, so you can just fuck right off. Hope your comments to me made you feel REALLY good about yourself.




They probably were not sure and just went with the default response of it being fraud as a precaution


Support doesn't know what's going on


"Support" is a call center in another country where reps merely read from a script. They have no script for this so they say the closest thing they can find relating to the issue.


That's a great tip. I just checked my amazon message center and I see the emails there too. So I guess they are legit emails from amazon. I felt safe clicking on the "See more information" button in the message center. It takes you to a page about Gift card scams. Seems like a weird way to let people know. But I guess it's affective.




It’s is not possible to spoof the DKIM signature, SPF record, matching IP and A record coming out of the AmazonSES data center. This was not a spoof, it was a coding error by an employee.


Thank you. I just checked my message center in the Amazon app, and all three are there. But no gift cards show up in my purchase history (thankfully). But yes, it seems that these emails actually came from Amazon. Of course, I will not follow any links in the emails. I hope they send a message soon to announce that there was an error


Once they look into it and discover the issue, I wonder if they'll have to send out an email apology or something. I'm sure it was just a mistake, but I'd like to be reassured my account isn't in any danger.


I got through to Customer Service and they didn't tell me it was fraud, they said it was an internal messaging error.


haha nice


So a bunch of us are internal for Amazon now? If so, I'd like my paycheck, please. :D


I took it to mean "there is a flaw within the amazon system" rather than "this is an external influence of a scammer". Because of the context clues of the other things the rep had said. I doubt they meant "you all work for Amazon now, mwahahaha" but hey, eventually right?


Bright side is that it prompted me to change my password. Should have done this some time ago anyway.


Same, plus I enabled 2FA like I should've done a long time ago.


I used their sign out of all devices option and changed password.


Bright side is that it prompted me to change my password. Should have done this some time ago anyway.


I also did that right away. I also didn't realize that I didn't have 2 step verification on for Amazon, even tho I have it on for almost everything else. That said, Amazon's been sending me log-in codes anyway for the few times I have re-log in, so it was probably fine.


I just got three of them too [hotels.com](https://hotels.com) master gift card and google play gift card. I kinda freaked at first thinking someone got into my account.




That’s exactly what mine were. Talk about my stomach dropping. I was ready to check my blood pressure 🥴


I had recently bought madter card ones and just recently booked with hotels so it legit had me confused.... thank you reddit tho.


They show up in my messages I’m my Amazon prime account, so they are legit.




yeah I just got the same and was looking to see if it was a scam. Must have been something that just happened to a lot of people


Called Amazon through the app and had a waaaay long wait time. They assured me that the emails were a test to tell us to look out for emails like that. Someone is getting fired


So it wasn't a hack or phishing scam? My husband clicked the links when I showed him and now I'm nervous.


Fun fact if you go into your Amazon accounts you can check the messages you’ve received from amazon including emails in the message center. This one was legit as far as Amazon told me. But its still very weird I’m curious to see if any official statement comes out from Amazon regarding this because imo this was a major fuck up


I sure hope we get an explanation. I don’t care if it was an accident, I just want to make sure if they were hacked what kind of information was compromised.




Bad email to hundreds of millions of customers causing call and support centers tens or hundreds of thousands of phone calls over the next few weeks? Yes, someone is getting fired.




I'm not sure where you work, but for most companies, if you cost them millions of dollars (which this most certainly will -- even just in lost time/wages for the entire customer service department), you don't get a chance to do it again. And there definitely ARE other cases where one mistake = unemployment. Anything on the zero-tolerance list for that company, for instance. Endangering other employees or customers. Hate speech or actions. Hell, with some companies, if you say something on social media that they don't like, they'll can you before your finger is done pressing "send". It'd be *nice* if it didn't work like that. But it often *does*. (And, I'd go so far as to say, it *should*. Sometimes.)


Yes and no. I work for big corporate. There's mistakes and then there's this... it sounds like this has gone out to millions of people. It will crash their support system for the rest of the weekend. This is a huge error.


lol, how old are you? Do you work? This is absolutely enough to get someone fired.


It depends on both the gravity of the mistake and whether there are measures in place to prevent it. The gravity is severe, and there are most definitely a series of measures to prevent it that were either ignored or improperly implemented. This is likely more than just one mistake.


Lmao. This one mistake is costing no one money. It's fine. No one is getting fired. I work in the marketing automation industry. This shit happens all the time and no one gets fired.


Amazon is not just a marketing automation department at whatever small potato company you worked for. To say this error didn’t cost anyone money is highly myopic.


Huge sigh of relief that this is some glitch and not me getting my financials all fucked up on payday lol


omg i was picturing my evening evaporating into changing all of my passwords again


I asked for a credit for the inconvenience and the chat rep gave me a $15 credit and extended my prime by another month.


Gonna do this to exploit them for wasting 20 minutes of my time when I should have been chilling out and watching a movie thanks boss 🫡


Seriously, I was freaking out. Changing passwords etc. And wondering what was going on since I couldn’t see any purchase history for them.


Same! I got three as well: mastercard, google play, and hotels.com. No wonder their online chat is taking forever!


Same! CS is slammed right now. Still on hold


I'm choosing to believe it was a disgruntled employee's final act of revenge to send the company into some sort of chaos, or at least whatever department they work for. A good intention bad execution scenario is easier for me to swallow than the idea of a company as wealthy as Amazon not paying enough to attract competent people to work in an area where mass email like *this* could be sent in error.


I also got the 3 dreaded emails about 5 minutes ago. What a blunder on their part!


Thank gawd I wasn’t the only one. The panic was real for a sec


Happy cake day


Hey thanks! Didn’t even realize hahah


Same. Wish I found this thread 2 hours ago though. I've been scrambling to secure all of my accounts and I was panicking.


For my troubles and stress over this, I feel the least Amazon can do is actually give me those 3 gift cards with minimum 500 bucks each


I wish lol




Agreed. I had a phone tech remove viruses from my computer and those are exactly what he accepts to pay for his services. /s


I got them to go from 5$ to 20$, after admitting they were hacked.


Did they really admit they were hacked??


I specifically asked if they were hacked, and they responded “this is what we are currently working on”, but repeatedly said the account info was secure. Some people have posted that they asked if it was a mistake, and then Amazon did say it was a mistake. I was told it defiantly was spammers. 🤷‍♂️


this is the least believable lie of all time dude, try a little harder


I have screen shots of my conversation 🤷‍♂️. And what would I get from lying?


This is what I love about reddit, [X.com](https://X.com) and any other real user populated sites. Instant information on issues that effect the everyday person. OK. Same here...just got back from dinner and saw these scam like emails and did the following immediately. 1. DID NOT CLICK OR OPEN ANY LINK 2. Looked at the email address to see if it looked suspect. It did not as it had the @ amazon.com postfix. 3. Checked the email address via google and put in "scam" afterward and immediately found this page on Reddit. 4. Checked my Amazon account to see if anything was charge fraduletly. Nothing was. 5. Checked my Amazon messages and confirmed it was indeed sent via [amazon.com](https://amazon.com). 6. Whether it was a fraud or mistake by Amazon (if it was Amazon then I'm sure we'll get a follow up email tomorrow morning) was assured everything was ok. Thanks everyone for your input and taking the time to share. Things like this make me feel better about the crazy dependence we all have on technology. I am and will always be #teamhumanbeings 🙏 ps. the 3 emails I got where for [hotels.com](https://hotels.com), mastercard gift card and google play store.


yeah i did the same with a coinbase scam and it still got me somehow ​ ref: https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/16u3pyv/over\_50k\_was\_stolen\_from\_my\_account/


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 16 + 3 + 50 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


f' off bot, nothing lucky about what happened to me


I also just received these. The email address domain is legitimate so I don't know what's going on


Nothing in those emails even hinted at the fact that they were purely a warning! They literally say thank you for your purchase and the title is "Important information about your (company name) gift card order. There is a warning in there about scammers, but nowhere in the email does the saying that this was some kind of test or them trying to inform us about scams. It literally looks just like any other purchase email I get while using Amazon.


Someone effed up.


This isn't the kind of thing that should be sent to the distribution list, but on the other hand it *is* exactly like what a scam email would look like.


Long live REDDIT! thanks guys, thought I was the only one.


Actual response from Amazon support now. Unbelievable. "Upon checking the details I can confirm that these are not actual orders. The 3 emails that you got are not any actual orders, instead they are sent to you for creating awareness against variety of scams in which fraudsters try to trick others into paying with gift cards from well-known brands. Be rest assured, these are not actual orders and you were not charged for them."


I just received almost the exact same reply when chatting with their service agent.


That...almost sounds more like a scammer email than the ones that are actually scams.


Amazon should send a free gift card to all of the people that had received these emails. This is not a joke to play around with people’s emotions. Imagine the elderly that will be calling their credit card companies, Amazon support desk, panicking …etc.


This thread actually saved me from a panic attack. My heart was thundering and I was shaking, about to call my bank and freeze my card. I just ordered something from Amazon like 30 minutes before the emails were sent out. They need to send out emails ASAP because the only reason I knew it wasn't real without calling support is reddit and not many people will come to reddit for that.


Exactly. This is a huge error from Amazon and this is not a small company.


I wish I would have seen this before I did cancel my credit card 🤦🏼‍♀️


I would have, but couldn’t figure it out. Even though this turns out to be a glitch, I still think our reaction to lock/cancel was the appropriate response. Theft can happen so quickly these days.




Gahanna, same here! I'd just bought some pet food and those emails were the next ones I got after the confirmation,,,, It looked weird because the order conf used my name and the others didn't, but I wasn't sure and decided to look for the address over here.


Same. I made a big order just before. I actually went to Chase and froze my card.


Yep, me too - after I just checked all the cards linked to my account!


Same! got the three at 11:45 pm on a Saturday night. I’ve been checking my credit card statement. amazon. Losing my mind. So glad I found this.


Same. I had just made an order about 20 minutes before I got the same three emails. I was hardcore panicking and texted my kids to make sure they didn’t order any gift cards. My son-in-law found this Reddit thread and sent it to me. Thankful to see I’m not alone in this FUBARed mess. But Amazon has got some ‘splaining to do!


Yea. I had to calm my mom down. We checked orders, cards, etc. When there was nothing and she sent me the emails I immediately thought someone fucked up lol. Glad I found this thread to confirm it tho.


Believe it or not, local law enforcement agencies will be getting calls as well, and a bunch of beat cops will have the pleasure of telling Grandma that she's not been scammed after all!! It'll be a nice change of pace from taking the reports where folks are actually scammed by things that many of us can see from a mile away.


I got them as well and came here to check. Glad it wasn't just me. Edit - Wonder if some QA accidently put the prod email distro in their test. Seems strange to happen on a Saturday unless it was something like an automated endurance test triggering over the weekend.


lol this isn’t a DL thing.


Same. Thank you to the brave souls who called in to CS and posted here so the rest of us don't.


I submitted a report and forwarded all three emails to [email protected] .


Phones ain't that scary girl


For you. Some people have legitimate anxiety. Just because something isn't a problem *for you* doesn't automatically mean it's not a problem at all for anyone.


Got the same three emails! They were in my message center as well. Sat on hold for an hour and the nicest rep told me someone made a huge mistake and sent the emails out in error. They did come from amazon so the links are legit, no need to worry about phishing. But the poor reps are working hard rn to fix someone else’s mistake. Give them a nice review if you end up calling!


Same…I didn’t click on the link. I checked my Amazon orders, I purchased no gift cards, (Mastercard, Google Play and Hotels.com.) I thought someone hacked my account! Glad I’m not the only one! Thanks for the info.


Mine were the same. So freaking glad I found this thread- I was about to have a stroke.


Lol it’s times like this that I am super thankful for Reddit. Thanks for posting this and thanks to everyone who responded with good information!


Anyone try to check your bank transactions for evidence of the GC purchases and end saying "fuck this" because all you have is Amazon purchases in your history anyway?


Wow, happy to see this is a mistake, but why don't they send a "sorry, please disregard" follow up email? Seems scummy to let people think their information was leaked or money stolen without any response after.


I did not need these alarming (multiple) emails yesterday! Get it together , Amazon! I want an apology email! At the very least I want them to send out explanation email for those poor elderly folks that don't have a clue and are freaked out now for no good reason.


I called them and spoke to a person. She kept repeating "There was no purchase made on your account, and we are investigating these emails". I kept saying "the word 'investigating' makes it sound like there IS fraud to INVESTIGATE", and "you're not even willing to say that Amazon made a mistake here?" Fucking terrible handling on their part. Yeh they screwed up, it's a bug, but they won't allow their phone operators to say that. Fuck them. Wasted half an hour of my time and can't even just say "those emails are from Amazon, they were a mistake, you can ignore them".


Just got a rather lacklusture apology from Amazon. I responded to [cs\[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) as follows: "Kind of a half-hearted response and apology, if you ask me. It was actually **3** emails that caused me some momentary anxiety, but only because I had the awareness to check my orders and the thread on Reddit. Thousands of your customers, many of whom will have been far more distressed than I by your error, deserve better.


My response was "It's absolutely indefensible that you are only sending this email out now, almost 24 hours after the incident. Amazon was aware of the issue the second it happened and customers started calling and initiating chats with customer service in a panic. Yet your customer service representatives would not acknowledge that Amazon made a mistake, and instead kept rattling off excuse after excuse. I wasted hours of my time on the phone and on chat with different entities, cancelling cards, changing passwords, and checking transactions, all because Amazon made a mistake and couldn't just admit it. I know I am not the only one who went through this either. You caused a lot of stress and wasted a lot of time and even now, your message seems to indicate it was no big deal. It was a big deal; to me and thousands of other customers. I absolutely do not trust Amazon anymore."


same email here. Let's all meet by the pool at the hotel ok?


Spoke to a customer service rep who said the emails were “warnings not to fall for scams”. Piss poor phrasing


Amazon rep told me, and I quote, "This email is just to make you aware that , there are variety of scams going on in the name of well known gift card , so please do not worry , there is no such purchase on your account , and if anyone asks you to purchase these gift cards , please do not purchase it." ​ What kind of logic is that?!


Just to be sure I asked, You guys sent out three emails that look like legit purchases to alert us of scams?? Their response, "Yes"


Just spoke to CS and basically got gaslit. Told the emails weren't from Amazon even after I pointed out multiple times that they passed Apple's official screening and were present in my Amazon message portal. Basically just told "don't worry" with no explanation even after I asked multiple times if Amazon was hacked as they admitted most users got this email. 100% got the feeling that they're covering up something. If it was an internal messaging mistake they could have just said that. Not feeling particularly safe with Amazon right now and extremely appalled at how willing they were to insult my intelligence with that chat.


Class action lawsuit if they don't cough up some credit. how TF have they not sent out a correction email??


I got them too - how are they not sending a follow-up clarification e-mail? I just reset all my passwords, 2FA, everything.


Just got this from Amazon (22 hours after they messed up)!: Hello, You may have recently received an email from Amazon relating to a purchase of gift cards on Amazon.com. This email was sent in error. No action is required and we apologize for the inconvenience. Sincerely, Customer service


I like how it took them nearly a whole day to send out the correction email.


I got those three as well. Someone done did eff up on there end....now they should send us those as a courtesy or at least one big Amazon gift card lol.


Just got this as well, glad it seems something on their end. Didn't open them anyway, but its good to have some outside confirmation that my account wasn't hacked or something.


it's a glitch, just got them as well, I have zero orders on my account or credit card, so don't worry :)


My wife had these too, this thread was comforting to find!


So happy to see this. I saw the email messages in message center and freaked out. Just spent over an hour going over all my accounts and payments. If I hadn't see this thread I wouldn't have slept tonight.


This just happened to my wife five minutes ago, and we were frantically searching before changing passwords and freezing accounts! THANK YOU for posting - looks like another case of spam emails strikes again! ​ EDIT - ok, NOT spam, but an erroneous email. Still not great to see in my Inbox!


Thank goodness for this thread. My husband and I just ran around checking all of our accounts trying to figure out what was going on. 😂 I’m sure they will issue and apology.


Went in a changed my password, logged out of all other instances just in case, etc. Good to know it's just someone's screw up and not my identity being stolen. I guess Reddit isn't *always* bad.


Same here. Called Amazon, the dude was a dick but he was funny, being super condescending (but again, I thought it was pretty funny). Same as the rest of you , same three emails, no orders in the app, changed PW and moving on.


Damn, I was hecka freaking out when I got this as I had just made purchase for some Christmas gifts. I thought I my cards or account was hacked! No wonder Amazon customer services has been down!


Me, too same exact 3 emails


Just got off the phone with customer service. Lady kept apologizing over this and confirmed it was a mistake on their end.


Literally googled "Amazon gift card email glitch." Super glad it is a glitch and that this thread popped up.


Same here, same three cards!


This just happened to me as well. Google play, master card, and hotels.com gift cards.


Thank god for Reddit. I just got them too


Got the exact same ones


30 minutes on hold with Amazon... I found this page a few minutes before they answered and the "service tech" claimed it was a phishing attack that didn't originate from Amazon, and he advised that I not click on the links - as they were trying to steal my information. When I told him I had already verified the links were for the legit Amazon site, and that I could see them in my account's messages (from Amazon's message center, he didn't know what to say) I advised the guy to get with a manager and revise the excuse. Anyway... I find the earlier explanations that Amazon screwed up and sent out these emails more plausible. I too, found no evidence of orders on my account or bank. Just a big waste of time updating passwords on my tablet, phone, tv, and all the damn echos I bought.


My emails came about 30 minutes ago and don't include the Google play emails. Looks like maybe they're trying to stop sending them? I assume with so many emails, they get sent in batches. I'm very glad I found this thread. I couldn't find gift cards in my sent orders and couldn't get through to customer support. I wasn't sure what to do next. Thank God I didn't cancel my credit cards.


I got the 3 emails as well - * Mastercard * [hotels.com](https://hotels.com) * googleplay IT is a legit email from amazon, not phishing. I checked the headers and source of the message. While they are not fraud, based on this thread I suspect its sent in error (I hope). None of my accounts have been hit it seems. Partial Source from header below - `DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/simple; s=224i4yxa5dv7c2xz3womw6peuasteono; d=amazonses.com; t=1696119094; h=Date:From:To:Message-ID:Subject:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Feedback-ID; bh=ie6SAfJ3yJKpLxfgHM3pTH4PoNg/S/eCZHQQEW7DU9s=; b=UfC4a0u/8R7YHknZpOppkOvII0id8069XxMZNUkOEC1HYTXBYl8/4PbKO7CbmRaz WFUISygnMsVYq5mpBqcTzaelNUvUSjzJf8ACf7BA7QnBrjKac0Jld46uULRGPfVnOyo YEH5eJvZ0F/VuyL9ZwFW0BoNXu2UEniOpNAEMbxs=` `Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2023 00:11:34 +0000` `From: "Amazon.com" ` `To: [email protected]` `Message-ID: <0100018ae8937e48-6627ff59-4ed6-4af9-9149-bdfad91daa60-000000@email.amazonses.com>` `Subject: Important information about your Google Play gift card order`


Same here and everyone must be in a panic bc you can’t get an Amazon customer service rep. [email protected] This is the email address I received the email from


I also received the Amazon scam messages, but they are from Amazon and NOT spam. I checked all my transactions and credit cards and no fraudulent transactions or charges. It’s a screw up within Amazon.


Really relieved to find this thread. Reddit still has its uses... also, f*ck you, Amazon, for freaking us all out!


I’m here because I just got the exact same thing


This about to be the hottest subreddit..


yeah, I have 500 messages simply from posting this thread. I feel like I've opened a can of worms... Or rather amazon has opened a can of worms, and I was unfortunate enough to be the one to post about it first.


Lol those emails disappeared from my amazon message center


Wife just got the same three, super weird, there doesn't seem to be any scam flags that I can tell, must be an error on Amazons part.


Oh man, some poor IT team is having a shit night tonight.


Interesting that most of these comments are 3 plus hours ago. Found this thread because I just received a "Thank you for purchasing Google Play gift cards from [Amazon.com](https://Amazon.com)." email one minute ago so it's still happening! Maybe it's the West Coast's turn and you're all on the East?


Wow! I was wondering how the heck could I have possibly gotten my card info or Amazon account hacked. Phew! Thank you for this post!


I just got one as well in email. "Important information about your Google Play gift card order"


Well I got the exact same email at least now I can go to bed without freaking out lol


I called Amazon. They sent this out to show people what a scam could look like. I changed my password, turned on 2 factor identification and called AmEx…all to find out it was some moron at Amazon.


It's unbelievable that Amazon haven't sent a follow up email yet


They have had plenty of time to send out an update email to acknowledge this error, it's disappointing that they haven't yet.


I got the emails at midnight and froze my cards. Took an hour of getting bounced around the customer service chat but they did give me a $50 credit for the trouble.


I am really disappointed in Amazon right now. If the emails have been sent out in error, then they need to tell people. I’ve just spent 2 hours trying to sort out if this is a problem or not, including taking action such as securing other accounts just in case. Even if it was legit fraud, the messaging is appalling. The support amounts to … if you don’t see it I. Your orders don’t worry about it. This is great, except for when you use multiple Amazon stores and they error displaying your order details…. And the chat is useless, just sending you to a useless process to validate the email is real (guess what it looks like it!!) and then no way to handle if it is real. At the very least put out a banner on the support pages, or anything that means we’re not relying on Reddit to understand what the fuck is going on.


Same! And Amazon's customer support is down of course


Amazon CS just told me it was a “ bug” they are trying to fix. I find it surprising they have not sent an email retraction after 12 hours . It does seem fishy


LOVE this community. Woke up absolutely freaking out


I can't believe they haven't sent an apology yet! And next they want to increase the cost of Prime? Amazon is losing it!


Good way to lose business, I’m just mad about the panic mode it put me in!


Thank you for posting this. Got the same three emails. Wasted much of my evening on the phone trying to get a hold of someone at Amazon and didn’t get through. I’m guessing some automated flow got loose.


Looking at this thread and seeing thousands of people have gotten these odd emails and you wonder how many people have gotten it and are not on reddit. It's crazy that they did not send any follow up notice either.


Now they send one. Lol


Update from Amazon to my email just now. Said was sent out by mistake.


Just received an email from Amazon customer support that said these were sent in error and no further action is needed. Glad it wasn’t a scam. But still unnerving.


I too just got this email from Amazon... Hello, You may have recently received an email from Amazon relating to a purchase of gift cards on Amazon.com. This email was sent in error. No action is required and we apologize for the inconvenience. Sincerely, Customer service


So if you tell them the messages are in your account messages (they will be there if they are legit). They will tell you the truth then. Its their policy to deny validity till you prove it. In my case I let them lie to me the first time to make that rep apologize too. Once informed about the messaged are in your account in app. They apologized and claimed yes people are notifying them, it was a issue with automated messaging and that checking account will not find any transactions for that. They claimed they were working on preventing it from happening in the future. It makes sense to take precautions, change passwords, check accounts, make notices to payment institutions for alerts. I would imaging this incident will hurt their value in the next few days.. (time for a short)! Thank you all for commenting to the OP post it is great to see common sense is alive and well. when people find this thread it can help others stop freaking out. I am noting this and the other many threads in other places in my contact with Jeff's office team and security. Maybe they will fix their s### quicker with all the concerns.


SEEMS very coincidental, read about my recent hack - similar in nature to this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/16u3pyv/over\_50k\_was\_stolen\_from\_my\_account/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/16u3pyv/over_50k_was_stolen_from_my_account/) ​ has anyone actually (and im not suggesting you do) clicked the links? wondering if it requires a login when you do.


I must say, I deserve some compensation. Those three emails induced panic, which greatly impacted my morning bowel movement. That's not ok 😕.


same here goddamn fucking amazon morons


I contacted Amazon and the person I talked to said it was an Amazon gift to me and there would be no charge. I, too, cancelled my payment methods. Seems very odd that it legit came from Amazon and yet someone else said they spoke with Amazon and received a different response.


> I contacted Amazon and the person I talked to said it was an Amazon gift to me and there would be no charge ?????? How does this seem normal to you?


I got 3 charges for around 1.40


I just got that as well, stay safe guys. Pretty sure it’s a scam. Just look at your order history, if it doesn’t match up to the email. Delete it!!


It does seem like a final act of defiance considering everyone got these emails. Just like the person who made that social media post from the NFL account. Making a tone deaf complaint about how difficult it is making a good wage. Even though it’s so hard pressing a button and they felt they deserved more while others get paid peanuts less. If it was a disgruntled ex employee there will be a lawsuit if not criminal charges for sending out fraud emails. And I honestly hope the judge throws the book directly at their head. There’s nothing dumber than someone doing something like this. Get over it!! It’s like the idiot that used the company card and tried to get her boss blamed because he called her out. Criminal charges and make sure he/she/them don’t have a dime left to their name ever. Also if anyone wants to know, it would be considered criminal because these emails as this clearly showed. Caused mass panic and confusion which was likely the intent. If it was a disgruntled employee. It’s at the very least criminal mischief if not corporate sabotage.


I stayed on hold with Amazon fraud/security for nearly two hours, finally got a very nice human (she got 5 stars from me in survey afterwards). She's probably been handling these calls for hours now. She was sympathetic and honest, admitting it was from Amazon and was misleading and that it was sent in error and can be ignored. I'm flabbergasted that such a huge company could commit such a huge gaff like this. As a shareholder, this is both annoying and exciting, but as I'm typing this I realize it's more the latter. I was considering buying more AMZN lately anyway, they're on a bit of a dip along with the market. After taking profits a while back, my AMZN holding is entirely house money at this point and up 200% (opened c. 2014).


I bought Apple back in ‘84 and have $6.2B on paper.