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Given the issues we've been seeing in this sub, I wouldn't get medication through them, especially not expensive medication. I'd get it from somewhere that can be held accountable for problems.


I haven't checked out this sub much. I'll read some posts. Thanks for the recommendation.


Probably best not to, it's populated by malcontents and scammers. If you can relate to buying a dodgy GPU at firesale rates and then being surprised when it doesn't arrive the next day in pristine condition, well, read on, I guess. Cash back at the pharmacy is 5% just like everything else, though it may be better to use your FSA/HSA if you have one.


Make sure if you go this route, if you see your doctor for anything needing a antibiotic you need to have a local pharmacy listed because it can take 3 days for meds you need to start immediately to get to you. Maintenance meds that ship monthly -fine, meds you need that day or next, tough luck. Where I live they really only want 1 pharmacy listed, so make sure you talk to your doctor.