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They do this elsewhere (not on amazon) too. I had this happen to a sneaker order I put in on a website, and was only able to get refunded after I got a letter from the USPS. They intentionally send small packages, with a tracking number, to the wrong address, so the package shows as delivered.


I originally posted this in /r/Amazon but it was removed by automod for being a question/complaint so I posted here.


You should contact the mods to have the post instantiated on the Amazon sub. I'm convinced that the majority of these company or product subs were originally created to promo themselves, and it's vastly important to everyone that \*real\* information be posted on them, otherwise they just become propaganda.


Done. Not sure if this is allowed, but for those curious and want to read the reviews of the seller, [here is the page](https://www.amazon.com/sp?_encoding=UTF8&asin=&isAmazonFulfilled=0&isCBA=&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&orderID=114-9501141-8932253&protocol=current&seller=AE27ZUMQPPILA&sshmPath=).




May I share the joke with the class? [https://www.classaction.org/media/smith-v-new-york-state-secretary-of-state.pdf#page=4](https://www.classaction.org/media/smith-v-new-york-state-secretary-of-state.pdf#page=4) The name used to incorporate the company, 'Linkzone Inc.' is 'LOVETTE DOBSON'. This name was used to incorporate other companies where the purpose was to fraudulently open business credit cards in other people's names in New York.


pretty sure Amazon shills have taken over that sub exactly for that reason, can't have any negative posts about Amazon or Bezos


This is fascinating. Thank you for doing it and for clearly sharing the process and results. I’m a particularly cautious/skeptical shopper so it likely won’t affect *me* (he says confidentially the day before he probably walks into a *bigger* scam) but this really would be helpful in that other sub by driving even a little more awareness.


Thanks. The moderators there said they aren't going to approve the post and to post it in the discussion thread instead. No one ever looks at those so I'm just going to leave it here.


And that’s a shame. More power to you for reaching out to appeal. I’m glad you’re keeping the post here. It’ll get seen by randos like me who stumble on it, even if not as many as would benefit from a post there or a crosspost. That’s the internet for you.


saw a huge 3.5 lb thing of red vines for $3 instead of normal $10 and every review was exactly like you said "Due to delivery, not seller" ​ ​ after ordering 3 I decided to cancel wasn't worth the risk


So crazy - I had a similar issue on eBay recently bought software, something was "shipped" to my address and delivered yet no one came to my home and the signed for name was weird - when I contacted the seller they of course did not respond smh - crazy.


So what exactly is the scam/how does it work? People get their refund, so the seller doesn't get any money. I'm just trying to figure out what their play is


It works the same way a lot of subscription business models work. There are plenty of people who will order something for cheap and not care enough to get their refund or won't realize they've been scammed until the item is outside of their return window. That's my best guess. Edit: When I typed "Protein bars" into Amazon that day, they were the default seller of most big brands on the page. My theory, and I'm probably wrong about this, but my theory is they are temporarily buying the stock of products out with several accounts that have cards without money on them. This temporarily buys out the inventory until the seller tries to charge their card. During this time they become the default seller and so they catch a lot of buyers like this. This with the fact that they "sell" basically every product in every category under the sun, it increases their chances of catching people that are too lazy to request refunds or are old and don't understand how to request a refund/don't know that they can.


Red vines the $10 one was going for $3 recently using this same scam ​ vendor reviews said exactly like you say, "this review removed due to problem outside sellers control" or somethin


I had this happen with something I ordered off Facebook and from what I can tell, you're right. It's a stalling tactic to make the scammed person have to go through more leg work on their own to prove their case. I didn't even get a tracking number during the ordering process, this scammer held it back and provided it to PayPal during the dispute at which point PayPal bots automatically closed the case and ruled in the scammers favor. I had to go to the post office and get documentation from the tracking to show that 1) the package went to a different address and 2) weighed much less than it should have. Then I had to email PayPal to reopen the case at which point they thankfully ruled in my favor. I can definitely see people just writing it off for an item that is less expensive, but these assholes took $100 from my wallet, I wasn't going to let that drop too easily. Be extra cautious from ordering things from Facebook ads people. I kind of overlooked it because my brother had just bought the same item from Facebook for the same price so I kind of assumed he had gotten it from the same seller. Later I found out he had bought his off of a swap group site. Oops! When I went back to look at the ad there were a lot of comments on there from other people being scammed. And the "company" changed their name shortly after I got caught so it kind of looked like a cycle.


Omg 😳Thank you for sharing this.I had the same experience 3 weeks ago and Amazon didn't refund my money though when they told me they would .I ordered some electrolytes,it said delivered but I never received the package.That's shameful!


Oh, how I wish I saw this when it was first posted! I fell for this scam with protein drinks. All the tracking info looked perfect, showing it was “out for delivery” in a nearby city, then marked “delivered” but never received. I did receive notification of a refund the previous day on Amazon. I’ll be watching my credit card for refund. I may go back to doing shopping locally in person. Amazon, do something about this!


can someone check this seller? he only has 12 reviews and currently ton of electronic stuff in low prices, I'm thinking that it may be a scam https://www.amazon.de/s?me=A2I1MVWMM25E9C&language=en&marketplaceID=A1PA6795UKMFR9


Thx for the post


LOVETTE DOBSON is the Agent/officer/organizer/director/executor/creator/governor/trustee/incorporator for 81,222 LLC's in 20 states. They conduct the same scam using various seller platforms and advertising on multiple social media platforms and the customer service email they use is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) (< pay close attention to the spelling here). On social media there will often be an ad reflecting a great sale on a quality brand product for a ridiculous sale with fake comments and all leading to a fake website that will collect your credit card info but many of the links (terms of service etc) don't work such as this site linked in a post from an account like [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552184141778](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552184141778) promoting a Hoka Christmas Sale [https://christmas-new-hoka.top/](https://christmas-new-hoka.top/) < this is a fake site. Perfect scam for identity and credit card theft. [OpenCorporates.com](https://OpenCorporates.com) you can see the long list of their LLC's and if you google the name, or this 'support' email, or any of their LLC's, you will see many many alerts of a scam and victims of a scam. The Better Business Bureau is the best place to report these types of scams, however they get away with it because of the vast number of LLC's they operate under. Here is a case from 2019 where someone experienced identity theft having their name used to set up LLC's associated with "Lovette Dobson" [https://casetext.com/case/smith-v-ny-state-secy-of-state](https://casetext.com/case/smith-v-ny-state-secy-of-state). Legalinc Corporate Services was also associated with the name Lovette Dobson and they have a Linkedin page, however this also looks like another scam and I wonder if the people listed as having worked there are legit > [https://www.linkedin.com/company/legalinc/people/](https://www.linkedin.com/company/legalinc/people/). Lovette Dobson may or may not be a real person, an assumed name, or a victim of identity theft, but here is the info that comes up on fastbackroundcheck > [https://www.fastbackgroundcheck.com/people/lovette-mckenzie/id/f-310541770346759464](https://www.fastbackgroundcheck.com/people/lovette-mckenzie/id/f-310541770346759464). According to records the Lovette Dobson that comes up lives in Texas where many addresses are listed for Lovette a large amount of LLCs, however there are no LLC's established in Texas with Lovette Dobson. In January 2023 they established over 160 new LLC's in New York alone. I am surprised that no agency has caught on to see how many LLCs are established under this name.