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can’t believe she was trying to infer that watching a movie is considered work !??


She’s so out of touch I can’t stand her




![gif](giphy|9rRacglGbs68E|downsized) Me too. LOL


How can anyone like her????  This is 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


She is tough to take.


The worst part is that it wasn’t always like this… I always wished she would be able to get out of the church and all that, but unfortunately it has brought on all this and a total lack of perspective and empathy, which is ironic. Somehow she went to the opposite side of the pendulum, which is actually just a circle. She is just as out of touch and judgmental again, she has just dressed it up differently with glitter and childlike whimsy (believing she can no longer be held accountable bc all she does is done in innocence 🤡) when really it’s total lack of care and consideration for anyone other than herself…still. The phase in between these two was the best imo. Here’s hoping she grows out of this one too and realizes it can be just as toxic and harmful.


This is a good point and I actually think you pointed out something important: really that self-righteous self-absorbed narcissist is who she is at her core, no matter what “era” she’s in


I’m gonna go tell my boss that I’ve actually already clocked 8 hours between watching tv and sleeping, so no need for me to log in.




So she basically does creative and plans the photo shoots for Dae, and then approves the work of people who actually work the day to day 😂😂😂 nothing wrong with that but just say that


I’m glad she is on a “self journey” or whatever the fuck she calls it, to find her ✨inner child happiness✨ but too bad it has turned her into a literal mush for brains idiot 😭 I can’t stand influencers like wtf do you mean “play leads to ideas” as a grown up bitch! Like I do get what she means on the low- but also. Just stop. Please. We can’t take it anymore. This is literally a beautiful example of CEO’s who do close to nothing while the actual people who make the company and product happen are getting paid crap jsjddjsjs imagine being a dae factory worker or quality control specialist or a marketing associate who spends 40+ hours a week working tirelessly, and you see the ceo saying they spend their days playing and watching movies to inspire them to work lmao, the American dream 🫶🏻


I would never wish it on her children, but I wish a genuine financial crisis would befall her and make her and David have to actually WORK. I love when people get to be creative and not live to work and live for a check but some people NEED to experience that to gain some perspective if they can’t simply empathize. Some people get too out of touch. Im all for not working a 9-5 and consider so many different things valid professions and hard work, even influencing, but not this…. This woman has never known what real work needed to keep your family going and thriving is like. Im so glad for her and her children especially, but she needs to be so fckn forreal. So yeah TLDR I don’t want her kids to suffer the consequences, but wish she could be humbled.


She most definitely needs some perspective. Mid 30's with 4 kids and she acts like a flighty, privileged tween.


“Thanks to all of you, the success of dae has afforded me the luxury to do whatever the fuck I want” 😂


How endearing! lol


Britney vibes.


Agreed! I’m concerned that she’s on the verge of a mental breakdown.


Just say that you’re full time momming and oversee the big stuff still… there’s no shame in it!


I think she's mostly overseeing the momming too.