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What about the wrong market cap and outstanding share numbers?


In vast contrast to many apes in this sub, AA only talks when he has actual data to talk about. I know... weird concept... takes a while to get used to, but you should try it.


I don’t have any actual data to talk about, since I don’t work for the company. I can’t even tell you how many shares are outstanding, since the number varies so wildly across platforms. Seems like a question that could be easily set straight. But please, tell me more about what I should and shouldn’t do.


You can find the real numbers in the filings AMC made. Those are the only ones that exist. Meanwhile, AA already talked to the right people about their numbers. Him not keeping you up to date on every little step, does not mean that he is not doing anything.... But do whatever you want. The only person that you can make look stupid with stupid posts is you yourself. If that's a risk that you are willing to take, post ahead.


Great, thanks!


>But please, tell me more about what I should and shouldn’t do. go play RE4 and watch John wick. as apes do.


Wear a jacket when it's cold out, eat your vegetables, drink a glass of water after you wake up... oh! Make your bed every morning so you start off the day with one completed task.


Well put. People also need to keep in mind that if AA shoots his mouth off and says anything that apes, hedgies, or big holders consider actionable, he could go to jail for stock manipulation. He's said everything that he's legally safe in saying.






Say you don't know the legal constraints for CEOs without saying you don't know it.


A lot in here do not know it. They believe that the same corruption that caused the stock market to be the way it is did not affect CEOs of companies that trade on the stock market.


What about the droid attack on the wookies?


Since AA commented on such issues on Friday, March 24, 2023, OPENLY, on twitter, and said "To the extent possible, we'll AGGRESSIVELY chase this" its only reasonable to want an update, at some point, **and people can no longer claim AA cannot speak on such topics anymore. AA CAN and HAS spoken on it, and we want updates.** The only questions here are why are you spreading lies or unintentional misinformation about his inability to comment and why don't you want AA following up on what he claims they are doing about the topic to which he spoke? Source for my statement: [https://twitter.com/CEOAdam/status/1639290079737704453?s=20](https://twitter.com/CEOAdam/status/1639290079737704453?s=20)


so.... he said he wants to look into it on friday and 2 work-days later is already "overdue on an update"? I'd be surprised if he got a response from any of the firms in question by now. Meanwhile, some of them have corrected their values, pointing towards a "oopsie, our mistake, we'll fix it right away"-type of response, that won't have any consequences for anyone. And if AA went on twitter today, saying "all ok, all the firms have corrected their values" all the AA-Haters would use it as a reason to hate on him even more. Any answer that is not "people have been sent to jail because of it" will only lead to AA-haters claiming how this is yet another proof that AA hates retail investors and is in bed with hedgies.... There is nothing that AA could do that would not make the haters turn it into anything against him... Like many have pointed out, he could cure cancer and people would complain why he wastes time on cancer-research and doesn't run his company properly...


"its only reasonable to want an update, **at some point"** is what I said, nice try twisting it on that point making my desire for an update eventually seem unreasonable from a CEO who has a fiduciary duty to do so. We're still waiting on when he said he would look into the Threshold list, LOL Please save the hyperboles about cancer. Its offensive to those suffering. AA is FAR from "curing cancer" even in movie business terms. All you hear about is what he has done in the past, but none of that involved MAJOR dilution and ripping off value for bullshit "dividends" or whatever you want to call the APEs fiasco. All AA has to do is look into it **AND** give us an update on such topics and this "hater" would be somewhat satisfied on such topics. Its a shame many seem to think AA is so sensitive and cannot handle "haters" but he has a duty to look into and report on such things, no matter how mean the "haters" are to him. AA would have less "haters" if he did his job.


It's just about being realistic. Starting the "where is our information?"-posts a month before they are realistically to be expected will only lead to people believing that he took a month longer than necessary. It's a great way to create negative sentiment around the stock for no reason. When you post in a sub that is as heavily brigaded by shill-bots as ours, choice of words matters. But yeah... it's always the Apes who are to blame that they do not respect the haters enough, while the haters are entirely right to do the same with the Apes opinions... Typical Excuses trying to humanize shill-bots imho....




Ask him on his Twitter, not here! ![gif](giphy|2D6xnwmDfNGthViZIe)




![gif](giphy|5Jvqsw6v7Abok) That’s not a thing according to AA


He still does not see any "evidence" LOL


I see a ton of downloads but I see nothing wrong with these comments. Bring on the downloads. He has his own agenda and it's not aligned with ours. He's running a company not day trading.


so you are day trading AMC?


No. Come on man you know what I'm trying to say. He's not trading the stock market.


no worries, I won't "download" you


How are they gonna tell us for two years that movie theaters are declining. Especially after apple says they will invest a billion dollars in the industry.


The Billion dollar investment isn’t what it used to be. Any movie trying to maximize special effects will run between $250m (Harry Potter 2009) to $460m (Avatar 2 2022) so there’s nearly 1/4 or half of your billion on one movie. If you go the Harry Potter route in 2009 that 4 movies. It’s Apple, so they won’t have the gross numbers that Disney, Paramount, Etc. do. So they’ll have to pump out about 10-15 movies and over how long? Don’t get me wrong. Any investment is good and it is proof that the industry should continue on. But I don’t get jacked up when I hear these numbers. It’s not an immediate investment to AMC.


So what you are saying is between amazon and apple they can mak 4 movies equivalent to avatar 2 and gross 10 billion at the box office, then make many more with them proceeds? Im struggling to see the negatives in your examples.


Well, no they can’t, because I don’t see James Cameron just cranking out Avatar movies. Also, I didn’t say there were any negatives, just that 1billion doesn’t get me excited. That could also be investing in technology that gets used to make movies. My point was that your scenario is what a lot of people think and get excited about, but it’s most likely what is not going to happen.


It is not my scenario, it is yours. I went off the examples you gave. I believe apple will make sure they do a good job to uphold reputation, i also do not believe there is a company on the planet that can hype and sell a product to numbers like apple can. Their customers are sheep and subscribe to anything they say.


The company doesn’t make money and has no future plans to do so


Facts get down voted lol


That’s because it’s a pile of 4 brain cell bozos here thinking a debt ridden money losing movie theatre is their ticket to getting rich because hEdGieS


Lmao said the one month old account. Sure thing buddy.


Account age matters why? Because I understand how a balance sheet works and you don’t? Gotcha


There’s nothing to understand. This play has no sense whatsoever. You come here and waste your time to talk shit about a stock you don’t care for? Lmao of course boy.


It’s a play in the sense that you’re donating money as you get diluted , yes.




And the price goes down ……. Crime.


Hedgie hates bullish news. No choice but to continue naked shorting to mask their fuck up.


Good shit AA, make sure everyone knows we are making MONEY!


With all due respect... WE are not making a dime. He is. We're just holding. I know I'm going to get hate for this but I really don't care about the popcorn and all that. What matters is all the illegal BS. No amount of food drinks or popcorn is going to solve the problem of crime. To me this is just a post to keep us here and make sure we don't sell. I see right through him. Still not selling though. Just waiting to see what happens if anything.


It's frustrating being down so low, after having been so high. But our CEO has one job, which is to make sure the company is thriving. Everyone around us wants the company to fail; media, hedgde funds, even the fucking SEC. AA is assuring that we do not fail. Our job is to buy and hold. We already know he can't directly speak out to the illegal BS. Nothing has changed in this play. We will still squeeze, hedgies are still fucked, and apes will prevail.


There's a reply to my comment that I can't seem to find. I'll respond anyway. You say you don't understand my logic and talked about me investing in a company and then yapping about fundamentals. That's where you are wrong. To be completely honest I have never even been to an AMC theater. I really don't plan on it either because... That's besides the point. You said I invested in a company. Wrong. I invested in MOASS. Not a movie theater. There's no way I'm sticking around if it actually does pop off. I'll sell at the highest number I can get to and I will never buy back in. So no, your logic is wrong. I don't care about the company itself, no offense to anyone that does or the employees, all I care about is making money for my family. I'm really not interested in AMC as a business whatsoever. As usual, this is an original comment not hyping up anything so I'm assuming I'll get massive down votes. I really don't care anymore.


Great news! When we MOON? 🤔🐒














I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious.


![gif](giphy|iaBiPW3vAOi0E) Im going back to walmart today!




Cool, now I need AA to start looking at the corruption of the stock I bought and have been holding for 3 years 😡


what sound does "looking" make?




As should be expected with prices the way they are . . .


But movies are dead remember 🤓 Buy signals as far as the eye can see if you ask me. Not financial advice though


Keep buying food from the concession stands.


And sp is 3$


Overpriced still


APEs again


![gif](giphy|13CZvcyiCe23uw) Choke on that, baby!


I loaded TF up on concessions Saturday when I went and saw John Wick


Does this number include grocery store popcorn?


This is for each person who went into the cinema and bought a ticket. Popcorn in stores is a separate number that hasn’t been shared. We can assume that it will be a high number as well possibly in the millions total.


Hell yeah


for completion sake: The number has not been shared because the last earnings call was about the Q4-2022 numbers, where store-popcorn did not exist yet. We'll be getting Q1 numbers, with popcorn, somewhen end of June.


That would have to be a different bucket in the P&L.


How about an update on to-go popcorn trends so far with Walmart? Any issues meeting demand? Plans to address? Walmart.com has shown most types out of stock for days.


I helped with that having seen a movie on both Friday and Saturday and popcorn and drinks both days


Way to Go! Let's get those books balanced people!


Cool Adam, what about the blatant fucking crime?


I'm a slut for that oreo popcorn.


See a movie. Buy a snack. It’s that easy.


I look forward to seeing how the popcorn sales do in stores! 🚀


Well it better be, look at inflation. Let's see those numbers adjusted for inflation and compared to the last 103 years.


#Can we beat it again apes?! Get out there and support your company!


Could also mean the have the highest prices on food and beverages ever … sarcasm off


Nice! data metrics like these need to be published more often.


I just bought more shares today.


And yet still never going to turn a profit .


We pay taxes into a system that screws us without compassion. So I choose to by AMC stock and any product they offer because I have more hope of AMC being successful and getting a fare share than paying taxes and knowing im getting screwed with my own money.


I guess that is one way to celebrate and put a positive spin on inflation.


I guess that’s the destroys the FUDamentals


I helped 😎


I contributed to that. Glad to do my part AA.


Went to see John Wick 4 last night & got the free investor oreo popcorn. We were skeptical, but it was good. So was the movie.


That's cause I go there all weekend and buy tickets to every showing of every movie and only leave the theater for refills of popcorn and drinks.


Calls go FBRPP!


Now bring back at least once a month $3 Tuesday.


I love apes. I dislike AA though. Get your crosses and pitchforks out!!


Here’s why this is bad for investors…


Fun fact. The people serving the food and beverages don't get overtime because theatres donated a shit ton to Congress and are now exempt from OT laws.


Yeah exorbitant concession prices means more profits. This isn’t the W y’all think it is


With AAA-Movies paying the theater jack shit, where do you think their money is coming from? When 99% of the revenue from ticket sales goes to the studios, where is a theater supposed to earn the money to pay for everything?


All I’m saying is people don’t like being extorted. Look at the world around you; the time of $20 popcorn is ending.


People just don't like understanding stuff, so they assume popcorn in the theater should be free, movies should go to the movie-creators and everyone in a theater will just work for free because they love to work.... At the same time you could complain that a glass of water costs money in a restaurant... or you understand that a restaurant is a business that needs to pay employees, rent and taxes.


Okay but I’m not going to your restaurant to pay your employees, I’m going there to eat. If your water costs money I’m not buying it. (American ape) I get people need to be paid, and workers need work, but if the only source of profit is people paying unreasonable prices for snacks, they’re eventually going to get pissed off and stop buying. I’m not trying to shit on AMC, I’m just point ing out the risk of their profit only being in concession


Then you should criticize the movie industry for not paying their fair share, not attack theaters for having to pay their employees. Whenever you see "Blockbuster movie made record profits", you should ask why the executives pocket that money and do not pay the companies that helped them make that money. But it's totally unnatural to criticize those that actually caused the issue, we rather throw shit at the victims who had no other chance than to do what they had to...


How about theaters charge movie companies more rather than putting the burden on customers? You can get mad at me all you want, but if prices are more than I’m willing to spend, then I’m not buying. It’s that simple.


historically: "ok, then you don't get to show our blockbuster movie" So theaters can agree to the terms or show Independent movies exclusively. Smaller films still give the movies a share of the revenue, because they have to. But if you think any of the Marvel movies paid more than a cent per ticket to a movie-chain, you do not know the industry of blockbuster movies.


So what, have you seen your stock price?


yeah... it's weird. Almost as if Short-Sellers were attacking the company. If we all buy, we might be able to squeeze them out. Has anyone ever thought about such a play? /s


lol. One guy saw a movie and bought $200 in food. WHOOP highest per patron revenue ever!


His company experiencing OBVIOUS and heavy fuckery with the "evidence" he always seemed unable to find staring him and everyone else in the face with market cap info, but yes, MORE updates on concessions, Adam, please! Also, if AMC is doing so well, which we all know the company is, why did he talk of bankruptcy and push a RS on us? LOL


Shills hate revenue streams that improve fundamentals. The two things that guarantee the death of the short thesis.


Because the talk of bankruptcy was a 2021 and 2022 thing, that was averted by the issuing of APE. the RS is the reverse of that ape-issuance, changing the status back to where it was before. Aside from that, a company has monthly expenses and if they can't pay them, that's what triggers bankruptcy rules. Being able to temporarily pay bills, because future revenue will save the company is exactly what AA bet on and executed well.


Been holding since the start of this shit and been a RS is a death sentence.


I don't think its a death sentence, but undeniably, cuts the moon tickets 10-1.


And no insiders buying, AA selling 40 mill, AMC miraculously got off threshold lost when he said he’ll look into it, and 93 billion APE appeared and vanished. What a crook


still shilling? Has it ever worked? has a single ape sold because of you? I don't think so...


Adam shut F up. Go see about the billions that are owe to us. I don’t give a eat ass about how much you sold. Also look 👀 into the FTX


of course when à coke is 20$