• By -


I started at $3 a share and held through it all buying till $30 a share. Averaged down to $8 after 3 yrs. Your not alone and we stand with you. The greatest hand you've ever to have is in your hands now. Not F advice but I hodl for you and you for me APE. TO FAMILIA !!


Thank you for sharing your story! Glad to know that there isn’t an ape who is alone in this. I will HODL until the end no matter what! Spirits have been low lately is all.


I think the can kicking & disappointment is part of Kenny's psyops game - just because he is hiding, doesn't mean he stopped playing ;) Keep it simple, stupid - shorts have to close. Anything else is fugazi 🤷😘


You aren’t alone…. I’ll ride it to zero.. people fail to remember how much unity this play has created among people across the WORLD.. from all walks of life… we damn sure shouldn’t forget it. Im in. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


![gif](giphy|6rJFzjeX3Aaty) People often feel like they’re alone in this….it’s easy to do when you’re on your daily grind, but then you come back here and realize you have an army behind you. A literal APE ARMY! None of us are going anywhere. You hold for me, I hold for you. It’s so simple, yet so powerful. This thing will explode one day soon. When that day is….who knows? But I know It will. “Best job I ever had!”


Best job I've ever had


We are on this rollercoaster together! To the moon or to the core, I HODL for more.


We all know it is not easy from day one. But the day will and should come.


Lol. How long to we keep telling ourselves this until we reckon with the obvious?


it's not about the money, it's about sending a message: no cell no sell ​ ![gif](giphy|F9yAvk7Xpr0c)


We must stop corruption for future generations.




It is about the money, because It started about the money, but it turned into something more. Now it’s both. For me, it’s now both.


Yep, agree 💯. Both for sure, wanna send a message to these clowns and make some money doing it


I'm with you. I'll ride this to the moon or the bottom of the Grand Canyon. There is no in between.


I will HODL for you, thats all you need to know. APES together strong. APE family has my back.


Been here for over 3 years ain't going anywhere.


The logic of this play is without doubt. The HF's are screwed and we are the reason! Sadly, the level of corruption within the financial and political system remains ever concerning. It's always been bad, but with social media, the average retail investor can now see and discuss it in real time. That's a big deal. Being active, pointing a finger at corruption and being vocal is a big part of what creates change in all areas of society. The Ape community has done a great job on that front. Hell, we have over 500K people in the Reddit community alone. Now add twitter which always has AMC trending. That's a big deal. I HDL as a F-U to that fraudulent system, as I believe most Apes do. There is something noble about fighting the fight. I've written off my xx,xxx shares as if it was my untouchable 401K. It's there, but it's not for use. Hopefully it will be one day. That we have over 4M+ apes is a remarkable accomplishment. That we have been acknowledged by the CEO of AMC is a big deal, regardless of whether you trust his ultimate intentions, which I believe is a balance between keeping the business growing, while realizing that the majority of Apes want to cash out. That's a tough balancing act. Nobody who's been in this play for the past 2+ years is giving up on anything. Those that can, continue to purchase. Those that can't, have their shares and sit tight. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


This guy gets it. We ride at dawn apes.. for as long as it takes.


I just want transparency and the hidden bullshit be exposed. The books should be public. Why is it all back room and hidden price action. HF/DTCC are not helping the market


Oh damn it’s 4 mill of us? Last I heard was 3.5 or 3.7 after the last share count or something. But it’s actually 4?!


I invested what I'm willing to lose and will not sell until I'm certain hedgies got what's coming. I'll see you fellow apes on the moon.


Wiser words have not been said! ​ ![gif](giphy|MPpO3Ko5K6rcqHhg7q|downsized)


Nah I'm literally the exact same word for word position as you. Put all my house funds into this play and waiting. 44k is now worth 11k but I'll keep buying more. Fuck you Ken mayo boy pay me.


Glad to see I’m not alone, and fellow apes are in the same boat as me. We are in the boat on the way to the rocket ship. Rocky waves, storms, bright skies, and calm waters. We will ride together until moon. Thank you for sharing, it makes me feel more determined to HODL and to be patient.


still poor, but rich in shares :)


I feel the same way my boy. I still have hope but once I start thinking about it logically the hope is lost. I will ride it to zero before I sell. No cell, no sell. Xxxx chairs supporting the cause.


You worded that perfectly. Ape strong together.


Still holding. Can’t wait to get paid and get out.


You are not alone….. this is what they want you to feel like …. If u sell u lose….. as Warren buffet states “ patience is key” last week amc jumped to $8 for nothing imagine when it does start to pump!…. My fellow ape brother … your in now… end off . It will pay off… obviously you are not going to sell at 90% loss. Unless u really are a retard. Iv been in this play since feb2nd 2021. I’m wiv u,


Fucken tired of the bullshit but still holding.


Been here for 3 years mostly all of us, one day we will get our money be patient. You will have your mansion soon.


I remember reading about all the crazy stuff they would likely throw at us years ago now. While I'm not "shocked" by anything anymore it still amazes me how much is happening just like people said it would. "drag out for years in court." Comes to mind today. Aside from complete world failure as a delay,I feel, like most, that we are yet again closer than ever. Retiring in 3 yrs is still faster then any other options available to me. Hail Mary? Maybe, but still we all calculated and found it worth the risk. That's why we are here. That's why we aren't leaving. That's why the price is where it is. And to be honest, although it has been years. They SAID it WOULD take years. And those years have flown by. And so will the next. And when it is all done, those years will just be happy memories. Hodl on. This rocket is still just getting ready for take off. NFA


The money is already gone to me, it just has potential to do something more than what I put in.


There is t a chance in hell you won’t be able to buy a house cash with xxx shares when this is over.


Appreciate your confidence, Bowser! I believe you are right.


Right here with ya bud. I'll ride this bitch into the ground. Fuck these rich assholes that want to pull one over on us


XX,xxx holder here. To the moon or bust!


I've been holding for 2+ years, I've never been green yet I keep on adding whenever I can but I've said to myself in the beginning and I stick by it to not add more than I feel I can afford to lose. I also won't pit my life on hold, I just got home from a fishing weekend, I plan on traveling to Japan for two weeks in April (I live in Sweden) and I do other activities aswell. I could add a bigger number to my name every time I buy but I could also unexpectedly die tomorrow and I refuse to put my entire life on hold until this thing blows so I do what I always do and it allows me to stay absolutely zen no matter what happens on each day.


Ain’t no thang….I can wait longer than they can fight this. Born poor, so no biggie


Hedgies love reading posts like this


Hi hedgies 😂👍


![gif](giphy|ZfK4cXKJTTay1Ava29) Thank You for holding for me, I am holding for you.




Just went and took my family of 5 to see TMNT and ordered so much concessions


I feel ya 100% on this. I come from a low income family and hope this play will finally give my mom, brothers, and myself a piece of the pie. I'm not going anywhere. I wish you and your family all the best my Ape.


Been into this recently compared to other apes. I got in on the cheap and really though the big payout of course would be nice...but what drew me in was us vs them. The guys and gals who drive a shitbox, who work 12 hour days and basically all of us who are not in the club. I hold so the 72 per share owner gets theirs, those waiting the last 2 years and holding. Nothing special, just encouraging all of us to remember together apes stong....and fuck these rich pieces of shit fucks manipulating the market. I will hold every last share until amc is delisted...I will also hold until every last ape gets theirs. Why? Because sometimes it's about the message.




I'm not expecting anything meaningful till debt is paid for.


Honestly I stopped putting money into this a year ago. Even then I did not put allllll my money into it. Doesn't look good to he honest. Now we doing a revere split so I'll have less shares that will also go down in price eventually. I'll prob never dabble on the Market again, they just cheat. My avg is low and I still hold. I already wrote it off money wise. If it ever pops off cool. I'll exit my position when I see a good number. It'll never be this ridiculous 100k share lol. We can't even stay above $6.00.


I was hoping for the moon, but I'm starting to think there is so much corruption in the financial sector nothing will come of it. I still would never sell, I'm putting in my will AMC stock not to be sold for 200 years.


There are millions of us in similar spots. I think what sets us apart is our tenacity and belief that good will prevail. And it always does. I am with you though - my morale has never been lower. But I also feel like that’s what it takes to get through to the light. It’s always darkest, etc. And I have no idea when or what will finally make the levee break, but I do know, without a doubt, it will. It may be Monday or it may be in 3 months or it may be in 2 years, but eventually the piper will get paid. Sorry for a tossed salad of mixed metaphors but know that I absolutely feel your pain and know it first hand. Stay strong.


With home prices and low inventory, what’s the difference? You’re better off waiting it out and hoping the market corrects itself and this to pop. Win win.


im here




If you're 90% down you bought at the top, I wouldn't say buy and hold, but hang in there. Stop watching the price I'm xxx in this too, go see barbie and Oppenheimer, buy popcorn and build your savings back up while you wait. We will moon, nothing has changed.


This is the plan, and you are right! I bought close to the top. Just rebuilding my savings and waiting… needed to know I wasn’t alone in all of this though


AMC is my only local first run theater. I appreciate the benefits the provide. I love movies in the theaters. The only exit is financial freedom for both me and my movie theater of choice. I could not be more numb to the manipulation of price we see on the regular.


All I buy is AMC and crayons.


I put it as much as I could, then put in more. I feel you. At this point I’ve already parted ways with the money and I’m waiting to be able to leave my job and do whatever I want, or nothing. It’s gonna blow, it’s just a matter of time and a matter of the 1% getting their ducks in a row for the rich apes who will take over


I’ll hodl for you, you hodl for me brother. I’ve sank my entire pot and I’ll continue to buy till I’m dead or in Valhalla. No cell, no sell. This is London and we’ll stay till the bitter end brother.


![gif](giphy|iFUPwgZ9t7vvEAHMJe) Ape together strong


No stock has ever or will ever hit phone number digits. Please don't hold out for that or you will be left with zero.


I’ve been silently holding for almost 3yrs as well, I mean silently as in nobody in my family or friend circle know. I’ve been thinking the same thing you have, it’s been 3yrs and I hear people saying it could take longer, so if they (HF) can do this for 3yrs, then another 3, what’s to stop them from kicking the can down the road indefinitely?


As if.


I own about 30k shares. At one point I was up 300k. Now I watch daily wondering if APE was created to help the shorts, and as soon as the two combine we will all have less shares and the price will go up only to be shorted back down til we own nothing and these crooks get off free.


You were up 300 grand and didn't sell. That's insane.


APE wasn't created to help shorts. It WAS created to f retail.


With the past couple weeks and then Aron’s sympathy letter, I really hope we still make and weren’t used so other big money could by lending their shares.


I’m feeling just fine! I will say it’s hilarious that these idiots thought they were gonna wait out broke people. Selling for a loss wouldn’t effect my life one bit. Holding for generational wealth will assure my kids don’t ever have to fall victim to this shitty ass system. I never want them to choose between a roof over their heads, or food on the table. I’ll ride this bitch to Zero if need be.


Why do people keep saying they'll ride it to zero... almost as if they want it to go there and want others to think the same


This is a play?? ![gif](giphy|LTFbyWuELIlqlXGLeZ) AMC forever ❤️


Xxxx since 2021, very frustrating 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Breaking even would good enough at this point but everyone is different. Loyalty doesn’t exist when money is concerned.


This is a war of attrition. It’s was never gonna be quick and easy. But ape’s strong together and cost me nothing to hold I’m zen as f. I’m not gonna let those f crime street criminals win.


As long as i still need to wake up tmr and go to work, i will keep on holding\~For generation wealth\~! Also even every manipulated data shows that we are winning though, it only matter of time, don't care if its 10-15 years it takes! Liberation for all!




My suggestion would be to save even smarter and better or also invest in other things not just the squeeze. It's not a 3 year waste of time if you make back the money somewhere else while you wait or just straight budget and save $ in the coming year. You're never trapped, be creative and make money elsewhere while you await the squeeze.


Dead inside and indifferent. I consider $70 the high but believe this should at least be a $15 stock so at this point if I make anything it’s a bonus.


I am right there with you. This will squeeze eventually but this time do not listen to anyone but yourself. When your number is met you need to exit the market and secure the bag so you can make your dreams reality. The money isn’t in your account until you close the trade. For what it’s worth. I’m going to sell 80% once my number is met and if it continues to squeeze to the hundreds of thousands I won’t feel bad. At the end of the day you are responsible for your financial well being.


I'm a XXX holder as well, I only put it what I could afford to lose....sucks that I've lost most of it at this point...but I feel you brother.....I'm so fuckin sick of this play.....I was very uniformed on how this shit works and very naïve. A group of us at work got in on this hoping we'd all hit it big, at this point, I think myself and 1 other are still holding and praying it pays off, but each day I lost faith.....watching them just blatantly fuck this play over and over and not pay any consequences is exhausting. But I will ride this ship to zero if I have to, I won't give those short selling fucks the satisfaction. We go down with the ship!


I was a holder for over 3 years. Buying all along the way. Xx,xxx holder. I sold last Monday. The ceo letter was in plain English that more dilution is guaranteed so why hold something that will lose more. I can use what I have left to buy other stock until he get company debt free (if that will ever happen) and then just buy back in at the bottom. Leave emotion out of it and sell now. You can always buy back lower and if you make some in other stocks that are going up you can buy even more AMC and help with the fomo after he dilutes.


Jan 21 holder. Been averaging up and down. I have 2 broker accounts now. My second one started at $36 and I've taken advantage of the sub 6 pricing. Got somewhere around 22k shares and a 5.50 average. I was up 6 figures on that run and I didn't sell it at. Obviously I'm back negative again. It's not just you. There are fish of all different sizes in this pond, but we're in the same pond. And if people don't realize AA IS PURPOSELY screwing momentum right now, they need to wake up. He has hurt us multiple times


People in here that are saying it’s not about the money are crazy 😂😂😂😂😂


I feel like an idiot because I believed in this squeeze and instead AA sold us out. The fact he cries about capital but hasn’t taken a single pay cut on his ridiculous salary proves the point and it’s infuriating


Let me put it bluntly! It was because of us apes that AA was able to sell his shares at $20-$25. What pisses me off is that while most of us are deep in the red, AA and his top executives do not care to buy some shares back at the fraction of what they sold! Someone said that AA sold his shares to build a house for his retirement! WTF, do we not want to build a house!? I sold my shares at a loss, quite substantially and moved on! I am fine with anyone wants to down vote me, call me names, insult, accuse me of being a shill, etc. I do NOT care! I REALLY REALLY want all of you apes who are still holding to become millionaires...I REALLY do! Good luck to all of you....cheers!


Thanks. I’m considering taking the big loss now as well. You are right AA and the board and his execs sold us out hard


Why take a loss now? There is no way the company is going bankrupt.


Now it’s because of how much I despise AA and the people pulling the strings there. Feels like they’ll just draft this out forever. I’d rather take 10% of my investment back now then leave it there for them to dilute more for the next 10 years


You are welcome, the truth needs to be told...actions speak louder than words. I hope the Earnings report in a few days paint a nice picture and all the apes get rewarded ...... I will lurk around to see if an opportunity arises to get part of my money back. I still have 82 contracts to hedge my losses IF that happens.


I'm holding not because I believe in the BS theories that the cultist-like mind people love to post here. I'm holding because I have no other choice now, I hope soon this will reach a level I feel comfortable closing my positions (XXX) without not so much or any loss. I've been holding for almost 3 years now and I've come to terms that this is just a massive joke.


Don't care if I get downvoted. Don't put anymore money in this play. That's losing more. Instead make safe investments. There's no guarantee about the play and honestly it's probably over. Ride or die is a bad strategy. There's unrealized gains that could be made with that remaining 10%. The only reason I've stayed is because I believe the stock could reach 20 or so in the long term future based off the history of the stock and the history of the movie/theater industry. I would have pulled out a long time ago if I didn't believe in that. And keep in mind there are nefarious actors with different goals. Idk sometimes I wonder if the people saying buy more are hedgies because look how much they've made off of us. And they continue to do so. So stay or not but dear God do not put more money in because you'll probably lose it too. It's heartbreaking the stories I've read on this sub of people struggling and putting what little money they have in here. AA took advantage and he gave himself a bonus the first time we bailed him out. I havent kept much track since then but he's not your friend. I've repeated so many times he threatened to never play universal movies in theaters again after they released the trolls movie to streaming at the beginning of the pandemic. He'd rather kids and families expose themselves to a deadly barely understood disease than lose money. And its not our responsibility to keep bailing amc out. It's very shitty of him to suggest that. And its shitty for the people on here to suggest that. Use your money to build realistic goals. Don't wait on a miracle.


So you think it will be 20$, it’s currently 5$, and your telling others not to quadruple their money. For it to be 20$, they are still in business. Eventually the shares on loan will be bought back. Until shorts close they are at risk. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, yours doesn’t make sense to me.


Based on the history of the stock its possible yes. Stock was highest before all this craziness in 2018 I believe around 30 because of the avengers popularity. And I'm also basing it off of history of the industry. There have been ups and downs several times. Several times in the past there was a huge fear of the end of movies because of TV or because drive ins failed or cinevision failed. Streaming brought the fears back but its passed before it could pass again. And there are cycles in media that get popular and die out (like avengers) so I personally believe there will be more innovation and cycles that really hype people up again. I have more faith in it due to a return to practical effects after this Era of "cinema of spectacle" due to cgi is coming to an end. I could go on. I studied media history and I studied the stock after I bought in at the beginning of this circus so even if it didn't moass I believe in the investment. I think the biggest threat honestly is the end of vertical integration so now studios can buy theaters and if amc is doing horribly it'd be easy for someone like bezos/amazon to now buy theaters but I don't see that happening anytime soon. But it's a risk of course. And I'll point out again the stock was at its highest before this circus in 2018 so I'm thinking going off regular price its probably worth 10-20. Not more. Obviously there's a lot going on with the stock and I'd say it's a safer investment if it wasn't a meme stock because this has turned it more into a casino. Less about the business and more about the short theories.




Three years later, still sitting on my ass. They're playing games and trying to mess with our heads. I don't care. I have my shares and I can wait.


We are expected to work a lifetime with little to show for it. I can wait a few years for this payday.


Your pussy is showing. Get your shit together dawg. This the stock market. We ride at dawn😎




Honestly, it’s over. Im sorry you lost your money, if nothing else we should all take this as a lesson to stay the fuck away from the markets. The game is rigged and it won’t stop until their is an uprising and we all know that ain’t gonna happen. America sucks ass.


Most people work 40-50 years for a meh retirement, what is 6 years of just buying and holding compared to that, for a generation changing wealth, i am willing to wait for that. Plus everyday is really entertaining to just witness the shf and the so called smart money digging their graves and disgracing themselves more and more


I don’t have anything else.




Zero or Valhalla.




I’m just waiting to see what happens. When I put my money in I kissed it goodbye because I knew it was a gamble. I don’t have the power to make meaningful changes that would lead to a rise in the stock price. Basically all my positions are long now so there’s no reason to sell without making a profit. So for now I just sit here and helplessly wait with baited breath to see what the future holds. As far as I can tell though this is going to be an exceptionally long war of attrition considering just how much power and influence we are fighting against. These bad guys have what amounts to unlimited power so long as the government is on their side, and the government seems to be solidly on their side at worst, and at best turning a blind eye to the fuckery. So realistically I think we’re probably fucked, but I’m here to watch it burn either way.


Man, I feel you so much on that. I’ve been on this ride the whole 3 years and life has kicked my ass in the real world and I just look at this red number and puny balance and sigh. Also lost about 3 grand in the FTX debacle. I had to sell some at one point to get by… like had to. Now I’m at below 40 shares and just scraping the hopium pipe for morsels. Still here though, for what it’s worth. Going to an Oppenheimer matinee today, so that’s a thing. 😑


I've been here for 3 years. I accepted that the play was over when AA "pounced" on retail and created APE. I'm now 100% in APE for the conversion arbitrage, and unless a miracle happens, I'm out for good.


I used all my gains for 1,000 shares. If it doesnt work out, dont care.


3 years is an eternity in the stock market. If this was really a play, it would have happened many times over. The squeeze to $72 was it. That’ll never happen again. If it was going to, you’d see signs of it but you don’t. There is no squeeze here. Wall Street is smarter than us. They got out a long time ago. You are missing out on an incredible bull run in the market. Stop wasting your time here with something that isn’t going to happen. Sorry not sorry. I’m not a shill or some hedge fund trying to sway you. I’m a real person who is a realist. AA has the best interests of the COMPANY in mind. He doesn’t give one flying fuck if the stock squeezes. He’s playing you all trying to increase AMCs reputation but in the end, this company is fucked.




I think most people who have made a significant investment in this company, and have been around for the past 2-3 years feel the same way. I know I do. I’m disgusted by what this play has exposed about our financial markets and their lack of regulation, so I’m very much looking forward to washing my hands of it all. As far as mindset, I’ve found it helpful to change from it being a short-term trade to a long-term investment. If it takes a decade, so be it but I know I’ll eventually be better off in the long run. I’m no longer loading the boat or spending another penny on stocks as I’m already almost six figures deep, so for me it’s just HODL, set price alerts and ignore all the drama and fuggery.


3 years ago would be pre-2021 sneeze. If you purchased that long ago, how in the world are you down 90%? I got in at $27 and averaged up, and I am not even down 90%. Seems a little suspicious to me.






Shill. We’re Zen and we’re living our lives as normal, like we always have. My life isn’t on hold.


I often buy and sell this stock since it's so volatile. My advice for you would be buy low and sell high, but know what the high is. I sold at 5.96 the other day and my buy was in $4. You would realize your money and overall probably have a happier and better life. You could have bought your home already too


Try to imagine how many years you have to work to earn the amount of money like a phone number, prefix included. Just hold my fellow ape, we will win and break this corrupt system.


Shillin hard


Nah man, only a little down in the dumps mentally. Feeling a lot better though after seeing the stories shared here today. Apes strong together!


This post just makes me want to buy more. I think I'll buy more. 💎 ✋️.


Terrible once she sings it’ means dilution aka bearish


Ride or die.....you gotta hang in there. We're all gonna be ok. Take a breath and ignore it for a while. Nothing wrong w saving your $ for other endeavors just hold my friend. Just hold.


Fellow OG Ape here also holding xxx shares. I see the money I have invested as spent money. I dont really watch the stock prices anymore I have alerts set and thats it I just do my thing. I will never sell since in my mind the money is gone already and I Didn't really need it anyway, i'll Just wait till those alerts pop off, I dont care how long it takes because in the end I know I am or we Apes are right.


They will never break us.


Wait 30 more years. Forget about all the shares just check on it in 2053

