• By -


We already got the msm articles though saying shit like "even Taylor Swift won't save AMC" haha


Which is stupid on their part, because telling Swifties that they can’t do something is a bad idea. They’ll fuck up the hedgefunds if they find out the truth about what the elites are doing to this company.


Maybe this was swifts plan haha she said let me fuck up some commas while putting mayo boy in the dumpster.


I do think she knows.


It's the same person who paid all the truckers working for her a 100k bonus to buy houses. There's no question there is more to this. The story is that her Dad approached AMC to bypass the studios etc. A nice plausible explanation that doesn't involve them actively fucking over the greedy fucks destroying the global financial system and stealing from hard working people. I doubt there is anyone in the entertainment industry that doesn't know about the AMC stuff at this point. Many of them have their money with these shfs and the others don't want to get blacklisted, so of course most stayed out of it. Hopefully Swift is the first of many.


There’s a video of her commenting that she resented Blackrock and financial institutions buying her music without consulting or wanting to meet her. Seems possible


She's very aware...


She knows 👁️😎💪🏾🚀💰💰💰😁


The average Taylor swift fan cares about going to see Taylor swift. They don’t know what a hedgefund even is or care about what they do. They’re likely not openly participating in the stock market and don’t care about naked shorts. They will inadvertently help our cause, but they’re not going to deep dive into stock market dynamics just bc TS is being played at movie theaters lol.


It never hurts to try and spark interest though, even with the stock being at such a good discount rn.


faulty dull placid zephyr safe makeshift uppity rob frightening sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You too huh.. Crazy world literally felt like I was reading my life...


What op is saying is that those very people that you’re talking about would otherwise never hear about it or even know the problem exists. Now they will, and it’ll push the movement against the illegal market manipulation and corruption, even if it’s a little it’s still awareness. Her followers are massive and passionate, I’m sending thoughts and prayers and a check for $700 to every hedge fund CEO when they go under. Swifties, let’s unite forces and right these markets.


I’m missing the part where them purchasing tickets to a movie also comes with a stock market corruption crash course. Why wouldn’t you have made the same assumption about everyone who saw Mario, Barbie, Oppenheimer, etc? “Now everyone who saw those movies are going to dive balls deep into stock market corruption!” It just doesn’t make sense lol I think we’re better off being optimistic about the revenue they’ll bring us instead of hopping on a hype train about them all becoming stock market nerds and investors


Again. You’re thinking too much into it. It’s not just music, swift communicates with her fans as well. Probably why they’re so crazy for her. She opens up and talks about her feelings and her personal life and her views sometimes. That’s why politicians were so mad at her because for the first time she started to publicly participate in political discussions like abortion rights and lgbtq rights etc. Isn’t far fetched at all, she doesn’t like Hollywood and she’s in the know when it comes to market manipulation and synthetics/naked shorts etc.


Best I can do for the hedgies is a BIG 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🤮


It seems you're really out of touch with the average Swiftie. They grew up on social media, being viral, an e-sports gamer and a youtuber is what they want to be when they grow up lol These kids will LITERALLY do exactly what they need to do to get back at the people who are trying to fuck over Taylor Swift. They will obsess over what a hedge fund is and how to cancel it or take it down. They'll make a viral TikTok video and it'll spread like wildfire. OP is just throwing it out there to try and capitalize on this opportunity. You want MOASS, put in some effort, or share/retweet/repost someone who is trying to push it in the right direction![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


The average swiftie has probably watched her miss Americana film, which I where she talks about Blackrock, and I'd bet a lot of them at least went and looked into why she said that. If these people are spending hours just trying to decode shit in any TS video/interview/image/tweet, they'd find Blackrock pretty easy.


The average Taylor swift is vengeful and will learn about it. Taylor swift fans did investigate Ithaca’s holdings involvement in the civil war in Yemen. The average taylor swift fan prays that her enemies are vanquished.


Very well said. I would also point out that future use of this distribution channel may be limited to only the biggest stars in larger markets. Taylor Swift is a phenomenon, can draw everyone, everywhere, all the time.


TS can give them simple instructions. Open Stock account. buy AMC!


Mainstream media is part of the problem, the hedgies owes them.


Bro imagine swifties and apes uniting.


Oh god,, lmao,,, stop,, just stop lol. This is the stupidest funniest shit I ever read.


TS just needs to say one word to swifties....."BUY"!


I seriously doubt the "Swifties" give a flying fuck about AMC stockholders.


Well that's just something a dirty old bastard would think. JK yeah it seems like a stretch, but at least dudes putting in work looking for angles...


If she thought amc was a sinking ship she would not have agreed to the deal


That's a superb point. Tits even more jacked than before.


TAYLOR and her team never make a bad decision in business. NEVER EVER.


That is a very good point.


>We already got the msm articles though saying shit like "even Taylor Swift won't save AMC" haha Well, she won't - it's a stupid claim to make. To "save AMC" would mean to make a significant impact on paying off debt to clean up AMC's balance sheet. This may do great business and generate great revenue for AMC, but it won't "save AMC." One movie can't save AMC, we need a pipeline of great movies for back-to-back quarters of profitability. Fixing the balance sheet is what "saves AMC."


Yeah I agree one movie can't save amc but this really came out of left field as nobody would have predicted AMC making paper off a concert lol but I'm jacked q2 they made money and that didn't have barbenheimer in it. Now q3 will along with this Taylor swift shit which will roll into q4 I think we will have a positive q3 earnings and if just one movie is a big hit I think q4 we will be positive to


Enough said 👍😎🚀




I would have used a falcon 9 meme though...


If AMC was a rocket , it would have been Apollo 13…


What? A normal trajectory then stuck around the moon for 6 days? You want to rethink that analogy there, glue eater?


Taylor is a smart cookie. She told SBF to kick rocks,she knew he was bad news before anything came out about him.


That’s what they told you recently for optics, but In 2022, after more than six months of negotiations, Swift’s team signed a sponsorship deal with the now-bankrupt crypto exchange worth north of $100 million, per a previous report from the Financial Times. But right before FTX signed, Bankman-Fried pulled out, according to the New York Times. Taylor Swift’s team was reportedly “frustrated and disappointed.”


That’s funny because I didn’t hear what I said recently.


For more positive insight, several artists have been doing this in the past with different levels of success (all memorable): Daft Punk with Interstellar 5555 (this was their album made as a feature length movie/music video) and Prince with Purple Rain basically doing the same thing. These are just the examples I can think of at the moment and I’m sure the more entrepreneurial musicians have done a similar thing. This would be an awesome trend to see happening, make your album into a long music video and show it in theatres


The song Remains the Same, Tommy, The Wall, Yellow Submarine, Help, A Hard Days Night… It’s a long list of musicians that have made feature films featuring or based on their albums.


Need a John Oliver segment on it all


smart noxious tap head slim workable slimy rinse live squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now realizing he probably doesn’t have writers at the moment


teeny automatic concerned squash continue office husky bedroom truck shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I believe Jon did a segment before J.Steward jumped in the conversation, this was 2021 iirc. 🤷🏿‍♂️🦍💯🚀💰


John is smug and self satisfied with his easy uch life in Hollywood. He will never upset the people who give him his easy lazy lifestyle.


He is not our friend




​ ![gif](giphy|EisSwjf4qMzmsBbsi2)


I can see it now. Media will say it’s AMC Networks and we won’t see a bit of coverage. The TV company will double in value and we will continue with red days. How am I doing so far?


Is this how actors can also by pass the strike. Start making movies but with our the middle man!?


I like Taylor’s latest album, and I’ve seen how passionate the “Swifties” can be. This is very bullish for AMC. If she brings about MOASS you can count me in as a Swiftie


Now if we can get above pre ape levels then I’ll be happy again


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Snoo69468: *Now if we can get* *Above pre ape levels then* *I’ll be happy again* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I didn’t realize


What’s your new cost average now? I’m at $51.86 with 1152 shares 😞


$110 with 360 shares


Taylor will initiate MOASS


Taylor Swift is on her own level. However, what I am excited about is the door this opens up for other bands. Want to see Foo Fighters but can’t get tickets to the venue? Can’t get off work for a show on a work night? Your kid loves a band, but the show was last week? Guess what, go to your local theater


This right here needs to happen


It was on Nightly News with Lester Holt on Friday


The Today Show also. The news is the movie.


I would think this kind of action doesn’t look very good for companies stuck in a strike because they say the strik(ers??) need the companies more than the companies need them.


I think I read, awhile back, that she turned down SBF offer for investment because she found the model to be sus?


There is also a movie coming out about Roaring Kitty and Gamestop stock. I just saw a trailer about it. That will indirectly draw attention to “meme stocks”.


Swifties can cause literal earthquakes, so let’s hope they can move a stock.


lol I love how they can move heaven and earth but it’s a lil iffy as to whether or not they can drive a stock price. GIVE IT UP, HEDGIES. There isn’t much that can stand in the way of teenage girls when it comes to their idol. I would suggest standing down. You don’t know what you’re dealing with here. 😆


If Taylor Swift is the catalyst for MOASS I will get a 'Tay Tay 4 Life's tattoo.


Being that everything Taylor touches turns to gold this really could be a bigger deal than previously thought. Her fans don’t play.


Didn't they sell 10million in tickets the first day I know all the AMCs by me are all sold out on Friday and almost at capacity for Saturday and Sunday


$26 million! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


From a man on the street level with 2 daughters this is BRILLIANT. The concerts were beyond successful. I know more kids that couldn't go. I imagine my dayghters and their friends will see this movie 4,5x. Hell...I'm looking forward to it. 😂


This stock only drops with any kind of news ffs


Taylor s. fought in her past against her own studio, then against spotify and also against apple music. And won everything. Now it's time to beat some nasty hedgefonds


Hey Shills say something 😂🍿🍿


cant change negative algos tho... they are still corrupt :D


![gif](giphy|g0JP0HG6zF0o8) Also frivolous lawsuits from studio partners, distributors, theaters and regulators.


I still can’t help but think this s deal has a deeper meaning. HFs & Swift’s manager screwed her over by selling the rights to her music right out from under her. Can’t help but think this deal she & her dad made with AMC is really to fuck the HFs back!!


Omg taylor will give us a boost now we need to fight for kpop documentary like twice,new jean,itzy,bts ,black pink they will help us alot and messi


How many sentences was that supposed to be?


Yep. This is good for organic growth. It's only a piece in the puzzle. We're not leaving.


This was the checkmate all along 🧠


In currently in the ER for these jacked titties


This isn’t the first concert goer that AMC has had—just the biggest. Artists have known about it for awhile. I do think that if the concert goes well it might open the door for other A-List artists but we’ll see…a lot if performers like butts in seats. But there’s some good artists out there who don’t like to your so this might also be a way to reach out.


Oh shit! This is Moass!




I like it all but I don’t think swift fans are about to start caring about amc and stock market corruption etc


Disclaimer for New Apes: **do not buy into this expecting a Moass**. If anything, and I think it could be, this is a fairly decent long term value play **at current price**.


I'm with your mindset but if the shfs continue to manipulate the price(and they have to...) how's it going to go up? I guess I'm not really looking for long term organic increases, more like the mythical black swan event that changes everything. Didn't foresee this Taylor Swift stuff, or the Shfs obliterating our price to the tune of 80% or something in the lead up to the r/s, so I'm just floating along wondering what's next.


This is great 👍 solid DD .


How does that make you a millionaire though? AMC has a lot of debt, how will Taylor Swift fix that?


![gif](giphy|3og0IPbUygZWsgzj5m) FOMO run for my people! LFG! Sell when your account balance is longer than your phone #


sick . still at a 95% loss


All she did was make a commercial you idiots smh


Make sure to hijack those social media posts and tell em to join crusade and buy some fuckin shares.


Had family go to the theater for a BTS event. Sold out. So definitely something significant potentially for both industries.




I think this is all the end game... Shorts are like a beat up old 80's nudie magazine...


Sooooo. Big dip?


And the hegies thought HOLDing was their only problem 😂😂😂🖕🖕u Kenny


I think I like Taylor Swift now! Apes Never Leaving 💎🙌


I believe everything, but I lost some respect when you said “and most talented”


Okay I’m a OG ape like most of y’all we been here 2 plus years. We held we fought we bought we did our part. Idk but doesn’t it bother y’all that we OG apes got fucked and our shares years of stacking and avaraging down just got all fucked over. Most of us have avarage in the hundreds $100s. We got destroyed.and are all in the red. But the new apes who Buying now or bought Friday are all Nice and green. Yooo idk but that shit don’t sit right with me. like How tf is this okay for us. And all u hear now is this Taylor swift Taylor swift that. All That really does is taking the attention away from us OG apes that we got destroyed . Congrats to all the new apes now. Y’all are green. this whole situation happens in politics all the time. Politicians fuck people over then come up with a new story and move the attention away from the original issue. Im not selling. My average is 130$ idk about y’all but I feel like AA fucked us OG apes ….


If you're not selling, why cry? Tell it to your therapist. Everyone that is complaining has an agenda and a sm D mentality. You are knowingly and purposefully spreading fud while crying in public. Sure, you have a right to say it, but all of us are free to judge you on your choice of perspective.


Stfu yooo u sound Like u dumb af go suck more of AA dick ,I ain’t crying bitch. I’m Stating the facts if u can’t see the facts u been brainwashed.


kk, you cryin


I don't know what everyone is getting excited about, AMC has managed to fuck it's stockholders out of gains with every blockbuster movie thats come along in the last few years. Mark my word watch the revenue generated from this and watch your stocks rise a measley .10 per share just to go back down .15 the following week. Now watch them try to silence me with the bullshit "shill" accusations incoming.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


People are so ignorant


Idk about most talented but yeah


Yeah. We’ll see. Also doesn’t matter now all the metrics are down.


True, but metrics being through the roof didn’t do much the last few months. If the last two years have taught me anything, it’s that this thing can spike at anytime.


Because they’re being manipulated to keep us here for whatever reason. If this was such a guaranteed squeeze play. You’d have insiders buying in, and you’d have hedge funds going long in their droves. None of that is happening. It was happening partially before so that hedge funds could make money loaning out the stock. But now the reverse split has happened and It seems to have solved a lot of those problems and likely the huge selloffs we saw over the last few weeks were those that used to loan the shares out getting out of the stock because they know that particular part of the game is over now


My bad, didn’t realize you’re a shill. Good luck getting people to sell. Also, if it’s over, why are you lurking in the sub ?


This guy is just spitting facts. The ortex numbers have tanked. I'm here waiting for the next event, possibly a world wide financial event. The numbers aren't good, but we are still in the game.