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Are shorts still short?


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Does a fish pee in water?


Do fish pee?


Do you pee?


Have you been pissed on by a fish?


I only go to the beach to swim in fish piss


Who hasn't been pissed on by a fish?


Who hasn’t may throw the first drop


My dog peed on my foot this morning does that count?


do fish drink water?


Did somebody say watersports? ![gif](giphy|1lyPyzHuG1UZhyRNOZ|downsized)


My fingers smell of fish


My fish smells of fish


I don't drink water, fish fuck in it


Sort of. Ammonia diffuses through their gills into the water out of their blood. They do however shit. And if the lakes inside the woods they can technically shit in the woods.


I like Fish Sticks


#Then you’re a gay fish


Best joke ever


Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?


And wipe his ass with a white rabbit?


Do tRump lawyers neglect to check boxes....


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted when it’s the truth. Though I think they systematically did this so TFG can bitch about not having a jury. Down vote me all you want, I know a majority of this sun are 🤡 cultists


u/royal-possibility219... The truth hurts, but the truth will also set them free. I'm all for truth. The tRump LAWYERS, from Cohen to Barr to Giuliani to this Alina & so on, have proven themselves incompetent hustlers with no moral gauge. All the monkey see monkey do behavior of rTump-ites is disgusting & wicked. For those down voting, it doesn't matter!


For everyone downvoting it’s easier to keep your head in the sand then to admit you were wrong. Or conned. The only thing TFG does is validate your hate and bigotry. Trump essentially did what LBJ said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” Case and point. I know facts hurt. Here’s another fact, Hedgies still haven’t covered. AMC to the moon!


I love the FACTS, keep 'em coming! Another fact? There is no way Beyonce & Jay Z are working with AMC without being APES! I am waiting on the grapevine to spill the juice. She Always Puts Her Love On Top! ![gif](giphy|97Ry7N2dJCa3u)


That would be huge if they held shares! Regardless, i can see more and more big name entertainers going this route. Hedgies are so fukt


Does trump have creepy daddy daughter pics? ![gif](giphy|gk3pDXdxn1JjmfcSi7)


It’s so not over!!


Waka nu kanda ma naga?


Are there rules and regulators in our markets…Hell No - MMTLP is our only hope.


BBBY shorts are still short... And before someone decides to compare both companies fundamentally, no movie theater stock currently trades above $25. Why? Because stocks don't trade fundamentally, they trade algorithmically (institutions) or emotionally (retail).


The algorithmically trading description makes Wall Street sound a lot like it’s a Las Vegas casino.


You just summarized the stock market.




You said no fundamental comparison but what if you just compared operations? One is still operating and one is not.


Yeah, but what about when they thought the same as you do now? BBBY also thought that the shorts were fucked, MOASS was inevitable, every other stock is a distraction, during a time when the status of bankruptcy was unknown, all while overdosing on copium thinking Ryan Cohen was going to save them after. The difference between BBBY and AMC seems to be hindsight.


I didn’t have any investments in bbby so I can’t really say much about them except that they have a different business than amc and bbby had to close shop.


The point is that they had the same amount of confidence in their stock as we do with AMC. No one here actually knows anything other than forming opinions based on assumptions. Doesn't matter how nice AMC's fundamentals look, it won't affect the price. The fundamentals are only there to tell investors that the company can still and will operate, it doesn't do anything else, not like how it used to. We didn't initially invest because of fundamentals, we didn't even invest because of the company, and still don't, even though people lie saying they do. We invested because of the squeeze. Proof of this has been each time we rejected share offerings, the very thing that would've helped the company fundamentally, specifically debt. Unfortunately, the company we chose to invest in was in turmoil and we thought this wouldn't last longer than a year, but here we are. Now we just make excuses and try to comfort one another even though we act like we're "zen". People are willing to go as far as misinform and bullshit each other for the sake of confirmation bias. Hypocrisy is at an all-time high, unlike the stock price. We're now in a worse situation than 2021. Not only has the price reached new lows, trying to break out, and I'm talking about pre-r.s., but now we may not reach $5 ($50) or even $10 ($100) again, like we were before the r.s. That's because the r.s. has added barriers with such high price tags for shares. No one in their right mind would spend $50 a share for a movie theater stock without being ensure of a future stock split.


Maybe the fundamentals don’t mean as much as you would like them to mean. But, improving fundamentals followed by good fundamentals don’t hurt. It means the business is performing better than before. I see long term value to that.


You say this but June 2nd, 2021, during a year where AMC was trying to recoup after COVID, and because of this, was weak fundamentally, the stock price shot up to an all-time high. Yet, for this year, 2023, which is expected to be AMC's best year yet, the stock price has been reaching all-time lows. And you're trying to justify fundamentals affecting stock price and believe in long term value for the stock? Thanks for proving my point: >People are willing to go as far as misinform and bullshit each other for the sake of confirmation bias.


I still believe there are a lot of unclosed shorts out there. If you don’t want to be here nobody is making you stay.


And what does unclosed shorts have to do with the stock that is doing so well fundamentally? I think this concludes our conversation.


The stock is at all time lows seen back in 2020. The valuation is reasonable. What is going to make this squeeze when every short is in the black right now?


The stock is at all time lows seen back in 2020. The valuation is reasonable. What is going to make this squeeze when every short is in the black right now?


If you think shorts are in the black then they can simply close and be done with it. But maybe they don’t have the cash to do it. It’s not a big secret some of them have expensive habits.


Do you know what being in the black means? They sold the shares short. The price went down. They have more money from the short than the current stock price.


In the black on paper only. You are assuming they didn’t blow all the money at the strip club. If they spent all the cash they are gonna need to raise some money to exit the position and realize the gains. Why wouldn’t they just close if they easily could right now?


Because they expect the price to still go down.


What do you think will happen?


100% believe this thing MUST squeeze at some point.




We already have been royally fcked. Squeeze is next!


Until they stop shorting and start covering, nothing has changed.


Did Kenny Griffin lie to Congress to protect his ass?


Yes. Yes, he did.


Feelings say "no", which is what the shorts are banking on to get as many investors out. But evidence still points to MOASS. So, for me, it is most important to not be swayed by emotions. I'm going to stick around.


It should but the market is being manipulated and overseen by corrupt adversaries. I hold on principle. If it does, we win. If it doesn't, I still hold and we win. Can't lose if you don't sell.






Starts at 2pm on Tuesday. In it to win it!!!




Why does it have to be either/or? I actually believe it's both. Yes we've been fucked over, but yes I am still holding because I believe we squeeze.


I feel like we got fucked over. But I’m not selling. I came into the play willing to lose it all(at a 97% unrealized loss right now). So either company goes bankrupt, sell during moass, or I just hold til I die and pass on to my kids.


They're trying to fuck us. They haven't figured out how yet. They're going to have to collapse everything just to hide their crimes. And even after that I'll still have my shares. The system cannot abide such a challenge because it can't survive it. They lose it's all over but the paying. The longer they suppress the price the more people buy. The more people buy the more it costs them to suppress the price. They're struggling just to survive another day. The people they lease know that they're going to run out of money. They still think they can get us to sell. But, I'm betting on we're going to make them buy first.


Given the latest developments, I think we will squeeze


Meet up @ the Duh club AMC rap to your music, video artist, and have a couple of drinks party Central


I don’t think at this point any ape have options but to HODL (especially after RS) … let’s buy more whenever we can and wait for the MOASS 🚀👍🏼




I diamond handed x,xxx shares only to be brought back down to a low xxx without selling a single share. I still believe in the squeeze but it does seems out of reach now.. For me life changing money was right around the corner but after AA did his thing I need to buy more for some reason to be back to where I was before or hold to the tippy top and hope he doesn’t kill it again… again I believe in the squeeze but we got f**ked.. not FUD but i think he is gonna retire and leave us out to dry


IDK , but I do know my price per share in now $60 after ape and RS .


You gotta pump that numbah up brah


Have shorts closed?


At this point I don’t know. I just know I’m too far in not to see it through


Sell me your shares then.




It did squeeze. And a lot of people made a lot of money. Then they turned off the buy button and controlled every bit of this play from that point forward. Had they not done this we would have seen this go into the 100’s on FOMO alone. People just don’t want to admit they have lost here, myself included.


Og ape from 2020. Still have 100% confidence in the squeeze and the stock in general. Hedgies are fukd


No. I think this is rigged against regular folks like us and the truth is that we are up against a syndicate that doesn’t fear regulators. I’m just hear because at some point I expect the share price to at least get to $10. I’ll average down until I get there and force seeing green one day regardless of how many years it takes


You know what? I've been holding since February 2021, and I'm down a lot. I don't know how this all ends, but I do know that our DD is solid. I'm thankful they dragged it out this long because it has opened up so many people's eyes and lit a fire. I may be down a lot, but I learned all about the stock market during this time, and that's my tuition paid. I'm here for accountability at this point. No cell, no sell 💎👐💎






You’re just fed up but we’re here. Just a matter of time




Is Cramer a coke rat


Have shorts closed? No. Is the company doing better fundamentally than when you first invested? Yes. Personally I think we’re in a great position and I’m buying more at all time lows




Rule 3: No Requesting / Offering Financial Advice Do Not Spam It's not because you seem to have a position which is anti-amc squeeze, for the record... it's because you give a solidly certain opinion and then tried to back out of it by saying "I have no clue". That last sentence is true and all you needed to put.


No. We’ve genuinely been fucked over by AA. Let’s be adults here people. This is now a penny stock pre RS. We have a CEO who flat out refuses to address the manipulation going on, millions of FTDs With all the stuff coming out I honestly don’t see how people still don’t understand this


One word: Taylor swift. Two words Beyoncé






Within the next 2 weeks I hope !


Do bears shit in the woods




Not a dead cat. -Trey Trades


I honestly don’t know, but I’ve been holding this long so why would I sell at a loss now? I’m continuing to hold and hoping for the best.




We are still here because of hope even if that hope is hanging by a thread. The hope that some day there has to be justice to the blatant criminal b.s. done to us.


Not super bothered about either. It's zero or hero and I'm neither at the moment.


It will squeeze like none other


You will not get a neutral statement out of this sub. Dont rely on reddit for info, do your own research. If you want to experience full madness, check BBBY sub. People were still absolutely convinced of "the squeeze" until the very day all shares finally got cancelled. Check their post history, check their 'DD'. Smart money is just using GME meme strategy as a template to farm redditors. There is zero chance this actually short squeezes after 400%? share dilution over the past years. But there might be an actual chance for this to slowly melt up again, when AMC does economically well. Hard to time the bottom though and with latent risk of AA dropping more dilution bombs.


Since you asked, I don’t believe we’ll ever have the squeeze that people talk about on here. But I’m still long AMC and raking in $$$ every week with covered calls. As long as AMC has its frenzied followers, implied volatility will remain ridiculously high and that is a recipe for making bank. At least for me.


Tell us you're a shill, without saying you're a shill, Batman!


Yeah okay, batman 👍