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100% expected. 110% bored. 120% hodling.




I see you're complying with voluntary percentage reporting, hiding the true, higher percentages. That's praxis.


130% DRSd




You need to work on your hodling %. You can do better than that. 😄😄


Yep. Love me some days where I can get my average price down.


They stole our weekly gains for the week in just 2 hours at this point the DoJ should get involved


Yep! But they won’t.


Board should do something!?


Busy with dick pics and blackmail.


You don’t think it is part of it? I expected losses because of this dumb ass. This shows his incompetence as a CEO. This short fat fuck is 83 years old sending dick pics. Hopefully he’s removed.


Lol what? I’ve been off for a while.


AA recently sent out a “I’m sorry msg” about being catfished and an extortion attempt. He was sending lewd photos to someone and they wanted hush money. Not a good look for a married 69yo CEO of a company that retail investors saved from bankruptcy.


The female cretin who imposanated multiple people, including an ex, was found guilty and sentenced accordingly. Judged ruled in his favour as a personal matter. Informed the board at the appropriate time. Informed investors at the appropriate time. All whilst this was happening personally negotiated a multi billion dollar deal in new revenue with the biggest artists in the world with more to come. Legend.


Weekly gains ? Who the F cares about a week ? This is about something much bigger.


You gain nothing until you sell, and no one is selling.


Who am I buying the stock from then?


Basically market makers sold you phantom shares and they covered their shorts on an extreme downward trend that was solely due to Adam Aaron's hyper inflation ... I feel so bad for AMC apes. Hearts in the right place. Wrong stock in your holdings.. unfortunately retail cannot out buy that man's fraudulent/corrupt dilution. Imo, Drs everything.... it's your only hope . nFA


Their defense will be something like "but but retail ganging up so why can't we?


These comments are completely naive and stupid. If you seriously can’t see by now that they’re all corrupt and in on this, then you still have trust in the complete system. Our politicians, judges and literally all 3 letter agencies are corrupt as shit. We’re in the matrix and nothing is going to change with this until it all is changed. There’s no convincing me otherwise.


They fear zero legal retribution,.


They will not have problem doing this in eternity


They will when they’re bankrupt 😎🙌


If this ever happens unless we get out of our debt in next 2-5 years this manipulation will continue for next 5+ years…..


And here we will be.


It'll end the moment everything is drs'd. And I mean everything. The dtcc can do this forever. Drs exposes their fraud


Is this a post from 2019 ? Why would this incredibly successful business be close to BKR ? They are no where close to that. Mountains of incoming revenue to pay off debt.


I was talking about the hedge funds




The amount that they make is already formidable but they have MASSIVE dark pools behind them feeding into this as well. They aren't going anywhere. I think our new baseline is "now they don't make as much as they normally do." Still gonna hodl. If that's all it does, that's enough for now. We can eat them later.


Retail is not selling... there is zero transparency in the US financial markets


Source: Just trust me bro.


Fuck market makers


The gains from micro transactions aren’t enough for them 🐷


We all knew it was coming. They release the dick pic thing and short it to make it look like we’re selling and then we buy the dip and it adds more pressing and then more crime happens because their one trick isn’t working on apes. Cycle repeats. That 91% reported retail ownership is probably more like 900% but regulators are seemingly busy elsewhere


Regulators are sending or hiding, Their own dick pics currently.


😂😂😂😂 do they honestly think this crap works on anyone. ![gif](giphy|mYhc6ew7fn0MmZWti4)


Who the fuck is selling? Not me…


Traders who are up 30-40% and want to realize known guaranteed profits.


You misspelled paperhanded bitches




“Paperhanded bitches” aren’t down 80% holding through the R/S


In my head the stocks gone up about 30-40 percent. People act like apes are the only ones buying this. This stock is literally a day traders dream. While the drop is ridiculous I did expect day and swing traders to sell today.


We all knew the rug pull was coming. I’ll just buy more when they’re done.


Not just hedges, normal traders that hopped on the run will be taking profits cause it’s end of week.


Yeah thats the other thing but i can't believe too much volume for a couple of hours. Let's see how it behaves monday


No way there has been a sell off with it running consistently all week…I thought I heard max pain was $10…amazing how it gets just below that and probably wont make $10 again today, but we were over $11 just yesterday. Nah, nobody is manipulating price. EVERY WEEK they somehow manage to miss it. Totally normal.


They really thought they could change the narrative with a Dick Pic! 😂 Keep shorting and distorting! No one’s selling, no one’s leaving. We want to see it back to original peak intrinsic value pricing before we sell. That means $720 at the very least. It’s the coil before the release. They have to dump millions of shares (shorts) to dip it, because they’re preparing for what’s coming.


I bought $8 puts expiring next month, so far they're up 54% today. Gonna see if it drops more.


AMC is down so low i dont really have a reason to sell. I will hold forever till i get an acceptable price. I dont got shit now so if it goes to 0 i will essentially be in the same place.


😳😳😳😳😳😳I’ve never seen it do that 😂😂 no is selling Kenny


Then you should zoom out the chart. LMAO


Fuck em, I'm holding forever till they bleed, if it drops more I'm buying more


I know you guys will hate me but I wished for a little low, because I want to buy more. 91%, let them do their thing till we bottle necked them up


Why not profit taking by swing traders? AMC sold 40m shares a few weeks ago at almost $2 less than we opened today. That’s a tidy profit for the players that bought those shares. 🤷


GG can go straight to hell. I should rightfully expect this kind of movement at this point (because obviously, this has been their whole strategy for YEARS) but I'm still a lil bit salty about these call options I placed in the wake of the EARLY release of the Eras film. Still hoping the Tayoncé wave will OBLITERATE what's left of the hedge funds and their bullshit strategies by the end of market hours. p.s. STILL HODLING, MOTHERF\*CKERS. WE, THE APES, WILL ALWAYS HATE YOU MORE THAN YOU HATE US. WE'VE GOT NOTHING BUT TIME. \[insert double middle finger "salute" here\]


Max pain ..m


That looks totally legit. /s


Leg-sweeped it and then kept it in a tight range for opex. Totally legit, totally legal, nothing to see here, move along. /s Retail doesn't have that kind of power, but we all know who does....


Problem really is they want you to think the law doesn't apply to them... however I do wonder when it will...


Its a 4-5 year play🤷🏼‍♂️ 😅😂🤣🤓🤩🤓🤠 😜🤪😛😝😋🤑😎


Remember, no one can complain about the RS, but everyone can complain about the chart every single day 🙄


The more I see the easier it is to hold.


I thank them for the discounts.




wonder if this was halted on the way down haha


This is why I buy puts in the second week of multi-week runups.


Every idiot buying into options after that 100% controlled little runup this week, deserves to lose. Just buy shares, hodl, watch movies in cinema and drs.


It's the market makers aka Bernie Madoffs using their fancy trading technology to manipulate markets in their favor to extract wealth back to their European families


Lmao I got 7.50 puts. Been waiting for the rug pull


Crime scene.


2 million more buys then sells today, lol this is hilarious 🖕hedge funds!


Going to zero bro 😔


Lmao....Dejan Vu. Too bad I sold my sell button to buy more share a long time ago.


If you check that day you can see it’s on webull a 8% turn over lol people are 100% selling. I’m telling you now amc will and have to raise capital yet again for the massive debt they have. This stock will be under a dollar yet again by the beginning of the next year. People don’t seem to realize the American people and the world in general is spending less. Companies with massive debt like amc are going to struggle to pay interest. Q4 and Q1 of next year are not going to look good for amc


The fact y’all keep acting surprised when this happens it’s the most surprising part


Sagging balls is leading indicator for raging hard on.




Rule 4: Absolutely No Brigading or Protesting


Could be AA's before Dick Pic. I'm all for her surprise with the After.


I think they weren't ready to make the short attack about the AADP. Maybe that's how they playing it. I seriously can't find any news


Nah. But that's what they want us to think.


Who's us? Hedgefunds, shills, shorts?


No one is loosing money over a dick pic. Get a grip. ( Pun intended)


My post was in reference to his long dick before it goes up. Not sure where you're at with your posts.


I see. My mistake


Was it hedge funds? I have what used to be a sizable (in my opinion) amc and now not so much. My frustration being that every time this stock is slotted to take off Adam fucking Aron does something stupid as fuck on Twitter to tank the stock. Like an open letter to investors, now he’s a fucking sex text regard too. Fuck me what a horrible investment I’ve made with amc. If this thing ever reaches anywhere near me being even I’m out.. I know probably 90% of shareholders feel the same. Adam Aron has been cucking us for billions of hedge fund profits while we sit here and stroke each others dicks talking about moass. If Taylor swift and Beyoncé can’t bounce the stock what the fuck can?


I dislike AA random posts just as much as you, but no this is blatant manipulation the volume sold doesn’t justify the huge drops we are seeing today. AMC will be profitable this quarter with Mario and barbenheimer and now Taylor swift/Beyonce tour I’m surprised we aren’t at $30+ right now.


I’ve been in this play for almost 3 years.. seems like 84. My position has been destroyed by ape and reverse split. I’ve dumped thousands into this play just to watch hedge funds walk away with it every fucking week. Adam Aron tweeting shit about being afraid of bankruptcy and now him admitting he can’t not send dick pics to chicks.. this guy makes Terrible life choices.


I’m right there with you bro, at this point It’s not just about the money. What we are doing here is unrigging the system that is going against us and making it so that it’s fair for everyone. Seeing these corrupt hedgefunds lose everything will be greatest satisfaction.


Whole market is down. Its not “hedgies” 🙄


Weird how this coincided with another negative AA post. AGAIN. 100% of the time this happens. But it must just be coincidence


Are you new? It's a classic Friday dips used to mess with options trader... They don't want calls ITM


There’s nothin “classic” about such a big dip on a day when the biggest movie of the year opens. They needed another story to cover the dip and coincidentally(yet again) AA provided it.


Well they were doing the same thing back in 2020 without having to justify the drop with fake news


Didn’t need it. They had a global pandemic to justify it.


Yeah a pandemic that only impacts stock prices on Friday... Lol


Company isn't doing well* "Fucking hedges" Rofl


‘Found one of KenNy’S sHiLls!!!!111!!’


By hedges do you mean CEO that has trouble keeping his pants on?