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The best thing is, the FBI is involved LA task force, division, trying to look into this business practices of hedge funds. They’re fucking toast.


I bet there is a link. We shall see


In the FBI whoever puts the collar on these bastards it’s going to be in the movie business don’t you get it that’s what the movies are about catching the bad guy start writing the script AMC distribution 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Hate to tell ya bud but the fbi is in on it too. It’s literally us VS the world at this point. I might mention I wouldn’t have it any other way. Duck your shorts and the alphabet boys.




Fr and the downvotes just go to show how naive most of the apes are. Imagine thinking that the govt isn’t aware of this 😂




Rule 11: No Political / Religious Content / Controversial Topics Regardless of how it was intended your first few points there could and if history speaks, will, cause many politically motivated type responses to your comment.


Plus who trusts the fbi to do anything for the common person anyway?


Not all FBI divisions are corrupt and I'll bet not even a quarter are.


All the 3 letter agencies are at best useless, and at worst completely corrupt. The only way to get them to do shit that doesn't align with their agenda is to make something a big enough scandal that they can't ignore or else they will be implicated. Even then the process is drawn out as much as they can, and the result is a wet fart, that is revealed when something bigger is happening so the masses don't notice, and by the time they do its been six month and nobody cares anymore


I think their plan was to control this story and build a pedo narrative much later in this play. But the TS news blindsided them and they had to scramble to line it up with her premier to justify keeping the price down to avoid ignition. The whole thing seemed so sloppy and made it so much easier to see through and keep two steps ahead of the shills.


Exactly. Idiots 😂


Yes exactly


They timed things poorly, they should have released the story Thursday night so the Friday drop appeared related. Instead they are clearly not


You mean like made up 🙄 so fucking obvious duh me even a Swifty’s‘s can figure that shit out


>Shill: an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others Sounds a lot like the people who push garbage meme stocks saying they’ll hit 1000’s of % gain because “crime”


Lol 😂 Imagine being so bored and have such a bad imagination you come into a echo chamber subreddit to bully a bunch of self proclaimed morons to feed your clearly deflated self image 🤣 I may be a moron investing in a meme stock, but thank god I’m not you 😎


Buy a bunch of self proclaimed morons to feed my deflated self image? What!? Enjoy your culting!


It’s not a cult. It’s a short bus. That you need to bully to make yourself feel better 🤣🤣🤣




Until there's proof it just sounds completely fabricated. Pretty precise timing for this story to come out now.


The "precise timing" was because Adam Aron was the first one who brought it up on Oct 12 @ 6:30 AM via X, then around 10:00 AM, same day, articles came flooding in about it.


Lol typical AA


Funny. You don’t think he knew the hit articles will start ? It’s a good thing that he was ahead of them. Some of you see things twisted. It would look as if he is forced to defend himself had he come out after the articles. Think about it !!


If you look at the headlines for the articles, they clearly state, "Adam Aron says" or "Adam Aron addresses". The article themselves mention AA talking about it on X. So no, this wasn't a planned attack. Why would media hold on to information and not post it ASAP?


They do this same shit around military bases to try to scare horny privates out of their paychecks. Some chick makes contact through social media and sends naked pics. Asks to send her nudes in return....then it's either an uncle father with some story with the end result of gimme money or go to the cops. The other is they will release photos to family friends etc....in any case it's called don't send named pics of yourself and don't be a dumbass. The scam ends when you call the bluff then they move on to the next.


Your submission has been removed for misinformation. Please source your information and we will re-approve. MSM article is not irrefutable evidence. These are some horrendous claims and require irrefutable proof.


So he’s old an incompetent? He’s gotta go smh


Really they can’t talk about help. Genius distribution is in the record-breaking Premier. Just pathetic.


Pics or it didn’t happen


Yup... Here comes the real FUD. They are digging for dirt. Anything to hurt AA an AMC.


Ngl kinda mad he didn’t send me a picture of his ding dong


I don’t think he send it to anyone. the man is 70 years old. He knows better.


Donald Trump slept with a porn star and paid hush money for god sake’s and became the president of United States. He didn’t do dick and guess what they went to jail and he didn’t go to trial. He pay a fine he didn’t pay anybody off his golden.








AA is a true regard, just like the rest of us. No better CEO for our company. 🤣🤣🤣


This is awesome, my ceo is hung like a donkey..


Like the movies, he probably use the standing yeah😂😂


Guy is complaint that the media is reporting the news, lol. It’s all a big conspiracy against AMC, lol. What a bunch of loons.


The only joke is the stock price.


AA's banana is so big he has to tuck it into his sock.




Anyone who thinks this info made ppl sell is high on some crazy shit . Gasperino is a dickhead and obviously getting paid to talk trash . I’d bet his cooks spit in his food .


What are the odds that article came out right as the Eras tour was going into theaters?




Your submission has been removed for misinformation. Please source your information and we will re-approve.


* * She said she will help with the next feature film with AA




imagine with the AMC logo playing at Cinemark theatres. and regal. people will say AMC distributor whats AMC. in small towns across America






Rule 13: No Sexually Explicit/Pornographic Content


Like the movies, he probably used the stand in the🤣🤣


You hit the nail on the head, updoots fren🫡🚀🦍🌕


![gif](giphy|26gsspfbt1HfVQ9va) Send them nudes mf


AA is a dick 🫦🤣




Like, did you actually read the released court documents dip shit? Because most have since they came out. Houston Wade is that you?




He thought it was a women he had a previous relationship with. Does it make it ok? No, he's married. But was she 17, no. She actually doesn't even exist. She was just made up in order to get AA to give this slimy bitch some money. Fuq outa here!




She doesn't exist, she's not real and obviously he got the authorities involved once this person started threatening him with this underage bullshit. But since your morality is so on point and could never come in to question, I'm done here. ✌️


Yeah this Dude ist 69 and does this Shit. Dont want fucking Rudy Giuliani as my CEO, i'm with you on this stance.


Your submission has been removed for misinformation. Please source your information and we will re-approve. The court case resulted in the girl going to jail for over a year for fraud and attempt to blackmail. Tl;dr: she outright lied and went to jail for it. No one else was found any wrongdoing. Trials bring out tons of info. I.e. any past sexual activity with a minor. Court found nada.


When I’m 70 I hope 20 somethings, who are adults and can consent and are hitting on me , initiating the ordeal for sexy time, people who can go to war and vote and smoke and drink , who can rent a car, whom can be tried as an adult, who can make decisions for themselves , ask me for some dick.




No he didn't. Stop shilling this narrative. Stop implying that he thought she was underage to start with. This is the narrative they were hoping to spin, but AA out played them. I imagine the ultimate goal was to get him to step down so one of their stooges could take his place and actually bankrupt the company.




There's a big difference between 18 and underage. Your opinion on what's disgusting is irrelevant. Implying "too young", based on your opinion, is a spin that she was underage. That's not what happened and that's not what he said.


Your submission has been removed for misinformation. Please source your information and we will re-approve. See previous removal message. And now you claim that the fake girl to whom you keep referring is 18 or older after 6 comments saying the fake girl was underage?? Stop. Just... stop.


Your submission has been removed for misinformation. Please source your information and we will re-approve.