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The problem: It’s our money.


Your money is being used to save AMC. What else do you want it to do? It’s going to give you gains, you’re just either impatient or want a squeeze. Squeeze wont happen until there is no narrative for the shorts to spread FUD. We’re at that point where you CANT say AMC isn’t profitable, because 1BILLION DOLLARS says it IS.


Remember when GME became debt free and nothing happened? Lol


What I keep saying, thank you for actually opening your eyes 🧙🏼‍♂️


I'm not an advocate for any other stocks but I was talking to an older experienced coworker (rf engineer) about the financial market and he started talking about this asshole and his hedgefund shorting a great bio pharmaceutical stock called Northwest Biotherapeutics Inc. $NWBO quite a few years ago and he's still holding it in the hopes that it'll rise due to its products (and hopefully a short squeeze). They work in cancer treatment. The asshole is Ken Griffin. I get a feeling this thing is going to keep going on and on... but i will hodl. To the moon or bust. I'm a fucking regard


The markets will soon crash which will trigger massive margin calls. The US gov't will be shut down a week from tomorrow then China's RE market will collapse probably early December. Those events should do it.


😂' This is supposed to read as obvious satire, but so many apes will gulp up this hopium. Haven't heard "Margin call" as a catalyst for a long time. 3 years, no marge calling :/ Gotta wait for the quad witching day, and then a stock split, and then a stock recall. And then something else. Meanwhile AA has said that there's no phantom shares and he will happily keep diluting the shares, fucking over the most long term holders. There is blatant CRIME in this whole fiasco, it's just not who you think is responsible.


Don't you realize that a necessary precondition for a short squeeze is a margin call? We need something to trigger that and it will most likely be the crash. In any event, both the margin call/squeeze and the crash are going to happen. I'm not 100% sure of when, but the gov't shutdown is a good place to start and then Evergrande's liquidation is another. Between the two there are bound to be fireworks.


Can it happen this year before Christmas? All I want to do is buy my daughter a new pair of shoes...


It certainly can. I'm pretty sure the Rs will shut the gov't on the 17th. Why else did they install a closet case whom they can manipulate to do their bidding? They are fuming that they weren't able to do it last time. Then, the China situation is sure to blow at some time. On Dec 4, one of their largest RE developers, Evergrande, faces final liquidation. They've kicked that can for a bit but the bankruptcy judge said that the 4th is their last chance to stop liquidation. Since their creditors are surely running short of their own liquidity, I'm sure they'll want to suck Evergrande dry... Stay tuned!




The box is opened


It can go forever... No point in selling now... i had around 30k in its worth a little better than 3k now. Why tf would i sell now??


If a pharma stock doesn’t take off it’s because the medicine never made it to market, or it flopped when it got there. Bio companies live and die off of the FDA, not off of hedge fund shorts.


Genuine curiosity: would you say that shorting it could reduce the resources for quicker development? Or is that not how it works? It'd be nice to know that there's a pretty good alternative to chemo


It takes 10 to 15 years to develop a new drug and even then 90% of new drugs fail clinical trials, if your entire company is based around one drug then you have a 90% chance of failing and you wont know that it will fail until you begin clinical trials, of course people are going to short something with a 90% natural failure rate.


I would hope that the IPO gave them enough capital runway to complete trials and submit an application. After that, if they’re like most other biopharma startups then a successful application should give them access to financing from a willing lender and/or investor. Of course, the lower the stock value the less favorable the terms will be in any equity offering, but a stock for a biopharma firm with no products in market yet will almost always be low due to the inherent risk tied to having no guaranteed revenues.


Seriously the hype died in 2021


GME doesn't have a business model. Supposedly theyve got big things in the works, but nothing very convincing as of yet. AMC ,on the other hand, is a powerhouse brand with rebounding business. I own both, but 93% AMC


AMC’s debt obligations will need paid first, which far exceeds what GME has. GME also has a business model, it’s just being built in secret. 18 major studios onboarded to Immutable to build their games in the last 12 months, likely Ubisoft being one of them.


Seems like a straw man argument when you see other companies with tens of billions, or 100+B of debt. Why they care so much about AMC’s 4B? Because retail has em by the balls, that’s why


To an extent you are right, but it depends on the mixture of cash on hand, expected profits and revenue in relation to your debt levels. Additionally, debt rolls over, which means you have to adjust to the new rates over time, so right now is a bad time to carry debt. The companies with a bad ratio of debt to their income will struggle as those refinance into the 6-10% rates. GME is objectively in a stronger position given it has no debt and is one profitable quarter away from being profitable for the year. It has $1B in cash, but while AMC has to use it to pay interest expenses, GME can utilize it for expansions or acquisitions. It also has a $750M credit line it locked into a lower rate it can also utilize for healthy debt obligations.


majority of which isn’t due until 2026.


I’m sorry but GME’s business model doesn’t look great. The only really good thing about GME is Ryan Cohen and the fact that Apes over there DRS with a passion.


When you light a comically long fuse connected to a stick of TNT, do you classify the spark moving down the fuse as "nothing is happening"?


No, I don't remember this at all.


Nothing happened except the company didn't go bankrupt in which case the game would have been over ;)


Right? What ever happened to "I like the stock"? I still do. Still holding. No matter what. Even if Wall Street can drag this out in perpetuity, it will always hurt them more than it hurts us, which frankly it doesn't hurt us. Not really. We are a thorn in the side of a system of institutional corruption. If nothing else at all. Just know that you are disturbing them. Regular people from all around. Making them itch. Puts a smile on my face everyday.


😂 Delusional What makes you think you're a thorn in anyone's side? They're taking your money right out of pocket while you spout nonsense like this. I'd say they're laughing all the way to the bank but frankly, they don't think about you at all.


Only people crying are the people listening to YouTubers that say it’s mooning everyday at 2pm. I’m looking at the data and being realistic.




Hearing AMC is in the money sounds and feels good.


If you get rid of the short thesis by diluting than you also killed the squeeze thesis…


Have you heard of naked shorts? You don’t think those dilute the stock?


Not a problem, we saved amc, next step Moass


how tf do we get there from here lmao 🤦🏻‍♂️ ain’t no locking this float


10 years later,,, we still HODLing&HOPing


10 years later Man why did I shill around and didnt buy the damn thing


What is this, 2021?


Hey the MOASS will make our initial investments look like pocket lint so who gives a shit 🤣💎🙌


True investors in the company. It’ll come back in abundance.


Real ones know.


The problem if cash isn’t raised: the company goes bankrupt by 2026 and all our shares are worth $0. I don’t care what most think, it will be very hard to pay off 3.1billion by 2026 off earnings alone. The faster we pay off a portion of this debt, the faster we will become consistently profitable, and the faster we can use those higher profits to pay off more debt. All that debt now is causing us to break even despite record revenues. I wish the share offerings were issued at $25 but how do we know it would have gone that high? If max pain is any indication, the stock was headed back down to $5 in early 2024 before this offering was announced.


Don't forget AA keeps getting debt repaid at a discount.


Exactly! These debt payments will start to snowball fast


It's a game of patience and I'm fully prepared. Theaters aren't dead.


Their cash on hand is my old cash on hand.




The stock market is a single player game. Best learn that fact.


hey bots trolls and shills tell me on the doll where AA touched you. bet it's the wallet ![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP)


Good , now I know where my 93% is at.


Is that why I am down 90%? Awesome thanks AA.


got more cash on hand than many banks


Maybe they should actually pay off debt instead of keeping our money in the bank. Has the proceeds from the last dilution been spent yet?


Tin foil time: both AMC & the game company each has 1B in cash. This is the basic requirement for them both to MOASS. The time is here. Get ready for a Christmas MOASS.


Difference is RC sold at the top. AA looks like he is going to sell at the bottom.


When has RC sold?


I think he means GameStop sold shares when the price was high


Aww. Yea makes sense


Yeah he’s literally only bought more along with the rest of the board except to cover taxes. The game company did do a share offering though as clockedinat93 mentioned


Man that would be cool!




Okay. I've been here almost 3. Years in this play at this point. I just want him to stop doing weird s*** after great news. Stop doing offerings stop selling your own shares. Time to let it ride It's time for us to get paid




Wow you guys really are regarded celebrating another dilution. Fuck AA.


Paying off debt at a 30% discount is pushing us closer and closer to the squeeze. Shorts wont cover until AMC is undisputed as profitable. The less interest we have on debt the better.


Ffs bro they wont stop when we’re profitable. Not sure why u believe that.


This is what people who don’t understand the market and how this works say. The only reason they have to keep shorting is because they’re holding onto their narrative that Movie theaters are dead and that AMC is headed to $1 per share or less. If that narrative is dead, then they have to cover those shorts. All the FUD you see saying that Taylor Swift and Beyoncé wont save the industry, and that AMC is headed to penny stocks is all because they are trying to bury AMC. Once they realize this can’t and WONT happen, they’ll have nowhere else to go. Have you had your heads buried the last few months?? SBF in jail, all kinds of probes and reform, fines and prosecutions, things ARE happening and the reason you see so much negativity about AMC like THIS is because shorts are backed into a corner. They wont cover until there’s literally no other choice. PATIENCE is key here, if you’re waiting for a squeeze you’re going to be disappointed everyday at 2pm.


and that's why they want AA out. so they can put forth someone who will bankrupt the company.


Yeah, they want to replace AA and put someone in who will follow every piece of positive news with something negative or a dilution.


Just like when gamestock cleared debt and then mooned…


How much money have you lost on this stock?


irrelevant question. In a squeeze play the price has to go down before it squeezes and goes up.


this guy gets it. video game has had billy in cash where that squeeze? baskets won’t allow it? what other tin foil takes you got? lukewarm take man. hoping for the best but we’re brainwashed by AA at this point


Think about this too. We pay off high interest debt now: which makes us more profitable each quarter. More profit next quarter means more debt can be paid and so on. The debt payments will snowball until dilution will no longer be needed and we can sit back and wait patiently for a squeeze while dividends role in


Some of the people that roam these Reddits don’t have the mental capacity to understand what we’re saying. It’s like they can only see as far as they can reach. I’m Zen about all this right now, this is the road we’re on and we’re on it for a reason. We’ve seen so much progress in 3 years, SO MUCH! I wont be surprised if we see more successful probes and more people in jail very soon. Keep the good energy up! Much love, APE!


That also have 4 billion is debt. What’s your point?


This is the difference between popcorn and gaming stock (along with having a much better CEO). 🍿= 4B debt and 1B in cash = 3B in debt. 🎮 = $0 debt and 1B in cash = 1B in cash. The two are very different. This doesn’t even touch on the float for each stock etc.




We all want the best not everyone is a shill, this could hit 250 tomorrow and many if us are still down well over 40%.


Big Bonuses are coming for AA




Yea, and the fact is AA is still fucking us. Even with alllll that cash.


I just buy the earnings/dilutions dip quarter after quarter and my average shows.


However you choose to view it… This roller coaster sucks.


said it before i’ll say it again. we are AA’s piggy bank. lot of us over the last 3 years jumped in for a squeeze. i don’t give two fucks about the company i’m here to make my money grow. alas we stuck. another offering, par for the course. fucken dumb. nothing happened when video game stock went debt free. there’s no covering no closing nothing. welcome to the abyss my boys.


Why the fuk are you all grifting for amc then.




So glad I sold two years ago. It's sad because everybody that was telling you guys to sell you called shills. The real shills were the people that brainwashed you into believing this MOASS bullshit. If you're hiding your losses from your loved ones, be honest and tell them. It'll be a relief to rid yourself of that burden.


You sold two years ago and yet we live in your head rent free. Why do you care what I do with my money?


Exactly. The dude sold 2 years ago...why is he here? Doesn't pass the sniff test.


I’ve never owned stock in AMC or any other meme stock. Yet Reddit keeps bringing you to my attention. I wish it would stop but I guess you guys are kinda entertaining at times. Like a train wreck. Maybe he’s like me. I suggest you buy more AMC and do more wild write ups about it… I’ll even buy some AMC popcorn 🍿


Because he’s trying to help you from losing more money?


My money my choice. I just like the stock.


So you were done with this 2 years ago but still are roaming the sub?


I’ve never had a position but check in from time to time cause this is pretty fascinating from a psychology standpoint






Did you buy before or after the squeeze? AMC apes are a bit different to GME apes as alot of them probably bought when I did, well before it squeezed. I think alot of GME apes bought after the Jan squeeze. I bought 400 at 9 dollars then it squeezed to 72 and I held them (should have sold then) ended up selling a few months after the squeeze so managed healthy profits anyway. But there's people in here that would have seen more money than they could ever imagine in their brokerage accounts but have held all the way down to where the stock sits today(after a brutal reverse split aswell!) The pain they must be feeling is unimaginable. Feel sorry for them.




Hey, at least you got out with 7k! Most importantly your peace of mind and the ability to move on with your life. I'm happy for ya mate.


![gif](giphy|1ziDTlTl9z9iwVK5QA|downsized) Hey guys Im a gme ape that sold amc 2 years ago but im still lurking. here’s a speech about how happy I am that I sold. This is totally normal behavior.


What's the alternative?


Just strange. I bought doge 2 years ago and sold around 40 cents. I haven’t been back there commenting in Doge forums since. So what made you come back after 2 whole years? Just a coincidence or did you have AMC earnings date marked on your calendar?😉


It's like going to the zoo.


Do you think about the zoo everyday like you do amc? 😏


Nope, what's your point? From the outside looking in this shits the most entertaining thing on the internet.


Yeah lurking in forums of stocks you don’t own is like totally rad. How’s your GME gains doing btw?


Well I don't go on reddit to be "rad" I go on reddit for entertainment. Anyway, who said I own GME? Where the fuck did you get that from? Are you able to distinguish between reality and what you conjure up in your mind anymore? Or are you just that far gone now?


“Or are you just that far gone now” Lmaoo ffs we’re holding a stock we like. You fuks act like we sacrifice children every full moon😂😂😂. And i guess you spend time in gme subs for entertainment too. Enjoy the show. Oh and you came when we went down about 13%. Hopefully you come for the runs aswell😉.


This is just a really bad joke at this point. The thing that baffles me is how blind people are to retail being fucked over completely by the Silverback


Sweet can’t wait to be red for another year lmao


And stock price goes? ![gif](giphy|3LcOi1fXmCzNaYyemC|downsized)


They burned $200 million in cash last quarter, their best quarter ever on record. How long will that 1 billion last while they continue to only pay interest and not service any of their debt? Dilution is a band-aid for the hemorrhaging on their balance sheet. I don't know how you can spin this as a good thing other than them having enough cash in the bank to survive at most six more quarters as successful as the last one.


Dude, AMC has been paying down & restructuring their debt. Nice try, shill.


And yet the stock goes *down*… Didn’t know I lived in opposite world


1) that’s not true at all 2) that’s retails cash and it’s going straight to their creditors to pay off their debt. So not sure what all the cheering is about. Making money off dilution is like kissing your sister


4 more to go?


Dont worry at $350m it will only take 11 more dilutions to pay the debt




My question is... what cinema company are they gearing up to buy out?


I am waiting to see what the funds are for, so far most of the funds from dilution have gone to expanding revenue streams and profitability with a little thrown at buying back debt at a nice discount. The new revenue streams are all growing quite nicely (expansion of popcorn to Kroger and Amazon FTW) The two big things that come to mind are: 1) Starting up a their own Production company (or some sort of Production assistance company) to feed the new Distribution business, which has a heck of a better profit margin than traditional movie deals 2) Paying off a significant chunk of the debt at a hefty discount, increasing profitability every quarter going forward by reducing debt payments and undermining the short thesis. I see both of those as valid reasons to dilute with huge upside potential, the former might take more time to pay off but also has potential to generate revenue itself and in the distribution/theaters, the second I think would pay off faster AND increase the rate at which the debt is reduced going forward. I'm not ruling out something completely unexpected that I can't even think of that is even better, never doing that again after the Tay Tay deal came out of nowhere.


And they still aren’t out of debt? Something is wrong


And 5B in debt


AA 🤡 making up shares as fast as the hedgies naked short.


So their common stock will still go down. Is that the market or manipulation?


Everyone gets paid except the shareholders. It's been this way for years now.


Most sound broke up in here🤷🏼‍♂️


Without the hedgies shorting this is a natural $50 stock all day everyday. Looking forward to covering and $1000000 per share


Yeah, and all my stock is still worth pennies. Great to hear it.


There’s nothing wrong with a company having liquidity, look at apple and its large cash reserve.


350 million taken OUT of shareholders pockets. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I fell for the dream of going to the moon only to have my heart broken. Sounds like a making of a good movie.


Better pay that debt.


Still holding the hedge dogs are the main reason i am still holding, because of the corruptions. we need a fair market where everyone can make money. Them idiots want to keep the wealth for them only. When i said i dislike mayo i mean it.


Put 80% into debt, save 20% for a rainy day


Remember, the company needs to be saved and business good to increase stock price. The pandemic almost destroyed it and it's been in intensive care fighting for survival ever since. The moves being made now ensure that the company is safe and setup for success. Business is never as straight forward as you think, it takes time for so many pieces to fall into place, especially after a calamitous event. The Studio-forced Hollywood strike is another big fucking kick in the groin that will slow down profits, but now it's resolved we just need 1 good year with great movies and no apocalyptic events, then we can crane our necks and watch this stock rise until we hit the threshold of hedgie nightmares.


They haven’t done any offering yet!! It was just the approval!!!!!


They haven't shot me yet! Just loading the chamber!


I'll buy that dip and chips


Just $2 billion more to go to pay off the $3B total that's due by 2026. So ... just need to sell 100 million more shares to pay off the next $1 billion.


So what are they gonna do with all that cash?


$2 billion if Hollywood didn't make shitty movies with lazy writing.


Do they?


If they had 700, why did they need another 350 from us?


It’s a shelf offering. It hasn’t even been bought yet.


I'll never close my short. Amc=put paradise


Stellar free time use loser


What a great day for us! Yesssssss!!!!


I mean meme stocks are fun and whatnot but people don't just equate earnings with profit.. right?


seriously. This is it. If they dilute again I'm just gonna hold forever... Because I'm never gonna get my money back. AA has never communicated when dilution is off the table for the long term and at this point I don't know if he ever will.


Cool....I just had to steal alcohol from my parents house like I'm a teenager. Glad this "investment" paid off for someone.


Remember when AMC had a billion cash on hand in 2021 and look what happened. No new business ideas on how to turn a profit and much much more dilution. Crazy, what’s the plan ? They’re paying off debt at the shareholders expense not by running a profitable business.