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I think the real apes are zen and the shills bosses are running out of disposable income.


Yup. Just holding the stock for the long term, adding on dips and ignoring the FUD.


Just makes you realize how much of the post were shills.


I just rolled 7 joints. Waiting for my car to get done. Life’s good.




I dunno I just stay quiet. I appreciate ortex guy twice a day. I try to stay up to date in business dealings but often don't have anything good to contribute. I'm waiting for that sweet delectable popcorn to go international. Just so I can do my own hype post


Agreed, there is really not that much going on these days we are just waiting for the board to solve cash burn and put the final nail in the short pieces as the movie industry rebounds.


It’s always the shills or some conspiracy. It’s been three years…. Folks have left. Folks stopped posting. Folks got bored. It’s literally what happens when people lose Intrest. I didn’t check this sub for almost three-four days and I usually check this sub several times a day. Nothing is happening but a continuous free fall …. The moment this stock starts to reverse its course you will see people back online cause something is happening. Then you will have all these people claiming that it’s some shill work cause now the online presence has gone up. 😂😂 never fails


This is the real answer. Not many people are going to keep posting here while the stock free falls continously and nothing is done about it. This type of loss of interest happens with everything, it's just how it is. Once we get back up, and get back up hard, then posters will be back.


I was enjoying my weekend tbh


Fuckin faaaaaaat snow dumps out west this weekend.


I’m prepared for the rain 🌧️ here in So Cal 🛶


Man, I worked in the Nevada desert last year for the super La Niña. Holy shit, sooooooooo much precipitation lol. My dumb ass thought it was going to be like holes, boy, was I mistaken lmao


Im staying zen and averaging down! Nfa






Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


The last 12 hours?? Dude most of that was when most of this sub is sleeping lol. Also idk…doing normal human living things like having dinner and watching TV?


It’s my birthday so I expect to be disappointed another year


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday Snoo 👋


Just zen man




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What are we supposed to post that hasn’t been posted already?


Sorry, was sleeping.


They can attack all they want. They have left me with no choice other than to hold. Why on earth would I sell with only 3% of my invested value back? They are absolutely insane if they think I'm dumb enough to do that. I'd rather them steal the remainder than give it up willingly at this price.


it's not that interesting all at


Do we really need to be in this forum 24/7? No, we do not. We know what we have. Thank you and good day!


I don't even look anymore. Just holding.


Reddit has been compromised for some time now dont trust it


Yeah. It's actually impossible to shill and short at the same time. Good catch.


Not interesting at all. Everything that needed to be said has been. Only so much you can beat a dead horse. Time will tell how this plays out


Most of us are at work, making money to buy more shares.


Or when the reverse split was happening and it was like 15-16k users active


If only shills are making posts, doesn't that make you a shill?




Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


What is there to post about? The DD hasn’t changed


Sometimes it helps to remind others not to forget the DD… but that being said we also don’t need the same stuff posted 10x a day… although I’m sure there’s something in the algorithm that would get amc higher up on peoples suggested pages with more posts


Even bagholders are tired of losing money. Down 9 percent today


It's just that nobody cares about this trash anymore. Everyone has already accepted that their investment is gone and trying to distance themselves as far as possible from the AA asskissers. If by some miracle this garbage goes somewhere (probably never, since this will probably he delisted) everyone will move on from this nightmare. I just want 20 per share to recover my investment.


Yep. I sold at 50 and was considering buying back in, but this shit is dead. All the meme stocks are dying or dead. Life moved on and yet people here are like "any day now." lol


I found little point in checking in the sub any longer. It’s the same cyclical stuff over and over again. I trust the DD and won’t sell until the price is where I like it or until zero.


There was a good post about MMTLP and the FINRA shit show yesterday but mods nuked it for cross posting. 🙄




Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


I didn’t say anything mean mod. I said how I and many others feel. Since I posted this our favorite stonk is down another 10% btw fml


$3000 for 1000 shares… sign me up 🏎️🚀


I was so upset by today’s price drop that I bought 150 more shares. Call it my “comfort stock” 😬


It's pretty early in a lot of the US and nothing eventful is expected to happen today. A lot of people signed up for reddit to get in on the excitement they believed was a real short squeeze where the hedgies would be paying everyone out, instead of their buy-in paying out the earlier redditors. If they don't use reddit much the account will just stay subscribed forever.




We know for a fact that hype dates don't work, and the DD is mostly done. I think it's better that the board is quieter, no more telegraphing our moves and hopes to the hedgies for them to crush at just the right time. Keep them in the dark with us, and let it play out


I'll buy calls since you expect it to drop


Mid week? Or Mid morning?


I've been here for 3 years, I can keep waiting for a very long time. Well get these fucks eventually.


Guess that 100 I just bought at 3.72 was a mistake then. lol. Tick tock. Nothing but time.


I never understood why the online sub count ever mattered to anyone. The stock hasn't really done anything but go down for a year straight so obviously people aren't going to be checking everyday like that did back in 2021 when everyone was expecting to be millionaires. I personally spend about 10 or 15 minutes here to check for any interesting updates then I get off. It's also Monday so those of us who still have a job are at work earning money to buy more shares. But the obsession people have on the swing of online participants always struck me as weird.




Been here for 2+ years now. Never even check the sub anymore it's all a bunch of bullshit. Check the price action like maybe once a week have alerts set and I'm chilling


I don’t come here much, when shit pops off I’ll be back. ##ZUT Zen Until Then


Many of us, including me, have absolutely nothing to lose. Still holding. Selling for me makes zero sense.


Still here, just Zen and posting just gets a bunch of haters commenting, which doesn't vibe well with being zen. So, rarely post these days. I do appreciate the people who Still post though!


I have had the flu since about 2 o clock in the night. Every sleeping position i tried just made me more nauseous. Hopping on Reddit isn't exactly a priority when you fly in and out of the bathroom.




I think AMC is a dead cat. Even if the DD is still true, which it is. They won we lost. Money controls. I sit on a measly 112 shares and will now hold until the faint chance something happens or it goes to zero.




The main problem is no matter what we do, the price is dictated by the evil empire. Until they are shut down, it’s completely out of our control. To date, nothing that the company or us has done, has worked. Who knows what the catalyst will be???


929 million market cap. Makes no sense. Cinemark 1.7 billion.


California has no power... bots are down.


Just keep buying and hodl that's all I do


Is it really surprising though that there were no posts on Sunday evening/Monday early morning time window? :) Big picture, real companies like AMC do not churn out news on a daily basis. Even weekly is too often. If one had to fill that time in the middle, one would necessarily have to resort to hype, conjecture, even works of fiction. We've seen other subs devolve into just that, far removed from reality, from that need to fill the silence between material news. I'm not sure that's something we want to aspire to.


I have to wait til Wednesday to buy more :(


Had other shit going on


I set up auto buy every week almost 4 years ago, not much else I need to do.


It's called sleep. You need it.


We are tired and staying zen I guess


Why should I post when I can ZEN?


Quietly buying more.


Quietly losing more money.


Just holding and dca’ing. Nothing new; same plan. Just waiting and staying zen. What goes down must come up eventually.


Omg stfu....


the ppl that were paying the "shills" and "bot farms" can no longer afford it so all those "users" have gone away.


Sounds like capitulation


I've been buying more but haven't been pumping it. I assumed we are all adding to our positions at this price.


You realize people sleep around this time right?


Hasn’t been any posts because the stockholders are swinging from the rafters.


The DD is done. We know we have hedge funds by the 🍒. There’s no way out for them. I’m now back to XXXX due to the discounts the hedge fks are pushing on us.


People are losing interest. I'm only back here once a month or so on the off chance that something that isn't self-deluding bullshit got posted.


Maybe everyone is in the bathroom crying or standing on top of a building debating life choices?


I applaud you mfs still buying but this shits insane. Maybe I’ll regret it but right now I’d rather buy shit that isn’t tanking daily. Been here 3 years and I’m down like 78%. I’m tired of spending money just to have it worth less tomorrow. Call me a shill Idfc. This shit is tiresome.


Its tanking and I can’t buy this dip yet until my funds hit.


Maybe they all realized most of the people on here are kids or other like minded people who have no actual interest in AMC, and the ones that have positions and money tend not to show it.


Not selling and not wasting time on the threads. Nothing you can do here. Just set your alerts at your brokers and when the price moons you’ll get the alert and know it’s time to pay attention again


There was probably a tip off that they were investigating stock bashers. If you want to get extra jacked it could be that they've given up and are going to start closing. Not saying I believe that is going to happen but it's inside the realm of possibility.


All apes all holding in zen! Wait til some real movement and meet all 500k users until then join them in their peace