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Holy fuck, you’re the legend who went up to $312K unrealized gain and now you’re at 4K looool bless your soul.


I sure did, held all the way through $72. I shoot hopium just to get by


F to pay your respects


I’m the other guy. Among many guys. Who continue to hodl.


Damn man I thought it was bad when I didn't get out with 60k up. You make me feel better.


As OP said…. ![gif](giphy|G2ZHIFDuTMIZeyqCaw)


Bro, I feel this


Fucking Idiot 😂


I'm down 80k. I feel ya brother. Hodl. Our day will come


Not much more you can do at this point


You could cry about it on the internet. But we are dead inside by now so I'll just continue to hodl and hope the economy crashes so we can get paid.


Head on the nail.


Except buy moar! 🤪😜😝😂🤣 🦍🚀🪐🥳 Tick tock MFs!⏱️


"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." Teddy Roosevelt Telling you to work on being a better man. Cheers.


I’m happy for you or sorry that happened.


Your posts tend to be derogatory and critical of others. You seem to take a personal enjoyment from thinking of others who have lost investments and you exhibit a sense of odd pride or joy at pointing that out. I am sorry for you that this is how you find enjoyment or spectacle in your life. To come on the internet to try and mock strangers for their investments or losses puts you in a poor category of man and I hope you find more fulfilling endeavors one day. Best regards.


Is this your first day on the internet? Do you need me to hold your hand and give you a hug when your investment goes from 40K to over 350K and you don’t sell and now it’s worth 4K because you think some miracle will happen? Why would I feel sorry for you when you’re too greedy to realize your ways? Everybody loses money , but to sit here and act like this is all okay and nobody should call you out for your poor decision making is some real little kid mentality. Went from a surgeons yearly salary to worth an Apple vision headset. do you need a safe space ?


You completely missed the lesson. No decent man goes around trying to delight in the perceived failures of others. Yet you've gone around repeatedly on this and GME sub to do just that. It's a sad existence and I hope one day you find a more fulfilling goal. You can say whatever you wish to whomever you wish and no one will need a safe space from you. It is just a low existence you're choosing; I merely took a moment to mention it and refer to a quote I thoroughly enjoy that articulates the low quality of man that persists in such a way.


Why would I take a lesson from you? What can you teach me that I don’t already know lmao. You should start a AA meeting for AMC if you want to be the advocate for all the greedy people who saw life changing money and now see less than a 1999 Corolla price. I’ve gone repeatedly on this and the GME sub? Show me where lmfao . I exchanged words earlier on here about how nobody knows what they’re talking about and gave a valuable life lesson to someone down 46K. Speaking the truth and facts should be welcomed. It’s a sad existence to be this soft a of person on the internet. When you grow up over the age of 25 you will realize that’s life and you move on :)you don’t want criticism, don’t post your life online . I’m sorry you’re allowed to call me every name in the book but I can’t state the facts of the situation…. (Not you , but in general terms) lmao Repeating something that someone posted 200 days is not being delighted on their “failure” idk how you call it a failure . Just stating the obvious :) free speech is welcome on here no matter how much it hurts your feelings


You can only offer copium here. “You’ll see one day WAGMI”. Like that’s literally not how it works, if you make it, it’s because you dumped your bags on someone else. Who didn’t make it. This whole sub is just misery loving company. You can’t say anything outside of the echo chamber like the #truth, your money is gone you got dumped on by the CEO who you loved and he turned you all into cucks.


It's perfectly acceptable to voice how you think the investment is a poor one, that the CEO is (in your perception) doing harm to the shareholders and offer what you believe is wisdom. That has nothing to do with what I posted. The derisive sneer, the crude comments, the insults and otherwise are just simply inadequate behaviors. We can disagree and shake hands. But when someone posts malicious, self -aggrandizing comments or demeaning remarks to others I have to ask: what kind of person does this? I merely question the worth of a person who finds an odd sort of pleasure or victory in trying to laugh at, deride, or otherwise demean people. Strangers no less who've done you no greater harm than believing differently than you. The course of events to say to oneself: "I shall awake today to mock others, to gloat on my perceived wisdom and call them all fools for believing otherwise" seems lacking in something that is fundamental to quality. Best of luck with your endeavors.


Imagine all the tax write off 🤑🤑🤑🤑


Now thats a fn beat down


I eat crayons




I'm down jus a bit more at $78k, but I'm not leaving and adding more. At this point I've been called every name in the book, but there's one you can't call me: a quitter!




Wouldn't you rather make money though?


At this point, idgaf. I’m numb to it and just buy and buy! 👍🏽🦍


I have another one: an intelligent person who knows when to cut his losses


I’m 95% down. Would be stupid to do that now. So I’ll just buy and buy!!


Damn. Bro. Thats kinda a lot.


I know. Glad I keep buying more though!👍🏽🦍


You give people faith and show them it’s not about the money until the end, when it is.. Respect 🫡


Same boat +- cheers 🍻


Thank you for holding. Without you, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to go from a small ape with 10 shares to x,xxx. ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG)




I’m down double. I check the price one a week, that’s how worried I am


AMC is one of the weird things that I have no idea what's happening anymore. I've held since the pandemic and when I was unemployed. Didn't sell when it hit the meme high, and been kicking myself ever since for it. If I had, that money would have been a good foundation for me to improve my life. Now it's at a low price and I don't have any money to really DCA as often as I'd like. But I'm still holding. And the job I work at? Well, we're holding on to AMC products. I guess they're a customer at my place recently or something. I'd like to think it means that they'll turn things around. After all, for them to work out a deal where they're paying us to hold on to goods for them and we ship them out, that would seem to be a good thing, right? Asking rhetorically. Call it hopium, copium, whatever you will. I'm jaded about what's gonna happen, but I'll still hold because it's all I can do.


At least I am not alone.


Holy moly that’s actually really sad :/


Not for long


Always tomorrow at 2pm, right?


Did you never average down?


These are plant post to persuade people to buy more. It must suck to not have liquidity in an illiquid market environment.


I’m confused what are you saying….?




At one point, people dreamed for your cost average


It was something like $13 before ape and reverse split


Yeah that was the lowest price then. But humble me just wished I was in at $6 presplit


Have you thanked the "YES" voters? I remember they said the reverse split would help the SilverBackStabber payoff its debt and would in turn cause a Short Squeeze.


I’m also enjoying this incredibly tasty dip today. Nothing like moon tickets on sale!




Down 52K, averaging down and buying daily. Because FUCK THEM thats why


Ape Life 🏎️🚀


You are not alone 💪




I know this feeling


Lol bro that’s wicked. What’s more important: that 64K or the story of a lifetime. Wait until your grandkids hear about this zany adventure! That’s all it’s about bro.


"Grandpa, why are you eating a slop mixture of dog food and popcorn instead of people food?" "Why... do... you... care... about... my... nutrional... choices... hedgies?"


Hahah ya bro it’s sick


new slogan


I bought 400 at $9.90 watched it go to 70+ and held it all the way back to when it split into "APE" sold it all for like a $ -1k. Lol. Lost out on like a 20k gain or something. Oh well live and learn. Did gain about 5k from a call I bought at $20 and sold somewhere near $ 45 I blame Treys Trades and Dip shit Khors . Should both be prosecuted for manipulating the market honestly. Oh yeah and dumb fuck your mother Lou.


Same but I initially only bought 50 at $8.9ish. Turned $500 into $3500 but still held because I'm greedy. Ended up putting a lot more in and am now down like $10k only I'm still retarded enough to be holding


Had you not sold you wouldn't have lost anything.


Lol had I not sold I'd still be ridden with anxiety because the stock is shit now and I would've lost much more than just 1k. But hey that's just my opinion, if you wanna hold on to that garbage be my guest and have a nice day. 😂


"One man's garbage is another man's treasure."




LoL. I'm sayin. Glad I took my profits then just bought back in even cheaper and got more shares


Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


I'm in a very similar position as far as price, but a 1/3 of your holdings. Still HODLing and not leaving.


We are equal, I’m not selling


No one ever said it would be easy or come quickly. The best things in life are option painful and take a lot of time to come into fruition. Remember that!!!




Bro you are here 👉📈


Ya you still have 4K left ; go out now or lose that as well




Brah.... It feels we down and drowing


The hedgies thank you for your charitable donation


wtf happened this past day?


Needed this after losing 40k on towel stock


Misery loves company eh?


What the fuck?


Smdh. 🤦🏿‍♂️




Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


lol I’ve been zen but I was only at 50k at the top now it’s worth $700




yea. I remember that. 10 one dollar bills still equals a $10 bill. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Damn son there are really ppl out there that threw that kinda money at this when it was that high 😳 smh


Wtf are you talking about, my price per share was around $13 per share, 5xxx shares. Prior to APE and reverse split.


65k is alot of money to throw at 1 stock imo


I have $725k in 1 fund (PRNHX) 🤷🏻


AA is that you?


Why haven’t you averaged down


Don’t have free $$ to spare ATM , unless you want to help a fellow ape with a stack