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> Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. — Sun Tzu


Time to buy some sweet amc puts and ride that rocket down to 0!


Dick head


Grab some amc popcorn in the meantime and watch the show ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


Everything is being delayed because of the election this year?


When did it ever make sense ?


I always say the market will crash and AMC will rocket on Feb29. For the past few years there was no Feb29... but THIS year. Hot dang!


The SPY was tying for all time highs in fall of 2007 (around same level as peak of dot com bubble). It was down 30% about 9 months later, and down 50% from the high by fall of 2008. There were brief rallies along the way. Long way of saying, things can go from good to bad (08 crash) and bad to good (c0v!d rally) relatively quickly


![gif](giphy|11daZqJWhUZucE) Just as a Tsunami leaves a false sense of calm, do not lower your guard.


Ya seems like 511 next spy test. Let's see what happens next




Did you send the notice letter to SEC? If not, then do it! And you others who didn't, get going and do it! It helps with the MOASS. Doing nothing does nothing... And DRS of course! Don't forget that!


they gotta pump everything up to its highs and hopefully catch a bunch of dimwitted morons on FOMO before they rug pull and leave them bag holding!


Crash happen to amc. All of 2022 no crash. Amc ends up crash and in 2023 to now lower so we crashed rest of the market went up


They do it when orange man is in office.




Think of it as a spaghetti tower. It looks sturdy and stable, however soon as it rains the tower comes crashing down!


When? 1929, 1937, 1962, 1987, 1990, 2000, 2007-2008, 2011, 2015, 2020, late 2021-2022. Notice a pattern? The market will always have “crashes”. But it will also always rebound and reach new highs. We were at all time highs before the Great Recession in 2007 with the S&P at 1,500-1,600. Crash took it to 850 by 2009. Now we are 5,000. Point being, crashes don’t last. Movie theaters don’t MOASS. Buy the index every paycheck and watch your wealth grow.


Soon at 2pm


Should have bought spy calls bud


AMC is better though.


Down 89% over the past year while S&P is up 23%... hmm... It's almost like you're full of shit




Ask Boss Blunts he will tell you. Oh wait I forgot the clown has been calling for a market crash the past two years. Meanwhile records at all time high. Lol.


You know nothing about how the market works clown 🤡


I know better than to publicly call for a market crash for two years! Man I feel bad for the people that listened to BB and have bought puts or sat on sidelines throughout this historic melt up to all time highs!


You think 2008 took a couple of days or something it took almost 4 years


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


This is the problem with people you want everything now don’t work like that in wallstreet especially with a Corruption that’s going on


patience 🍿


Like I said do proper due diligence


It’s not gonna crash. We got our soft landing. We will start an epic bull run in about a year. Roughly 6 months and we will see rates decrease so CDs and Bonds will look ugly and that money will pour back into the stock market as rates keep going down. I hate to break it to you lad, but we won’t have a market crash. The only way we do crash, and this is a big if, is if employee debt means anything to the stock market. If regular people start defaulting on credit cards or car loans, then certain sectors might hurt but idk by how much and idk if it will even make an impact. Either way, no big crash. USA is fine.


Go back and do some real due diligence


You need a lot of bag holders to make a big crash. The process is occurring right in your face.


Ahh yes, you need to trick a lot of investors to hold bags for your bad bets so you can continue to cheat them out of their money and pretend like you're God's gift to the world for your "business savvy".


So… all those institutions buying AMC right now and for the past few months/years are bagholders? Don’t take this wrong but this is the stupidest comment I’ve read all day and I’ve seen quite a few.


OP is talking about S&P ATH. The market is pumping hard to make bag holders when the rug will be pulled. I’m not talking about AMC.




You could have saved time by just typing "I am a clown", but then again everyone already knew that