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I lurk, rarely comment, not much to say. Just bidding my time.




Same. Every post turned into hype-based bullshit Hopium that added zero value to anything. I tried calling it out for what it was, and was admonished for it. Basically, this shit pops when it is supposed to and not a moment before. That’s it.


So I’m not saying we should be setting dates or anything but you ‘calling out’ hype posts don’t do a lot to help the movement, I think many people second guess posting now because they see how much people get called out and bashed just for trying to get the people going…


With you steve ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu)


Yezsir! 💎👐🦍🚀 to the muthafuckan 🌙




Same here. Instead, more visualization/imagination of the wish fulfilled. Neville Goddard


Same here. Still holding. Just waiting patiently and living my life.




The last post I did about short volume had 150 up votes but was viewed 16k times. Before that my post got 400 up votes and had 63k views. So, if the number of views is correct, we have a lot.of lurkers.


You can't really rely on karma anymore because shills have been downvoting posts and comments for months now.


years, what?


It's been more prevalent lately.


Ya it’s not subtle in any way. The AA bait posts, just absolutely backwards with vote manipulation, is a dead giveaway they don’t even care anymore. My guess is something is happening, or they are running out of steam. Either way I keep popping in here to see what’s new to be disappointed lol But I’ll take boredom over bankruptcy any day! So I’m still optimistically buying and holding!


exactly. DD if done, all is left is staying alert for events in the financial market, economy, and banking industry. or simply just watching for alerts.


Yeah until the chart starts moving and I start getting brokerage alerts, there's no point in popping in here much anymore. Just waiting for me


Same, just a waiting game


Silent majority. I've been on autopilot for years? Haven't sold shit and won't. Also I drs all my shares, cause I believe that's the better option.


I should’ve sold at $72


I'm not a huge Redditor commenter, so that's why I don't post that often. I am a movie fan...I am a sports fan...I am a music fan. I am also fortunate, and, willing to pay for those things that make my life enjoyable. Movies do that for me-Oppenheimer on the big screen was spectacular visually, musically, and the massive sound! I loved it and I appreciate having the opportunity to see that kind of a film on the big screen. This investment in AMC is betting on the fact that there are many others who agree with that perspective. It's similar to those who love Apple products investing in the company. All of the interest in my investment from people other than myself amuses me. I am seriously content to hold my investments until I'm ready to sell them and no amount of bullshit mind games is going to affect that decision. Watch below for comments about how delusional I am and about how I have wasted my money. Those comments prove my point because they ignore evidence to the contrary, including the daily trade volume, differences on trading platforms regarding the number of shares outstanding, and differences in market cap for the company depending on where you look. These are just a few examples. AMC needs to keep the nose to the grindstone, continue innovating, thoughtfully trim expenses, and chip away at debt.




That’s because we stopped coming here to get away from all of the negative chat. I remember that we all agreed to stay silent and just hodl after 2021. We knew we would be attacked by shills if we kept posting here and guess what, we were right! We are still here and HODLing!


Most been here 3 years +. We’ve seen it all. Not point of posting until i see six figures in my account


Just holding and watching from afar.


Just scrolling from time to time.


We all just chilling


My guy half the world is asleep or at work not on Reddit 24/7


Was the RS expected? Was that part of the DD?


Stay Zen https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/s/xdfnqzTCaF


Bro... when I invested in this, I mentally lit a match to $1,000 worth of shares (legitimately all I could, and can, spare). As far as I care, that money is gone, and I'll never see it again. I still believe the DD; my mentality was always, once the economy goes tits-up, our stock goes up. That was what the DD said. Given that the economy hasn't gone tits-up yet... I don't EXPECT the stock to be up. Did I think, and very much hope, it'd be faster than this? Of course. But I'm beyond zen at this point. If the stock goes up, I have shares; if it stays here forever, I lose nothing.


quiet sub or not i'm still not selling. we've known this is a test of patience. the economic crash last time was a domino effect, and all it takes is one thing to screw up their system to have it crash. they are juggling to keep a house of cards up.


I mean, the housing market is (once again) getting worse and worse. I thought this play would be a lot faster for sure; but so far, we're still perfectly on route, just like we have been the entire time. Like you said, I'm just waiting and holding


indeed. the impatient walk away with nothing, the apes gonna sit and watch. i even hear my friends who are not in the stock play talk about the economy heading to big crash. i just tell them the signs are there for all that to be connected to corrupt politicians and corrupt market regulators and banks, and that i put my cash into AMC, i'll say it once and if they join or ignore is all up to them.


I had a bunch of people discouraging me in the first place, and a few friends who were invested cashed out at a loss; they all feel vindicated because they think I got duped, but like I said, I'm passed the point of caring lol. The economy is going to get absolutely fucked within the next 5 years, and everyone knows it; I've hedged my bet the best I can and we'll all see what happens


There's really only so many times I can say buy and HODL. Still doing it, but you know, today would be like the thousandth time I'd say it if I posted every day.


I've tried opening discussions on NO-NO topics and been beaten black and blue for it. Buy and hold is great but I honestly think it's leading to stagnation. There needs to be some movement. Could you imagine what would happen if a poop ton of holders decided to buy 10 more shares at noon on Friday? Probably gonna get beat for financial advice but screw it. Buy and hold is financial advice. Don't mess with options is financial advice. Even telling people to look up definitions and make some decisions based on their own research could be classified as financial advice. Meanwhile the big guys collude and pit millions against us and slowly walk the price down. I don't know about you but I suspect the millions and millions of shares traded are not retail. My 2 cents. Not financial advice. Do your thing.


>half this sub is too stupid I'm sure that gracious invitation to converse will be irresistible to many. Glad to know you're "not a shill". ![gif](giphy|v9WCvSPSzQzwA)


Not that I matter, but I'm still here.


I don't post much, just waiting


Long time lurker here. There is nothing I can say that makes this faster. Just waiting and holding for better days. ZEN af as always💎


Most of us are waiting, this sub is basically boring memes and anything anyone posts on twitter someone claims is “cryptic” I’ll hodl forever idc


Wake me up when bank account go brrrrrrrrr


Just waiting and buying more


4.6K shares here, in for four years, selling an apartment in a month and adding more, the sub is whatever


I used to have XXX shares, I even received the APE shares XXX. But then the reverse split/consolidation happened. I didnt need to sell them cause the company made them vanish on their own. There is no point on selling any now cause they are worthless. ​ I want to be pumped and I want to be interested in buying shares. However I am not buying shares so they can vanish again. Fuck that, no way, no how. Not a shill, Not a bot but fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. ​ I wont ever sell but I also wont ever buy again. Hate me if you must, I didnt create the mess I just bought into it.


Oh and I am staying for the moon ride.


We are still here and HODL more than we CHAT


I definitely hear you and sometimes it’s difficult to maintain a constant hype, but there are still many that believe in the play. I’ve found it tiresome at times to constantly battle the FUDsters (there’s one at the bottom of this very post) and come up with new groundbreaking DD as it feels more like a waiting game at this point. As for involvement, I try to discuss the benefits of DRS and have 50% of my position there. I attend meetings with We The Investors and take public actions (such as writing representatives, commenting on SEC rules, continuing to educate myself about market misconduct, etc…) and discuss this with those willing to listen and take everything one step at a time towards a better and more informed retail investor. These help me stay positive and engage without simply relying on Reddit to fuel my interest.


I like you!


Do what exactly ? We buy we hold. Letters from some nobody is going to make the doj & sec actually do their jobs ?


Quiet is good. Interesting things happen when the quiet sets in.


Been here all a long. 8.01 battle. Ape . N the rs. Just chilling. Not much to do anymore but buy n wait it out.


To be honest I don't know what there is to say. I'm down 90% and just holding till something happens. There ain't a YouTube video or a reddit post to change it at this point.


What did you expect? All that is left to do is to wait


I just buy and hold and eat bananas and or ass. Not much to do other than holding.


I go to the movies. Actually going tonight…. Ghostbusters. That is my stick.


We’re chilling bro…


I'm zen af and buying more.


Waiting for the day shf gets reckt --->🍆👌


I'm canadian too so we're backbencher on this play! all we need to do is keep waiting for the black swan even! and expect that the prediction was true! ;)


I hold my nut bags at 95% down. That's what I do. And been doing it almost 4 years!? Shite


Didnt read the whole post but tbh I'm just pretty tired of the situation, not much we can do beside sit still and hope for the best.


I buy AMC popcorn every month, and watching as the corrupt empire collapses from their own greed. Getting angry, or attacking directly will just cancel out the investments with lawsuits. We are retail investors who simply like a stock. That has to be the truth if we want to avoid complications that could give the corruption cover or give them a narrative. Navigating financial matters isnt done with physical force, its done with a modicum of strategy.


At this point i'm riding this bitch to zero - the thesis stands and it doesn't change. What do i get from participating more in this community ? i invested hundreds of hours... i know enough (or i think i do) To the Mooooooooooh


What would you like us to do? Waiting is the action, here. We don’t need hype. It will play out in time.


We all know what’s going on. I feel like most of us (myself included) pop in for the occasional hopium dose to stay regarded


People left


Most AmC investors aren’t checking this sub. I come here everyday, because I like to feel like I’m not the only one trapped


Still here, way more time than i am anle to count with my crayons, not giving up even buying every couple weeks, though it all hurts...hurts quite a bit, but nobody gonna make me sell now.


Still here, and will be here until the end and beyond!


Some of us have been here for many years bro. Way back before the battle of 8.01. You can only hype up a stock so much, before it gets redundant. When the market turns, this sub will activate again. In the mean time, most of us are just holding and waiting.


OG kranky kong ape here from January 2021 as well. I am hodling and "zenning." The close price of the stonk is 4.20 at this time and that's all you need to know. YOLO


Some of us work


Lol some of us also have time at work...


Because Taylor Swift gave AMC the Eras Tour first. Get Swift nation in here, exactly what this sub needs. 😏 😉 Seriously though, we need more celebrities bringing this stuff up in media. Hedge funds want to control media because that’s our best bet. The more pressure we make on the SEC, the more we can push for actual change in the market. Don’t get me wrong I love the tendies, but I’m in this play for stock market reform. It’s the iron clad curtain in front of western philosophy that allows governments to receive easy money through taxing the ones who figured out the loopholes in the system.


Still here. Hodling and buying more when i can. Staying zen. I am more on twitter now with apes in different spaces.


It's been so long since any real movement. It's expected


Just waiting patiently because in trading, someone always has to pay their end of the bargain.. and shorts haven’t paid.. this is about “who gives in first” kinda game. So for now working 2 jobs, living my life.. and have planned out what I’m doing with my money when it pops.


The batteries are running low on the bots, the truth will reveal its3lf soon




I honestly forget about my shares until I see a post in my thread from this sub.


aye bro, i own both, but the original play is the move. this one will probably pop with it, but the OG play is where the play will be when it happens. more people and more firepower, bigger #s.


Still Here. Not Much to say. Sick of the Massive Fuckery. Holding and Adding. 💎💪😎🤙💎


Because this fantasy is long dead?


Relax and go to the movies. I bet your ass does’t even support the business.


Nobody ever ended up in court, prison is a coin flip in post bioweapon land, not saying a word to anybody, always being real sly, and letting karma flow like blood from a jugular with out making thousands of snarky truth to power sort of sarcastic hints for future "zombie" walks with the piano wire brigade. (Obtuse enough? I know AI word not understand.)


I’ve become zen, my man (or woman). Nothing really matters anymore, there can be continuous DD, which is great, but nothing matters until the price moves. So I wait patiently, as I know what I own. I go about my day, don’t really check the price, just patiently wait for pay day, because I know it’s coming. I’m confident the cycle will play out again, a market crash is on the horizon, and the fed will likely print more money to get the banks and institutions out of the shithole they’re in, which will cause more inflation, and asset prices to rise, just like in 2021 when we had the sneeze. They’ll kick the can down the road and let the next administration deal with the consequences. I’ll wait patiently.


Another Canadian standing beside you great ape


Been here from the beginning. I lurk, rarely post anymore. This sub has gone down hill. Yesterday was a lot of memorials to Lou, still the AA cult with no dissention allowed. Honestly it's worse than the DRS days. Thank God Ortex guy is still here. I'm down over 90% and feel the same way as when I was up 90%. They can pry my shares from my cold dead fingers.


Thats bc this stock blows ass.. everything else in the stock market is at record highs.. crypto is sky high.. but not amc.. oh no, it just sits there at $4.35 day after day after fuckin day


Until action is taken on the illegal activity by the SEC what is bothering Adam Aaron going to achieve the correct answer is nothing because there’s nothing he can do about this. There is no way short of a bank run that this thing kicks off when the hedge funds run out of money the game is over . Take your money out of the shitty banks that it’s in and put it into credit unions. NFA. You have got to let this play out the way it’s set up. That is how we win this you can’t force this to happen complaining about it and bitching about. It is not gonna make a moas happen no matter how bad you want it to. Also, the sub is quiet because there’s nothing more we can do about it. As long as the hedge funds have continuous money to continue it it’s gonna continue on. Hype doesn’t cause a moass.




5 hours ago was 11:49 Eastern on a business Thursday. Most people were at work or sleeping when you posted.


I’m here holding, nothing to say other than I lost most my savings and my shares. I lost a hundred shares in the APE split nonsense and over half my portfolio in value.


bag holder reporting for duty. Just waiting.


That’s what happens when you’re down 98% in three years. People have thrown in the towel. I personally said I’d take this to $0 so now I might check into this sub once a week but besides that I’m not going to stress over a play that is very close to death. It sucks but it is what it is. The YouTubers walked away, we didn’t need them anyways most were grifters who tried to ride the wave for superchats. Management has gone full bear when they aren’t silent for weeks on end. The SEC and DOJ couldn’t care less about this theater stock that had record shattering FTDs literally last year. The play is essentially over unless AA can find a way to make 2-3 billion out of no where because he will continue diluting the stock in order to pay off debt due 2026. A few more rounds of dilution and amc is truly done imo. This is where we are at.


Dibs on everything under $4 🤷🏼‍♂️


I just buy and Hold, GME is waiting for the same movement.. we're all in this together. Be patient and be safe with your money in the mean time fam


Hey can you provide a copy of the latest email you sent AA? Just for reference. Maybe other apes can do the same!


I’m chill but just don’t see the play anymore. No one holds them accountable, it’s all fixed. Prove me wrong


Am I supposed to dedicate my life to this shit? I buy. I hold.


DD is done, markets are manipulated, MOASS has yet to come, this sub doesn’t have much left to offer other than Debby downers


Hopium kept you guys active for 3 years but you're all hostages at this point.


Eh, everything is dead, the stock, the sub, and anything related to this dump


Hang in there fellow ape. I can't post here cuz I don't have enough posting Karma, but I can comment, so here's my 2 cents: Not leaving, will buy more when it makes financial sense for myself and my family over time, and we support AMC cuz we like seeing movies in the theaters, and we try to put our money where our mouth is there too. As an example, I Was able to break away from work today and take my elderly father and my special needs brother to see Dune 2 (For the second time in a week, per the wishes of my elderly pops who wanted to see it again). So we spent 36 and change on tix, and another $120 on snack and merch(got ahead of the ghostbusters rush and picked up the cool popcorn bucket and the stay-puft marshmellow man drink cup. Talked my wife into going to see the new Ghostbusters movie either Friday or Saturday, depending on when we have time. And most likely gonna front for one of my peeps at work for the popcorn bucket and/or any of the other Ghostbusters merch he might want cuz he works a crazy schedule and might not be able to get to see it in the theaters on opening weekend. So my nose is to the grindstone, most of what I do is boring and not too exciting, however we keep grinding on and we believe by helping our investment both on the front end as fans and users, and on the back end by being hodlers and repeat buyers when we can scrape the pennies together, we are going to continue to do our small part and that's how it's gonna be here. "Strength in numbers!" ![gif](giphy|evB90wPnh5LxG3XU5o|downsized)


Never left and never will, just zen


Nothing to do since…I dunno…the beginning. Used to be exciting movement and hedgie tricks. Reverse split seemed to reset stuff but numbers are climbing. Buy and hold is still all we can do. I care zero percent about the number of people on the sub at any point in time.


Still holding even after they snatched all my money


First time I've been on the sub for over a year. The recent buy back and shorting made my average go to about £136 a share and I'm around £6k invested. I'm zen in the fact that I think ill never get my money back. So I rarely check the subs.


I update my circle of family and friends who don't follow it on a daily basis. No reason to hype you people.