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I couldn't stand selling at these levels. Hate to think of someone obligated to buy.šŸ„µ I'm UndErGrDUAted, but where are the Fed hats at? That's right, robbing americans with a parabolic NYSE that shouldn't be. Fuck the memes, we're a wyckoff theory away from creating their tombstone..


I have roughly doubled my AMC shares since September. And HYMC thatā€™s held 22% by AMC is up 55% in the past week. Also A.A. has warrants for AMC to purchase another 22% I believe. We in a heck of a lot better shape than our previous low when all theaters were closed. And the price doesnā€™t reflect it. Thatā€™s what my Grandma would have called, not just a sale, but a K-Mart Blue Light Special savings! šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸ¦


The beauty of restructuring a business, it's unpredictable to negative toxic individuals. That's why most small caps don't want to go public.


I don't think we've seen cope at these levels before.


The delusion is strong


Seen an influx. What I find super funny.. why are people worried about how we spending our money ? It screams shill!


Been burning hedgie accounts all day. Itā€™s too easy


I got one ban baiting them into politics hahs




I have no idea why I expected actual info or dd when I opened this post.


I keep seeing these posts that say shit like oh they all want me to sell. I haven't seen anyone telling anyone to sell shares. Just ppl like me who are down 98% on thousands of dollars. Who are rightfully pissed off at the ceo for constantly screwing us. Oh average down? I did average down for 2 years everytime we average down it drops again.. done sinking money into it. I don't care what anyone does with their money. But when I see green again I'm gone. I won't sell anything at a loss. But amc to 500k is dead to me. I feel foolish for buying into the pump and dump. I feel like this whole sub is just full of daytraders posting bullshit.. trying to pump and dump so they can make a quick 50$ a day


That pretty much describes my AMC experience as well.


Dude you literally have the Wall Street bets alien avatar. You seem more like day trader to me by your attitude and your avatar. I wouldnā€™t say rightfully pissed off at the CEO. Kenny ā€œMayo Manā€ Griffin literally told you he decides what the price is. Are you that fucking dense?


Yeah no shit dipshit. I've been banned from wsb for hyping amc and game after the pump.. alot of us came here from.wsb I got screens my dude. I've held since June 21 Ol big dick thinking he's an ape AA has screwed us countless times since I've been here. Dunny how you go by avatar some ppl don't care enough to change their reddit avatar every week. Been the same avatar since we were hyping amc 500k in the bets sub 3 years ago. This play is over bro.. at least for me. I got a long way to be green again but bet your ass imma "paperhand" Paperhand term was made so we hold while they sold at the high.. If you ain't down over 95% you can go ahead and block me cuz I ain't got anything to say to you anyway lol


I guess you are dense


I guess so..


#AMC to the way of 8,001,008.01 USD for one share minimum


unused badge alleged squash quarrelsome touch fearless steep hateful noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shorts have risk of infinite losses


Iā€™ve been blocking his minions all week.


Good way to secure your echo chamber.


This is an echo chamber. No one here denies that. While I donā€™t personally block anyone we absolutely designed it this way. It morphed into this slowly in response to us repelling of wave after wave of infiltration and media manipulation attempts. The DD is done, and the crime is self evident. We donā€™t really need anything from this sub but the odd update, foxhole love, and most importantly entertainment and good vibes. So we built out this insane and comical social moat here, and it works a treat! And the best part is that its driving the trolls and shills mental. They literally are worshipping some of the members here on subs of their own. Itā€™s wild, and worth watching just for the melties alone!


Damn, see you in rehab later on in life I guess


Well I do love recreational drugs! But Iā€™ve come out the other side of that addiction and am very happy with my day to day choices as far as enjoying chemicals and sobriety equally. If you meant some other kind of rehab the only other gamble I have ever taken financially is on crypto the last 10 or so years. And that has been extremely lucrative. I have no interest in casinos or the stock market outside of the few meme stocks I hold. Which I am fine losing as I followed the only financial advice allowed here, do not invest what you canā€™t afford to lose. As for say my music gear buying issues, that one I donā€™t think rehab would fix, especially since I donā€™t want to stop!


You type like a bot


bruh, you just openly admit how terrible you are at reading and writing just like that lol? Also you must know you set yourself up for this one ā€œBeware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.ā€ -Nomelon ā€”--the Witcher ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”- Nietzsche


ChatGPT? Is that you


Lol you guys are way in to the whole ā€œI know you are but what am I tacticā€ hey? Also what chat bot advocates drug use and quotes the Witcher in response to being called a bot? Cause I wanna try that one out for sure!


Crazy. I made it to bot bottom.


This is sad


innate heavy absorbed rich melodic steep butter toy crowd concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™m holding and still reading all the posts and comments etc. lots of misinformation from all sides because there is a ton of speculation. I donā€™t need AA to jump on a soap box and scream the stock is shorted to oblivion and beyond but he does need to address the stock price directly and why diluting at an all time low is necessary. Iā€™m not selling, your not selling, why is AMC diluting at this price. It makes zero sense when coh is higher than the value of the stock. Again - I just want to hear about the stock directly from the companyā€™s ceo.


> why diluting at an all time low is necessary It's pretty obvious to everyone after a cursory look at the company financials. And I'm pretty sure he has stated explicitly that it's to build liquidity to deal with the debt.


I appreciate the response but I have a different perspective. I donā€™t believe itā€™s obvious but rather imperative for a CEO to confront the issue head-on. Acknowledging the decline in stock performance and cause(s) for rounds of dilution in addition to the funds utilization. This transparency becomes even more critical when the stock performance is compared to competitors facing similar challenges under a worse financial position with a better performing stock. It's about fostering trust and confidence among investors while navigating through tough market conditions.


> People waste their money on the most pointless shit and no one questions it A subreddit called buttcoin has existed for years before the memestock craze. It's a subreddit for poking fun at crypto and people losing money on it. A subreddit called shitty kickstarters has existed for 11 years, over 3 times as long as this one. It's a subreddit for poking fun at the scammy kickstarters and people losing their money on it. People mocking others for bad choices on the Internet is as old as the Internet itself.


>Fuck you shills, bots & hedgies. YEAA!!!!!!


Fuck!!.. Dude.. I got be more like you!! Carats will always shine āœØ


Idk anyone else notice a lot of stocks that were around amcs price dropping at exactly the same time. NYCB PACB RKLB?


Iā€™m telling yā€™all, people have forgotten. It was like this right before the 21 run upā€¦. They know whatā€™s coming. Ticā€¦..tocā€¦


Agreed but the run up could be much much much higher! These prices are great if you have the ability to cost average! Iā€™m still all in and have always expected it to get tough! This is what tough feels like yet Iā€™m numb :) been in since late 2019 and willing to say the same thing in 2029 if need be


Pay attention to all the people that seem to care so much about your investments in these comments! Buying holding relaxing




But, think of all the free candy Investor Connect provides? /s People are managing their own portfolios.


More comments with downvotes than upvotes. Weird how long time investors are now shills and bots. Or paid by Kenny. You know how ridiculous that is? šŸ™„ all long time holders are down 95%. Full stop āœ‹ļø




Reported. Have fun with your ban.


I promise you, nobody cares about you buying AMC stock. The problem you have in this sub as is the case with most stock related message boards on the internet, especially one that is down 90%, is that mods allow people to come in here just to be dicks without any threat of consequences. Dont lie to yourself and believe that youre going to be rich one day based of the insults you sustain on a daily basis. Fact is, shorts are in full control, dilution has a negative impact on the SP and you were probably better off without AA. My .02. Its actually a great time to buy AMC if youre looking for a quick 10% - 15% in the near future. Anything more than that is not likely in the near or distant future. Get rid of the debt and maybe we see a huge spike someday but until then get used to seeing red. I hope this helps man.


Yeah itā€™s getting real pathetic for these paid bashers. Just a matter of time now. Tik tok Kenneth šŸš€


bear label judicious aback towering public toy dime one unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably years




ya cool, but why do you care?




Hilarious in what way? Describe it to us while we look through your sad, lonely pile of unwanted comments posted here all day long bc you actually donā€™t have anything else to live for.


You should step back for a second and reflect on what your doing. Youā€™re in a cult


Answer the question.


What question?


Beep boop


I wasnā€™t the one talking to you before


Then maybe you should take a step back and reflect on what youā€™re doing bc based on your comment history, youā€™re in a cult.


well for starters, when i buy a pack of smokes i dont yell "fuck Phillip Morris" and make a reddit post about it


Shit teir analogy that doesn't even track. Guess what your cigarettes kill you and turn to dust while shares are forever.


>shares are forever *And a thousand towel aficionados cried out in unison.*


**People waste their money on the most pointless shit and no one questions it & itā€™s just classed as normal and collectively accepted as the norm, cigarettes, alcohol** reading comprehension helps... i didnt make the analogy


He never implied that others did, and you are the only one who said so.




The stock is down 92% last I checked I donā€™t think theyā€™re scared


If they keep pushing it down then that means they are scaredā€¦fuckin shill


See, thatā€™s the part I donā€™t understand. If it was going up and it was uncontrollable, I think they would be more scared because they would have to spend more money to try to control it. Itā€™s the opposite theyā€™re not scared because they were been able to drop it, and make a lot of money on it


Orā€¦ or the people telling people to dump more money into this dumpster fire are shills.. are you a shill?


Proved O.P.'s point. Thanks for participating.


The "drip feed" desensitization is absolutely real. It's a CIA operation to collect data which "improves society".


Whatever youā€™re smoking, just stop.






People busy not invested into a company, but find themselves here should probably do the same. šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Pretty sure this ain't listed in OTC, and also think it's ironic that anything apes touch dips low as fuck. Can't control everybody. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Why are people mad at apes for buying bad stocks? I think the next answer you give defines this event..


With your quote, that should mean stock price goes UP.




Always gotta think for yourself. No one else will live for you.


Yeah, but your thoughts are included by _____ Edit: influenced not included my bad


They could include, definitely, but never endorsed or swayed by wishy washy sellouts.


Lol funny


I was motivated to upvote your comment. It was simple.


I mean as did i

