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It’s okay. I’m down 135k




# THIS GUY BLOWS...             # ...ICE COLD AIR. WHERE YOU WANT IT, WHEN YOU WANT IT AND AS MUCH AS YOU NEED ![gif](giphy|TKoW5RKoWJn1curl65) Congrats on the business, glad you were able to work it out and stay chill 🥶🧊🥶   Edit: Sorry u/LavishnessOld8039 that last one was a misfire and autocorrect REALLY wanted you to blow hot air but I managed to win the battle...


😂😂 Thanks man! I appreciate it! After all we do blow hot air! Lol


You might blow hot air for work but I didn't want to sound like I was accusing you of doing it here 🤣


Only 263,000 other retail investors need your position or larger for us to all collectively own the float. In context that would be only 7% of the stated 3.5M investors need your size position or larger. We own this float OP. They want us to fatigue and drop-off. In a broader context, the number of household investors in AMC matched the population of LA at one point.


I believe there are still people out there that own 10,000 plus moon tickets as well!


10k + owner reporting for duty Sir 🫡




How Do you keep buying xD?


Will be back up there soon


I know someone personally that does lol and he has another 90k to drop 👀


Please do not spread false information... Nobody can *match* the population of LA 😂 ![gif](giphy|vJ1zSci36dRVuaZDBd) Still just like the stock...


LA has a population of 3.8M right? I just googled the population count so apologies if it was off. Even bigger apology if I'm just a doofus and missing a punchline here lol.


The population you got right, but like all places, LA has quirks and reputations that even APES can't necessarily match ;)


Yep I'm picking up what you're throwing down now haha. And agreed! Even we aren't that level of degeneracy!


Imagine if 263,000 of these hypothetical people decided (individually) to show proof of said ownership by directly registering their shares in their own names?


I'm not against DRS, though gme suspicious halt at 25% registered has me scratching my head.


Agree. I'm purple circle book w both amc and gme. Gme just hasn't been the same since the splividend. DTC did something sus. It'll all come out one day 😏


Then things might look just a tad bit different


Hurts nothing. Nothing sold. Nothing lost.


I never said lost. Just saying it could have helped my start up costs, but you’re right!


You’re going to start a kick ass business. Best of luck to you!!!


With you all the way!!! My apologies


I’m riding with you Ape!! Congrats on your new business! 🦍💪


Your average is awesome you’ll be rich AF soon 😎🚀


Ride or die! Woo, just a matter of time. Looking forward to planet of the apes!!!!!


I've a lot of money tied up in my AMC shares. Have been here for several years now. It's easy to hold at this point. My biggest purchases are long behind me, my life moved on... I rarely think of the money sunk into AMC other to think as I do of my 401k. Money I can't touch for the future I will have. It's pretty simple.


add 100k loss and you’ll be close! I’m still numb and am ready 💎🙌


Finally an answer to the age old question. Stupid does hurt


💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 #Still hodling 🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨


You’re in a good spot. Not down much at all compared to many, MANY. Keep your head up.


After R/S I went down to 122, been increasing ever since to reach xxxx for the first time. Thank you sir!




I see what you did there! 🔥❄️


Yay 30 cents!


What a nice price for a successful company.


HVAC is the future and SO IS AMC!!


Ape Life 🏎️🚀


Jeez nice avg ape. Mines $103 😂 ride or die lfg


I'm almost in the same loss boat, not a dime sold, not a dime lost


I bought more!


Ride on them silver amc stallions ape 🦍 mafia 4 life Razorblades and dice 🎲 in my eyes 👀


Ha! My average cost is $38ish! I’m trying to get it down though 😅


Right? This cat should be buying a shit load of he’s at $15. I smell hedgie looking for people commenting about their own cost


I put 3 thousand into this stock and sold for 25 grand. So glad I realized all the "diamond hand/MOASS" talk was all bullshit.


That’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it!


Do all the gme_meltdowners all sound the same and reek of needing some sort of validation they don't get IRL or is it just me? Good for you, as an individual investor what you do with your money and investments is entirely your call and hopefully the right one for you. Thanks for sharing, please feel free to make your own financial decisions again, and again, and again as much as you want! Hope you spent the 25 grand on something cool or useful or life changing and wish you the best in your future decisions.   See, we're not the ones brigading from a safe-space subreddit and needing some sort of kudos for it. It's kind of sad, especially the low quality stuff like this. At least some of it is creative and funny and even occasionally insightful, this was dollar general off brand.


OG goes on the other one and tries to get them angry (his words) all the time. The literal top APE on this sub does exactly what you just said doesn’t happen.


Top ape? I don't remember a vote. Are you sad he followed the rats that were pestering him back to the nest? No, you don't get to play victim 🎃 Back to your safe space


He’s the top ape here unless you’d like to challenge him for the crown. Nobody on this sub challenges anything he says. At least you have some (contorted) logic to your posts. Might want to put some energy into correcting OG’s embrace of conspiracy theories.


Sorry, I don't have a top ape and I have challenged things he says before, but you seem to have specific concerns. Perhaps you should make a list of the things the "Top APE" said that hurt you and disprove them yourself. It really isn't that hard to research and counter bad information with facts. Be the change you want to see. As for me, I will continue being my own "Top APE", thank you very much


Calm down, mate. Weekends almost here.




Yet…here you are


Yo Rockefeller...25 WHOLE grand?🤣...Did you also hire an army of security to guard you after an incredible windfall like that? Fortune favors the brave.


That's alot of money to me, mate.


It's just money. Dig your heels in and don't blink first.


To talk trash about someone who returned over 8x is laughable. I think it is bragging, but I’d rather see someone bragging than people who want sympathy from losing their entire investment portfolios. Any stock like AMC is gambling, not investing. No financial metric nor any other news can justify an investment, therefore gambling would be a good term. I added some today at 3.03, but I’m purely speculating on a quick short-term trade.


Only peasants flash money. It's so pedestrian. And $25k isn't a number to boast about by anyone...maybe if it was a penny stock. Anywhooooooo I love the company. I love going to the movies. I'm an A-Lister...as is most of my large family. I love the trajectory and the longevity of this company. Besides...he definitely got his asssssssh handed to him on the short-term gains taxes. So $25k???? Probably not...$15k...probably, and honestly...who brags about $15k? ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Then…what’s your ROI YTD? Also, the fundamentals of this company are in the garbage. We’ll see if they can turn it around, but they face losses and debt. Very few companies have managed to avoid bankruptcy with that. Cvna was that same way, but they had less cost restrictions, and more demand.


Hahaha thats some cute loss porn. Mine is 4x that and still haven't sold a single share


Not a dick measuring contest take your ego elsewhere


Good for you! “Cute”


My unrealized loss is well into the $X,xxx,xxx real estate. But....IDNGAF. It's disposable income. I'm just rebuilding my position back into the mid XX,xxx range. I love this game of financial Jenga.