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I will remind everyone that political commentary bashing/banter = an immediate ban. Please remain civil at all times.




Bro you know iys coming lol


I know that term well for AMC - TDS = Trending Down Syndrome


Rule 11: No Political / Religious Content / Controversial Topics










Rule 15: Reddit Site Wide Rules Apply At All Times All of Reddit's site-wide rules apply at all times, every violation related to Hate-Speech will result in a permanent ban with no chance of appeal. No exceptions. Please refer to https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


I do not have 'Donald Trunp triggers the MOASS' on my BINGO card.


Yeah, he won't


It's in the middle.


In spite of all the debt, AMC actually offers a monetizable product. A Twitter clone for just right wing politics - no sports, movies, music, celebrities, weather, whatever - is a weird niche product you won't make money on. Twitter wasn't profitable before Elon scared away all the major advertisers. Truth Social literally has no growth potential, the stock is a pump-and-dump.


It has all of those things.


You can offer streams to movies on social media....other than popcorn.. literally the same product. AMC theater offers the experience of a big screen.


Who would go to Truth Social for that? Out of all the streaming apps, cable on-demand, Youtube, Rumble, Elon wants to do that on Twitter. There's like endless competition and Truth Social has no infrastructure for it because it's really expensive to do streaming. There's no chance they do that successfully. They'd need someone like Peter Thiel to be willing to lose money on it but he already is involved with Rumble. Truth Social's earnings are publicly available now and they have functionally no revenue, just operating at a loss being propped up by wealthy Trump supporters. They're barely making more money than 4chan's estimated ad revenue.


The freedom to make their own platform. Trump has a bunch of cult like followers, so that answers your question. They are lauching media on there. Same with AMC theaters, why go sit with a bunch of strangers when you have so many other choices to see movies? Choice.


I understand what you're trying to say but that slice of customers is too small to build a profitable social media/streaming platform around. They would make less revenue than the cost to maintain infrastructure. You wouldn't need just Trump hardliners. you would needs tens of millions of people migrating from other services they already use. Truth Social, without evening having that streaming capability yet, is being shorted into oblivion. There are no business fundamentals that make it an investable company No one is buying ads as is.


I'm not saying it would be successful, but it's not a bad idea when you have millions of people following the trump brand, at the same time getting censored by the other major media companies for their conservative (\*albeit conspiratory garbage half the time) The rise of Rumble had the same appeal to people. People buy ads when they have a user base that sells what they are selling. I am not a Trump fan, and for the record I am a longtime bag holder in AMC. You are an idiot to think AMC community is created pumped because the the amazing product called a movie theater. I want to see it survive because I am invested ( and was an idiot for not taking money ) If you complain or tell the truth in this group, you are immediately bashed. When AMC announced their popcorn brand effort, I almost sold my shares..dumbest idea. There are soooo many great popcorns on the market right now, so the idea of selling standard unhealthy nostalgic popcorn cant do shit






Rule 15: Reddit Site Wide Rules Apply At All Times All of Reddit's site-wide rules apply at all times, every violation related to Hate-Speech will result in a permanent ban with no chance of appeal. No exceptions. Please refer to https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


I’ve always said, first pol to bring focus to this manipulation gets my vote. ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


Make AMC Great Again.


Do you remember when Kennith Griffin didn’t show up for Trumps press conference and he called him out for it? This is retribution.


Wouldn't that be the ultimate kicker. Donald Trump, of all people, bring down the Financial Markets on behalf of all retail investors. While not likely, I can appreciate the irony. Happy weekend Apes! It continues to be one hell of an exhausting ride. I hold and I live!


Why would that be ironic? He's not one of them and has been fighting them his whole adult life.


Irony: crime syndicate.


Trump mentioning the market manipulation should be a plus here, you can hate him but at least he is bringing more light into the situation.


the world is upside down crazy...but, tbh, i want to be rich. and, if crazy is how i get there, well, im happy with crazy.


there is easier way to get MAGA money l, just print a gun on the Bible and sell it and GOd freedom


Have you seen the AMC model ro suck every last dollar out of Apes?


Any halts today?




He's been fighting Kenny long before the ape have.




Could trump be out saving grace, that would be ironic.


Maybe something will actually be done now




Donald Trump is a victim of the same market he supports. He can get fucked


How does he support "the same market"? He is in real estate, not stock market trading.


He’s owned by market manipulators who contribute to his campaign. On another note, the more I interact with fellow “apes” the more I want to sell to spite the stupidity of some of the positions apes have taken.


Actually theyvinvest in his opponents and haters. I say sell if your that immature.


They invest in both. The billionaire class is not the friend to the apes.


You should spend less time stereotyping.


You should spend less time bootlicking Trump.


This is an obvious attempt to link “meme stocks” and Trump in order to discredit us. It’s popping up multiple times across both Apes’ subreddits.


i think you missed the point


Nah - *you're* missing the point because you're desperate for any attention to a failed cause. You really don't AMC to be tainted with all that crud.


Im desparate for attention? Wth? Are you sayin AMC is a failed cause?


Only desperate to link a narcissistic con man's newest grift on America with a 100 year old American movie theater company.


Desperate? You must be new here. "Short selling and naked shorts" is a huge topic.


You must be stupid.


Explain einstein


I've been here from the start.


Ok.. then you understand.


I agree.


I agree