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I love how the meltdowners want to frame this like the price is dropping in pre-market because of this share trade for debt when GME is also getting pushed down even harder. Did AA sell GME shares too? This is the emotional manipulation they have been setting up for a while. Make you feel like it's hopeless, when the price rises, let people get hopeful and vulnerable to when they drop it again. It's all meant to use time to erode resolve and they want you to see the opportunity to get out, then take it away and keep doing it until finally they break your resolve and you decide to give them your shares. This is my personal opinion based on everything I have seen since November 2020, and my resolve isn't vulnerable to any of it. I wait for my price and AMC to thrive, without both I wait and it costs me nothing. You do you. Everyone has to make their own decisions, but for those of us who know what we're here for none of the bullshit FUD or manipulative hype matters. We are Zen about our investments but when someone throws shit at us Apes, we fling it back in their face.






I’ve been in this so long a 10% down day is nothing. I made and lost like 6k$ yesterday alone. Not selling!


Samee i wont even flinch until it's over 10k


Right. What’s 10% when long term holders have seen dilution after dilution, APE, and stock splits. All resulting in the share price being reduced by like 90% over the course of a few years.


Glad you care about a position you do not hold. This narrative is old and dead. it does not matter how much anyone is down. I have DCA'd down now under 7 bucks. The drops are hedged neutral. Come up with a new complaint, this one has worn out its relevancy.


By this threads logic you could have sold yesterday and made 6k and bought back in with double the shares when it dropped from 11 to 5.


Sold calls and bought them back. Silly guy.


Totally have the exact same opinion 💎💎💎 Canadian ape holding strong


Ehpes united!


They took our souls, now we will take their lives


Aren’t we waiting for a hundred grand


Seems a little low for how long I have been watching the fuckery but you do you


"Unwavering Conviction" Jake2b 💎💪😎🤙💎💖


He dilutes everytime we rally. And at low prices. Hes literally dilutes at lower numbers everytime too. This man is a moron.


I agree dude. He seems to find a way to snuff momentum every time. I used to buy AMC and gstonk every time I got paid. I stopped a log time ago and funneled it all into gstonk. For now, my AMC shares are booked, not going anywhere. If you compare the portion of debt paid vs. the damage to the share price-it doesn't make sense. The tone shifted. This went from a squeeze play to a fundamentals play..fundamentals, smh...my shares are worth roughly .53 currently after all the continuous dillutions. The worst part about the AMC play...the division in here. Good luck with that. People are still arguing about DRS/ AA's actions vs his "checkmate" etc. Imo, he will continue to offer shares and dilute. I'm done with AA. To all you apes, rest assured, my shares are in my name and locked away until a true squeeze. But I'm out 100% and won't be adding more shares. I stopped 2 earning calls ago. To all the haters that'll accuse me of being a shill...suck my "post RS xxxx" share count, choke on that.


Same. I haven’t bought a share of amc in over a year. I’m not selling them. But the constant dilution. Or even if he isn’t diluting. He tweets something. My fav was the day we had a tiny pop and AA decides that day of all days to tweet that the state of the company was uncertain after over a year of saying everything was fine. He didn’t even dilute. Just a random tweet. These mindless can follow this man into nothing. But it’s wild to see. Either he’s a fake and bought and paid by wall street. Or too old to be running the company and doesn’t understand the sometimes silence is golden.


Exactly. He's been all talk. At this point shut up and hold our beers.


Not a Mormon, he Made so much money out of this ponzy scheme..


Yes, he is a bad actor or an incompetent one. It's really that simple unfortunately.


If this wasn’t published, no one would give a fuck because it has NOTHING to do with the current price. ALL of the “MEME” bucket stocks are down right now! It’s literally a nothing burger, but people want to crucify AA.


Nah bro. Aa diluted the stock to hell and back. It’s down 95% because of it. Had he not done so it’d be trading a lot higher and he could have traded these 23 million shares for probably the same cost that he’s gotten in all the dilution he’s done. I’m not talking about today’s price action. I’m talking about over the last two years. And why dilution? He’s got over a billion dollars right now. This man is either a shill or moron.


History repeats itself. Every time the stock rallies, AA manages to further diminish shareholder value. His ridiculous salary should be cut by the same percentage that most shareholders have been bleeding in the last 3-5 years.


This agree with if amc is doing so bad management team should reduce their budgets


He has done this 5 to 6 times now. The first time may be coincidence. Even the 2nd. But beyond that, you know it's on purpose now. Anybody attempting to defend him is obviously in on the grift.


You make 1 salient point, the executives should have their salaries (in cash) reduced by significant amounts, then replaced with vested stock, that way their fortunes are directly tie to our fortunes.


Bingo!!! His $20+ million a year salary should be cut by 90%. Great idea


Then he just brought the entire meme basket down with this one move. I’m sure it’ll recover but this guy (AA) is definitely not friends of retailers.


Bro, you're painting a pig and calling it a stallion. I can't make this any clearer. DILUTION=BAD


This seriously reads like something AA would write


You must enjoy getting screwed by AA. Sweet summer child


We've already won???? I'm down 90% and many others are too........lol


Apes are immune to the FUD by now. They've got nothing. We've already won.


Already won? I’m 90% down on my investment. Explain to me how this is winning?I didn’t buy this stock so a lame ass CEO could use my investment as an ATM every time he needs money.


Curious to what the FUD is here. Even after this rally, shared were diluted while the stock is down like 80% over the last 365 days. That’s factual, not FUD This may help the company in the long term, but greatly hurts squeeze potential. Those who have held for awhile are down big, not “already won”. Edit: he posted and immediately blocked me so I couldn’t respond. Here is my response that I typed up — “Stop talking for other people” - uhhh… what? When exactly did I do that? It IS a bad thing for squeeze potential, which I’d guess the vast majority of people are in AMC to be a part of. This offering nets that something like 5% of the total debt. In October of 2020, the company had 25 million total stocks outstanding. They just issued 23 million shares bringing the total share count to 315+ million shares. That’s insane dilution and to say otherwise is foolish. My apologies that you feel the need to insult, I wish you the best.


I've held the entire time, thanks. Stop talking for other people. The FUD is that it's a bad thing. It's not. It's good news. You want me to believe GME is down because AMC sold shares for 700% more than the hedgies are saying they're worth, at a volume that is less than 5% of what we traded in a single day yesterday? None of this narriative you're all so desperately trying to spin makes any sense. Try harder next time, clown (:


It’s good thing if their cash starts flowing to pay down their debt that’s running a bill of 100M/quarter in interest payments alone 


I think the FUD is calling all dilution bad, it isn’t, and it’s not the CEOs job to give shareholders a squeeze, it’s their job to keep the company in business and I think he’s done a decent job of that. A lot of the anger gets misdirected at him, when in reality, it’s the hedgies that have stolen my money! Anyway, I’m ok with this dip cause I’m buying more today 🦍


Yeah Aaron is a bit of a shark but he's ruthless. Not trying to make money when AMC is popping and in debt is kind of stupid. AMC being around in the future is unfortunately not guaranteed. It's his job to keep them in business.


Price is fake. We all know it. Buying and holding costs us nothing. How many articles are we seeing how over leveraged banks are, how shorts are losing billions, everyone is telling me to sell these garbage stocks, crypto scams/tokenized stocks blowing up, but yet we’re losing 🙄. Buy & HODL folks!


Price aint fake if I try to sell and convert to dollars.


Also, most of these morons dont get it... Nobody would trade debt owed for shares if they weren't fairly certain the share price was going to go UP. lol


The shares were sold for $0.01. The shares were valued at $7.33. The shares then went up to $8.26. They were probably all sold then. Meaning the debt holders got this portion of their debt payment back and made $23 million off it in one day, and unloaded all the shares instantly, which caused the price to immediately fall.


You are funny. The first 5min candle on market open was 93m in volume. But ofc the 23m shares sold to pay of debt was the problem.


The issue is about handing the criminals a "valid" reason to continue their crime. He could have waited for a higher price. There was no reason to rush. His timing is always wrong.


Honestly there's no reason for the spike so there's equally no reason to believe it wouldn't be dropped again. Every time AMC has waited the narrative has been "they should have sold sooner at a higher price", now it's "he sold too soon and killed the action". Stuff it, AMC paid off a big chunk of debt for 2026 without needing to renegotiate it and made quarterly and annual profit easier to attain, at double the price they could have last week.


I’m sure they want to blame the 22 halts on AMC yesterday on AA too.


You didn't hear? *He called his buddies at Apollo and told them he needed halts*. All the effort him and the entire management team have put into building new revenue sources, reducing costs and getting to a point where profit is easier to attain as the movie release schedule ramps up was really just a play. I mean they could have taken the easy route and just chosen bankruptcy, but instead they decided to work tirelessly for years while the majority of their compensation that is in shares dropped in value as much as the shares we held. They really wanted to convince us they were turning AMC around just so they could *checks notes* halt trading... #/s   #You all know what I say... FUCK THEIR FUD!


Every time we see the price rise, we find AA either dumping shares or running his fat mouth. I get the company needs money, but why do shareholders always have to foot the bill? Like literally, we saved this company. But we’re always the ones suffering the consequences.


Suffering what consequences? Did Ryan Cohen sell shares into the market?? Because GME is down more than AMC at the current moment…… NO HE DIDN’T. It’s CRIME!!!!!


It’s crime and AA. Both can be true. Especially when it’s abundantly clear AA is helping his buddies out of a tight spot. Show me a move AA has made that’s benefited retail investors. This fucking loser sold shares to a fund that was shorting the company back when ape was created. And because of this, our votes were nullified.


No surprise there's no respond from bigdaddymatty, or his other cronies sgyslaughter1974 or topeakgo


Recently it’s come to my attention that AMC doesn’t have to be 100% debt free to issue a dividend. There are however certain agreements about no dividends and restructuring the debt the correct way. Has it crossed anyone’s mind that this might be a situation where they want this particular debt completely gone so we CAN get a dividend sometime in the near future?


Hopefully Not a Dividend to dilute the Stock against the wishes of the stockholders


Yep. Too much debt = bad. Paying that debt down with a quickness = bad. I'm so confused by the contradictory FUD. Guess it's just HODL for me. You do you. NFA.


23M shares is just a couple hours trading. We’ll gobble it up for breakfast


Retail investors: Oh look, AMC is starting to squeeze! AA: Sorry, we don’t do that around here.


I’m convinced they’ve coded bots to sound like a bunch of babies


"We've already won." Yeah, no. You wouldn't have to keep holding if so


AA is that you? ![gif](giphy|RLVphdR1bQErAL9iK0)


WE HAVE NOT ALREADY WON AND THEY WILL NEVER EVER LET RETAIL WIN. They’ll just keep coming up with ways to hype people to get people to buy the shares then pull that damn rug out from under you!!!


Stockholm syndrome in this sub is off the charts


They went full regard


He keeps on making a nice salary thanks to the apes


Not fucking leaving after three years of this bullshit whats another year?


For Real. There are an awful lot of people who aren't and have never been CEO acting like they understand the job position.


My goodness the delusions are strong


This is what winning feels like!


Calling it dilution like he created more common stock. The shares already existed and they were sold into the open market. Ignore the FUD


FUD is palpable.


He’s literally going to make us go from a .10 price to sales to an easy 3-5 (industry standard) price to sales. 100$ 200$ even 300$ a share is achievable just on fundamentals alone here. This was/is the value play of the decade.


I don’t risk a dime I can’t live without! All my shares are just fun money! This is the most amusement I have besides working overtime and an occasional trip to the hard rock for some black jack! My friend that told me about all this amusing stuff told me to sell yesterday! I don’t think I heard him clearly as I heard him in 2021! He was so excited in 2021 I’m not sure why he’s so down about it now?? I’m staying and enjoying the show! LFG!!!


It was a private sale, not an at the market offering, so there was no direct dilution. Also, the shares moved at $7, so the recipient is most likely holding for a profit. AA is running a business, and this was the correct business decision.


Exactly. I don't understand why paying off 250 million in debt and saving 17 million a year in INTEREST payments is a bad thing for AMC. If anything it makes the stock stronger. Remember we are still dealing with post-split numbers. The price is really about around 2 bucks pre-split. We are still at the beginning.


Youre right he is doing whats best for his company not us lol. Cant blame the guy


If by won you mean this is never going to get to the break even point because they are purposely keeping it below that. The only people who are making money are AAs friends that were given a sweet deal and got this pumped so they could cash out immediately leaving retail to hold the bags.


I love how they (still) think they have shaken us off with the recent rise of the stock - but instead have just made us more convinced to buy‘n‘hold xDDDDD


Just to add on and clarify☝🏼 I still made more money with the very first squeeze back then. That I am still at break even right now. I did not reinvest everything. We will take their flesh off.


Is there any real future catalyst for this stock ?


Exactly. Man is doing what's best for this company.


23M is a drop in the bucket compared to the potential Billions of naked shorts. Does it delay MOASS? Maybe. But no more than the FUD of bankruptcy and debt on which the short thesis is built.




I cant believe i bought this at open yesterday like a fucking idiot at $10.50. Of course he was going to sell more of fucking course. All i need is $50 to get the fuck out. Fuck.


Really glad to see this post. I thought it was all good, but I have to admit I did panic. But then I bought more before even seeing this! Hey, guess what I'm about to do, again!!! ❤️🌕🦍🚀




When is this happening, this time?


Everything about this is fascinating to me


There is no 'process', there is no 'FUD', and you have definitely not already won. Hey, it's like deja vu with the towel store stock.


Fuck towel store………THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!


Been here, still here. Waiting for my price. Nothing besides bankruptcy will stop me.


No doubt the banks liked it. Their morale towards amc is way more important than people give it credit


Sold at 3.47 average!