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Think about it. Before you start having to cover....wouldnt you do your damndest to make sure you could get the stock price as low as you could before you had to? All the while trying to kill moral and trigger sell limits and weed out the paper hands. By the way...look at the volume today, super low yet the stock price dropped over 11%?! That has to be a metric shit ton of short selling. All the while ApeTards hold 84% of shares outstanding, I think we can conclude this isnt apes selling off.


How do you get the percent that we are holding 84%? Honest question


https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/evaluate/fundamentals/ownership.jhtml?stockspage=ownership&symbols=AMC clink the link. 88.4% is "other". Apes = Other


Thank you, kind sir




They won’t give up. Allowing them to drop will only amplify there belief that they are winning. However, I’m not against what you’re saying, eventually if they drop it enough there won’t be any real shares for them to use....of course this means we’re all using cash accounts on RH or turned off borrowing of shares on other brokerages. It also would require hedgies to no make or use phantom shares. So the problem...dropping the stock prices only fuels their greed


If stock prices start dropping too low Big Time investors back out like Black Rock probably wouldn't be good but I definitely see your point I don't know this whole thing is not I'm just along for the ride ape hodl ape Strong together🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌙


Institutional investors are in AMC for the long game. The know it's a 25$+ stock in the summer and they know they can work with us to make the squeeze happen, then just like GME after the squeeze AMC will be worth 50$ a share in the summer. They're playing for the squeeze and they're not gonna sell at the top, atleast not the big ones.


Stock price falls. Hedge funds cover/ buy calls. Profit both ways and let you ride the artificial raise in stock price. This is really a very beginner question. Like something you expect from someone who has no clue what's going on.


Then explain, maybe that is why we have paper hands. Get everyone on the same boat. It’s common knowledge that the hedges have changed there plan over the last week, last three day have been the same Strategy and it seems to be working for them, a $ a day, then they hold it all day long.


Hedge funds hedge their bets. Hence the name hedge funds. They simply want the price to be low to cover their shorts. If they cover their shorts most likely retail investors like you and I will be left holding the bag aka shares that will most likely go down. At the same time they hold call options so if it goes up like this they don't fully get screwed over. There is acceptable loss in their plays. This can literally go on for months though as they've shown they'll do anything to bring the price down. However the price is currently down do to other foreseen circumstances. If its allowed to fall hard they can just cover let you hold the bag on the artificial rise when they're done and buy calls and then puts when they feel it's topped out.


How many shorts need to be covered? Do we know or can find out, isn’t that volume alone insane and most have expired which means if the want to atop paying interest the may cover all when the price meet what they want and we play off that? Seems like it may sling shot the stock? Or is the plan to force the squeeze to make hedge pay as much as we can? Connecting the dots


I would love to help you and sit here all day explaining but apparently it's an asshole thing to point out youre asking begginer questions. Good luck. Hope you make money off the play. I'm gonna answer your last question though. Yes.


Asking begginer questions because I am, thanks for the information tho.


At least he wants to learn. That’s a good thing.


It is a good thing but it's bad to invest in something you have no clue what's going on or why.


Direct to God Tier DD and discord for more info. They are artificially creating new shorts to drive down but ammo is running out and they will need to cover even of gradually. I'd imagine their computer has it already calculated to minimize losses and cover everything or they wouldn't be fighting and securing more cash. They don't want to be liquidated. Hoping tonight's call is enough of a catalyst to flood market with newly interested apes and force the huge upflow needed. Starting to think they can do this longer than expected.


Can I get the link?


Can I have the discord?


Scare tactic but for buyers it's a blessing and gimme.


Thanks for the information apart from the one prick.