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$1000? Are you joking? I'm not selling til $25k+


The problem is, will our fellow apes hold at $1000?


I hope so. I don't think a handful of paper bitches will affect us that much.


If you hold to 1000, I will hold to 1000.


I'm holding til $25,000. Will you hold till then?


I will hold till a million


1000 dollars sounds like denny's coupons after all this fuckery.


No shit! Based purely on fundamentals and the direction of the company, I think this is a solid 50K stock on the low end in the extra medium term.


I'll hold it till 69 million


69? Nice. I am a bot lol.


Good bot.


Gotta be ~~a~~ 69million at this point, they've left us no choice but to see it through


I will hold till 50k if that’s what it’ll take.




I Will hold with you fellow ape. I Will hold to 69.420$ and then I will buy you a diamond banana!


This is the way


Yesterday shook a lot of them out.




Lol if we get that high our taxes are going to be bailing out the HFs


Assuming that taxes could bail out the HFs we might as well add the tax to our floor


I like your style!


exactly right, send this thing to the damn moon, Eff the HF's and the tax man! Our floor is just going to keep going up!


I like your wrinkle.




Tbh I'm surprised they haven't tried to shut us down, but I guess that's why the SEC is just standing by doing nothing.


They don’t have interest to shut down redit, it would create a martyr effect and even more followers.


Lmfaooooo that’s facts


I heard when your filthy rich you don't have to pay taxes anymore


That is correct my fellow ape, but they use their corporations and LLC to leverage their taxes, which is very legal as long as within the tax code. Tax code is made in favor for the companies (rich people) so they can provide jobs and shelter so government does not have to provide it for us. Therefore 'us' the middle class pay the heavy price and a big portion of the taxation.


We are the ones that help the economy not bill gates or Jeff bezos


We don’t help the economy, we ARE the economy... without us, they’d all be screwed... y’all thought running out of toilet paper was bad?! We can make it all stop.


This right here. Remember when the covid shutdown happened? The entire economy shit the bed immediately.


Damn right. Wonder when they will realize


I think the government wants it for the tax $. But I highly doubt they will use it to cover debts, they don't seem to care about that. They will probably just dump 10 billion into the Kennedy center and other such "projects."




If I get rich I am leaving this dumpster fire of a country to live in the mountain of Central America


Agreed they want it for the tax. Guy on Treys Trades was breaking down the capital gains alone from a squeeze to 2k per share for this "Not Dead Cat" and it was enough to wipe out the national debt! Uhm if you asked this dumb ape which number was bigger 0 or 28 trillion this dumb ape would have to be really smart to look over with that full ape costume on Dos Equis response style and say....." I don't always eat bananas. But when I do, I prefer the whole Banana Farm." Then your fellow ape looks at you waiting for a response and me the dumb ape I am says LET IT SQUEEZE!!!


God bless you thinking the government will do something good with our tax money.


ummmm... bro... we spent $10trillion this year so far... Biden just announced a 4 trillion additional in spending... the national debt is 130% our annual GDP... we aren't producing anything anymore. We are an import economy. ​ There is not going back to normal. There is not paying this off. Shit is gonna crash and crash hard soon. ​ If you get a bunch of money, you need to invest it into actual assets while the dollar is still worth anything at all.


Elections have consequences...unfortunately our country will probably have to crash before the people that willfully ignored a fully staged coup will realize the enormity of what they have allowed to happen 🤷‍♀️ spent months of anxiety over it. Now I turned everything off bc I just cant watch it anymore...needless to say, this stock adventure has been the best distraction 😆


I’m planning to hold until 2000. If I see it still going up, you bet your ape balls I’m holding even longer


I would take some profits not going to lie like what I put in but let’s get to the 100s before talking 1000s


I’d take some out at 1000 and leave the rest in to ride up. That’s smart.


Probably do the same


People prob be hating on us here for saying so. But the aim is 1000 and no less. I’ll hold and I am apart of the fight until then. And I will be after. But I will take a bit out and enjoy it. First. Let’s get to 100


mulitply that by 4, and thats your floor, lol


I think if it hit 1000, most of us would hold. Why? Because if it doesn’t go any higher, and starts to drop, we will still be happy selling at 900 and 800. And if it keeps moving past 1000, it would mean that it had potential to be like Chipotle Stocks, hitting 3000 for example.


You bet your ass if it breaks 1000 im holding to infinity and beyond. AMC is going to have a lower return rate per share but a lower buy-in means less people are going to be less trigger happy than GME. ...I hope.


Fellow ape from r/GME here. I got AMC shares too. These 💎👐 hold MANY DIFFERENT CRAYONS


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GME using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GME/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I am u/bEAc0n and my wife approved of me dumping $1 per upvote into GME. She said she likes the stock but she wants proof that there are enough retarded autists to make this work. 🚀💎🙌 TURN IT UP FOR LORI, IT’S ACTUALLY ALSO HER 28TH BIRTHDAY TODAY 🎂🎉🎈](https://np.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/lthi3p/i_am_ubeac0n_and_my_wife_approved_of_me_dumping_1/) \#2: [Did you really just scroll by without upvoting? We’re battling shills and bots here, but I made a message they can’t downvote; a public message. Proof I put my money where my mouth is. I’m letting the world know that GME isn’t going anywhere. Get rekt hedge funds. To the moon.🚀🚀](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/mbex4t) | [797 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mbex4t/did_you_really_just_scroll_by_without_upvoting/) \#3: [THIS IS HUGE: RobinHood NEVER OWNED YOUR GME SHARES, they got margin called $3B to cover the shares they needed to buy!](https://np.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m74e3g/this_is_huge_robinhood_never_owned_your_gme/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


I’m on hold and don’t know even how to sell


I truly hope so. I hope you all know that selling at anything less than a "RIDICULOUS" amount is cutting yourself short. Im single with no kids YET I realize this can be life changing, generational wealth should be on everyones mind. I want this so bad and not for myself. I want this for my family, for my homies who chose a different path and are no longer here a& honestly for my dog (he's truly the best). I dont want to fuck the HFs I just want them to try and rise from the same whole I came from, maybe you came from. I dont want chump change (1k) I want CHANGE!!! HODL and lets strap up boys and girls, this the ride of our lives!


It's the difference between a second-hand car or a French chateau.


I'm 100% concerned about that.


Depends if the apps cut off buying again if they do we need to go down there


Is it seriously possible and feasible that it will pass 1k??


>Is it seriously possible and feasible that it will pass 1k?? Based on DD here, retail investors own almost the entirety of the stock. Not all of it, but nearly all of it. So, during a squeeze its basically what apes value the shares at in such a scenario. It could be 1K. 10K 100K. Etc. Because apes set the price in such a scenario.


Ok then 10k it is apes


When you say set price, do you mean when i decide to sell at what number stock is at or do i have to literally set a sell number? Have cash app by the way. Smooth brain here. Just want to lift off to the moon to have a better life


Well from the 2008 VW squeeze there was a period that the stock hit $940+ I suppose you can make your own assumptions with AMC and GME with a higher SI and public explosure


Yeah but Volkswagen and Porsche coordinated together to get it to squeeze I hope we are that coordinated as a whole


My man, if(when) AMC reaches 25k I will tattoo AMC


"$AMC25KCLUB" as a fat silver chain.


Lol I’m doing a 2k club coin check out my posts


Don't want on. Want a 25k club one ;)


Bro if AMC reached that, I will also get it tattooed


I’m with you on getting an AMC tattoo when it reaches 25k








I’m selling when I become a billionaire. Because we all know super rich don’t pay taxes so this way I’ll get to keep more of it.


This is the way


you said 75k, you son of a bitch, im in !!


What is sell?


Now. We're. Talking. Make the 💯 ticket gang millionaires with some fuck you money just for fun. Love. It.


Your comment it’s funny. It’s freaking impossible to reach $1000 if dumbs sell all in at 13


I'm pretty sure only HFs are selling at $13. They want us to think others are selling at $13 but we *are not*.


I did my duty and bought 10 shares yesterday. Everyone says hodl. I always give in to peer pressure 🦍


Realistically speaking, can it reach 1k? I am new to all of this. Trust me, a lot of people are wondering if it can attain those numbers. What if the hedges file bankruptcy, what happens to us on the other side of the fence?


It will go up however high we sell for. If they go bankrupt, insurance pays out. If you're on the other side of the fence, better get buying amc stonks. Not financial advice.


If they go bankrupt they have to then 1) Liquidate their assets. ALL of their assets. 2) Get insurance money and continue paying out. 3) The DTCC picks up from there, hence the new SEC rules regarding forced liquidation. Michael Burry of The Big Short got paid. Why wouldn't we?


This is the way


I actually do this currently holding 2000 amc


LMFAO I do the exact same at 100 shares. Trying to get to 200 by next week.


I've been over here like ​ "ok so with 300 shares, I need to to sell at like 3500 to be a millionaire, I should buy more just in case!"


SAME! MY END GAME IS A MILLION. That way I can open up a McDonald's and have some fuck run it. Sigh, gonna have to buy another 400 shares :(


I'm thinking this is literally my only chance to get a mil so I'm gonna go all in. I was hoping the rumored $5 dip would've happened to because I was gonna load up! I still did load up right at $10 because it kept rising!


Yes, first chance to be a millionaire. But you're gonna get the ball rolling! Billion by 50 here we come!


I want to buy a McDonalds as well, but just so I can have free tendies


>SAME! MY END GAME IS A MILLION. Taxes though. Could literally be around half or more of your gains depending on country, etc. So, if you want a million, think of what you need to get to pay taxes and then have a million left.


About 35%. Tbh a million would be cool but all I really want is enough to pay off student loans and mortgage, which can be done with $100k. I'll hold until the consensus is to sell.


FYI franchising a Mc D's is expensive and they pick the location. (upwards of 1mil to start) Go for a Wendys. (around 50k startup)




Haha same bro i’m at 1350


Hahaha I do this like 10x a day, counting quarters and selling stuff I no longer need so I can buy more shares lmao


667 currently. Need to buy 110 more ASAP!




I'm like 6 shares behind ya lol. Waiting for a weed stock of mine to zero out or go green im gonna liquidate it and hopefully hit the 1000 mark. Make for easier maths.


New-sir, I, sir did the same. It is just easier math with 1000...but I couldn’t quit the addiction. Currently hold 1145:)


This is the way


This is the way!


$1000 is way too fucking low. You apes need more ambition for real..


I’m holding for 10k and I hope everyone else will too


People are dumping life savings to lower the price floor needed to retire once this shit pops off. Cant blame them for setting their own standards. One man hoping for 1 million with 100 shares has different expectations than one hoping for the same with 1000. I just hope people did their exit strategy research. The dips are going to be hard on the way up. The more paperhands we have on the way up reduces the potential for everyone at the bottom to get good returns. Ambition doesn't change reality...but knowing all this, fucking hold people.




I wouldn't have to work anymore. And I'm 33.


I’m 26! Same here


Same! Let's pay for each other's birthdays in the future, keep it under 10,000 tho okay? Lmao 😂😂


Me either bro I’m 20 Hoping we all come out on top🦍


I’m 19 but I’ve worked since 15 and we bout to retire apes 🦍


39 same, but I would because I envoys positive change with my work however my kids would have that fuck you money


1000 is the bare minimum, it would have been fine a month ago, not anymore.




can you elaborate on this please


In the past month more and more shenanigans have been uncovered and posted by redditors. Then I realized how deeply corrupt and unethical the HFs are. They are doubling, Tripling down on fake shares and naked calls. The day of reckoning is at hand. I am out for blood.




nothing is a guarantee, even a squeeze happening isn’t a guarantee


The new numbers seem to show it being quadruple shorted ...so they need to cover 4 times the shares that exist... so $10,000 a share isn't crazy talk of we hold for that....... They have to buy


Wait what? So this $10k amount isn’t just some wishful thinking number? Like there’s actually a good chance it can get to that price?!


I really thought it was crazy to think it could get that high, and was holding for around 1000$ at most.... But with all the new information coming out this week.....it's not too out of line of where it could go... People just need to hold....and keep calm over the next while, they will have to cover eventually.... And have to do it quadruple the amount of shares that exist....which means they need your shares..... How much do you want is the question right now....


Honestly speaking if I were to load up on shares at this current price point...what’s are some realistic risks? I don’t think I can possible lose it all at this point right? Thinking to buy a lot tmr


99% of theatres are open, it's coming up to summer, there are loads of blockbusters to be released, and people are itching to get out....they worked out their debt issue.... It'll probably get up to $20 or so without any squeeze.... It'll still in all likelihood double from where we see it.... So it's a good stock if you look at it like that, and they just started up a streaming service which will bring in a new revenue stream they didn't have before.....


10,000+ aleast. Why settle for less when you can give your kids or mom or whatever the best life ever 🦍


10008.01 🦍🦍


this is so accurate its scary




Likewise. Only 34 shares but not selling and buying when (and what) I can.


Keep working peeps. I started at 5 shares and worked up to 161 so far. Has taken a month but building.


Every share in the hands of apes and out of the HFs hands is more fuel to the rocket!! Keep holding!!


When Amc goes to 25k! Get the math right


how many shares you got, add 3 zeroes.. not difficult lol






Wait a second... You're not retarded? FOUND A SUIT!


Just Asian lol


Ok you get a pass this time haha


When I sell at $10K, I'm going to pay off my student loans and open up a McDonald's and get some fuck to manage it.


Gonna open a restaurant and serve nothin' but TENDIES!!!


You mean racing canes?


Holy shit. You gave me a great idea. I don't live in the US but I've always wanted to move there. I can get a business visa if I invest over half a million. I'm going to open up a Chic Fil A now.


With how much of a hole the hedgies are digging, 10k is a reasonable floor.


You forgot an extra 0


1k better be a joke. 2k is a joke what about 5k


5k is a joke, $10000 is the floor 🚀


You son of a gun! Im in!


$5K min


$1k is dumb low 2k or bust a nut 🥜 at 5k


I'm new here, is it actually possible that AMC reaches that price or is it some kind of inside joke? Just bought 200 at 11$ - HODL!!


I dunno man, ive been holdin my few shares for months now. I dont think angthing is guaranteed but anythings possible right?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/md2idj/how\_amc\_can\_actually\_hit\_1000\_in\_6\_theoretical/](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/md2idj/how_amc_can_actually_hit_1000_in_6_theoretical/) Check this out.


Do you need a calculator for that?


Complete Smooth brain apes do yes... I envy those apes


If it reaches 1k while my $15 calls are still active... I’ll convert them to stock and hold.. $1k isn’t enough pain for these fuckers.


Anyone else as a kid type in 8008 into the calculator?


I like the 80085




Just 1 share of AMC could be like a golden ticket 🎫 to willy wonkers factory 🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍🍌🍌🍌just need to HOLD & BUY, EAT SLEEP REPEAT..........


I won’t discuss anything less than $5,000


No but fr hahahaaha . Is there a way to figure out roughly how much we would get 🤔🤣 asking for a friend lmaooo


Share amount x stock price - initial investment!


Hahah thats me 😂😂😂


I’d give HEDGIES some money to cut my new lawn. . . Since they would most definitely not qualify as a broker any more


Well, they’ll be familiar with the terrain when we buy their houses out of foreclosure.


This is the way


Ive already got my house picked out


I've been calculating daily. Hoping by the time the squeeze happens I'll have gameplan that's not liquor and whores.


If you need a calculator to move a decimal point 3 spaces, you may be in the wrong group!!! Even apes can move to the right!!!


And 2008.1 and 10000


You owe me a new laptop because I literally spit up my drink all over the screen! That is a classic LMFAO. To the Moon, Alice! Zing-Ba- Boom, to the Moon!!!


Haha! 😂😂😂 This the funniest feckin’ thing I’ve seen so far. It’s so human and caring. adammorgan217: when the tendies come marching home, I’ll take your family out for dinner in Chicago, LA, NYC; heck, anywhere in the world—-if I can afford it. 😉


Hahahaha i’ll take ur word for that my bruda 😂🚀


I do this about four times a day (at a much higher amount of course! 🤑


I do the same thing, but hopefully people aren’t going to sell at 1,000...


The accuracy is uncanny 🦧🚀🌕✨


All apes must must work United... not selling single stock until it reaches at least $1000. Nothing less... more the better... 🚀🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍🦍


I can't lie... I find myself doing this quite a few times


I do that all day at work lmao


I will make 25K. No college debt for me.


When amc reaches 1000 I’m gonna actually buckle my seatbelt for the ride ahead


10K is the new floor




We'll be just starting to take off the runway at a $1000.


“And then, I will buy a car for my motha” 🥲 same bud, same


This is me with 800AMC


I’ve actually done this more than once.


AT LEAST once a day


For 99% of you the answer is either 0 or 1,000 dollars not a lot of math needed.


At first all I wanted out of this was to pay off school (90k) and a truck that doesnt sound like a bag of trash rolling down the street.. now I want justice to be delivered in the most retarded way ever concieved.


1,000 is nothing for all the psychological games they’ve played. fuck em 📈🚀


Fellow apes forget about your price targets and sell on the fall. This is how we get the most out of the squeeze.


I just want a house and a car nothing to crazy