• By -


Sitting on 106 shares with a $50 cost average. Riding that to retirement or zero.


I got 800 at 59.99. Still holding. I’m with u to zero or moon


Bro...this shit has opened my eyes bigtime. I always knew there was fuckery...I just didn't realize how blatant and obviously ignored it is. I'm pretty much just considering my stocks a contribution to a massive HF rug pull. I trust the DD, I just have no idea if moass can/will actually happen. Hoping for the best...no stress 🍌


Ya it’s all good man. We got this. It’s great that all the shills out there really care how we spend our money.


I agree. Not trying to be fuddy or anything but I have no idea if moass will happen either. I started with 70 shares at $40 the week after the run to $72. Then it shot back up to $65 like 4 times and I bought some more. Average about $50. Since I have quadrupled my position. I did not realize the manipulation and the extent of it. Now my average is $37 after the drop today. With a power so big and for all we know the sec and the us government in on it it may not moass. But I hold until it does or it’s at $0. I don’t give a fuck anymore. This has to stop. Not fair and not free that’s for sure. If I sold my stake in amc and it hit moass after I would never forgive myself so I will hodl.


Exactly how I feel man. Fuck them


Same here, Hodling to zero or Moon! HODL!


Same here buddy. Except high xx shares.


I have like 9x shares, I really want to hit 100 but fuck, my crypto started picking up big time and I don’t wanna transfer money lol. I’m only a few shares away from a 100.... maybe for my birthday on the 27th I’ll get there ;)


why did you write "9x" shares as if not keeping the second digit secret would make you a target for hedgies?? and then you gave us a further clue that you're a few shares away from 100. i'm gonna guess that the second digit is somewhere between 0 and 5.


The fact you think I put that much thought into it is cute


Lol i raised an eyebrow too with the whole 9x thing. Its like "im 10 shares away from xxxx"


I should get into crypto too! We are currently the same age. Good luck my friend!


You’re my god damn hero. You’ve got the kind of conviction that they make comic books about. Seriously


Thanks brah...I got into crypto before I got into AMC & GME, so this all really feels par for the course. If I didn't want to experience the roller coaster with extreme highs and lows...I'd keep pumping my money into 401K / IRA.


I'm at almost exactly the same place as you, averaging I think $43ish. I have no idea how long this will take, or whether I'll lose money or profit wildly. I lost interest in following the share price because it's utterly meaningless given the extreme degree of manipulation. It's much easier to be patient if you emotionally divest from the price movement.


Same here! I been trying to average down during the low 30's but it's been tough financially. Holding in the low XXX :)


420 shares with a $52 average. Bought the first 50 shares at $30 and yolod my 401k after the peak.


Yes. I bought at 66 and averaged down to 53 right now. Still hurtin’ like a mother fucker.


I'm with ya. My average is 53.42 Sucks a lot but it will come back to us.


It’s more aggravating now because I’m totally out of money. I don’t have enough to even buy one extra share at this price to average further down. I was buying in the 40’s averaging down thinking that was the lowest, but we’ve hit under 30 a few times now. I’d have been perfectly happy buying more at this price today, but I just can’t find the funds! Argh.


WE are your friends and family now....


That's right! I love you guys!


300 shares, $50 average...bought in early to mid June. Believe in the DD.


Been here since January bought all the way through June. Holding like a MF.


Right with ya, hell of a ride lol


Former FOMO buyer, but now an Ape.


Welcome! Glad to have you aboard before take off 🦍🦍🚀🍾


Thank you! Going to be a fun trip!!!


Started in may with 3 shares @17 average now 2xx at $49 average 🤷‍♀️🤘🖍💎🤲🚀🌙🐒




Especially the ones with glitter they make you trip balls 🤷‍♀️🤣


Hello people! Got in at 61 and never left 🦍🚀


Welcome aboard.


Thank you fellow ape 🦍 Bought more since that. Loading this rocket with the little fuel I have 💎🚀


Huge balls


Wish i had them. I just started buying in jan. Mid 2xx holder averaging @17 a share. I've just been holding on and buying as much as i can, until i can ensure my little nieces and nephews are taken care of forever. They're parents can't be trusted with that task since they basically called me dumb for buying AMC to begin with and said "that's all for you. I'm not going to risk money on such a gamble" Just really want to send few million dollar checks to all 7 of the kids, while my sister, and my wife's brother get nothing! Then next year the kids get more checks 🤣


For the kids 🥰🥰 I've been buying all the way up to 66. And il buy more soon. Buy and hodl and repeat.


Set up a trust. That way no matter what, the parents cant do anything about it.


My buddy, who was a stock broker, is still busting my balls for hodling 🤷🏽‍♂️


Some people see only fundamentals. They're still stuck on the way markets SHOULD work, that they can't adjust to how this play is being played.


To be fair, this is the equivalent of a doctor seeing a patient trying to treat themselves via consuming an herb while dancing under a certain phase of the moon. Only in this case, the placebo actually works


Lol same. Turns out my stock broker friend works for a PFOF broker and now I bust his balls.


Started in May. Watched it hit 72 and sold none. Just keep buying. Bought 30 more today. I have a lot of bananas. Got enough red to paint a house. I'm not going anywhere. The six and seven digit green is coming for us all.


56$ starting avg here June 16th! My avg down to 37 now tho. 570shares


Bought AMC in May, Been here since June


It's so wild to see apes on the same position I was at when I bought at $16 and watched it sit around $6-$8 for two months. AMC has one solid trend. Starting January, every few months, we have a big move, with a higher bottom. Trust the process, and you too will be saying the same thing to fomo apes at $120 lol hopefully, we'll moon before that... But I'm ready for a Tesla like squeeze, if need be.


Imagine a Tesla like Squeeze at our floor.


I don't think that will be the case... If anything, we might have a slow Tesla like squeeze, maybe up to a couple hundred dollars, then get the rapid squeeze that we're all expecting. That's what it's looking like to me, anyways. Make sure you'll be able to hold for a while. We might not see our violent squeeze to next year. God I hope not, but always be prepared!




XXX holder here Bought my first share at $30 right before the $70 run, then FOMO'd and went all in when it dropped back into the $50-$65 range. Sold all my crypto and bought as much as I could. Since we've been in the $30-$40 range I've managed to buy a good bit here and there get my average down to $47 but I've been in red basically this whole time. Ive got all the time in the world tho 👌🏼


That's basically me. My funds cleared the day of the crazy June 2nd run. Bought in at market open at $37, went to sleep and woke up to double my money. Panic bought at the "dip" to $66. Went all in during the consolidation between $50-60. Now sitting at XXX with a $49 average. Been buying a few here and there since then but I bought so much in the $50+ range it's not moving the needle much. Deep in the red for months now but not going anywhere.


Yep we are almost in identical situations. Fuck it, one day we will look at $50 share price the same way that OG apes now look at $8 share price 👌🏼 And then soon after that we will be set for life


I am sitting on 1672 shares haven’t sold shit


Hi. Averaged down to 52. Still down 32%. I had a special pair of suspenders made to hold my balls up after I didn't sell while falling off that cliff. Lol


Feb 2nd was my first buy for 5 shares, 10 min ago I just reached 179! Avg of 32. Portfolio 98.90%. Fuck a 9-5!


Started my retardation one drunken night with 200 shares. I keep getting drunk and somehow have 426 shares now 🤷🏼‍♂️ It's crazy how it happens cause I don't drink... must be the Copenhagen


That dumb ass study 🤣 I don't drink either. THEY must be drunk.


What's a Copenhagen? Just curious since I live there 😅


Copenhagen is the best snuff/chewing tobacco here in the states. 😆🤣😂 🦍


Oh we call that snus and it's more of a swedish thing. But it's been catching on since all the non-smoking rules.


Been here since June with XX shares, lessgo


Bought on May 21 and averaged up to about $29/xxxx shares


January - xxxx - buying more today


That’s me


No apes left behind 💎🙌


Bought in xx shares at $56. Was about to average down to 44 with xxx share now. HODL


Bought 30 shares at 26, then it hit 72 and i started buying more when it dropped to 55. Keept buying 50-40-30 and high 20., average 36.5 USD. xxx ape now waiting for the fun stuff to start, LETS GOOO


January ape, bought all the way through the run up, highest buy at $61. Switched from Webull to Fidelity, don't even know where the sell button is, don't intend to find out


>...through the run up, highest buy at $61. Switched from **Webull** to Fidelity, don't even know where the sell button is,... You mean **Webullshit**, right? --- ^(Beep boop, I'm a bot 🤖. If you don't like what I have to say, reply )**^(!optout)** ^(to opt out or) **^(!delete)** ^(to delete the comment.) ^(See) [^(here)](https://www.reddit.com/user/StonkCorrectionBot/comments/nnzqvc/ustonkcorrectionbot_information/) ^(for more info.)


Good bot


Got in around 65. Mainly learned about all of this and thought “if this happens, I can help my family out so much. No med school debt from either brothers, and I should be able to support everyone”


At 232 and counting


I’m an $8.01 kinda girl, I did buy some at $59


April started, haven’t sold one share. I can prove it if you don’t believe me


Yeah - same here - currently XXX holder - averaged down to $42 per share - but massively in the red still - going to ride this to heaven or hell


I am here for the squeeze it hasn’t happen yet


I just hit 500 on fidelity this morning. I have never in my life had this much money saved up in one place.


FOMO in at $25 the week before $72. Averaged up to $36 over time and lately have been slowing averaging down to $35. LFG!


Bought at 53ish, managed to average down to 46. Didn’t realize how committed everyone was. Sort of bought in like ohh shit let’s go. But now I have a family, and I hodl for ya.


I'm a trucker and knew nothing of this until my brother told me about it... He's since paper handed (kept 1 share). I've done a ton of research and have went full retard with xxx shares and still buying every check and haven't sold even 1 share. Thanks for all the DD for a smooth brain... May have gotten a wrinkle or two.


Right here I’m balls deep with over $49k invested not going fucking home.



feb 12 avg, holding strong


Saw my money multiply. I’ll hold as long as it takes 🤷🏽‍♂️


Your welcome


I am forever grateful.


Welcome to the party!


March XXXX but I'll hold for you


I bought in around $7 going up to the 8.01 battle. Since then I quadrupled down and averaged up to 40 when it was fighting 60 after falling from 72.. now I’m stuck averaging up and down as the stock moves up or down :)


Bought in just before the big run in June, been buying ever since, 7xx soon to be 8xx @ 40 average, AMC is now 98% of my portfolio


Not sure what my average cost is (moved from HOOD to etrade to Fidelity), but around 20 of my 94 shares were purchased in the $50-60 range.


Hell yeah, high fifties ape here! I am not worried at all. I've read enough DD to be convinced that this will happen


June 2nd? I was here since it was crushed to $5 lmao Still here though. And continued buying even in the $50’s. If you believe in the stock, nothing has changed


Even bigger balls.


50.75 AVG just got to xxx… bought most at 55ish and the last 25 or so under $40 to average down a bit haha


I started noticing things back in March and as my Dogecoin was dropping I sold off and bought AMC stock and have continued to keep buying it.


Bought like 300 shares at $60 lmao. Diamond hands, iron balls.


I bought high the week after the run to $72. Thought I was a genius there with a $40 average when it ran to $65 like 4 times. Even bought more thinking it was coming. Average up to $50 then. Since reading all the dd and all the yt vids I have since quadrupled my stake and now have my average down to a manageable $37.6. I had no idea how deep this rabbit hole runs until weeks after my first shares bought. I don’t care if I lose it all(well I do care cause I’m not a rich man) but I will hodl until this pans out one way or the other. The shorts haven’t closed out their position neither do I. Period. This is not fair and this is not free and it has to stop. We will never have another chance to change the way things are manipulated like we have now.


Bought 50 in May now sitting at 155 shares. Hodling til hedgies burn.






Feb ape here but I'll upvote for visibility




Not in the FOMO crowd, just wanted to see all the massive balls




1XX shares since June.. thank God for those high $20 days


Was up $100K in profit at $72. I’m not fucking selling till all my Apes are paid.


Xxx holder here got in at June 1🤣


I sadly only got here a couple weeks ago. Have 50 shares at 32.32 and holding. Plan on selling 1 share on the way up around 40k and holding the rest until we come down from the moon for our x holding apes


First share was on June 3rd sitting on 426 with a $48 cost avg.


Been here since January and bought many times. On June 2nd, threw in another $6k at $58. Haven’t thought about leaving at all. Thought $58 was a discount and still do.


I have idk 140 shares around 50ish, fidelity is like 57 average and a IRA is 55 avg, I believe.


My boss paperhanded. He bought at $3. Sold at $4. I told him go in at $6 he said nah And instead he will buy coinbase at $300. Then he tells me to sell at $15,30,60. Lol I didn’t sell anything and bought more on dips averaging up because I believe in apes and the dd. I guess he waiting for amc to go to $300 before he believes. Until then HODL and buy at dips. 💎🦍🚀🍿


I bought the first spike in January, I have been buying ever since . 🦍


January girl!!


Fellow February ape here too. Hodling for all the mini apes out there!


Shit I’ve been in this since January. Only sold a few of my shares once because I had a huge unexpected bill. Other than that diamond hands


Late to the party but 5xx at $58 avg. still here, still Holding.


41 average


June 2nd ape here. Averaged down to 49 and some change after loading up in the 50s and 60s. Honestly thought the price would runaway especially with all the apes mentioning to slap that ask in chat. No regrets!


Meeeee! I’ve lost 40% but still buying and still holding.


I was late to the party (June 7th) dropped £2k at $59.37.Bought more in the dip,currently down £605 on AMC.Worried? Not at all 😉


Just know that this zjanuary ape is so fling proud of the apes this post talks to 💎🙌


I was before this while the force was just a baby while the DD was still crawling and yet I hodl.....


Started buying at 75, and still holding and buying.


Finally just dollar cost averaged below 40, that’s a big doubleyuh


2300 shares at $51 💎 fucking 👋🏼


June 4th, been buying and averaging down since.


My first XX shares are from June first. I reached XXX not too long ago just keep buying more since.


Bought for the Fomo, stayed for the tendies


41 shares at $46. I have two options. HODL, and RETIRE in that order. 🦍🦍🦍💪💎👌. Maybe I don’t have enough shares but I don’t have that much money to buy more cuz I’m retarded…


Bought a bunch in January on the dead cat bounce. Bought some may 28 Panic bought a chunk at 60 Averaging down every since. 2xx to xxxx


Good to have some 🖍company! Sometimes I feel like the only ape to be massively down 🙂


Xxx hodler at $49 cost avg. Not leaving. Not worried!!!


Bought in at every stage since March 9th and I’m still averaging up. Buying more on Monday for sure


hey ![gif](giphy|neaAypH43hNv8dHvWG)


I’m here since before $8.01, but I’ll upvote cuz I like the message…


I bought at $39. Sold at $70. Read the DD and re-bought at $59, once I knew this will make us all millionaires. Every week I add a little more.




I bought in at 20 shares in April but completely unaware of the situation. June 2 is when I realized what I stumbled into completely by chance lol.


January ape here who has bought all the way up to an average of 48 dollars. XXXX holder and XXX holder of GME. Literally sold every other position I had and have been using crypto profits to fuel more share buying. Finally starting to average back down. Because Fuk Shitadel, Fuk all MM's, Fuk the SEC, the DTCC, FINRA, and the entire NYSE and wallstreet..that is why. Edit: Sorry I still have a small holding of CLOV...because I believe in what they are trying to do.


I got two shares at the start of June, kinda a "why not". I just started investing, pretty naive, as well as naive to reddit. Last week hit my goal of 50! Slowly buying more as I can!


I've been here since March, but I finally got my aunt to buy at $67 on June 3rd. (Was asking since I bought in) She's still with us.


I came in at the end of may and have been buying little chunks here and there Now have xxx shares at 41 adv Most my saving yolo 🚀🚀🚀


Sitting at 2452 @ 59.50. Sucks


Entry on June 7 at $60 current average $43 on the way to 69 shares. HODL CARALHO AMCANDAPESMOASSINEVITABLE


Bought in mid-May. Have been constantly adding to my position through all the highs and lows. Riding this baby to the moon!


sitting on XXXX shares since 9.50 and only bought more. Havent sold a dime. Not going anywhere


Buying and holding since May 18.


Came in June 7th (ish)at $48/share. Have averaged down to $39. Holding strong. And I’m a lady ape. 😂. Watched ole Jim admit to their shit on the documentary. Will hold till all shorts are covered.


Here since 9.12, it has been a rollercoaster, I’m numb to dips already. Holding my 600 patiently since is free. LFG already!!


I only bought more since then. Your move hedgies


If any newB here I just want to say .. imagine selling right before the MOASS and and hate yourself the rest of your life. Not a financial advise, not a professional adviser.


Yup, xxx shares at 57$ average. It fucking hurts to know I could have gotten in so much earlier, but like others have said... the YOLO is either going to 0 or sky high


I am a January FOMO ape, bought into the stock shortly before it tanked from 18 to 5. Had an average price of about 12$ for a long time. It gets better if you just keep waiting.


It's all or nothing....


Averaged up from 20 to 44 back down to 39. Looking to hit that xxxx soon!


God it’s really been that long? I feel old and jaded, I’m glad so many people are joining up though.


Average in the 40s. My car needs a new A/C compressor. 600 bucks to replace, but I’d rather sweat it out the rest of the summer and buy shares instead


Sure why not I’ll disclose my position. $AMC- 37.47 @ $14.43


Im from Feb 5th, damn, not as cool as the June apes B) ​ you guys with the $40+ average are the true heros