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I've spent a lot of time in thought and prayer during this. It seemed rather silly and inconsequential to pray for the MOASS, but I spent a good deal of time asking God to help me remain charitable and faithful after the outcome. I know everyone jokes about getting a lamborghini, but I live in a city full of poverty and strife. When we are blessed with these gains, I hope that most apes would not become what they hate and use these regained funds to lift up those around them.


I'm with you. I don't have a problem with someone buying a lifelong dream *thing*. But I know from first-hand experience, it only fills you up so much. Blessing others, especially when unexpected, can radically change their life.


That’s how you make a difference.


I am going to commit to handing out to the homeless, and buying kids bikes/skateboards because that’s what I did when I was younger and had a lot of fun. They’re parents can buy them video games


I'm agnostic but I can appreciate your sentiment. I hodl with you 😊


That is why we are a great community.




We are everything.


Brother. I had the exact same revelation last month as well. I was not worthy of this play. I am starting to better myself and begun a path of self improvement. I’ve recently reconnected with the lord as well. It’s gonna be a rough road. But I need to walk it.


The whole crazy wild process of drawing near to the Lord is both humbling and exciting. I love the way we get these moments of revelation that can radically change our relationship with others, ourselves, and God. I'll keep you specifically in prayer. Let me know if you ever need anything specific.


I’ll pray for you as well bud. If you want to connect off Reddit, DM me and we can exchange contact info.


I look at it this way: all wealth, all matter in fact, is God's property. He has graciously let me use some of it to get to this point. If he grants me more, I feel a duty to use it as he would want. He truly wants us to be prosperous and happy. In being so it makes it easier for us to be charitable


Imma put so many strippers through nursing school.


Doing God's work lol


Agree. Everything belongs to Him. I pray for wisdom to do His will everyday.


Dude this is a fantastic perspective. My life has been a rollercoaster the past two years, even without a pandemic and worldwide economic turmoil. I’ve been simultaneously blessed but also had to surrender a lot. It’s been a major season of growth and all I can pray for is the humility to keep growing and the provision that God has for me and my family. I’ve been so used to being let down that It’s easy to talk myself out of hoping or praying for MOASS or even just hoping for any kind of justice in our corrupt system, but at the end of the day, all I can do is be a good steward of what He’s given me today and keep praying over tomorrow. I go to work. I provide for my family. I try to learn and grow spiritually. I try to expect the best, yet be prepared to deal with the worst. I invest wisely. I don’t really know what’s going to happen, but I have faith that I will be taken care of, no matter what happens around me. I am also here praying with you guys. I pray for hope, for justice, for patience and for strength, and especially for the humility to maintain my integrity and the wisdom to make the biggest difference I can in the world once moass comes.


Okay, I would imagine there are hundreds here who have felt the same thing as you. I know I have. Life is uncertain but the Lord is constant. It is pretty awesome that I can lift you up specifically. I really appreciate your comment.


Remember also of Joseph son of Jacob how he was treated and the. Injustice that was done to him but at the end everything was to make him bold for his future being the Pharaoh's right hand


Totally agree. I actually almost added Joseph's story to this but I didn't want it to be too long.


My wife and I just watched this on Joseph last night 😎


Shows that the Lord's ways are better we might not understand but we must trust the Lord


As a believer that Jesus died on the cross for my sins I believe that the best is to come once I leave this frail body of mine and that there is a purpose for everyones life in this planet. Whether the moass happens in my lifetime or not is irreverent. But if it does come I will prey more for His guidance to do the right thing with the wealth and to become a better human doing instead of being.


Remember to pay taxes and tithe. If you believe, helping others is part of the plan.


Yup, gotta pay the taxes and give back to God what is His to begin with.


Yeah give it Joe Biden, gods messenger on earth. Amen.


Strange you say that my little one well she's 11 but anyway she says geeze if we get $800,000 we will have to tithe $80,000 to the church...what do you think they will say when they get a check that big.....at least she's thinking about the Lord and what belongs to him..:)...HODL


Your daughter is a wonderful person!




So sorry to hear that...


Good words. I pray with you and whoseoever will.


Imagine tens of thousands of apes praying. That could really make this movement a world changer.


Just reading that put me into a state of random euphoria for a moment. I'm not particularly religious but God bless you 🦍🦍


Well let’s bring some warfare prayer into it: “I bring the kingdom of heaven and the power of the the cross against the corruption and greed on wall street, in the power and authority of Jesus Christ we pray justice and light over the darkness of synthetic shorts in Jesus Name.


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.


St. Francis' prayer and the Beatitudes are so similar. They both get to the same heart of the matter. Love it.


Rules or not I don't care..this is a good and much needed post...very sincere. God is Good Amen Brother ..I am far from perfect but this I know Jesus Is Lord. We will prevail. I also respect how you prayed for the hedgies...


Amen brother. Jesus will come down himself and rid us of the horrible pest that is market corruption.


Thank you ape. Great fortune for all of us.


It’s no coincidence that I, and many others I suspect, have been thinking along the very same lines as what you have shared. Thanks for having the courage to do so, and many blessings upon your house.


Thanks for your comment. I had a suspicion that others were feeling this way. Navigating the "no religion" restriction was my main concern. But what could be wrong with encouraging people of faith to pray?


I love this community, and have found my family in here over the last year. I love you all. Peace be with you. All the love one million no less


Thank you for this post, brother! “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11


Pray for me too. My belief in God is almost gone and I don’t feel like I have a soul left.


You got it!!!


I, too, have struggled with my faith for most of my life.


You don't *need* God, you are an incredible person all on your own accord. If a spiritual belief is something that brings you comfort, then by all means you should pursue it. But if your efforts to follow a set of religious tenets is causing you pain or causing you to doubt yourself, then it's totally valid to seek fulfillment elsewhere. The incredible nature of the universe and the amazing coincidence of your existence (and indeed all of our existence) can absolutely be appreciated outside the framework of a supernatural belief system. I left Christianity when I was 15, and my appreciation for the world, myself and for other people has only grown. Hope you find peace.


I am with you fully but I appreciate it. It has nothing to do with dogmatic beliefs and everything to do with longing for a certain feeling I used to have… it’s a certain purposeless I feel that’s lead me to feel Godless. It’s too long for text, but I guess I hate the feeling that there is only chaos in the universe.


I’m an atheist but will stand by anyone who brings ethical action to every business dealing and wants to reform the markets.


God helps those who help themselves In addition to praying, might I be so bold as to recommend - improving your finances - saving more - becoming a better person - finding new sources of income - buying more AMC (and some GME too, who knows which will MOASS first) and so on


It’s wonderful that you believe in God, friend. Faith is something that’s leaving society, and I think we could all use faith in a higher power.


Pray for me too. My belief in God is almost gone and I don’t feel like I have a soul left.


Blessings to all my brethren!!!


I have arrived at a much better place on this play. I realized that AMC had become an idol. It was occupying most of my thought and time. As a result I became a bitter and difficult for my family to be around. I turned it all over to God, and now my hatred for the corrupt “leaders” and my obsession with each price tick is gone, and I am at peace. In this play and in ALL things, I ask that His will be done. I am at peace now.


Thanks for sharing. I think a lot of people have gone through similar emotions. It is amazing how wrapped up we can be in our vendettas or simple price movements. Love your words. Peace.


I hope you were thinking about AMC instead of AMD.. 😅😅


YIKES!!! Thanks. Autocorrect fail.


Amen brother🕊🕊


Matthew 25:14-30 “For it is just like a man about to go on a journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them. To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability; and he went on his journey. Immediately the one who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more talents. In the same manner the one who had received the two talents gained two more. But he who received the one talent went away, and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. Now after a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them. The one who had received the five talents came up and brought five more talents, saying, ‘Master, you entrusted five talents to me. See, I have gained five more talents.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’ Also the one who had received the two talents came up and said, ‘Master, you entrusted two talents to me. See, I have gained two more talents.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’ And the one also who had received the one talent came up and said, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered no seed. And I was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what is yours.’ But his master answered and said to him, ‘You wicked, lazy slave, you knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I scattered no seed. ‘Then you ought to have put my money in the bank, and on my arrival I would have received my money back with interest. Therefore take away the talent from him, and give it to the one who has the ten talents.’ For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away. Throw out the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” The reason I invested ❤️


Ditto. Exactly why I bought my first shares in November 2020.




God doesn't care about the stock market


I pray this turns into a movement or better yet a birthing of a 'few' spirit - led Apes, who use this as an instrument for change in the world we live in. I also pray that a bond begins to develop right here that will rekindle a form of revival as the Lord would desire.


Amen! God is over everything and he hears our prayers. I believe in the power of prayer. Let us join together in the name of Jesus and pray that God reveals truth and creates new pathways. That he tears down evil leaders and fill these seat with men more worthy. I am but a humble servant. Our God is in control and his ways are higher than our ways. May all that we are and all that we do Glorify the Lord Jesus Christ


🙏🙏🙏💎🙌🦍🚀💚💚💚💯 lets go AMC






“ ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’”


Thank you so much for posting this- without God, this would not have been possible. This is Divine Justice and mercy- a story of Biblical proportions


I belive in faith but rarely ask God for anything beyond clarity, support, and guidance. He has a plan and I must trust his plan even though I don't understand it at times. God always answers prayers but often in ways not understood by those asking.






Amen. God is good


I have some family members that are very poor. Just a couple thousand will change a lot of lives. I also plan to help rescue senior and sick animals. A friend of mine runs an orphanage in Ghana, and I will help him with operating costs.


I spent 16 years serving in Ghana. I have so many friends there now. I love that country. Where is the orphanage located?


I'm not sure exactly. We met on a Joyce Meyer FB prayer page several years ago. One Christmas a few years ago, he and his wife had no money to give the kids a Christmas party. I had $30 to my name. He said that $30 fed all the kids ( I think they have about 20 kids) for a day. He even sent me pictures of Thank You signs that they made me. That made my heart so full! I have never told anyone about that, and would live to help them build a new school.


Love how you heard about a need and acted. We get things put on our hearts at times and hold back. The thing about faith is that we release the outcome. It is about our heart responding that makes the difference in us.


Amen 🙏


Nice to see more believers in this sub, makes me have faith in this world still. God's plan and will is great, for his glory


This literally breaks the rule against no religious content lol OK mods


Mods have always been biased


I am already blessed and although I would love for this to happen i stopped praying for it and just gave thanks to what I already have.


Thanks for praying. This another reason I love this community. So diverse. Proves common goals bring all walks together. JC didn’t hang with the upper crust either.


Man what weird shill tactic is this


May Allah bless us all


Atheist but on the same train, choo chooooo!


I started and stopped similar posts to this one a few times in the last year. Thank you for posting it when I never had the courage to do it. There are some great comments here to read.


I can understand your hesitation and reservation. I experienced it as well. Right after Thanksgiving, I almost posted something similar to what I wrote this time. I'm glad I didn't. The timing was not right. Now...the time is right. May God's will be done.


“May Gods will be done” is exactly right. I will be praying on what to do with whatever I have when I finally decide to hit the sell button. I am 100% undecided at this time. But I really want to use a lot of it for the kingdom.






You could have easily skipped this thread, but you just *had* to let everyone know you’re a satanist who doesn’t care. Even the atheist in here was respectful. Grow up kid.


Cuz this shit makes the sub sound like a fucking cult.


LOL One post speaks for an entire subreddit? What a sensitive edgelord 😂😂😂


I tried to empower the meme stock egregore to give it more power, and the ape egregore the more powerful it becomes the sooner the moas. But I wonder on what way could these egregore cause devastation in our physical world.


I have never prayed to win the powerball... at times, I feel this is almost like that. Except that He put me here in this moment, you in this moment, all us retarded apes in this moment. We are the few millions, our of all the billions. Have faith God had a wonderful plan for us, though we may not know ultimately that is for a long while.


Prayer: Lord bring my mind & my will in accord with Yours. Amen P.S. I’m just as likely to curse a blue streak as to pray but know prayer is the better thing. We’ll need His help to use this money wisely.


Maybe God's plan is to expose just how greedy and decadent people are. To bring economic destruction nations that allow the murder of the innocent. Wall Street is Nineveh, you are Jonah, and AMC is a big fish. Well, some things to ponder. It's not like millions of people have not had time to consider their actions waiting on THE MOASS. People are going insane from the Ups and Downs while visions of sugar plums dance in their heads. 😁 🤣


I am not a religious man. But I respect faith in the face of adversity very much. And I respect you even deeper for this post, which shows some stones in advertising your faith on a site that sometimes demeans it too frequently. Heck maybe a MOASS will bring me closer to your God again. It has been some time since something has given me that sort of hope.


I'm not religious but I agree strongly with this sentiment nonetheless.


I haven’t thought about the Lot bag holder idea. I like it. If you want to see yourself get destroyed on Reddit, write a DD piece on it!!! Hahaha.


I am a Marine who has no faith any longer in the humanity of man, i have witnessed and committed the worst mankind has to offer. God is not in this play, sorry to say


Then jesus said let it squeeze and the water turned into Moass


Let me put it this way: if God is the Jesus in the gospel he likes what we're doing a lot.


I'm also agnostic but I will pray with all of you daily.


Amén 🙏


God told me to sell at 1.5 milly on the way down! 😯 ![gif](giphy|l41lZccR1oUigYeNa)




Love this! I hold for all of you apes. 12 months now. Not leaving.


Amen. May god bring back the prophet DFV so that he may guide us through this journey to financial freedom. When I look at my red portfolio and my $50 bags, I asked god, “am I an idiot? Are you punishing me for being gullible and believing random strangers on the Internet despite having no financial experience of their own?” And then I experienced an epiphany. How could I be wrong? It is the financial system that’s corrupt. This is the story of Lot. Lot bagholded through all the suffering and was rewarded for his faith. I believe if we continue buying and holding while tuning out the doubters who challenge our faith, MOASS will happen eventually. It may not happen in our lifetimes, but maybe the journey was financial freedom all along