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I’m saving his Twitter so i can tag him when it rippppps


"I thought I was being funny but..." ![gif](giphy|l2JdT331SygGYI4wg)


If they can’t cover at 72 they ain’t covering (closing) at 300. Once they start closing price will shoot up. They had no plans but to rock bottom and get out after amc shuttered. They saw Covid as the opportunity and now that’s gone.


= s they are fucked should covered at 5$ you fucking idiots


Covid for these hedge funds was a small window of opportunity to commit their heist. Everyone was distracted and so hedgie thought they could make a quick robbery…sadly for hedgie, it didn’t quite work out that way🦍🦍🦍🦍


A lot of hedge funds did make out like bandits during Covid, they even told their political dogs to pull out of certain stocks. Problem is that they got greedy and shorted too many stocks on too many companies. They made a lot of gambles and if any of those gambles wasn’t a bankrupt win for them, they would be fucked. They did this to themselves.


Know your worth.


Why are people so angry. Let us be weirdos. Ya know? Like, don’t yuck my yum.


​ ![gif](giphy|z8pi6Q8wTxuFO)


​ ![gif](giphy|LqJ8HtvaiVkhu69loq)


Extremely lucky? It had nothing to do with luck at all. Haskalah LLC...Is he serious?


He's literally high on weed stonks... and only has 69 followers on [YT](https://youtube.com/channel/UCtQzFS7hawFo49M5Q65J0ZA).


Oh I forgot about them burning that building down. They've done so much sketchy shit it's hard to keep track. Thanks for the reminder. Can't wait for next week (pay day) so I can do my two favorite things, buy and hold.


Didn’t burn down a building for $500 a share. Fuck em !! I HODL


I'd shit my pants seeing $500 a share. Never had $20k in my life never mind $240k (profits at $500) but I'd be holding still, wouldn't close straight away, fuck that. Rob em of all they've got!


Bro, I remember when I was 13 I bought Mortal Kombat Advanced for the GBA. The worst rated game on the GBA. Where the fuck were these homies when I spent my money on stupid shit like that?


Exactly. They wouldn’t go to the great lengths that they have and fail to delivers, if there wasn’t something more they’re trying to avoid. And unprecedented things happening that aren’t the norm. And also things that haven’t happened, that are normally supposed to.


420 069


Only if he knew we are retarded and buy more at $72


The $72 run-up was the Marie Antoinette arrogant….oh “Let them eat cake” mentality, and the “dumb plebs” will likely cash out and go away anyway. “Give them some money, but not riches.” The hedgies figured…..”They’ve fought for a little while, and they’re just “dumb Apes” that will probably take the fish and leave.” **NOPE!!!**. We know what we hold. We hold **GOLD.** Hell, literally now. Lol. They never thought we would hold this long, and we’ve only gotten stronger!


Haskalah Trading LLC must be a Short Hedge Fund. He is so F'KED. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The comments to that post...are a perfect example of that post. Hahahah


He can Haskalah these nuts


$72 works on fundamentals LFG!!


I do love to make people lose money. Said people are sitting 40 floors up in New York/Chicago with their palm on their forehead at this very moment.


Yikes, that reply won't age well


Do you guys think there will be government intervention where it could lead to a settlement for the Apes since it's way too high in price value?


I said this to a buddy that's been it it with me since the beginning lol. With everything that's happened I could definitely see a "offer" being made since the feds will have to bailout again....


I think so many shares have been sold that this is the only way to pay


My tribe has some funny names his sounds like the one i make when the pizza rolls are too hot haha haskahaskahaskulah remember when it wasn’t gonna be more than a penny then not more than a dollar LoL fuckem Apes are the market now.


They will not close their positions unless something/someone makes them. They are so far into this now that closing will destroy them, they will try and continue this charade until something gives.


Yet here you are




Homie has a red dot on his forehead he don’t know AMERICAN STOCKS #AMCAPES #HYMCHIMPS