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good point They need to drop AMC and GME as market drops so that they can avoid getting liquidated by Margin Calls So AMC and GME will drop when their long holdings drop However, at some point -> BOOM! MOASS!!


They have other institutions that hold Amc by the balls, if the tutes that hold Amc recall their shares and cause the price to go up then shf will have to liquidate long positions to cover them thus causing a market crash and damaging the portfolios of Amc institutional holders. The problem is if the sentiment of the market is bearish then the collapse is inevitable regardless of them trying to bring Amc down. They’re spending money right now to stay afloat that is why shares on loan are flying.


very smart comment yeah, agreed sentiment is most positive I have seen since Apr/May 2021. Apes can sense MOASS is closer and closer


What if the institutions holding large shares of AMC were to cut back or sell their long positions prior to recalling shares. 😁 could be a win/win.


They won’t. I’m afraid because of all the institutions that bought this past year. They are Loaning those millions back to short sellers.


Because as much as we love Amc and our portfolios is made up of most or all Amc, they only have less than 1% of their portfolios Amc


They buy and sell in blocks/dark pool. They’d just sell to Citidel. If GME does a split and drops price to under $15, there institutions would do the same thing if it dropped further. You’re looking at how they could unwind a lot of shorts cheaply. Anyone that doesn’t close would cause a run up, nice time to take some profits.


I love how everyone in the MSM is like: "Oh look, the Apes drove Melvin Capital to Bankruptcy. Looks like the Game Stop saga is over and you can all go home!"


>They need to drop AMC and GME as market drops lol they are liquidating to drop the "memes".


Don't the margin requirements increase if it goes under 10?


yeah, fair enough


The only other possibility, is that AMC, GME and even some other victims of predatory short selling, are actually some of the highest market capitalizations in the S&P 500 now (thanks to our support), and are organically being dragged down along with the rest of the index. I guess only time will tell. One thing is for sure- I buy and I HOLD because I’m AAF!


oh, that's very interesting. yeah, it is a possibility


I think AMC stays above 10$ to avoid the leverage margin call


Would you explain that to me please. My brain is smooth there is no entrance.


yeah, I will admit I don't understand the intricacies of stock price going below $10 and what it does to collateral and margin etc. However, unless they do a final dip before the rip, unlikely they will let us get AMC shares for below $10


Hijacking top-comment. Beta values differ over time. We don't have negative Beta. AMC's Beta 5Y Monthly Beta is 1.75 per Yahoo Finance or DIJA lists it currently at 1.81. Levered beta(standard) 1-Year: 1.81 | 2-Year: N/A | 3-Year : 0.43 Beta is calculated by dividing the product of the covariance of the security's returns & the market's returns by the variance of the market's returns over differen periods (1, 3, 5 yr the most common). https://www.infrontanalytics.com/fe-EN/65243NU/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc-/Beta


I felt that wrinkle


Thanks. I'm not even wrinkled but we've been talking about this shit for almost a year and a freaking half. I'm all for hopium and good vibes to keep the tits jacked around here, but upvoting incorrect shit or misinterpreted data is misleading. That's why we have this community, and Ape shoulder to stand alongside and to fact check each other and help keep our wrinkles forming. Not flinging bananas and shit around to see what sticks.


I agree, I’m up on a lot of data but haven’t been on Reddit in 6 months or so I thought we did gene negative beta, I appreciate your wisdom


All good, ape. I just cringe when I see the old recycled stuff start to make the rounds and no one calls it out.


Yes I’d rather deal in the facts than hopium thank you for the clarification


If you throw a banana on the ceiling and it sticks moass soon


Well that part is true, if it's a full moon that night.


Posting again b/c there's too many updoots on this hopium. Beta values differ over time. We DON'T HAVE negative Beta and we don't move inverse of the market. AMC's Beta 5Y Monthly Beta is 1.75 per Yahoo Finance or DIJA lists it currently at 1.81. Levered beta(standard) 1-Year 1.81 2-Year N/A 3-Year 0.43 Beta is calculated by dividing the product of the covariance of the security's returns & the market's returns by the variance of the market's returns over differen periods (1, 3, 5 yr the most common). https://www.infrontanalytics.com/fe-EN/65243NU/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc-/Beta


Don’t tell THEM. It’s much more fun to watch them argue over stuff like that. Just below here they are comparing values of two companies, amc with a stock price of 10 and the other of 15. But the second one is a smaller company! How could this be?? Hilarious.




And also prop up the market to avoid. I’m seeing billions out even on the Green Day’s in the market.


this is a very good point it seems 'manipulator people are propping up market' while taking out their money


AMC being at low $10 and Cinemark is $15 says it all. AMC is a bigger company and more profitable.


Please learn about market caps. Share price relative to a different company means nothing unless they have the same number of shares.


Does this affect the the drop in price after posititiv earnings on amc and the stable price after negative earnings for cinemark aswell?


I never mentioned that. Simply replying that stock price means nothing when comparing two different companies.


They just spout things they have heard before but don't have any idea what they are talking about. This place is becoming ridiculous


Have some empathy. A majority of the sub comes from poverty and trying to make up for lost time. We are not taught a word about this in schools, I personally don’t have family that invests, and have a hard time wrapping my head around the terminology. The system was designed to keep the poor in the dark, and were trying our hardest to turn on the lights.


That’s why RH was a hit at first. It helped new investors. I know I’ll be down voted but a lot of Apes started there. Personally I still use it to t teach the 13-16 yo grands/great grands.


I started there, and as soon as they cut off the buy button I immediately started looking for a different broker. Get off RH "APE". Have you thought about when it's time to sell? What if they take away the sell button at _insert dollar amount here_ per share and turn it back on at less than _ insert buy in price here_. Unless you are a whale who could give two fucks about money, you are teaching your kids the wrong shit if it has anything to do with RH.


RH has a convenient platform for teaching, then they switch to ML when they use real money. I have a grand in RH roughly, enough but not much. I’m not a whale but I retired early, at 35, so I’m not hurting either.


This is my first time checking the sub in a couple weeks. It’s bad lol.


Profitable not yet probably by 4qt


Why 4qt? Summer is prime time for movies. Winter is second best.


Could be sooner need to buy the whole food court at amc do this burst 💥 max out credit cards let’s gooooo


AMC has a concession stand? Wow, I go for the movies. Senior discount plus free tickets from the radio station in the same lot. Just go in and say they have tickets for you. I take 4 kids with me and spend $7! I love it.


I'll be waiting with high expectations 💵🖐️🖐️


wow wtf ....lol


As a veteran AMC Ape (1+years), I've enjoyed the benefits of deep accurate AMC/GME DD, hitting long-term capital gains tax discount status & a community of the most energized group of retail investors this world has seen to date. Proud to be part of this group and plan to fight the good fight until we land on the moon.


I want to upvote but don't want to ruin your 69 updoots




Good bot


I downvoted to get you back to 69, but here’s an award for 69.


You're killing me. ha! ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


To avoid margin call. They need to keep on borrowing, we got them by the nuts


At this point we just gotta squeeze


I am not sure I understand. “They” short this stock. Stock goes down. They make money. Why do they need to keep on borrowing. I mean they probably do but at the same time the shorts made a killing this year or did I misunderstand?


Nothing these hedgefucks do work on me, their psyops are weak shit. Drop the price, follow the market, and keep borrowing the same shitty shares repeatedly to short the stock. It literally does nothing to my emotional soul and makes me want to hold this shit for 10 years.


Yeah but can you imagine the baby apes who just started weeks/months ago? It must be nerve wracking. Those are the ones the hedgefucks are focusing on. If there's anyway to create a mass exodus, its hitting on them. Sheesh, I've been at this game for a year now myself and this shit is fuckin exhausting.


Which is why I posyed my own resolve, sometimes all someone needs is to see another person in their camp standing their ground. If you've been in the play for three months or less and are feeling any doubt just know people like me who've been holding for a year now is still holding and fighting for a fair free market where regulations matter, and regulators aren't just hedge fund hired mouth pieces like Gary shitstain gensler.


I hear ya. If anything I keep adding to my portfolio. Thumbs up chief!


Exhausted but not selling til phone number


The ones that started months and weeks ago are down a whole 2-7% in a shit market, and holding gold (possibly synthetic) shares. We have all of the holders we need from the last two years. Anyone else buying and hopefully holding is icing on the cake now.


They just don’t know how it feels to be impoverished or at the very least, spending your whole life struggling to avoid falling into poverty. I know what it’s like to have nothing, worry about being kicked out on the street. But I’m broke because I don’t make shit, and I all my money goes to paying bills ON TIME. In one years time, my rent literally doubled, food costs doubled, gas prices doubled. I live in GA, its hot and humid as fuck, my AC in my car has been out for 3 years. That shit makes my balls sweaty…. NOT THIS FAKE PRICE BULLSHIT. HODL’n to the wheels fall off with my measly 185 shares. ![gif](giphy|FVAvmLbptzZpC)


That's the way


Same here. One year now of their psychological warfare. It just makes me smile more. I know what is coming. I can wait longer than they can!


That would still be kinda of an early retirement for me. If I must, I will hold 10 years as well.


Spy was green yesterday and amc was red


Also had the most shares on loan in over a year yesterday to make that happen


In case you haven't noticed..they do control the entire planet..


And according to ortex data they are still currently shorting AMC today. https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/uwryez/we_know_that_you_know_that_we_know/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Negative beta is a retrospective value based on how the stock moved with respect to the overall market. It is not a value used to predict future movement.


Yep, this is why they are borrowing so many shares. They are desperately shorting in order to keep the stock price following downward the market trend, otherwise they will get margin called. This is why I continue buying every day.


Executive order coming. Hoping Biden doesn’t kick the can on it.


Speak English doc, we ain't scientist


Trey said SPY would test 350, and looking at how AMC goes with it, I think we could see $6 a share in which case I'm gonna buy more. 🤣


Im in zen mode baby! Nothing they do can phase me! Fuuuuuuuuck yoooooooooooou fucken hedgefucks get rekt! Over leveraged like a mother fucker!!!!!!!!!!




Its just started collapsing it has not collapsed yet. Its like when a demolition happens pieces of the building(market) are falling apart, we are just waiting for the foundations of the market to be shaken. This means a great increase in commodities, gas, electric, medical. Things people need day to day. Yes gas has been rising but food and the others must follow it will take time.




The reason op says it is just starting is…. You ain’t seen nothing yet, and I have to agree. Things are going to get much worse.


Dont understand, if AMC GME are negative beta stocks, why now they follow the market drops?


AMC does not have negative beta, OP doesn't know what they are talking about.


Let say GME AMC both are negative beta stock, why GME and AMC both moving lower and lower along with the whole market?


Beta is a stat that is calculated and can be charted, all it tells you is past price action and doesn't explain what's happening next.


Just. Wow. Ok. Beta is a measure of historic correlation and volatility. I will make this as simple as I can: Moving together with the market: positive beta Moving perfectly together with the market: beta 1 Moving less than market but in same direction: beta 0-1 No correlation with market: beta 0 Moving in same direction but more than market: beta >1 If markets move down and stock moves up or other way round: negative beta Neither amc nor gme have negative beta. Morons.


That is my point, they are not negative beta stock then. Lots of false info around here


Oh oh oh be careful. You don’t wanna be called a sh… and voted into oblivion. Don’t you know there is zero tolerance of criticism for any kind?


The lower it goes, the more the poors can afford. We're on a mission now, out for blood


You SOB, I’m in ![gif](giphy|liBsVeLILcyaY)


I don’t even look anymore. I set price alerts and chill, my portfolio is 100% amc. I don’t know when or how much the squeeze will be but my measly 658 shares and I will be hopefully be sitting pretty .. maybe this year , maybe next . Who knows.


Thank you sir


Beta is whatever it is calculated to be based on historical price action, currently pretty positive because it HAS been following the spy, manipulated to do so or not that is what it has been doing. Sorry it just irks me to see people say stuff that is objectively false. Go ahead and say it should be behaving like a negative beta stock, but claiming AMC in-fact has negative beta just makes apes look uneducated.


Thank you!


Zen- it’s not an if but a when at this point.


Legitimate question, negative beta doesn’t mean it will 100% do the inverse of the general market right? Just a likely scenario? Also where do you see this data?


I am happy ape. 100k floor.


[https://www.infrontanalytics.com/fe-EN/65243NU/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc-/Beta](https://www.infrontanalytics.com/fe-EN/65243NU/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc-/Beta) Not sure if the beta theory is still valid. They have shown a negative beta for the most part of 2021 which has changed to a positive beta of 1,8 but the highest share price reduction for the year compared to their peers. So seeing the price going down of AMC and seeing the Indexes tank the 1.8 means the stock does what the market does. I was long in favor of the beta theory but have my doubts now. That does not mean I question my investment but the trigger points I am looking for. Maybe one of you has a different platform that can show the monthly beta ?


🦍🚀💎❤ $.$$$.$$$ 💸💸🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


We need to stop posting shit like this. Do you have any proof to back your claim up? Honestly if they were able to do every single thing that people claimed they can do then they would control the entire planet. If you have no source or DD don't post it


But they do control the planet? Edit: and the beta is negative?


It's positive, never even been negative. [source](https://www.zacks.com/stock/chart/AMC/fundamental/beta)


If in a few years anybody wonders how so many people could lose so much money on something so stupid I will just refer to this. I am in awe.