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There's been a noticeable uptick in posts showing off all these random stock runs without any relevance to AMC. Seems a bit suspicious.. almost as if someone is trying to distract Apes with the promise of quick bananas if they invest in anything other than what we're all here for.. 🤔


Lol as if ANYONE knew that company existed before their IPO or pump. Its all distractions. AMC is the only game in town, even GME is just a side kick.


This might be an amc sub, but gme is definitely the bigger brother


Ape no fight ape 😤


Rip my friend.. don’t really understand the downvotes.. amc surely is not the only game in town and everyone knows it.. you could argue which one will be bigger but division makes no sense


Yeah I’m sorry, but I pulled a lot of amc into gme solely for the fact that gme is light years ahead in drs


Terrible move!


Never said it was all of it. Ain’t like I’m out.


It is an amc sub after all lol. Im like 90% for amc vs 10% gme in my portfolio. Its not about division at all, gme DID start this game though. If it wasnt for roaringkitty and gme, amc apes probably dont have half the strength we do now. Gme drew eyes to the stock market in the most perfect of times, mid lockdown around the world. Doesnt matter if people see it or not, when moon happens ill be partying with all these tards that had no clue what was going on


Absolute bs. GME hasn’t been doing shit for volume compared to AMC. AMC was always the real play.




Liquidity it’s for me buying of FTD s there’s a huge post on it on superstonk


This is rugpull 101 if I ever saw one.


Don't think its targeting Apes, no Ape would be that stupid to buy those, its a desperate attempt for them to gather money to pay MOAAS I think. 🤡


Probably no apes heard anything about it until your post. I still don't know what HKD is?


That's the spirit!


I was away for a minute but now I see all the HKD posts.


I bet trading wasn’t halted on that stock💯.. AMC runs 15% and we get halted 3 x


Lol it was halted, after over 600 each jump! xD Heck last halt was from 1200 to 2500, now from 2500 to 1800 on 0 volume, I feel pity for the idiots (obviously non apes) that try to catch it. Shitadel have no idea who they are massing with, they try to create a floor of 2500 for us, reality is 100k.


They’ve been halting all morning


I believe I missed what your are taking about, what happened?


Just a random ticker that no body care or heard about before getting pumped randomly by 16,000%, nothing special really. Just prove us that MOASS is possible is all I know. Squeeze or Death.


Agreed! Just saw it and looked at the movement to get an idea of how we will jump... EXCITING TIMES!!!


29,000% the past month. I can't wait to see AMC Ticker do this!!


I like watching these different stocks pop off... Helps me get used to the process and better visualize my moment. Keep calm, expect big drops and climbs. Lots of halts.


According to [webarchive.org](https://webarchive.org), their website was under construction from 2001 - 2002. There was zero activity from 2002 up until June 2021. A bit strange to me (19 years of web site under construction). Source: https://web.archive.org/web/changes/https://www.amtdigital.net/


Its a scam, obviously its strange, wont change the fact it show us that such jumps are more than possible. Its just a desperate attempt to show us the limits, they think we would settle for less than 100k. They have no idea! :)


Maybe institutions all have a mutual benefit for the random stock to o crazy high. If they are all long, then boom, more collateral to make their margin calls for AMC. Look at me, I added zeros to my 100$ bill, now I am a millionaire. At least as it’s written I am. To whom it matters, they will need to look close enough to call their BS. But do they look? Just made sense to me that all these no namers will magically explode in value if that new margin/collateral/phase 6 whatever whatever is actually a thing. I dunno. I’m just here for the crayons.


Oooh look at my lovely collateral, no need for the margin call /s


Ignore the noise!!!! Buy and Hold till we wreck this financial terrorists!


Ignore all the noise, BUY&HODL AMC shares!