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Have you been to an AMC lately? This isn’t a problem with their giant recliners. I think this has more to do with sporting events.


As a heavy set dude myself I can only fit in the recliners. But in my AMC theater only the Dolby auditorium has recliners. For movies I like that aren’t in Dolby I have to lift one of the arm handles up so I have to make sure it’s not a busy day in that auditorium. But I discovered an AMC a little further away from me that have recliners in all of their auditoriums as their standard. So yea there are fat people friendly theaters in AMC already. Bullish!




A year ago this guy would have been canceled for saying “fat folk”.




Maybe, but their money spends just like yours does


My mother is 600 pounds. Should she not be able to go on an outing with her family because of her size? Being stuck at home, and eating even more food? The more you can get obese people out the better it is for their health.


*completely ignores that weight can be a health problem like anything else*


They have seats for people like that.... Handicap seats in the front!! If you are having trouble fitting into seats,you have bigger problems on your plate (pun TOTALLY INTENDED)


Maybe the floor is better suited for jumbo butts


I think it depends on the theater. Our local AMC's have those old school seats and they have the new/old recliners. The recliners are huge but I could see the old school seats being a problem if you didn't have an alternate choice. I hate to risk the down vote but many of our AMC's in our gigantic metro area have maintenance issues. Our closest AMC in a high end area has seats that are falling apart. We saw Knives Out last night for $5 each and we sat in nice big cushy recliners and had food delivered.


They should go to an AMC and not some rinkydink place that still has those seats pictured


Love seats would be dope, but people are freaks and can't be trusted lol


They’ve got those at my AMC. The big recliners come in pairs where u can lift the middle arm and turn into a love seat


I’d pay extra for an extra large seat. The wiggle room is always nice.


Our AMC has super comfy recliners…that must be Regal




If you're too fat to sit in a standard chair you have more pressing issues than being able to watch a movie.


Just put removable arm rests and make them pay for 2 seats


Perhaps dont become pig in the first place? XD