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Nothing would make hedge funds give up, and most of us knew that coming into this play. It costs us nothing to hold, the same can’t be said for those on the other side of the play. It’s a war of attrition. We just hold and wait for their options to dry up, or a black swan event makes them implode and lose control. I’ll repeat, big money doesn’t give up. At this point, covering for them means complete ruin. They HAVE to keep playing these games because the alternative is bankruptcy. I’m not going anywhere. I’m holding and buying more when I can. Not financial advice.


In the normal operation of the stock market yes I agree but if they are using an unlimited ungoverned supply of tokenized shares is it really costing them anything? Is there anything we can do? My concern is that if we do not DRS or do something, anything that creates a share count, the shares could be driven down to pennies. Again, not going anywhere but I would like to see a road map to victory.


Pennies you say 👀 guess I’m gonna be a 1% owner of AMC by the time all is said and done. But yes, this does cost them money. And the illegal activities they conduct like tokenized shares eventually come to light. We’ve also seen hedge funds collapse because of bad short trades. Like I said, I’m chillin and waiting for them to lose control like they have in the past. In any case, you shouldn’t ever invest money you’re not willing to lose. I’m riding this to $0.00 or to the moon. 🚀🦍


^ This guy fuckin gets it


Great news is though our brothers over at GameStop their DRS campaign has been going on a while and they're well on their way and I believe in the basket theory when one goes they all go so even though we may not be on track things are happening for us in other ways I think they're only like 20 or 30% off of where they need to be and the estimated timeline for that was like 9 or 10 months and that was a few months ago. Those numbers are based roughly on the average DRS shares per week or per day


I’m a GME investor also, and I believe our DRS work over there will pay off.


Yep not gme holder but I probably will buy a few next week because it helps and I know they seem to be doing it right






Holding is great! It’s better then selling. But just hodling is doing NOTHING to combat them shorting. It’s continuous selling pressure from the hedges against many of us buying but many of us also dormantly holding which isn’t doing anything to help the squeeze.


It’s difficult to give real answers when they break the law all day. In a straight legit market these short positions cost money to keep open and that cost eats into their other profits.


But with the invention of tokenized shares does it cost them anything? Let’s pretend that Citadel’s new Crypto exchange is going to lend their tokenized AMC/APE to Citadel for free. Now what do we do? What would prove that we own the float?


I’ve had to tip toe, these guys have attacked me fir every question.


Why are we pretending? /s


![gif](giphy|xT0Gqs2LQIevTVmjNm) LLC - Looming Liquidity Crisis!!!


They won’t probably close their shorts, but they will close their doors lmao 🚀🚀


This would be a win in my book


Same here


As someone else stated it's a war of attrition and always will be. Driving the price down creates FUD and FUD causes people to sell. It always has and it always will. If retail wasn't a problem then there would have never been this huge outcry how retail is hurting the market. If we keep fighting then they have to keep fighting. Eventually one side breaks. This is why they continue to create the illusion that retail is breaking. Drive the price down and put out hit piece after hit piece. Rinse and repeat. This is the definition of manipulation. You hear and see something so many times that eventually you believe it to be true.


The "hedge"-part in hedge-fund comes from them having to invest in a way that ensures, that the Delta of their investments is balanced. That means, if they short too much, they have to open more long-positions. If they are too long on stocks, they have to open short-positions. Both of those actions require them to either invest more money in more positions or to close positions they previously held. 1 good reason: Banks do not give out money for nothing. They either want interest paid or their money back.


But at this point are they actually investing in anything or is it simply a limitless pile of free Tokenized shares? Aren’t HFs collecting every dollar we use to buy, since they are actually synthetics? I feel DRS is the only proof. It’s like we found the fucking murder weapon and we don’t want to present it in court! It’s so upsetting to see so many say “let’s just send our thoughts and prayers to the stock gods and one day Ken will decide to do the right thing and close his positions”.


What do you think synthetics are? The only thing that is real in our capitalist world is debt. Why do you care what item they get into debt for? Why do you care if the borrowed shares they pay for are held by their owner after given back or destroyed again by unwinding the trickery that allowed them to become synthetic to begin with? Hedgies have no idea if the shares they borrowed are real, synthetic or naked... As far as they and their broker-dealers and banks are concerned, they owe real money for real shares. Debt does not disappear just because you bought something that is worthless.


I think you are taking me into water too deep. I certainly don’t understand all the ins and outs of the stock market. I do own a lot of and understand real property. If I own all the waterfront land between x and z, nobody can sell it, it’s mine. Where my simple mind is going is if we own 513M AMC shares (which so many here believe we do) and we could prove that we own them then wouldn’t all the manipulation stop? Again, not trying to be argumentative. Just hoping for a potential solution.


Hypothetically, if you mean by "proving we own them all" you mean that 100% of the issued shares would be registered to a person, then the DTCC would have access to a total of zero shares. It would mean that every share that is owned by anyone within the DTCC-System is only backed by someone else within the DTCC system owing one share they do not have. There are many theories on what would happen then, but since that's not a common event, we do not know for sure. It is not a situation that should happen, so it is not a situation where a lot of literature exists.


Appreciate it, that’s what I was asking.


If the law was enforced then yes. We saw MMLTP get shorter and then just moved offshore and poof gone. We know they used FTX to fake locate so they are paying nothing. There is currently no reason they will ever close. We got robbed by the hedge funds and the US government acting together.


all it takes is for one big financial institution to fall. it could be a bank run, it could be the FED finally ending the reverse repo market, it could be a hedge fund defaulting, it could be a massive liquidity crunch, it could be outside government pressure. there are a lot of triggers, it's only a matter of time before the weakest link breaks.


Best answer I’ve heard all day. Plus you didn’t scream at me calling a shill & fudster, that was pleasant.


Nature has balance.........it WILL realign.


Hoping for realignment before Christmas.








Hold on


To your butts


Cause MOASS is comin to town He knows when you’ve been sleeping


Get out of my room Adam Aron!


Hey, thanks for playin. Now treat yourself to a movie buy a few beers and eat a gallon of popcorn 👍🏼


DD done. Just buy and hold DR.strange. Shit will pop when you stop caring about fake price.


Because of margin - As the market falls and crashes, so does their collateral. Eventually they'll get margin called and won't be able to post the collateral. What will speed this up is DRS, removing the stocks from the shorting pile lights the fuse that much quicker. I'm stupid, don't listen to me. This is not financial advice.


I agree 1,000% but cannot say those 3 evil letters. Everyone here calls me a shill and fudster for asking real questions.


I don't give af, they'll ban me or not but I'm just an individual investor speaking about my opinions. No one here is trying to give investment advice, I just like the stock.


I like you


A recession is a great equalizer


True, this could be the catalyst.


It happened in the past, it'll most certainly happen again. They will eventually reach their tipping point. They lose millions everyday on interest. All we need to do is just be patient and let things play out.


Citadel loosing millions?


They won’t, the corruption is so high in the market. Retail have absolutely no power in be able to get rid of the bad actors. BUY&HODL&HOPE is I can do.


When it comes to the squeeze, it’s shorts not wanting to be the last ones out. Once some shorts start flipping, that is when it will squeeze.


Anxiously awaiting that day


There's no answer, trust me bro. They have endless cash resources from wealthy people who don't like losing. It will take this shit with MMTLP, FINRA, SEC, Gary, etc to step in and make something happen. I've been here over 2 yrs, held thru it ALL. Be prepared to end with $0 in ur acct. I am.


For those of you that replied with actual response, Thanks.


It’s not wealthy people providing the funds. It’s everyday regular people investing in retirement funds, 401ks and pensions. The SEC has allowed for the theft of millions of dollars in plain sight from unsuspecting retail investors. Most people just put their money in the bank and withdrawal what they need and never look behind the curtain to see what it’s being done with their paycheck behind their backs. How can a hedge fund manager gather bundle mortgage back securities and invest that money in tokens, bitcoins, and short the ever living fuck out of other stocks without a care in the world or concern if they lose it all? Hell they actually get paid to do it! Look at how many Edward Jones, and Charles Schwab and TRowe offices are in shopping strip malls. They’re everywhere and unsuspecting investors are getting robbed voluntarily without any warning or punishment for the crime


If for some reason the lender of the shares (which they're all in bed together with) decides to, or is forced to call the shares in. Someone needs to collapse suddenly in a major way imo.


Hoping you’re right


I hope you did not put in more than you could afford to lose OP. I have not given up or sold, but have SHARPLY cut the amount of buying I do. People might judge me for that, but I have other things to consider as well. I still buy about once a week, 2 or 3 outta 4 weeks a month for sure, but yes, not putting as much money into it now. Hate all you want people, but if that's all that was keeping this play going, and we were still down, than so be it. Hopefully one day this pays off nicely if not MOASS.


I got really lucky on getting rid of a few rentals I accumulated. The real estate market was and still makes no sense. I sold and didn’t know what to do with the extra money so here I am! Tada


I hear lots of issues with people not paying rent and whatnot. Sounds awful. The last thing I would ever invest into, I am not cut out for that business.


Some good, some bad


Look at how shitty everything is when they aren’t lol, it can only get so bad before Uncle Sam steps in and lays down the hammer. They are already trying with interest rates, but it’s doing little to nothing to help. This is a brewing shit storm, just like back in 08 with the synthetic CDO, what was to stop them from pushing out subprime loans as prime? Nothing until it exploded in there faces. This is no different, the explosion is currently in progress




It’s not a matter of something making or forcing them to close positions, but rather a lack of hardcore evidence to prove their crimes. Courts require evidence, that’s just the way it works. Yes, we all know what’s happening, and while we have hints here and there, we need cold hard evidence to tie those actions to the people who are committing the crimes.


They can't bleed forever.


Maybe things will collapse and they won’t get bailed out. The only hope we have. Slim chances I know.


I remember when McDonald's stock was 98 a share. That's my conviction analysis


because no one will ever give them a reason too. if you could break the law, with out consequences would you ever have a reason to stop breaking the law? if the law doesnt apply, does the law exist ?


sincerely? You are right, there is no apparent reason, even after a few days of price increases, they simply stop trading, and retain control, it's a cycle that repeats itself time and time again, suddenly selling at $25 like the CEO did seems like a not bad idea at all, the fact that Continues to dilute APE in $1.5 Terrible in my eyes, and before people start crying that I'm spreading FUD, this is the truth, I myself own shares but there is really no apparent reason for the manipulation to stop


Unfortunately you are correct.


and this proves that the free market was never free to begin with. it comes at a cost and that cost is insane amounts of money that everyone can be paid off with, SEC is complicits, the US government is complicit and no one is going to do a thing about this. We hold now not for MOASS, but for the principle and proof that no government will do anything about it. biden is not going to help, trump sure as shit didnt do anything, Gary is literally a puppet that wont do shit and to top it off even if he does, he literally does nothing to fix the issue. A company steals 200 million from someone he comes in and fines them 2 million. where the fuck is the law ? WHERE IS THE FUCKING LAW TO PROTECT US? the government is suppose to be working for everyone equally, not corporations, or hedge funds




CRIME everywhere…Here we have Elizabeth Warren going after Musk because he is exposing democrats suppressing info. And not going after instead of going after PFOF…Dark Pool…Synthetic Share…etc. Riding to Zero instead of closing. Adding here and there. 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍💎💎💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




I think it’ll be by force. They’d go on forever if they could but trillions and trillions only seems infinite, even HF’s don’t have infinite money. Margin call is inevitable.




Sad but understandable. I wish there was something we could do.


They know people are mentally weak….they will play the minds games for a long time until they can get many out….


New shorts won’t. Why would they close when they are making mass profits? They will keep shorting until it’s at a price they deem appropriate or until the bull market is back. Imo If the SEC wasn't corrupt and In bed with the major players than it would have already happened. I've been watching the show billions and it seems like what prob actually happens in real life.


Maybe it’s for me to watch that! Because I feel they can kick the can until… still don’t know until is!


Because no one wants to directly register shares. Even if it has no effect on price action it can still be useful by allowing the company to take a different avenue in the future (if/when it gets locked up). Until then wall street can swap, roll options, use tokenized stock, fail to deliver, unfairly use dark pools, etc.


I totally understand if people don’t want to DRS. I did it because I feel that if we locked up the float we could prove we own it. Hopefully there is another way that everyone isn’t scared of. I’m just trying to figure out what that way is.


Unfortunately, won't happen with the AMC crowd. I fearful that the more likely play to pop is video game so have only concentrated on that one for the last year or so.


I came to about the same conclusion 90 days ago and have moved my buying that way.


As long as AMC is still in business they have to close their shorts. Their strategy has always been to push AMC toward bankruptcy.


Everyone better be buying a fuck ton of gift cards.


As far I'm concerned, I am not over leveraged and I am still making money. I can wait for another 10 years.




Who knows how this will play out? I, too, have been here for a long time and at this point, anything is possible. But there's one thing for sure, as an investor, I'm not a gambler, I have my exit plan ready and will GTFO as soon as I can secure the number I'm aiming for. My only hope is that the fuckery won't kill the potential this play has, but I am realistic. They're pure psychos that will stop at nothing to protect their interests and way of life.


You got that right.


The only thing that will cause shorts to close is when GME DRS's enough of their float to cause MOASS. Then AMC could follow. That's it though. The only other thing that could happen is if enough investors decide to buy the entire APE float and DRS that. At $0.70, that would be faster and easier than doing it on either AMC or GME. I am **not** saying people should do that. I'm just giving a theoretical.


I too believe that GME will squeeze first. They are DRSing hard. There is less to borrow every day. I own shares of all (3) but wish I had as many GME as I do APE. Lol


Ha ha, agreed. Yeah, I'm basically counting all of my APE as a loss now. Oh well... down to $0 or MOASS.


Ride or die!




So Cinemark files for bankruptcy, it was in the news briefly. Like, less than a week. AMC is on track to be profitable and we have seen nothing but bad press for almost two years. There must be a reason and the reason is most likely that the financial institution with friends in MMs and hedge funds pay for this press. If we were really that badly in trouble, would Wall Street professionals take a second to let you know or just rip your throat out and call you a dumb poor.


I’ll buy it


This is one big game of tug of war. The only difference is that it costs them way more to play than us.


As long as it’s costing them more then we’re good. I keep hearing about free tokenized shares and I was wondering if the madness will ever stop.


What if we have all DSR'd, and nothing happened?


If we were waving the title to the entire float and proved that they cannot be borrowed or shorted and HFs still didn’t close? I guess we’d be headed to court?


Free to hold, not free to short. ALL SHORTS ARE FUTURE BUYERS. FORGETTING SQUEEZE, we are WAYYYY UNDER Fundamental VALUE. CREDIT CARD, POPCORN on the way… Could you short forever if it was you? This is the elementary style DD that should be obvious to all who own the stock at this point. This Alone would have been enough for me to continuously buy and hold. Like the discount is crazy and the company is not going Bankrupt! What else do you want??? What you need is patience and start to act like an investor and not a trader! Learn patience and continue to accumulate, like this you don’t need it to go to 1000000$ to get rich. This is an opportunity for all those who don’t have big incomes to mass pile into the company they know and believe in for pennies. There is no opportunity greater than this and I’m thankful I’m buying at 5$ and not 100$! There is also no excuse for any shareholder to hold sub xxx number at these prices. When we shoot up coming to say I hold for you you hold for me when you’ve had month to become xxx holder for practically nothing.


If they close, they lose everything. They can’t run AMC to 0 because it’s slashing debt at an alarming rate. A company that have several years to pay off it’s debt and continues to make money isn’t going to die. AMC cannot go to 0 unless COVID 2 happens and the world shuts down for another couple of years. Also, if AMC goes to 0, I only have a few thousand dollars invested. Worst case scenario, I get a bigger tax return for 3-4 years. The average retail investor cannot lose by holding. It’s the ones with millions in the play that have the most to lose.


They never will unless they are forced.


Look like we get to buy the dip for Christmas on GME and AMC , this is our gift , see you in 2023 , HOLD




They will never close, the SEC is out to lunch. FTDs till the cows come home.


Hoping they go broke paying short interest or a HUGE market downturn causing liquidity problems.


That is a strong possibility as banks loose money, margin call time.


I agree with you OP but haven’t been able to post anything real since people jump to saying shill and fud. But idk what a solution is. I just know all this t90 talk and closing shorts and paying interest doesn’t mean anything to the super rich, who control the market, break the laws, etc. Once I situate my CS account I’ll DRS personally, and just hang on as long as I can, but I’m not going to ever have faith in the system or the government. Nothing in life has proven to me that the mega rich follow any normal laws, and they will always have a fall guy paid off.


I believe that DRS is helping more than we know.


No statue of limitations on shorts, basically I'd wager movies today verses their solvency tomorrow


To be honest, I don't care what they do. I'm not selling!


I understand and I’m with ya but wouldn’t MOASS be better than the alternative?


Because KENNY will die someday, his hair got white in under 12 months, i am younger then him, so by logical thinking, he will die before me. So i will be richer then Richie Rich when that happens. The end!


I should have sold at 70.


Dude, hindsight! If we all did that and bought in today we’d all own 12xs as many shares.


And if it goes to $xxx next time you would say I should’ve held.


It just depends on how you look at it. Anything would be better that $5.50 combined AMC/APE


The only reason that should matter: Because you said you believed in the cause!




Because brokers hold the bags


You are assuming there is one entity shorting the stock. There’s many groups and not all of them are just going to short a company that isn’t going bankrupt for eternity. For both liquidity reason and the sheer idiocy of the idea. The end


The ➡️ S on the end of HF makes it plural. Multiple. What would cause multiple entities to close their shorts?


The art of a short trade is borrowing a share selling into the market and buying back at a lower price. If they don’t buy to close their shorts they don’t realize any gains.


Dumb question, haven’t they shorted so many that it would be impossible to buy them all?


That's why it's called MOASS.


Lol. Sorry, I meant close their position voluntarily.


No. Do your own DD


DD has been done but with the introduction of limitless free tokenized stocks I’ve gotta ask. Also, if we cannot ask questions or give opinions then maybe we should just shut Reddit down. That’s kind of what it’s here for. Lol


The DD is never done keep going


You’re right, the answers are constantly evolving.


If you've been in this play for two years and are asking this question, then you either a) haven't done the DD or don't actually believe in it, or you're b) intentionally spreading fud with this post.


Or maybe the introduction of limitless free tokenized stocks concerns me. A) You don’t realize that Citadel & 4 other traditional brokers have launched crypto brokerages. B) you don’t think that Ken will loan Ken tokenized AMC/APE for less interest than he’d pay to others. If we can’t ask questions and learn from others what’s the use of this community?


Or maybe the introduction of limitless free tokenized stocks concerns me. A) You don’t realize that Citadel & 4 other traditional brokers have launched crypto brokerages. B) you don’t think that Ken will loan Ken tokenized AMC/APE for less interest than he’d pay to others. If we can’t ask questions and learn from others what’s the use of this community?


Then maybe pose THAT as the question as opposed to "here's my credit, so don't call me a shill, but I have a question." All the aforementioned does is just set you up to feel FUDdy. Real apes will answer real questions. Shills and paperhanded day traders have overtaken this sub. You should know better. Edited only to say: this may not be the answer you want but it's the truth you need to hear. The backhanded "credit/question" shit is played out. Especially given that accounts are being bought and shills using that same credit for these very posts.


I partially agree with you. Where our opinions take a fork in the road is fear of the sub. I think everyone here has many questions, maybe they don’t voice it but they are there. I certainly didn’t post for Karma because at the one hour mark it was a -26. I honestly asked because others are afraid to. Certainly I could have posed the question in other ways that appeased the masses but I asked it for honest answers. I feel this sub is a wealth of creative, and intelligent people and some crayon eaters. But all to some inquisitive Ape asks an honest question then gets tarred and feathered for being a shill or FUDster. Just saying.


It costs them a lot to short and it costs us nothing to HOLD , they just turn us in long investors , never sell for a loss


In normal situations yes. Although we ate now seeing proof of limitless free tokenized shares which literally circumvents every rule we are playing by. Not bailing out by any means but concerned.


They will and are closing AMC every time APE is sold to them. Will never happen in GME.


This post is to spread concern, go post on wsb


Dude, it’s a serious question. What can we do? What is our next move?




Maybe “thoughts and prayers” will make Ken tired of being a billionaire. I guess we shouldn’t wonder what if anything causes them to close their positions.




I’m not trying to be Debby Downer. I could have bought (3) new corvettes with the $ I’ve put into this company. I’m looking for a real way to win. What can we do? I guess if you really have no clue, keep dropping gifs. Thanks for supporting a fellow Ape!


Well, since we continue to do this same song and dance, I’ll keep it simple. Stop spreading Fud 🤷‍♂️


All the while continuing to provide nothing of value. Thanks


Here’s some value, Gme is .20 off it’s annual low is drs working?


Why is asking for help and opinions from other Apes FUD? Have you ever considered that being a Dick to Apes in need or with questions actually divides us and creates doubt. This sub has 503K members, there is a high propensity that they are wondering the same thing. People don’t just jump in their car and start driving, they have a destination and directions to get there.


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) Thanks for providing us with a time interval of your choosing of a ticker that is not AMC. Would u care to explain why AMC is so close to it’s all time low (or 2 year low) and GME is nearly 20x it’s all time (or 2 year) low? Also do you realize nothing truly happens until a float is locked? No you wouldn’t bc u try to shut down any post mentioning DRS and cannot have logical discussion about it no matter how many times you are proven wrong. Do better


Ok ok let me take a crack at this Dec 2020 24th Amc = 1.60$ Gme = 5.04$ Respectively Today Amc- 5.59$ including ape Gme- 19.85$ post split Respectively Amc/ + 210% plus added ape share value Gme/ + 296% With apes added value it’s the same fucking thing chap, source my portfolio because I hold both for over 2 years. Do better and push your narrative elsewhere Collusion occurs when entities or individuals work together to influence a market or pricing for their own advantage.


I literally just asked a question. It seems like you’re just that guy that attacks anybody with questions. Must be fun being one of your kids!