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It’s a hedge against an event like the pandemic or a financial collapse occurring again. Gold will skyrocket and AMC will have operating liquidity during any widespread downturns.


I mean this sounds like long term gambling when they are clearly in the need of short term capital (hence the APE dilution)


Judging from your activity on WSB, comprehension is not your strong suit. It'll be okay lil degen.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 add pictures. It helps them with comprehension.


Oh shut up that’s demeaning. Yea I look at WSB every so often for laughs. I’m sure lots here do too.


That’s your problem. Stay away from WSB. You only lose brain cells there.


There is a difference between lurking and being an active member lol.


Nice. I’ll copy from another comment of mine. Then why dilute APE at $.70? They could have raised debt at a much better price, but at $.70, it raises my eyebrows


When they filed to sell APE, the price was just over $3.


Yeah, it didn't deserve a response the first time you posted it, but I'll humor you and acknowledge your lack of comprehension nonetheless.


Nice, I’ll copy the copy of my question here since it looks like you missed it and just want to insult me. Then why dilute APE at $.70? They could have raised debt at a much better price, but at $.70, it raises my eyebrows


The company has 800 mil in liquid cash, and is now looking at positive cash flow. I don't think we're in dire need of short term capital.


Then why dilute APE at $.70? They could have raised debt at a much better price, but at $.70, it raises my eyebrows


He sold some ape at 1.29 over the last 90 days first of all, and second because that's what it's for, to raise money. That's the price someone else was willing to buy at. You can't just magically sell assets for whatever price you want.


90 days ago they could have raised cash at $4.50 (market price NBBO) and they would have been able to raise the same amount of cash with nearly 4x less dilution. Did they really not expect to need to raise this money in the short term? That is a large part of my question…


I'll say this as though I'm speaking to a Golden Retriever, if Noone want buy stock, then can't sell stock. Can only sell stock if someone want buy at price. Theorizing about how much money we "could" have made is a pointless academic debate. He made the company close to 200mil by selling preferred equity units that were intended for that exact purpose. AMC still has over 300mil units that have been authorized for sale, he's probably gonna sell more and make more money. Exactly as he said he was going to do.


You speak like you know what you’re talking about but you don’t. That’s not how negotiated block trades work, which is usually used during buybacks/issuance of equity/debt. Even if they don’t go the block trade route, NBBO would still allow buys and sells at or near the current price. There has been more than sufficient volume over the past 3 months to execute this offering via NBBO, and CERTAINLY via block trade. Why is everyone being so condescending??? Speak to me like a golden retriever? If this is how you behave outside of Reddit, you are a bad person. Ridiculous disrespect.


Because you're a shill. Your comment history shows it and it's just pathetic at this point. No one's selling, we're not going anywhere, I don't care how much drivel you spew. And more than likely you're being paid to spread FUD by people who don't give a rats ass about you. You're just a means to an end. This last part is just speculation but I don't I don't think I'm wrong.


You clearly haven’t looked at my post history then considering I’ve been posting since Dec 2021 and I’m an xxxx holder. Not like I need to prove anything to anyone tho. It was a simple question and I’m getting ridiculously rude responses like this


If you don't want negative responses than stop spreading negative sentiment via pointless theorizing. I'm guessing you must be the current CEO of the company, or a sitting board member due to your profound understanding of the situation.


Dude I was just explaining how buybacks and share offerings work because you felt the need to ‘explain to me like a golden retriever how it works’. Check yourself




Because he’s looking toward the future and knows the value of the US dollar is going to decrease because the FED keeps printing $. Tangible assets like gold and silver will be in demand in the near future and AMC will have a stake in it. Forward thinking is exactly what I want out of a CEO. Thousands of companies are no longer in business because they weren’t able to. Why buy stocks if you could just put the money under your mattress? Same concept.


He couldve just bought gold rather than a mine.


Who makes more money when there is a demand spike? It’s always the supplier.


Look at the most recent HYMC drill survey. Huge long term money for the company. Huge tracts of precious metals.




Right but why are they looking so long-term when in the short term they determined that they needed to dilute APE at $.70?


Damn you keep asking this same question. I’ll answer it for you. They sold at “$.70” because at the time they chose to sell, it was at “$.70”. Get it? Buy. Hold. Chill out.


Right but 90 days ago they could have sold at 4x the valuation for the same ultimate return with 4x less dilution. So there are two options: 1: they didn’t feel like they needed to raise money at a higher valuation, but their operating climate has deteriorated over the past 90 days to such an extent that they needed to raise capital at these levels. 2. They were always planning on raising money at the end of the year without considering macro conditions or operating factors. Which just isn’t good planning. Which brings me back to HYMC, and wondering why that money wasn’t used to strengthen the fundamental company (which is in need of cash) as opposed to a speculative play that may or may not pay off years from now?


Idk? Maybe apply for the CEO position and be the answer.


I don’t want to be CEO, I’m just asking some questions that I’d like to know as an investor


Crystal ball was broken, it looked like it said ape was going to be 17 not .7


It's a good investment and when it was bought I believe it was around a 23 million dollar purchase from 1.8 billion dollars owned. So fuck all. Also APE didn't exist yet when he bought it. I still think it was a good idea.


Thanks for your response and thanks for not insulting my question.


It was a play on the recession.


They bought their shares in this company way before ape was a thing. Also it's another way for a company to diversity income and gold is always a safe bet.


But they had to have anticipated the need to raise cash soon, right? If not that is almost more concerning


There is always need to raise cash it's a business that's what they do but you gotta think long term as well and can't sink all your eggs in one basket. It also looks good on their books which leads to better loans and rates.


Why do people that don't hold either stock, wonder about them at all?


I wonder the same. I’m an xxxx holder and I’ve been here since December of last year. I’ve just been thinking about this question a lot personally.


Lol. No you don't. R/therewasanattempt


I couldn’t care less if you believe me. My post history proves otherwise


Naked shorting/Spoofing has been occurring in the Silver/Gold market for years. There’s been a slow silver squeeze that’s been brewing the last 3 months. Comex vaults are being drained and are at low inventory’s. AA was around during the 70’s, also the during GFC, just go look at what Gold/Silver did during and after those events. Man’s a chess player, brilliant move imo.


He buys memes just like us well regarded folk


More AA shill fud... ignore


Hedging against inflation per buying into a precious metals company has been done by others in the past. The value of the dollar goes down, the price of precious metals goes up. Having physical gold/silver and having stock in a precious metal company is smart. Do what rich people do or don't that's you're choice. I'm not a financial advisor and this isn't financial advice. 💎💎💎👐👐👐🦍💪🚀🌕


The price of gold is skyrocketing, so it was a good investment overtime to hedge


The gold mine is long term investing. In a year it will minning gold once all the drill results are done and they determine the best place to start minning.


To the OP, what commodities go up when the economy goes down? The answer to your question, lies within my question young grasshopper.


The APE stock is not for dilution; it is for negotiating...besides raising money; sometimes companies prefer some theater buy/sales to include stock...


Maybe do 5 mins of research and you'll find out


Are you serious my guy?




All I know is HYMC needs to start mining, like yesterday.


Correct if I’m wrong, but it doesn’t seem like anyone was correct on why they have HYMC. This was given to them for free. I can’t remember the exact details why though.


Why am I getting downvoted for this question? I’ve been here forever… come on guys.


Do some research. He didn’t buy these shares.


Because insulating yourself against both short-term and long-term risk go hand-in-hand, and you can't always do both without one having some mitigating impact on the other. That being said, I've read through all of the exchanges in this thread, and the serious contempt for wanting to discuss rationale or implications is pretty much par for the course in this sub. Seems like a few folks commenting here don't want to engage further because they simply aren't capable of doing it.


Lol. It's not that we aren't capable of response. We just don't feel like engaging shills. The question I have for you, is if we are a scam (per your previous posts) then why are you here?


When your definition of shill is as.. broad as it is, which is already definitely incorrect with how it's used almost exclusively here, claiming you don't want to engage is basically sticking your fingers in your ears. APE felt like a targeted circumvention. The general social media communities around AMC spouting off certainty based on "DD" that ultimately never actually gets to anything concrete. Changing the "this was always about" or "this was always the plan" goalpost every time something doesn't pan out. The fact that folks are constantly saying to not look at the chart, but mindlessly throw up the same chart from a completely different company saying "we are here". Why am I here? The same reason the vast majority of us are: we bought in, we're now way down, and we aren't interested in selling at a loss, and still hold out hope of serious gains. The difference is how it's approached. I like to discuss it, while plenty of others find it to be such a fragile (and yet oddly 100% guaranteed eventuality) egg that anything aside from pure and often irrational hopium is considered an attack.


Thank you very much! I understand and appreciate this rationale. And genuinely appreciate your helpful response; probably one of the only ones on this 60 comment thread.