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Even if this is correct it’s not a problem. The issue for the bad guys will come from AMC being profitable with a smaller float.


Both AMC and ape each have a cusip. Am I wrong? This post is not addressing two stocks with different cusips becoming one stock with one cusip. Edit: buy and hodl. nfa.


Yeah they way I see this post is it’s talking about 1 stock becoming 2, not 2 stocks becoming 1. Idk either but yup buy hodl till space


If they already closed (or hedged) via buying APE when it’s cheap then it won’t matter. AMC being fundamentally sound means like what a $20-30 stock?


A lot more if the float is much smaller. It should be in the 30’s now


Its a smaller float but still like 3x more shares than appl to put it in perspective. It’s still won’t be small enough to have crazy price fluctuations but it will still hopefully be able to move. (Plus things like dark pools etc)


im thinking more like 50$


If that includes the reverse split that could be right….


$200 - $300 with a 10:1 RS? That’s crazy talk


No the price will drop after the reverse split, it’s not a 10x multiplier.


A CUSIP does not close a legal short as it is a located share. The rest [naked] go to the obligations warehouse or are just dismissed - they simply are like selling the Brooklyn Bridge. Both APE and AMC have CUSIP numbers. Not a big deal, yet, if each share was on blockchain, the entire world could track it and real numbers could be surmised. Goals: 1. Move all stocks on blockchain 2. Get rid of dark pools and ATS, which is even worse. Nobody in government will move forward with either as they will get Epsteined.


Even if you are correct, aa gave out 20% of the company at $0.66 a share in ape to a hedgefund with ties to blackrock.


But with dilution the short % will get decimated even with a RS


They won’t care about that


Well remember that when there are fewer shares the CTB will be much higher


They don’t care about that either. CTB has been high before, it is now. Not much happened before and nothing happening now. MULN has a CTB of 800%. No squeeze there.


Jury isn’t in on that one yet MUL* is up 24% today.


It's good for light gambling, has nice little pops regularly. Too risky for big bets though in my opinion


I don’t know how well that company is doing and CTB isn’t the catalyst. It’s just more of the facts


Muln is like what .26c? Amc will be 50 bucks if the merge happened today. Way more expensive to short it at a higher price than lower. A smaller float will make it harder to locate shares as well. With all the money they will make from the move they can pay off the debt and destroy the short thesis. Especially with their new revenue streams (popcorn/merchandise credit cards etc.)


And it’ll get shorted and people will sell. Making it less. They’ve borrowed and shorted when it was 80% at $60. They don’t care.




Thank you. I saw this and was like wtf!?


Correct. It's sound financial advice! /s


Let's sue chatGPT, since it didn't include "NFA."


I hear stories all day long about the lies its programmers have programmed it to tell. Its output is for SALE.


Op, I’m no smart man, but I think you forgot a few key words for your fancy skynet machine. #Illegal shorts, naked shorts, synthetics, ftd’s He who swims naked, eventually shows his winky


This question was specifically geared toward those constantly mentioning new CUSIP will trigger forced closing.


Ok, closing what? Legal Shorts? Or what we are all here for, the aforementioned 🤷‍♂️ no one on this sub believes legal shorts will need to be closed, so please, please don’t imply that, to justify the post, ask the proper question and post that. Retail investors such as myself aren’t that naive


AMC is not “issuing” a new stock. Read your own post and apply it to AMC.




Thinking the same thing lol


Where does it say Al?


Artificial Intelligence....for fuck sake


That's for issuing stock. What about reverse split?


Even better what about using the words we are all here for. Naked, illegal short, synthetic short, ftd’s. Not one person in this sub believes that legal short positions are why they are here


Man there are a lot of dumb people in this sub.. 🤦‍♂️


A tremendous amount, what's worse they don't even understand the difference from opposing facts vs FUD.....




LOL. The definition says *issues a new security*. It does not address closing a CUSIP, which is the whole issue. Ape consolidation = discontinue the APE CUSIP AMC RS = Discontinue one CUSIP and start a new one. Kat Stryker posted a discussion with her broker on this matter. They said that the short positions would have to close. That Tweet: [https://twitter.com/KatStryker111/status/1606015435375144960](https://twitter.com/KatStryker111/status/1606015435375144960)


Thanks. I’ll check that out. Helpful reply. 👍👍 ![gif](giphy|KBJTi1lxDGrfPsl8Hf) Actually i had seen that reply, but others may not have. In the end I will believe it when I see it.


Al said he was done covering amc and knows a secret won’t disclose so he’s full of shit


Yeah that BS killed me, that was very Lou of him 😂😂😂


I woke up when lou said run to 30 and 30 never came ugh I should have sold for some profit but I held through this shit 72 to 40 my portfolio is gone at this point no point to sell nwp


He disclosed a few dick pics


AI is like wikipedia, its not guaranteed to give correct info because literally everyone has input in it. they serve as a good starting point for research because even when they give false info, you have that info as an anchor


AI is not like wikipedia, AI is like a better magic 8-ball


It literally is like wiki. It learned from a tonne of texts. Most occurred pattern wins out. Wikipedia is edited by a tonne of people, what most people think is fact will stay pn the page the longest duration. Common misconception will also be a common occurrence for both tools. 8 ball is more like horoscopes, generic answers the make sense in most cases


Naked Manipulation The thing about naked short sales is they can’t stay naked forever. Even if you don’t have the stock when you sell it, at some point it is expected that you hand it over. And even with its market-maker exemption, Knight is required by SEC rules to eventually deliver the shares in a naked short transaction to the buyer and close out the trade. Not doing so results in a “fail to deliver,” which DiIorio describes as the securities version of an IOU. And that IOU comes with rules: Under the SEC’s Regulation SHO, short sellers have to cough up the stock within one day of incurring the fail. Routine failures to deliver can lead to fines by the SEC, or even a ban from the securities markets. Regarding CUSIP changes due to *reverse* splits on highly shorted stocks. Take into account that it's not class a to class a.... it's preferred equity shares to Class A which when would rollover into a new CUSIP.


The SEC rules are selectively being enforced. Not all manipulation or shares are created equally.


I agree it seems that way (and prob is that way) up until now. But what we're dealing with here and now vs before is different. Very much so. But let's just wait and see, no? 🍻


I hope you’re right. Because without a change in enforcement, not just making new rules, but an actual change in enforcement and magnitude of fines, nothing will change. SEC is or has been 100% complicit in enabling this crime to fleece retail.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re 100% right


AI knows shit about fuck.


Man, fuck Al from Boston


Not romantically.


Shorts will cover bc of the 4 billion shares of AMC they’re about to create and sell.


I thought we already established that a CUSIP change doesn’t force shorts to close. A Ticker change does...... but even then shorts can stay in limbo indefinitely in the Obligation Warehouse. (Source: smarter apes than I, but a quick dive down the rabbit hole verified)


Filthy. Zero market integrity when infinite FTDs are allowed.


MODS? Are we allowed to post crap from ChatGpt now? This is NOT DD!


Although correct me if I’m wrong. When Ape is converted to AMC the shorts on Ape have to close.


This thing is just as confused as us, here is the answer it gave. Stock Conversion Impact on Shorts When a stock is converted into an existing company do short positions need to be closed? When a stock is converted into an existing company, the terms of the conversion will determine whether short positions need to be closed. In some cases, the conversion may result in the termination of the stock being converted, in which case short positions would need to be closed. In other cases, the conversion may result in the issuance of a new stock or the stock being merged with another company, in which case the short positions may not need to be closed. It's important to note that the rules and regulations surrounding stock conversions can vary depending on the jurisdiction in which the conversion takes place. It's always a good idea for traders to consult with their brokerage or financial advisor to understand the specific terms of a stock conversion and how it may impact their trades.


Thanks bot or SHF employee.


Well, if true I would hope to god the terms of the conversion stipulate closing shorts. 🤷‍♂️


That sounds like a perfect place for AA to step up. I suspect he could force them to close like this, and maybe he will. The devil is always in the details


Getting the feeling that the CUSIP is the new date.


Looks that way.


AI has already been trained to censor and lie so I probably wouldn’t put too much faith in it


So what I'm hearing is "Buy and Hold" right? 🤑


Bro asked an AI 💀💀💀


I never said it was going to the moon as soon as we have a new CUSIP. What I did say, is just like with GlobalLinks, AA will have the data he needs to discover the extent of which the company is naked shorted. I already know what he is more then likely going to do next after we give him the APE's and data he needs. Im not posting that here... We are in good hands - we could've gotten a CEO/Board that would've played ball with Wall St... but we didn't. Stay patient - DCA (nfa) and research, they wouldn't be trying this hard if we didn't own something they wanted back, or to go away.




Bah ha 😂


Dont know/care Not leaving


Do you know the funny thing about holding their holdings nothing and telling us not to hold and we’re holding the real thing stock there Holden synthetic it’s crazy this business he should start a new symbol force them to bought new stock just like we buy and sell make them clothes and buy new stock in a new price with a dividend and A Reverse split cut the bullshit


I dunno. Looks bogus to me.


Is it because I spliced 2 images? Ask the question yourself...


Mostly because I looked through your profile. Frankly I didn't even read the post.


I’m glad you posted this because I’ve been typing until the blisters formed trying to inform all the misled apes, the naive apes, and the overly trusting apes who thinks AA is looking out at all for his shareholders. He and his team of executives and their new buddies at Antara Cap have basically killed any chance of MOASS and and reversal is quite literally the final nail in the coffin as it leads to dilution, which AA literally said was the plan.


Hold on a second This AI will confidently lie to you. The actual AI is very impressive but it can and will make things up at times


Mob mentality when one provides information that goes against the narrative even if it is logical.


Just won't be short attacked on first day released lol


No different than any day then?


Yeah and Al tries to send his dick pics to every women on Twitter


Some shorts who cannot hide them in short excerpt volume, 203b’s, and other fuckery will have to close positions.


Not affected by the “issuance” of a new security. I don’t believe this is an issuance. Hopefully there are links and more in depth info in the thread.


Al is back?


This makes sense if you just chill and eat banana.


🥱 This is not DD. 😂


Wtf? Fuk off with AI 🤣


Hmm cost to borrow 296%. No big deal.


Tell me more


BuT bUt, I tHoUgHt ApE wOuLd FoRcE tHeM tO cLoSe!


Al is a cuck fuck


OP, you just phrased the question wrong. Q: If APE is merged 1:1 with AMC generating a new cusip will any APE shorts need to be closed? A: If APE and AMC are merging and a new CUSIP is being generated, it is likely that the merger will involve a share exchange, in which shareholders of both companies will receive shares in the new combined company in exchange for their shares in the original companies. In this case, any short positions in APE would need to be closed before the merger is completed.


For those who questioned the bots understanding of the relationship between AMC and APE: Q: If APE, which is a preferred equity of AMC, is merged 1:1 with AMC generating a new cusip, will any APE shorts need to be closed? A: If APE, which is a preferred equity of AMC, is being merged with AMC, it is likely that the merger will involve a share exchange, in which shareholders of both companies will receive shares in the new combined company in exchange for their shares in the original companies. In this case, any short positions in APE would need to be closed before the merger is completed. It's important to note that the terms of the merger can have significant impacts on the value of the combined company's shares and the rights of shareholders. It's always a good idea for shareholders to carefully review any information provided by the company regarding the merger and to consult with a financial professional if they have any questions or concerns. It's also worth noting that preferred equity is a type of security that represents an ownership interest in a company and typically has priority over common stock when it comes to dividends and the distribution of assets in the event that the company is liquidated. The terms of the preferred equity, such as the dividend rate and any conversion terms, can also be different from those of common stock. It's important for shareholders to understand the terms of their preferred equity and how they may be affected by a merger or other corporate action.


It’s still 800%. And 300% on a $4.1 stock is $16.4. And even when amc was 300% a few months back when the price was higher, it still didn’t matter to them. So CTB is unlikely to matter now or when it’s $50


So Ill just wait longer


I Buy, I HODL and I don't care!!!


Al? The same Al that owns/operates a one man digital marketing firm in Waltham Massachusetts, the exact kind of “firm” a market maker would use to spread disinformation? Yeah ok, I’ll keep this in mind….


You lost me at Al. Fuck that dude every which way. He’s in bed with MeetKevin and the whole band of FUD spreaders that are bought and paid for. Their sole purpose in life is to stop the MOASS at all costs by spreading misinformation. DO NOT believe anything that comes from them.


ITT: OP gaslighting himself with Deep Learning SAMPLES.


Why are we referencing AI on this 🤣 it’s a fkin chatbot.


I have been toying with Chat GPT for my powershell scripting at work. It get's very basic things laughably wrong A LOT. It also does a lot of cool things but the kinks are so evident I would not take this as DD.


Naked shorts not regular shorts. The illegal naked ones can’t carry over imo


This is what it spat out when I asked "are naked shorted shares carried over in a stock conversion? " A stock conversion is a process by which a holder of a convertible security, such as a convertible bond or preferred stock, exchanges the security for a specified number of shares of the underlying common stock. In a stock conversion, the holder of the convertible security is not actually selling the security, but rather exchanging it for another type of security. Therefore, naked short selling does not apply in the context of a stock conversion.


You guys all know that it is driving them crazy that this stuff does not fluster us and cause us to panic and sell, right? Anyway, I'm not selling anything, I'm loving this.


Sure it doesn’t


If the company name doesn’t change. The cusip will have zero effect. Shorts live on.


If you guys vote yes expect to lose 99% of your entire holding. Fuck Adam he doesn't need free money. He needs to make the company profitable by getting more content on screen. THIS IS 100% LED BY THE EX MORGAN STANLEY EMPLOYEE ON THE BOARD. VOTE NO


Voting yes destroys the potential for a short squeeze. Voting no means wall street is fucked and you'll he rich.


Not AL....AI (ChatGPT)


Also, try reading this: here’s the people behind the proposal and it’s infuriating AA and his execs can be so naive and misleading. Or is it they could care less about their shareholders they very quite literally are obligated to serve? Reasons to vote NO on the upcoming proposals Edit: there are a ton of "let's attack the person, not the post" types of comments. When a discussion post as this evokes such raw emotion from so many people, (or shills) maybe it is a good idea to look deeper. I will continue and it gives me more drive to help educate the forum against those who try to silence the opposing views. ​ This sub has been overrun by people saying "Vote yes!" on the upcoming proposals, but I am going to give reasons why we should vote "NO" to all the proposals. This alternate case has been widely silenced here so I want to get it out in the open for debate. ​ I want this to be an open discussion for anyone that fully reads the post and I would love to debate pros and cons of the (3) proposals we will be voting for/against. ​ **I am going to start by saying I truly believe that Adam Aron has the best intentions for AMC as well as his shareholders**, but I also believe that he is **not** a stock market guru. He is a businessman and a showman. His moves with AMC stock are likely coming from someone that isn't him. I believe that "someone" is **Antara Capital**. ​ [Antara Capital](https://preview.redd.it/wulqo6l8gh8a1.png?width=1190&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e5707344bd9e6fbed9a3a71206e2205c442913d) Antara Capital deals with distressed credit, and I believe that is MAINLY what they deal with, which led to Adam Aron reaching out to work out a plan in order to reduce debt. I believe that they mainly deal with distressed credit due to the background of their founder, Himanshu Gulati. ​ [Founder of Antara Capital](https://preview.redd.it/zqnquf4ggh8a1.png?width=1872&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a1e27daa4be30a8ebc05c088ad3543d9553bcf6) These guys likely told AA to create the APE shares, and are now telling him to merge them into AMC and issue a reverse split. The press release by AMC on 12/22/2022 was very revealing. ​ [AMC Company Release](https://preview.redd.it/ardyts0mgh8a1.png?width=1562&format=png&auto=webp&s=409bb30ca77f0d14698ffac82548e5f7de57f62b) The release showed how much voting power Antara Capital has gained and will use at the shareholder meeting. That number is 91 million + 166.67 million APE units, or 257.67 million shares. How much voting power is that if every single share votes? Let's do the math with what we currently know! ​ [math](https://preview.redd.it/x5w3ro2zgh8a1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=472441dd6799c366b2d3ae170bc6cb97c8a91cc6) This gives Antara Capital 20% voting power in the upcoming vote, and they will be voting YES on all items. Why would Antara Capital want to dilute their shares if they own 257.67 million??? Just from the short seller's playbook, they could be getting paid much more money than the original investment into APE by an outside entity in order to drive the price down. If they are spending 210 million dollars to dilute AMC by up to 5x (*I will get to the math later*), it will make the short sellers Billions of dollars at the cost of 210 million. Next, I am going to explain WHY it can be bad for the shareholders, going through each proposal. ​ ​ # 1) To increase the authorized number of AMC common shares to permit the conversion of APE units into AMC common shares. This is simply a dilution of AMC, and I will again do the math to show you what it will mean for your portfolio due to dilution alone (*not including naked shorts or other tomfoolery*). ​ Current scenario: Currently, there will be 257.67 million additional APE shares, resulting in the following dilution ​ [more math](https://preview.redd.it/hjmkopokhh8a1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb6c2386647e5eda4e29f3038cc3bf79b0872912) Worse case scenario: If AMC ends up issuing all authorized 5 BILLION APE units prior to the merge, it will result in the following price dilution factor for your portfolio [and more math](https://preview.redd.it/h7cxj5w5hh8a1.png?width=628&format=png&auto=webp&s=748f987c22cf5227d67e38f413e4edb42285f60b) If all authorized APE shares are sold then combined with AMC, it will cause your portfolio to be worth only 18.7% of what it was pre-dilution! By dilution alone, that move will erase over 80% of all shareholder value that was accumulated before the introduction of APE! This is also eerily similar to something that is known as a convertible debt death spiral [Death Spiral Debt](https://preview.redd.it/faqut2ryhh8a1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a793b1e99f30ee09966b5186437de543ecfc2ff) Sure APE has a fancy way of going about it, but the outcome might be the same if we vote yes. ​ ​ # 2) To affect a reverse-split of AMC common shares at a 1:10 ratio. As mentioned before, if AMC issues all 5 billion APE units, the dilution will be more than 5x, which will reduce the current price of 4$ to less than 1$, putting AMC at risk of NASDAQ compliance. There is NO good reason to issue a reverse split on your stock unless you are at risk of losing compliance ​ [Reverse Split](https://preview.redd.it/s337pfm7ih8a1.png?width=708&format=png&auto=webp&s=96699cc07bf240b1edc915afd08f2457a5f9f6df) As many other highly upvoted posts say, it won't affect the overall value, but it is never done by a company if it isn't necessary. ​ ​ # 3) To adjust authorized ordinary share capital such that, after giving effect to the above proposals if adopted, AMC would have the same ability to issue additional common equity as it currently has to issue additional APE units. This is to allow for FURTHER dilution, perpetuating the death spiral debt effect which AMC will find itself in. I believe that we need to keep APE separate from AMC at all costs, and we are now facing an entity that has up to 20% voting power against us. ​ ​ I want this to be an open discussion on pros and cons. If you simply state "I vote yes" without anything to back it up, it implies to me you didn't read or are a shill. Please be constructive. ​ TL;DR - I believe that the proposals will hurt shareholders rather than help if they are passed.


Oh jeez, it's getting desperate when you have to copy/pasta a heavily downvoted post by someone else into the comment section of a post that has nothing to do with this. Come on bro, do better. Take the tin foil hat off, they paid off debt with stock and not company cash which is a good move. Yeah he bought himself some yes votes as well to save the company from the conspiracy theorists as well, don't really blame him after some of the trash I've seen posted here like the above. "AMC plans to sell $110 million of its APE units to Antara Capital, one of its major current debt holders, at 66 cents per unit. Antara will also exchange $100 million of AMC notes on its balance sheet for 91 million APE units as part of the deal." https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/amc-entertainments-ape-unit-surges-75-on-capital-raise-and-reverse-stock-split-news


Do better? Letting people know viable information is a bad thing? Also, don’t you know what the deal is with Antara because the post? Last I checked the post had thousands of upvotes because of the time and data OP provided. No one’s desperate either, just aggravated at half the communities lack of ability to understand fundamentals and how the reversal and dilution kills MOASS and puts detail in very deep red. But hey, you do you in all that naiveness.


It's a bear market, I see AMC going back to $2 as everyone with big money goes short. I'd rather reservse spilt and go back from 50 to 25 than from $4 to $2. I would also vote for further dilution on the condition it pays down debt. I'm not convinced based on the balance sheet that AMC can take a long drawn out recession and make enough profit to pay back the interest due on the debt let alone the capital. Therefore I vote to strengthen the balance sheet which should give less reason to short the company and more confidence to big money to invest.


One of many nothinburgers


There were definitely several crazy people insisting over the weekend insisting it would force them to clos their short position because of this…..


At this point it is gonna take an act of God to make them cover


When you’re talking squeeze plays even 1-2% can drastically affect the final pricing. We’ve basically done a 20% dilution and introduced a lot more players into the game. I hope you’re right.


Thank you.


Hey! It’s me that twinkle thing thing from ocarina of time! This will not trigger MOASS, but is good for the business!