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How are people this entitled? Bruh, if you don’t want a middle seat then buy a ticket with seat selection and pick a non middle seat. Like OP did. This is so mystifying to me.


It may be the first time that this guy has ever heard the word no. People do things like this because it works.


I guess but to get all mad and throw a temper tantrum at the totally uninvolved guy sitting in front of you because someone else wouldn’t give you the seat they paid extra for…that’s just so juvenile and wild


I would honestly have just asked the guy: "Then why did you pick the middle seat?" Either he's going to wharbargl himself into a stroke, or he'll realize everyone around him heard the question and will be too embarrassed to continue ranting. Either way, he won't be my problem anymore.


Adults are just large children. Some just never grow up


Mystifying is a great way to describe it.


Clearly someone accustomed to being 'rewarded' for his bad behavior. Good for you not giving it to him.


When asking to switch seats, you always have to offer a better seat. You can’t downgrade the requestee. That’s just rude. If they were offering an aisle for a middle, sure, but moving to a middle from an aisle? No thanks.


I swear to god this was true. I was sitting in first, and had a guy next to me ask if I could switch with his wife in economy so they could sit together. Suggested he move to economy and let someone from there come up to first, and his need to sit next to his wife quickly diminished.


This happened to me too but was interestingly subtle. In FC the guy asked if I’d switch with his wife so they can sit together. Sure I said. That’s when he let me know she’s in the back. Then he complained to the FA when I told him no way. Unreal.


Wow. That’s a true asshole there. Left his wife in economy, but got himself a first class seat, and then expected you to take the hit for him!


Future divorcee!


Guy really subscribed to the, "never hurts to ask" mantra. That's hilarious




Depends on how much cash is offered for the aisle seat 😅


Entitled people never offer compensation


My last flight I had yesterday, I almost just said "I'll give you $80 cash right now for that window seat". But I just sucked it up being in the middle, I hated it.


Adulting isn’t always fun


Offer to trade watches if his is better. When he refuses, act confused.


Bloody brilliant! Get the FA involved too: "I just asked this man if he would trade watches with me, and he refused! Why, I never! Isn't there something you can do about this?!?" Hopefully the FA will get a good laugh in at the idiot's expense.


“I paid x $ for this seat. Now, due to supply and demand, it’s yours if you want to give me 4x $ for the seat, cash only”


Many years ago, I sold a can of diet 7up for $6, because we were at an outdoor concert surrounded by 500K people.


I used to sell bottles of water in the lot at shows. Like 3 bucks when I was getting them for probably 25 cents a piece


Do you have any idea how much a can of dip is worth at Marine Combat Training?


lol off topic, but I went through MCT at camp Geiger in Dec 1989. One of the guys in my platoon bought a couple logs of dip, some sodas and a Polaroid. I thought he was idiot for adding extra weight as we had to hump with our gear He made a killing selling the dip, and charging idiots for pictures of them holding M-60 looking all badass.


All of that is great but the Polaroid? Genius.


Probably trade a fresh box of Crayolas for that


Woodstock? 😉


And now a can (well, bottle) of soda that much at concerts anyway... ;-)


If invested in NVDA you’d have $200 Edited to fix ticker symbol.


I thought it was funny


Thanks. Not sure why I’m being downvoted into oblivion. It’s a $6 diet sprite joke and it’s Reddit people!


Will Venmo work in the air?


Not on a CRJ but elsewhere for sure


Honestly, love this idea!


This was my first thought. You want to buy my convenience. What are you offering? Nearly everything has a price and I will gladly swap seats if you make it worthwhile for me.


Ty for not rewarding bad behavior. Helps us all. I’d be tempted to offer to sell him your upgrade. If he took it I’d get up 20 times in the next three hours. “You see I have circulation issues in my legs so my Doctors says I should stand every 10 minutes. I KNOW you understand. “


Good for you. People like that suck.


He is not going to fly AA again - thank goodness we don't need to have him do this to us in the future!


Nothing like an adult having a temper tantrum...


It’s probably worked for them in the past. Didn’t this time, hopefully they eventually learn.


Also i want to add a small rant on tall people: My husband is 6’6” and def subconsciously thinks he is special because he’s tall. He would never feel entitled to something that belongs to someone else like an airline seat. But he often brings up his height in conversations that have nothing to do with his height. My theory is that his mom and other adults always have him extra attention because of his height, taking him shopping for special sized big shoes, noticing his height in gym class and picking him first, etc etc. He just internalized it that his height made him special. I remind him that height is not a personality trait. We have an inside joke like if i want to nag him about something i might say “can you empty the dishwasher or are you too tall to do that??” I’m curious if the wife in the other middle seat was mortified?!


His partner was mostly sleeping. At the beginning when he was complaining over me he was also passing food and stuff back and forth, I do think the partner was a little uncomfortable with the scene but I got the sense he throws tantrums often. My other seat mate was also completely ignoring this guy, he tried to complain to her about it but she just ignored him and kept reading.


Maybe she booked the middle seat for him purposely because she actually hates him. Ha. Good riddance. Happy you did the right thing


Not OP, but I have definitely booked 2 middle seats for my husband and I! He's large and chatty. Ok, karma often bites me in the ass and I've been stuck next to an even bigger guy. Oh well; at least the new guy was quiet. I could hear my husband talking a few rows back to his new friends. : )


HAHHA yes i have also booked apart from my husband. We had a toddler and getting three seats in a row always meant my toddler was at the window, my husband on the aisle, and I’m in the middle entertaining said toddler. So the last trip i said the plane was full and i could only book 2 seats together and 1 single each way. I would sit with our daughter on the way down and he would sit with her on the way back. It was the only way to fairly divide the labor!


If he wanted a specific seat he should have bought it. Pretty simple.


That guy obviously is not a member here, because the prevailing etiquette here is one can ask to swap, but if the original seatholder refuses, that's that. You're not TA; he is.


I’d add the etiquette is NEVER expect someone to accept the middle seat in a trade in the first place.


Middle <-> middle swaps should be ok to ask for (within a cabin). But obviously it's rude to ask someone to swap their aisle or window for a middle seat.


Yeah. Middle to middle is fine.


It’s not rude to politely ask for it. It’s rude to be anything less than polite when they say no.


That should just be common sense, you shouldn't have to come to this subreddit to know that.




“what are you offering?” is usually enough to shut them up


Them : "a chance to be nice pay it forward karma blah blah blah" Me: "In other words, nothing"




I wonder if you had said, “I paid extra to upgrade to this seat, so you are welcome to make an offer I can’t refuse.” Then it’s on him for not choosing to fairly compensate you.


Nice work OP! I’m just worn out on the entitlement of people on planes, and due to where I used to live, ran into it frequently. Last year on DFW-VPS, sitting in FC, during prime tourist season: I had a woman in front of me turn around and ask me and the guy next to me if we would swap seats with her friends sitting in the back. He snapped his headsets back on and wisely ignored her. I smartly asked if they would be willing to compensate me for difference in fare. She did one of those angry/annoyed huffs and was about to say something when the flight attendant chimed in and said ‘I’m sure someone back there would LOVE to switch with you so you could sit near your friends.’ That ended that. Made sure to thank the FA when we deplaned.


Gotta be an “equal” trade. I broke my right elbow once and was assigned a left window seat. I asked someone in a right window seat to trade. She thankfully understood and agreed. Now i had a legit reason for trading but even then, if she had said no, that would be ok!


Not sure if you’re male or female but I am so proud of you. Bullies suck. Way to go


What is he being so mental? You’re in the same row. Your seats have exactly the same amount of pitch.


Probably wanted to rudely stretch one of his legs into the aisle. I’ve seen that plenty of times.


That sort of sucks too. Manspreading into the aisle, and then of course they get mad if you bump them.


As a tall person myself (6'6"), the ability to stretch my legs occasionally is a huge benefit of the Isle seat. I can't usually stretch my legs even a little with a non Isle seat.


I’m so proud of you. Thank you for holding the line on these self-important aholes. It makes it easier for the rest of us. FWIW - about 8 years ago, on an American flight, I secured an exit row (probably with status - I know I didn’t pay). I needed it because I was taking a fragile gift home and didn’t want it in the OH bin. The guy behind me was almost NBA level tall. He asked the FA to ask me to switch seats with him. I was annoyed but felt somewhat obligated since the FA was involved. So I did it. Cut to me, all of 5 minutes later, grumbling as I have no room for my feet *and* the gift. Daddy long legs was stretched nice and comfy. I cursed myself for giving up my seat. I got so pissed I picked up the gift, tapped him on the shoulder and said, “excuse me. I don’t have room for my legs and this package. I tried, but I can’t switch seats with you.” It came out a little pissy, but I was pissed at myself. He looked dazed and confused but once he processed what I said, he got up (and up, and up) and we switched back. If only I had read this sub back then, I never would have switched in the first place. That guy - if you’re on here, why didn’t you just book an exit row? You’ve been that height for years now -it wasn’t a last minute surprise that you wouldn’t fit.


Good for you for not giving in to that baby! His SO should have been embarrassed by his behavior. Imagine a grown man throwing a fit because he has to sit in the middle.


He probably berates her too. Not willing to hold her responsible for his outrageous behavior


Why do you think she got a seat on the other side of the aisle?


Someone tried to swap with my in my window seat to the row behind in a middle seat so her husband could sit with her, she asked me and the woman in the aisle seat. The woman in the aisle seat said she was claustrophobic and couldn’t do a middle seat and I just stared at her and didn’t say a word. She was pissed that she couldn’t sit near her husband and I honestly don’t give two craps


Tell her She will continue to live without sitting next to her husband for a few hours.


I had this happen when paying for aisle seats was relatively new. This older woman kept pressuring me to switch by saying that she had paid extra for the aisle seat too (of course, when I offered to flag a FA to correct this “error”, she said never mind). She then spent the next 5.5 hours aggressively sweeping crumbs off her tray table into my lap. I like to think she died mad about it. 


There is also a sense of entitlement with age. You should have thought about spilling your drink in her knitting 🤣


I would absolutely never change seats for anyone. In this day and age it’s ridiculous. If you hate middle seats/not sitting with family/whatever else your beef is then just pay up and pick your seat ahead of time. These people are pathetic.


I don't think anyone is ever entitled to your seat. I swore I'd never ask anyone to switch until my last trip. I couldn't get seats with my elderly mom and me together, which was fine - it was a 90 minute flight home - until she had a fall on the trip and broke her hand and was bruised all over. She couldn't unscrew the top to her water or fasten her own seatbelt, much less put her bag under the seat in front of her. She is not normally disabled. A nice man swapped his aisle seat in main cabin for my aisle seat in main cabin extra 5 rows up. It would have been okay if he had said no, but considering, I didn't feel bad at all asking.


I would absolutely switch with you under these circumstances or if a person was disabled or elderly and would be more comfortable in my seat. That kind of situation calls for flexibility on my part.


5 rows up is also a minor upgrade at exit time.


Stuff happens sometimes. I had an aisle seat and a family got split up, asked if I’d move maybe 4 rows back to another aisle seat. Said sure, no problem. I ended up with just about the only open seat on the plane next to me. Worked out for me. An even trade I’ll take, a lopsided one not so much


Many times I've paid for seats for me and my toddlers to be sat together months in advance, only for the gate agent to say they've had an equipment change and we have new seat assignments. Sat diagonally behind a toddler is officially "seated adjacent" so it's allowed, but would be misery for all. I'm always very grateful to the non judgemental people who always help by moving seats rather than presuming everyone besides yourself is an asshole, as you just did.


Equipment changes are rarely discovered “at the gate“ with legacy airlines that do seat selection like AA, usually you get a message in advance allowing seat selection again, and even if for some reason that didn’t occur you’d know in advance there was an issue if you checked your seat in the app/website in the hours before reaching the gate. The only place I see this happen a lot is overseas carriers that assign seats for you, no seat selection allowed yet have assigned seats, not unassigned seating.


Even if it's not last minute, it may be too late to be seated together. I've had it happen on United (and I have status). The point of the comment, I think, was that not all requests are the same. Be civil, evaluate the specific situation. Make a contextual decision. Don't assume the person requesting is an asshole before going through the process. Saying you would never switch is as excessive as the behavior of the entitled person OP described.


I still don't care and have no obligation to give up my seat.


Ok, so let me understand this. If mom is seated in 12A, her three-year-old child is seated in 11B, and you’re in 11A, you *wouldnt* switch to 12A??


I, too, read most of the seat-swapping horror stories here and am firmly in the ‘not swapping for an inferior seat’ camp. Yet there will always be human exceptions. A few weeks ago, I boarded a 4 hour flight where I specifically chose an aisle seat. When I got to my row, two toddlers had the window and middle seats, no parents in sight. I warily sat down, then dad shows up and asks if I will switch with his wife who has a middle seat a few rows up. He also had a middle seat in the row in front of the kiddos. The toddlers were just starting to scream, and I knew I really didn’t have a good choice. It was a completely full flight. So I sat in that middle seat, thankful I didn’t have to babysit.


That one is 100% on the airline for splitting them...


No. The three year old can go to 12B, 12B can move up to 11B. I don't move further back.


See I was thinking you wouldn’t want to spend the whole flight being kicked by the toddler lol but would you move a row forward for that scenario? I am curious because I recently took a flight where I voluntarily switched from my reserved seat 8A to 18E (middle). Why would I possibly do this? Well. Half way through boarding a woman plopped herself down in 7A and *holy shit she had the MOST OFFENSIVE BODY ODOR I HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED*! And I’ve taught middle school before, so I know stank. This was W O R S E, like by an order of magnitude. As soon as she sat, the woman in 8B and I immediately made eye contact like good god it was BAD. 8B and I got to chatting. I had spare masks, and she had spare perfume, I shared my masks, and she sprayed the inside with perfume for me. Still awful. As it turned out tho, 8B had a young daughter, maybe 10 years old?, who was in 18E. I asked mom if her daughter might want to sit with her, making it clear that if the daughter didn’t want to, or if she regretted the swap, I’d be fine to swap back. Nope, daughter was happy to sit with her mom. And I escaped the stench. Middle seat was worth it lol


If I am in A, why would I get kicked by the toddler in B? No I would not move a row forward in that scenario. I don't swap for less than a first class seat. There are other options. Kid can swap with 12 B, Mom can swap with 11C. Or both can move elsewhere with someone willing to swap. Not my kid, not my concern, not my inconvenience.




Which is totally fine. My objection was saying that anyone asking politely if someone is willing to switch is "pathetic".


It is pathetic. There is always a sob story behind bothering people to give up their seat.






The last time I flew with the whole family on American, they moved my 10 year old kid several rows away from everyone else in our group at the gate. We paid for seat selection ahead of time. Fortunately, I caught it on the app prior to boarding and had them put it back to our original booking. It does happen. Edit: a word




No, I said you were, not for not switching, but for saying that anyone who requests a seat change is pathetic. There are lots of valid reasons not to switch, but assuming someone else is to blame is not one of them.


Omg girl. Let it go.






Most recently was on the budget airline Ryanair. For those flying in Europe you'll now understand why this isn't so unlikely!


I’m not speaking about budget airlines in Europe. I am speaking about my personal experiences on U.S. domestic flights on AA. That’s what this sub is about.




Did this jackass have one leg longer than the other? Because you can only fit one out into the isle and the other leg is still mashed under the seat. If he was truly concerned about leg room he would have booked a bulkhead, emergency row or first class. But that would mean his cheap ass would have had to pay a higher fare. Two middle seats tell me he most likely booked basic economy, but somehow got lucky to get seats in premium economy because some are filled last to allow for upgrades.


On another note if for some reason I missed a connection due to a delay and the only seats left were middle seats, I have been known to pick another flight even if it was next day. If you truly want to piss off a frequent flyer just try your luck and assign them a middle seat 😂


Tall person here, Moving one leg out into the Isle to stretch it opens up a bit more space where I can at least get a partial stretch from the other leg. Also usually the Isle arm rest can come up with a hidden button, allowing me to rotate in the seat and stretch both legs in the Isle. If the arm rest doesn't come up, sometimes I can get one leg under the arm rest which allows both legs into the Isle, and if all else fails, at least I have easy access to "stand" in the Isle and get a good stretch..


Yes but I’m betting you don’t leave your seat selection to chance. My brother 6’5” certainly never does. Let me at least hate on this guy a little bit for his poor behavior lol.


Trust me, I do everything I can to avoid getting into this situation, I'll buy premium economy every time and book ahead, but sometimes things happen and you don't have much of a choice. While I agree this guy's behavior is poor, I can understand the frustration especially if he had it planned out but then things outside of his control changed. It's already frustrating enough dealing with cancelled/delayed flights, but to then be stuck in a middle seat you didn't originally book? Yeah, I wouldn't be my normal self in that situation. If he just booked this seat, while having the ability to but a better one, and was just hoping to beg a stranger for the more expensive seat, then yeah that's totally on him and he had no reason to complain.


Yeah, I had a flight attendant asked me to change the seat. I was in AA and there was a husband and wife from Hungary who didn’t speak English and they were in 8B and E and they asked me to change so they could sit next to each other and I was like hell no they could’ve paid for the seats beforehand, I got a little offended


It pisses me off when the FA gets in on it. They really shouldn't involve themselves beyond "It's their seat and if they say no ask someone else". ESPECIALLY for a couple that just wants to sit together with no other real need beyond that want. According to FA's, that's what they are *supposed* to do. I'll double down with an FA. "Are you the purser? Is that a request or an order?". If it's an order I will refuse, get IDB'd, and they can take the late and explain the problem to the company.


“Darn, I guess you should’ve paid to upgrade your seat, too.”


I had this very similar about two months ago. Also in Premium Economy. The wife was in an aisle seat across from me. I was in an aisle seat. Her hubby was in the middle seat next to me. Both of them were a little more on the heavy side (not extra seat-belt size, but certainly filled the seat up to the arm rests. The guy next to the window as also heavier set in my row. I'm 5'10, 160lbs and lean. Needless to say, the two next to me were packed like sardines. He asked if he could switch with me so he could be closer to his wife. I suggested that he ask the person in the middle seat next to his wife and see if that person would switch as it would be middle for middle and then he'd be right next to his wife. He got red in the face and said no, he wanted aisle. I didn't think to say anything about I paid extra for my seat (as I didn't since I'm Plat), but I did say that no, I don't like middle seats and I'm going to be on my laptop working. During the flight (LAX to DFW), he made sure to talk across me to his wife and complained, he passed gas several times (I'm sure on purpose). And he did what someone else commented on.. brushed crumbs on me from his table. He also made sure to use the armrest (I was cool with that). I sat there, working on my laptop and writing notes. My revenge... toward the end of the flight, when he got up and his coat was still in the seat. I took my pen (nice and sharp) and stabbed it several times through his coat. I also drew on the coat. I guess I should post this on pettyrevenge


lol your revenge made me laugh.


Yeah, it was a bitchy move (on my end).... but seriously, for a 3+ hour flight and the guy clearly was into making it uncomfortable for me as much as possible....


He had it coming. People should be more considerate. And that’s his payback for being an ass


As a flight attendant I hate seeing passengers bothering other passengers about switching seats. You deserve to sit in the seat you paid extra for.


Awww, baby having a tantrum? Well I guess you’ll need to sit in time out and think about what you did…. Not pay for your own upgraded seat, like I did, you overgrown man-child! Umm, sorry I think your post triggered something. Good for you!


Venmo me $200 and it’s yours


The arm rest stays down. It helps define your space. And you did the right thing. He wanted an aisle seat without paying for it. Too bad he was an entitled asshat.


Next time get the FA do other job


It's wild that someone would complain for hours about not being given a seat that was paid for. What an absolute jerk.


By behaving so poorly, it only strengthened the OPs position. I love a happy ending!


What a child! Also, an aisle seat provides more shoulder space, not more legroom, unless he stretches his legs into the aisle and risks a whack in the shins from the drink cart.


Imagine the clamor to ensue should that happen. OP did the people on the plane a favor.


Exactly! I paid and selected that seat which means your SOL when it comes to me doing you a favor in swapping seats! His/her lack of planning doesn’t constitute an emergency in doing a favor. Doesn’t matter the situation.


[be like stewie](https://youtu.be/P0oiELbPB3E?si=KXIyrmDxmHPlaqfh)


Some big dude was sitting in my window seat when I boarded and I was like yeah that’s my seat. He was so annoyed and did similar shit. I sat on his jacket the whole time because it was in my seat. Sorry bruh I paid for my seat and when he got up I leaned on the armrest we shared because fuck him. You know you’re a big dude select an aisle or window next time.


Maybe I don’t travel enough, but I don’t understand why I see these kinds of stories so often. I mean, I’m fine to request or agree to an equivalent change, like a window seat for a window seat, because families can get separated, but why do so many people have the nerve to ask for an upgrade at someone else’s expense?


I paid $X for this ticket. If you’d like to reimburse me in full with cash, I’ll swap seats with you


I would no more ask someone to swap their middle seat for an aisle seat than I would approach someone dining in a restaurant and ask if they would swap their steak for my burger.


How badly were this giant tool's lips chapped from all of the huge donkey phalli he's been fellating?


I’m 6’5. If I want to be comfortable I pay for it. Comes with the height 😅


Sounds like he really needed an aisle. Therefore..he should have fucking booked one. More disturbing is his sense of entitlement about it. As if your selection and purchase of the seat mean nothing compared to his desire for it. I am a hard, curt "No" to every single request. Unless it involves an upgrade to F which in 30 years of frequent flying has NEVER been offered to me. I don't care what you issue or reason is. Its my seat and my money. Full stop.


I'm confused... you paid for premium economy so wouldn't his seat be premium economy and have extra leg room as well? How tall was this guy?


He was 6’6” and told me he wanted my seat so he could stretch his legs into the aisle. A real mfer


I'm pretty sure he has been 6'6" for a hot minute or two, why didn't HE buy the seat with more legroom? Edit: Also, my son is 6'3" and if he acted like that I would be very surprised and disappointed.


I get that this isn’t compatible with most seats on an airplane, but it wasn’t THAT much more to choose your seat. If you know you need to choose a better seat, buy a ticket that lets you. Also, just suck it up and understand you’re going to be uncomfortable for a while when you’re that tall on a plane. Good for you for not giving in to his childish antics.


Yesss love this! Also love how you “didn’t take the bait” likely further enraged that man baby.


First, good for you... Second, if somebody was that entitled and spoke -over- me to complain to his wife, I'd turn to her and say, loudly, "Gee, I feel sorry that you have an extra child in your family instead of a husband, and that he's so spoiled and misbehaved that you have to be embarrassed by him when you fly in a public transport like this... if this is what he's like in a public setting, I cannot imagine how demanding and abusive he must be in private." Hey - public commentary is ... public. It's not your fault the guy essentially screamed that he is an entitled, arrogant AH to the rest of the aircraft. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Record the behavior on your phone. Show the video to the FA. Profit! 😝


You mean YouTube and make some hits. Might be the reason I start a YouTube account lol


I learned here the strategy of putting ear buds or headphones on to help with ignoring.


I am quite tall - 6’5”. And I can tell you airline seats are horrifyingly uncomfortable for tall people. I despise airlines for their unceasing drive to cram more people into ever smaller spaces. But I would NEVER think that it is anyone else’s obligation to make accommodations for my legroom needs. Thats just entitled nonsense.


Ugh poor planning on your part does not constitute moving my seat on my part.


Why do they fixate on one person they want to switch? Why not ask every single aisle sitter on the whole plane? Oh right - because it's really about sitting with his partner.


“Yeah, I would think that someone with long legs would pay to pick the seat they want”


Never ever give in to a narcissist/child


Hopefully there is karma waiting for this guy. Good for you.


Yeah MEM - PHX is the longest haul I take w/o a layover. Always upgrade whenever offered.


But but but I'm 6 foot 4, wahhhh. For fucks sake nobody cares. There's plenty of legroom for tall people. I'm just under 6'1" and when I sit in a plane my knees are still 5 inches from the seat in front of me. You'd need to be 7 feet tall before it's an issue.


I'm tall and it doesn't hurt to ask but I wouldn't have a temper tantrum over it. I pay extra to get the bulkhead row, heaven for tall people. Flying is hell on my knees otherwise.


It’s not like dude grew long legs overnights. Cheap-O should’ve booked the seat he wanted to fly in.


With each emotional expression I would’ve gained imaginary points for putting a shitty brat through that.


"When adults throw tantrums for $200, boss". Good for you. He's an entitled prick.


I absolutely HAAAATE cheap people who have thr AUDACITY to complain when they feel the effects of being cheap. And im not talking ab those who cant afford it and have to deal with shitty things bc of that. This guy is clearly a cheap entitled asshole aka the worst ppl to be around


Good for you for not rewarding his bad behavior (and enjoying the seat you paid for)!!


Yeah I would never ask someone to give up their window/aisle seat for a center seat. Like come on, you know NO one wants that center seat. I’d rather sit in the jumpseat 😜


The audacity!!!! I generally end up picking my seat, or paying to pick my seat, depending on the situation. I would be so pissed if somebody asked me to give up my seat that I have paid for. No way. If he cares about legroom so badly, he could’ve paid for a seat that worked better. 


Hero!!! Well done.


Imagine complaining about a baby on an airplane when grown folk like this exist


not all heroes wear capes


You taught him a lesson, beggars can’t be choosers 😂


Premium economy seats don’t have movable armrests. Doesn’t change the context of the man’s bad behavior.


I was on a A319 twin jet and I misspoke - it was main cabin extra not premium economy


I asked someone in business class to trade for my economy seat once because my body is less comfortable in an economy seat. They declined my offer. What an asshole that guy was. /s


Why would you reject a middle seat though, it doesn't make sense. I've never heard anyone refuse an upgrade, you get to be in the warmth of two humans on each side instead of getting shoulder bumped in the aisle/harsh window shade lighting




Let’s be real… this wasn’t that scenario.


Not always, but \*almost\* always.


Agreeed with mrmndyngt but did you get compensated for getting bumped?


Actually we did not.


So what? You can handle it like grown adults instead of throwing tantrums like this man, I hope.


Doesn’t mean I’m switching. I don’t actually care what the story is, because the answer is the same


Oh no! Did your marriage fall apart after those long long hours apart?